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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 652x367, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8525595 No.8525595 [Reply] [Original]

Go to Goodreads, bring back something fun. This really made me think.

>> No.8525744

>find a book that annoys you on pretty much every level
>continue reading until you've finished it

>> No.8525757

you don't understand, you hafta complete every book you start or else you won't be able to reach the yearly goodreads challenge goal!

>> No.8525763

Or else people will say "wow you can't complain about the book if you didn't finish it."

>> No.8525771

It's always interesting how plebs miss even the most obvious things that make Auster's work interesting.

>> No.8525802
File: 156 KB, 684x982, oygevalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try my best to avoid falling for /pol/ shit and then I see a review beginning with "OY GEVALT" and complaining about antisemitism that isn't even in the book.

>> No.8525825
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>> No.8525829
File: 50 KB, 641x610, intellectual giant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ shit has the most hilarious rationalizing in its 1 star reviews

>> No.8525840
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>> No.8525842
File: 28 KB, 975x600, pepethefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, the merge of /pol/ with /lit/, /mu/ and /tv/ is inevitable. /lit/ is yet to take the redpill that their literature was made for / by white men with high IQs and capacity to entertain heavily abstract thought. Such trait is rare among white men and barely unexistant among most ethnical groups in the world.

Yet authors from Iceland are now expected to feel the need to include the political wills of almost alien groups who never cared about literature into their work. Thus, reducing the power of the author over his own creation.

Political correctness is not slowing down, is it?

It won't stop.

/lit/ will have to react at some point or politicians will be ghost-writing their books with their agendas soon.

>> No.8525843

That review doesn't say there was anti-semitism in the book.

>> No.8525849

Was peter jacking it?

>> No.8525853

Yeah this thing that isn't happening is pretty scary isn't it

>> No.8525856

It isn't?

Writers are not getting bashed because they forgot to include a powerful female character or a genius african-american?

>> No.8525857
File: 21 KB, 631x117, infinite jest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not read it but would you say it was misogynistic?

>> No.8525859

First week on /lit/, huh?

>> No.8525865

Not by anybody who matters

>> No.8525866

For the most part, no.

>> No.8525868

>getting bashed
People having negative opinions about literature is not an injustice. In any case, most of that kind of backlash is against popular garbage and genre fiction. Most people are fine with whatever people are represented in classic literary works. Some are not, but why would you get triggered over that? It's senseless.

>> No.8525874

>take the redpill

Can I go one thread without some idiot babbling about this shit.

>> No.8525878

I don't mind it anymore. I've learned to enjoy the irony.

>> No.8525880
File: 29 KB, 705x288, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess the book, its often on lit's top 100 and is one of the most influential books of the last 5 centuries

>> No.8525883

This has to be a joke

>> No.8525890
File: 82 KB, 657x669, YA reader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a YA reader tries to read out of her comfort zone and is puzzled by lack of adventure and excitement

>> No.8525891

can we retire the word Cringe already?

>> No.8525893

These days its hard to know

>> No.8525898
File: 22 KB, 671x134, blinders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When someone has their head up their own ass
Why? cringe is real, just because people use it wrong does not mean we should dump the word

>> No.8525900
File: 180 KB, 1058x1385, 26-dfw.nocrop.w529.h736.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. A friend of mine claims to have read it. I was talking about it with a girl that he was trying to date at the time and I guess wanted to look "well read". All he kept saying about it was that it was misogynistic and got very mad if anyone asked him which parts. This was a year ago and he still hasn't admitted he didn't read it. Still fun to mess with him about it, though.

>> No.8525906
File: 87 KB, 645x700, YA tract part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8525912
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Can't say I blame her, assays readouts are pretty boring

>> No.8525914
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>> No.8525925

What book?

>> No.8525929

>wondered else where

>> No.8525933
File: 86 KB, 738x538, halo cost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would Shiloah be a book burner?

>> No.8525937

1984 (most of these are from 1984)

>> No.8525942
File: 27 KB, 705x207, Rob the knob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8525952

>That first paragraph

>> No.8525953

The Canterbury Tales? I have a feeling it's not a novel.
Please, I have to know.

>> No.8525984

what the fuck

>> No.8525987

Hamlet? Faust? you were pretty specific with "5 centuries" and I don't see anything else on the list that it could be

>> No.8525990


>> No.8526005
File: 56 KB, 702x438, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this guy talking about? found it on Hamlet's page

>> No.8526007

>That misplaced & completely lacking in self-awareness OY GEVALT
audible kek

>> No.8526008
File: 85 KB, 650x686, 2deep4me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526010
File: 19 KB, 634x117, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people just hate mandatory reading or what? every good work seems to have a review by some girl bitching about her school

>> No.8526013


>> No.8526020
File: 83 KB, 626x688, first paragraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a first paragraph for you

>> No.8526022

I do this for a living. That graph is sexy; the replicates are tight as fuck.

>> No.8526028
File: 75 KB, 555x695, part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526034
File: 50 KB, 686x379, Do you not care.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526036

>these faggots making posts without mentioning the book

>> No.8526040
File: 58 KB, 639x436, hehe 69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526046

Please be Fahrenheit 451

>> No.8526048
File: 37 KB, 672x249, El-stinko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

book is often named in the review. also you could ask so I don't feel like an idiot posting in an empty room. some interaction would be nice. also you could always google the text itself

>> No.8526049

You should be banned for posting these without mentioning the book. Nobody can be arsed to find the original posts on goodreads.

>> No.8526051

nope still 1984

>> No.8526073

Just stop being a total dumbass and post the name of the book. I'm not going to type out the text of the review because you can't type a word

>> No.8526074

Im trying to find a Fahrenheit 451 one but most reviews there are big headache inducing blobs

>> No.8526078

I will take that into consideration. perhaps you should contribute by posting your own findings

>> No.8526079

what is this book

also, name all books you haven't named pls

>> No.8526088
File: 43 KB, 663x333, 451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526097

hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
tale of two cities
mein kampf
The prince by machiavelli

>> No.8526109
File: 71 KB, 610x688, book life XD (fahrenheit 451).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526111
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>> No.8526116


>barring a few plot suprises

Rage engaged.

It's remarkable how, despite being unrelated, there's both a phonetic and semantic similarity between pleb and plot.

>> No.8526128
File: 66 KB, 663x536, 451 part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolutely not-this is WAY too boring. Wouldn't read it if it were the last book on Earth.
said Zack Dortches but no posts about burning it (at least I did not find any, there are tons of reviews)

>> No.8526133
File: 37 KB, 674x292, the great gatsby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often is "nothing happens" a legit statement?

>> No.8526142
File: 81 KB, 632x523, the great gatsby 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526144

>Hope in Humanity: 0% Remaining

>> No.8526147

Holy shit Alexa, what is that a sixth grade book report?

>> No.8526149
File: 50 KB, 615x416, yoda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526158
File: 249 KB, 590x686, 1 star dacula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah half of the reviews are always people complaining that the book was too detailed or complaining that they need someone to hold their hand. This girl took 7 years to finish a book

>> No.8526166
File: 90 KB, 635x683, Kafka on the Shore part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Japanese works do you want me to look up

>> No.8526170


>7 years


>> No.8526171
File: 70 KB, 575x635, Kafka on the Shore part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526172
File: 414 KB, 620x393, mass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reviewer in Op's pic

>> No.8526173

anyone who uses gifs in their reviews can instantly be discarded as underage, retarded or both

>> No.8526176
File: 50 KB, 423x464, actually from hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


apparently she's very popular on Goodreads

>> No.8526183
File: 66 KB, 647x604, Divine kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you expect anything different?

>> No.8526184

are ya blind, boyo? It's in the dagnabbit image.

>> No.8526190

what do you think reviewers do? drop a book if it's bad? you gotta finish that shit if it's your job.

>> No.8526191
File: 131 KB, 859x482, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526193
File: 44 KB, 641x453, worse than hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526195

Murakami is shit though, KotS was completely uninteresting apart from the early chapters that reported the field trip event. The most "surreal" aspect of the book was the prostitute who was also a philosophy student.

>> No.8526201

>alas, Mandingo. He was a fellow of infinite pipe.

>> No.8526204

Oh look a dumb frog poster.

>> No.8526208
File: 75 KB, 659x698, is not funny guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526215


>> No.8526223
File: 61 KB, 640x517, trigger warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a guy that seriously called it The Count of Monte Crisco

>> No.8526224

>I'm being more mature than the others

>> No.8526225

pick up that spaghetti

>> No.8526230

>seriously thinking normies dont make fun of you when you walk around with a copy of Phänomenologie des Geistes and fake reading it

learn to have some fun, Anon.

>> No.8526237
File: 59 KB, 639x516, its good so I will give it 1 star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526238
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 1474073104730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Count of Monte Crisco

>> No.8526240
File: 46 KB, 642x432, it was good but 1 star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526253
File: 72 KB, 628x452, The Wasp Factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any readers of The Wasp Factory can confirm?

>> No.8526260

Which one of these are you?

>> No.8526264
File: 99 KB, 1458x294, Women and Men - Joseph McElroy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526272
File: 87 KB, 630x692, Crime_and_Punishment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we have a triple threat
1. read to me mommy
2. not muh waifu
3. it was good but I will give it 1 star

>> No.8526279
File: 57 KB, 559x558, crime and punishment 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526295

>Those fat girl angle shots
Also some copies of The Wasp Factory have reviews like the second one on the back cover.
It's still a pretty good book though and obviously she's a pleb

>> No.8526325

All of 80 pages in. No mysoginy so far. I'll update you when I get to page 81 and so forth

>> No.8526342

>Aristotle's work was saved by the Arab-Muslims while Christians where prosecuting anyone without an explicitly Neoplatonist worldview

>Islam is an inheritor of the Roman values after the collapse of the Empire

>The european diet only stressed the necessity of plant-based food after intermixing with Muslims during the crusades.

fite me irl fags

>> No.8526353

lol i never thought id say it, but im TRIGGERED

>> No.8526354

>>Aristotle's work was saved by the Arab-Muslims while Christians where prosecuting anyone without an explicitly Neoplatonist worldview
this is a meme, maybe specific works were sourced from muslim libraries, but most ancient texts came through finds in europ and the byzantine empire

>> No.8526374

its funny because catholic church was the one that saved most of the Roman writing and bureaucracy(law,etc)

>> No.8526390

cba to screenshot it, but check out American Psycho on goodreads.

>> No.8526432

why are women so fucking stupid?

>> No.8526447

Scribes tend to miss important points the further a work is copied. The advantage of Eatern trade wasn't exclusively in finding new work but also cross referencing old scripts that had survived almost exclusively through Boethius. That's a lot of stress to put on one scholar.

It's funny because I said "an inheritor," not the exclusive heir. Paris can trace her roots to entrenched group of Roman aristocrats who refused Viking invasion. Wales and London have similar stories of Romanized Celts carrying on the cultural legacy. Islam was made rich by trade and provided intellectuals with a safe court and wealth of knowledge to peruse studies. The claim made by the frogposter about brown people having no literary traditions is false.

>> No.8526468

Not that I've seen

t. reader of the big 3 reviews

>> No.8526481

i mean, she's not that wrong

>> No.8526488

>I didn't finish this at all.
Why is he even allowed to review the book?

>> No.8526496

The problem with threads like these is that you can use Goodreads every single day, including their "recommendation based of shelf" engine, their social feed, their list functions, and their actual book pages with all the publishing information and printing/edition info, and never see any of this shit.

Then you will have either a goodreads thread in two days or a separate thread asking "why would you cucks use goodreads with all these fuckiing roasties lol take the redpill" without realizing the value of the site.

>> No.8526503

>I think /pol/ is not an echo chamber: the post.

>> No.8526512

Gotta say, I use Goodreads quite a lot to keep track of the books I've read and brag to myself about it. And I see that shit almost whenever I read a book review. Even classic genre fiction has some roastie complaining about the casual sexism or something like that.

>> No.8526513
File: 73 KB, 823x371, ressentiment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason tropic of cancer is considered good is because it gave men boners

>> No.8526514

It's not, but I'm sure "not developing any female characters" can count as mysoginy

>> No.8526524

They didn't actually review anything in that whole screencap.

>> No.8526525

i just spat sandwich on my keyboard

>> No.8526532

>almost whenever I read a book review
I cant imagine using the book reviews unless its on a scholarly monograph that has like 4-5 reviews and 20 reads.

>> No.8526540


wtf I hate women now

>> No.8526551

I dunno, I quite enjoy reading it. It's interesting to see what other people think about it, more to learn more about myself than about other people; what I picked out of the book as opposed to what the majority of people did.

>> No.8526565

These reviews can't be real. I can understand not reading, but what kind of sick fuck goes out of their way to read if they don't even understand or enjoy it? Why bother writing a review about it at all?

>> No.8526579
File: 86 KB, 627x250, Screen Shot 2016-09-19 at 20.25.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526586

A high school student

>> No.8526590

>what kind of sick fuck goes out of their way to read if they don't even understand or enjoy it?


>> No.8526593
File: 9 KB, 662x142, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8526602

Should be /lit/ - Literature underneath the post instead of above it.

>> No.8526605


I am a communist and /pol/ disgusts and fascinates me at the same time. I would send all of them to the gulags though simply because they are so fucking stupid.

>> No.8526617

I am a nationalist and think my own culture deserves living room, and /leftypol/ disgusts and fascinates me at the same time. I would send all of them on helicopter rides though simply because they are so fucking stupid.

>> No.8526621
File: 9 KB, 662x142, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526651


Horosho, tovarisch!

>> No.8526660

Russia has enough living space as it is and should stop being imperialistic dickbags ruining whatever country they feel like they can infect with their grubby slav hands.

>> No.8526708

Yeah well I am a Fascist and think you're a faggot.

>> No.8526711

>I am a nationalist
>American imperialism is a-ok though! CIA sponsored military coups are hilarious lol helicopter rides amirite?

>> No.8526724

>I am a Communist
>The Soviet Union is a-ok though! Nationalist propaganda and concentration of wealth and power among the part members is hilarious lol gulags amirite?

>> No.8526726

Yeah well I'm a patrician and recognise that all politics is unconcerning, and know you are both bumfucking faggots.

>> No.8526733

Yeah well I'm a plebeian and game of thrones is the best book series of all time

>> No.8526735

No you see, those are good because the Soviets are good.

>> No.8526742

I wasn't the commie guy above, and I actually agree with you. Joking about gulags is idiotic all the same.

>> No.8526744

No, you see, Fascism is good because the NASDAP was good.

>> No.8526756

That's a stupid comparison. Fascists inherently agree with all of fascism, and all its methods. Communists—Soviet Communists—agree with the methods only when used by Soviets.

A better comparison would be the fact that fascists only like people being strong and taking what they want if they don't do it in a socialist kind of way.

>> No.8526769

>That's a stupid comparison. Fascists inherently agree with all of fascism, and all its methods. Communists—Soviet Communists—agree with the methods only when used by Soviets.
That's exactly my point

>> No.8526790

Your point is that your post was mistaken?

>> No.8526791


>> No.8526792

I do not believe you.

>> No.8526819
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526829

Pretty good analysis of Dante honestly

>> No.8526836

t. r/atheist

>> No.8526878


>To add one more complaint, this book also embraces the belief that the most terrifying thing to academic white guys is a sexualized black guy. Alas, Mandingo.

If a black guy ever told me he was feeling "sexualized" I would be very, very, afraid.

>> No.8526958



Good one.

>> No.8527186

>real communism has never been tried!
>if you just give us one more try we promise it won't turn into an authoritarian shithole

>> No.8527258

wow this person was 24 years old when she wrote that, not literally 12 like I thought
Compared to most male authors no I wouldn't say DF's writing is sexist, but I can see why someone else would come away thinking that. Joelle is the only developed woman character (and the lady who runs the half way house, but he's still a little cruel about her and she was apparently based exactly on the actual woman who ran the place DFW actually went to; Mom is basically a oedipal cipher).
that's such a problem on goodreads in terms of my sanity looking at reviews, these people who only read shallow ya get sent review copies of actual literary books and write shit like this

>> No.8527285

Jesus, I've only read YA novels for most of my life and was understandably mind-blown when I first read 1984 a while ago. This chick is braindead.

>> No.8527297

I don't understand why she gave a one-star review when she was clearly into the book.

>> No.8527315

Thanks. You're doing the lord's work.

>> No.8527339
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>> No.8527575


Maybe they could actually practise communism and then you can critique it? It'd be like saying a goat is a terrible fish because it can't breathe underwater.

>> No.8527603

Why do people write "reviews" to books they "DNF" ed on page 37. 1.They are collecting books, so feeling like they read a lot is more important than reading 2.They want to get something out of the time they put in 3. some other retarded reason. Why do people write 1 word "reviews" like "shit", your 1 star is added even if you don't write a review

>> No.8527607

I think a lot of people just want to raise their review/books added counts.

>> No.8527608

>reading something makes you emulate it
sasuga booksAndStuff

>> No.8527611

>men blush at words
bunch of cucks

>> No.8527633

Wut? The thread is not bashing goodreads ( I have goodreads and so do at least 20 other people I saw post in the "post your goodreads accounts" thread) We are mocking people who give 1 star reviews to iconic/influential books because they missed the point,have some arbitrary reason,etc. I put a lot of thought into my ratings, sometimes if the book does not have a lot of reviews(and there is a chance that it will be read by the author) I write a review explaining my stance. This cunts make me feel better about my ratings but at the same time they annoy me, half of you faggots are English majors so imagine you hammering out a book and one of them giving you grief with their shit logic (inb4 I got their money and don't care, lots of these books go out as free copies/book raffles/etc)

>> No.8527639

>what kind of sick fuck goes out of their way to read if they don't even understand or enjoy it?
teens. also since many big names are in mandatory reading lists for schools a lot of teens project their school rage onto the reviews

>> No.8527644

Russia should do whatever if feels like doing because they seem like only ones with any balls left (while still having some morality unlike mainland china)

>> No.8527648

Utopian shit never works in real life, when will you learn?

>> No.8527651

>Joelle is the only developed woman character
Jest has characters? I was under the impression that it was some self help book and athaists meditations on the nature of god

>> No.8527654
File: 388 KB, 452x2195, Anita Book 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8527710

Is the creation of a utopia or near-utopia not the goal of political philosophy? If it isn't, then what do you propose it it?

>> No.8527716

tldr, give me a summery. Who writes these walls of text? To have legit reason you would 1. have to be someone or 2. There should only be 10-20 other reviews around and someone needs represent the negative review side

>> No.8527723

Reddit: the review

>> No.8527732

Are we doing shit books too or does anyone like anita blake, vampire hunter #24

>> No.8527744

Utopian in this case means too good to be true/not taking into account human nature. Having everyone give up self interest just because its Utopian, having robots do all the work is not Utopian but some could argue that while it would be good for us personally it would also lead to stagnation. anyways communism,spiritualism,libertarianism or anarchy sure as hell are not the way

>> No.8527772


>> No.8527774

how is that autism?

>> No.8527780

How does the individual prioritizing their interests above the interests of the state constitute a breach of human nature?

>> No.8527795

because every individual is a main character in their own story.Without harsh conditioning no one(or at least not enough people) will priorities abstract good over themselves, especially if they are staving to death because gov sold all the grain for industrialization. Even if you get the people needed all you are doing is exploiting a group, the same way hippy faggots live off social security provided by earnest idiots who work hard for the system.

>> No.8527824

How does that apply to anarchy or libertarianism?

Also, what abstract good are you referring to?

>> No.8527844

>what abstract good are you referring to?
The abstract kind. The national goal or whatever interests of the state maybe.
>How does that apply to anarchy or libertarianism?
you can't just leave it up to the people and expect to end up with a working model of a society. anarchy is going to have a lot of "me me me" and general inability. libertarianism is deluding itself when it thinks that a organizations who's aim is maximum profit will always have peoples best interest at heart. all disregard nature of things

>> No.8527848

This must be a joke

>> No.8527864
File: 495 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-19-19-32-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8527869
File: 621 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-19-19-32-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8527881

What should the national goal or interest of the state be?

>> No.8527883
File: 184 KB, 1917x393, 2016-09-19 19.37.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8527893
File: 73 KB, 649x550, hitler 47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone saving these pics for the next thread?

>> No.8527897

Honestly isn't too bad an opinion assuming the guy has actually read Kafka and Dostoyevsky, it's a valid criticism, if the book didn't please him it didn't please him. Doesn't really fit in this thread t b h.

>> No.8527904
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>> No.8527912
File: 148 KB, 647x592, pol is never wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a review but come on, would you ignore this gold?

>> No.8527918
File: 42 KB, 647x366, I was a faggy kid so that means everyone is too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enders game

>> No.8527935

This is practically a fascinating social document all on its own. Really amazing.

>> No.8527936

She usually posts halfway decent, sometimes helpful reviews.

>> No.8527940
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is he right?

>> No.8527943
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>> No.8527948
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it keeps going

>> No.8527953
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Was this before they had character limits? because I don't think you can make them this long

>> No.8527954

I've actually read a lot of this guy's reviews, because I read fantasy and he reviews an impressive amount of fantasy books. I was intrigued because he seemed to have a good breadth, so I read a bunch of his stuff, and came to the conclusion that he's a pseud.

>> No.8527957
File: 124 KB, 1440x900, The giver 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet Jesus

>> No.8527960
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Gott im Himmel.

>> No.8527965
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>> No.8527976

>It's the same trick many historical fiction authors use, leaving us scratching our heads as to why a Fourteenth Century French peasant speaks like a second-wave feminist.
well some of it is on point

>> No.8528008

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.8528096
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>> No.8528153

>I read for enjoyment and prefer to see the world as we wish it was

It's nice when they just spell it out for you like that.

>> No.8528168

just fucking kill me

>> No.8528181

The reviews on the King James Bible are pure cringe

>> No.8528184

It's 1984.

>> No.8528192
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Somebody r8 my review of Pale Fire

>> No.8528197
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>Nabokov seems to be much more skilled at poetry than prose

>> No.8528198
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he he we gotta joker here

>> No.8528199

But it's true. His prose is shit.

>> No.8528202

>I am a communist

Opinion discarded

>> No.8528209
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>> No.8528215


>> No.8528223

based Dennis the menace

>> No.8528226

how unpc. also confirmed virgin

>> No.8528250

>Reading only opinions that you agree with.

Rhodes scholar, ladies n gentlemen.

>> No.8528293

The one-star reviews of the last volume of Proust are hilarious.

>> No.8528297

Thanks for being lazy.

>> No.8528331

This is pretty good. Not cringe at all.

>> No.8528389

this will be the last thread i looked at before i shoot myself

>> No.8528402


Good luck, man. Don't botch it if you're really going to do it.

>> No.8528449

I actually agree with this one

>> No.8528456

it's a good book, but not something normies will appreciate

>> No.8528476

He hates Tolkien which automatically proves he is a try-hard, add in his profile pic and long-winded reviews and I can confidently confirm he is a pseudo

>> No.8528482
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lost hard, there's no way that's an accurate analysis. Way too funny

>> No.8528505

That is a top shelf kek right there my friend. A hearty laugh

>> No.8528509
File: 199 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160919-232818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this from Amazon (close enough, I just want to share)

This is the description for the book The English Patent by Johnny Johnson.

Some things to notice;
o He named the main character after himself
o If you go to the page the first review gives it three stars and goes on to say they could only make it a few pages in
o The second and final review is clearly written by the author
o Working with shitty tech execs, this is the funniest shit Ive read in a long time

Please share in my joy at this book

>> No.8528521
File: 390 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160919-233004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow up post...

>> No.8528526

Oh shit... he cut most of the description since I last read it...

To the wayback machine! Or somethinv

>> No.8528540
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>> No.8528589

Or you're pissed because the author has been fucking with you for years. Turning your book into a porno.

>> No.8528625

I've also disliked Brooklyn Follies and gave it two stars on Goodreads but fuck those are terrible reasons.
>White male

I almost never drop a book. Can't do it, I'd feel guilty otherwise.

>> No.8529001

Mandatory reading for my primary school was so shit that if not for my best friend who came in in 5th grade and handed me The Eye of the World I don't think I would have read anything besides chinese cartoons.

>> No.8529214


What is wrong with a women as an agent of growth? Growing together in life with a women is a great thing.

>> No.8529275

> i don't read classics
> books are my life


>> No.8529304

me desu

>> No.8529316
File: 7 KB, 182x278, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too be honest, is there pompous old white male bitching about shit worth reading after reading pic related? I feel like all introspective literature starts and ends with this.

>> No.8529430

look it up. its not analysis, its the fucking book blurb. Most ratings are 1 star "because its racist" I stumbled upon it by looking for worst rated books on goodreads

>> No.8529439

>anon is mad that his power fantasy got outed

Ender's Game is trashmouthbreathing tier, deal with it

>> No.8529608

I'm a tzarist and your marxist fantasy opinion goes into the trash.

>> No.8529712
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>> No.8529721

Goodreads is basically what you'd get if you asked a load of young soda-pop junkies to review fine wines and whiskies. Of course they're going to hate it, of course they're incapable of appreciating them. Developing a palate takes time. The real problem is hubris; that they think their opinions matter.

>> No.8529929

thanks for pointing the obvious

>> No.8530280
File: 103 KB, 631x486, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comics pleb can't into Jerusalem: the post

>> No.8530715

At least he's honest.

>> No.8530742
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>> No.8530749

Ender's game goes in in the bin

>> No.8530755

What book?

>> No.8530759

it's obviously Lolita

>> No.8530775
File: 59 KB, 659x452, chad on goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnegans Wake? Nope, it's Ulysses

>> No.8530806
File: 32 KB, 659x338, holy,,,,i want more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking for Alaska

>> No.8530815

i want to fucking kill myself

>> No.8530832

baqqq 2 reddit you faggot

>> No.8530871

>"I was completely turned off by the sexual content."
>her profile picture is her and her two children
wew lad

>> No.8530883

Nothing wrong with this although I think giving one star isn't justified

>> No.8530904
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>> No.8530963
File: 168 KB, 644x870, Blood Meridian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Center "/lit/ - Literature/ and bring the post down a bit

>> No.8531058

>so when I read and want to relax, I don't want grim realism
Get out of jail free card for any hobby to justify never challenging yourself.

>> No.8531073

McSharty on suicide watch

>> No.8531121

is this a literal winnie the pooh roleplay account

>> No.8531132
File: 44 KB, 887x251, 2016-09-20 18_54_04-Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's gold

>> No.8531146

She gets it.

>> No.8531149

Manny is prolific.

>> No.8531150

my sides!

>> No.8531151

She fails to capture his style from the get go. It's like she changed nothing. Embarrassing.

>> No.8531153

>maybe I'm just too dumb to get it

>> No.8531156

Ya, DNF is likely his permanent status. Not even that mail order thialand bride changes that.

>> No.8531193

>I got triggered on goodreads
Go back to your safe space.


>> No.8531222

>he quit reading the book before the book even began

>> No.8531229

This reviewer's Spanish is awful

>> No.8531236

That's part of the point

>> No.8531242


>> No.8531295

oh fuck no please, im dying ove rhere this is real?

>> No.8531328
File: 54 KB, 429x628, bearcamoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then my liking took a sharp turn, in fact, a u-turn.

>> No.8531391

I didn't really feel like it had characters

>> No.8531501

my top thing-stupid-people-say that I hate is "everyone is lying about reading this!*"
*because I, stupid person, am very arrogant and don't realize how stupid I am so I assume everyone is a liar and also "ponces" bc they have the nerve to be smarter than me, more dedicated than me, and be interested in things I'm too small-minded to get

people do the same with modern art/art past the impressionists but this board is full of those knobs so no one respond to this part

(also this guy misuses the word visceral unless there's some other uk usage)

>> No.8531553
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>> No.8531608
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>> No.8531611

That's funny coming from a communist.

>> No.8531618
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>> No.8531754
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Really didn't make me think

>> No.8531782

Yeah, this is the average one star review for Mein Kampf.

>> No.8531828

>The european diet only stressed the necessity of plant-based food after intermixing with Muslims during the crusades

what do you think the greeks ate, moron.
not much meat, ill tell you that

>> No.8533055
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>> No.8533072

well that is are your opinion

>> No.8533078
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>> No.8533126
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>> No.8533155
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Goodreads just needs to be nuked.

>> No.8533160
File: 40 KB, 644x346, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1,853 ratings for a shitty fantasy book that hasn't even been released.

>> No.8533181

Am I the only one that doesn't care about the social side of goodreads?

I mostly use it to keep track of books I read/have and to motivate me to write (reviews).

I don't care what other people are doing.

>> No.8533196

We're in the same boat. I follow a few people I found interesting, jot down my thoughts, and move on.

People who make screenshots and get mad about 1 star reviews probably also get mad about the stuff people write on toilet walls.

>> No.8533210

Objectively, you cannot fault this review.

>> No.8533211

Honest to god, how is she not right? The diary of anne frank is one of the most pathetic books ever written, and it is laughable that she wanted to actually publish this herself (had she survived). The only reason this croak of absolute abhorrent writing is still a thing, is due to the sentiment. You can't even blame anne frank though, she was a young girl, but teachers and the like pretending this wreck of a book is anything worthwhile reading should take some time off to reconcile their opinion.

>> No.8533217

Your jealousy is shining through.

Just because you got all those rejection letters, an editor doesn't want to take you on, and no one lines up in cues to read your shit book, doesn't mean you have to take it out on other people who got their shit book sold.

>> No.8533230

Will never be released*

>> No.8533231


I'm not even a writer. What the fuck is with people on this board?

>> No.8533244
File: 394 KB, 584x622, this kills the lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to lit.
Keep your sarcasm at easy reach, jealousy to a low burn, fanfiction to a minimum, and memes inline with the board.

>> No.8533300

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.8533305

Welcome to /lit/ where people don't understand the difference between envy and jealousy. Especially fans of fantasy.

>> No.8533365


Reddit stock phrase, often see it posted everywhere along with
>you're a gentleman and a scholar!
> wow, X much?

>> No.8533402

you should see those prissy tween girls try and objectively review philip roth

>> No.8533445

They are both different sides to the same green eyed coin desu.

>> No.8533595


Oh wow its all water off a ducks back for you, very cool man. People like you are either (most likely) talking shit, or are genuinely just really dull.

Why do you wear that aspect of yourself with pride? I don't see what's so brilliant about not caring about other people's ill informed and stupid opinions - to have no emotional or logical objection to the shit someone spews regarding something that lies in your field of interests doesn't mean you're strong, untouchable or above it all. It just means you're disconnected from the community, academic and otherwise, of your interest and just want to jerk to yourself in an echo chamber.

>> No.8533630

theres a difference between that shit and actively seeking out dissenting opinions that anger you

>> No.8533660

I don't see a discernable difference. Most of the other threads on /lit/ are made up of posts where users argue with each other and discuss literature (with some really great memes thrown in the mix), this just happens to be a thread where the collective opinion of the board unites to 'argue' with outside POVs.

>> No.8533683

she's a kiddo lay off the grill, but yes ure are right

>> No.8533706

Who's talking about the book in purely literary terms? It's read as a historical document and teaching tool, like memoirs written by teen girls during Stalin's purges or by black civil rights activists int he 60s or people in the depression. The extent to which it is unremarkable and the average girl's journal is part of the point, banality of (living though) evil.

>> No.8533715

>It's read as a historical document and teaching tool
If only. Clearly I can't speak for all classes and all countries, but most people I ran into as well as my friends reckon that 'book' is literature. Nearly every school in the Netherlands allows this to be read for literary purposes.

>> No.8533735
File: 88 KB, 578x480, Screen shot 2016-09-21 at 12.36.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu if I was an author I would be pissed at goodreads- they/publishers/whoever else sends out advanced copies send out literary books to popular users, but those users are popular for reviewing YA/non-literary fiction so then you have popular users hating on your poor book before it comes out when had things taken their usual course the reviewer never would have picked up your book on their own

go to any book that came out this year and you have a bunch of dummies whining about the difficulty of it when it is really not very complicated at all and they end up being the top rated reviews

>> No.8533748

Marilyn wasn't some mega genius, but she did sincerely like to read. :( Leave her alone. :(

>> No.8534250

How is he a pseud?

>> No.8534703
File: 81 KB, 650x469, 1468206045791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im dying

>> No.8534923

>it took me a year