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8525102 No.8525102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many white males gravitate towards atheism while PoC and women are more spiritual?

Hume, Hitchens, Voltaire, Harris, the modern white male, the list goes on

Any books on this?

apparently these threads are allowed

>> No.8525112

White males generally feel a greater sense of alienation toward their community. Say what you will about nonwhites, but their family and community ties are highly prioritized in life, which is not the case for middle class white men.

>> No.8525113

dumb phone frog poster

>> No.8525115

Neoteny, terror, ignorance.

>> No.8525116

>apparently these threads are allowed

Are you just testing the limits of shitposting? Just because you can post frog pictures doesn't mean you should.

>> No.8525121
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It's clearly a response to the retarded 'why do women and nonwhites gravitate towards continental while the rational white man leans towards analytical' thread (as it turned out, a baseless assumption, the OP just wanted a thread about how inferior women and nonwhites are).

So this is a equally stupid thread about how these supposed rational people gravitate towards the biggest horror on /lit pol/, namely atheism (the Reddit religion)

Here's another virginity frog

>> No.8525126

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting

>> No.8525130

Can't have the yin without the yang.

Ideally all identity politics bait treads should be forbidden.

>> No.8525146

Who gives a shit if they claim they are atheists / Christians / Muslims / etc.? If they are properly assimilated into the Western world then they possess exactly the same values, which can basically be boiled down into laboring for a superior in order to obtain complex but superfluous possessions / assets that are known to not increase satisfaction in the long-run. On top of this: an emerging Leftist state-worship combined with ideologies ignorant of basic human facts / differences (e.g. Feminism, egalitarianism)

>> No.8525150

I'm one of the most catholic non-white countries in the world and I'm and Atheist.
I suppouse because we are literally billions on the planet ight now and also the social media the reasons we see more atheists now than in the past.

>> No.8525155

You know what? I fucking care. Because I want people to have an authentic relationship to their Lord and Savior, and the white male simply isn't doing his part these days. In fact, he is destroying the moral fabric of the West

>> No.8525167


The reason why this is so, OP, is because white men are more intelligent and more concerned about the truth than most other demographic identity groups. I'm quite serious about this.

add in hundreds of millions of chinese men who aren't particularly fond of religion, and you'll buttress your trend: men of high intelligence are more greatly disposed toward irreligion. the small sample of irreligious jews (the other smart and influential cohort of men) confirms my rhetoric.

>> No.8525171
File: 36 KB, 500x529, Moderate Islam intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they are properly assimilated into the Western world then they possess exactly the same values

Sure bud.

>> No.8525177

Agreed. There's a reason why the most developed countries in the world are becoming increasingly atheist, whilst the least developed are the most religious. The USA its self confirms this: the states with the lowest test scores are the most religious.

>> No.8525178
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Wow, you need the redpill

>> No.8525186

This guy just disregards literally a thousand years of theology and theologians in the church and hundreds more who studied science in the later years.

don't make these threads!!!!

>> No.8525191

One might say that the white male is devolving and have been superseded spiritually by women and PoC

>> No.8525264

Because religious institutions have been weaken by cultural marxism. Christianity is no longer masculine.

>> No.8525267

What do you even mean with being 'spiritual';?

>> No.8525284

What an idiotic 'boiling-down' of Western culture. Go back to /pol/ you moron. When there is no belief in God, your whole value system changes because the individual, not the collective, decides what will be what. Naturally it matters what they interpret God to be or that they are atheist.

I don't mind /pol/acks if they are intelligent. Why do we get all the pseuds? They don't even fit with our pseuds.

>> No.8525306

emotional control is a trait.