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File: 448 KB, 593x595, zizek-sitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8524032 No.8524032 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8524041
File: 83 KB, 850x850, 1446434717670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely yeah, even if you disagree with his politics and even entire philosophical method you can't deny he has an eye for seeing past the bullshit which is what keeps me here.

>> No.8524046

He's an entertaining clown and not to be taken seriously

>> No.8524056

This. The guy's a hack. I still love the memes, though.

>> No.8524066

care to elaborate?

>> No.8524071

>he uses words and references to philosophers I don't understand so he's a pseud

Usual nonsense

>> No.8524092

Out of all the celebs we have, Zizek is the most our guy

>> No.8524096

He'll get shit on because he's a Stalinist, and I get it; I don't agree with his politics either. But he's funny and worthy of memedom. And as far as these precarious contemporary, possibly fraudulent, philosophers (some my say pop philosophers) come, he knows his shit and knows it well.

>> No.8524100


He isn't though. He barely keeps a grasp on Leninism

>> No.8524102
File: 77 KB, 800x612, 1434860590182-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing him everywhere. Even and in memes.
I'd like to know more. How can?

>> No.8524110

>He'll get shit on because he's a Stalinist
but he isn't, he's constantly critical of stalin too

>> No.8524113


He's a stand-up comic, a human meme, completely reprehensible.

>> No.8524180

Start with the greeks

>> No.8524207

This is a good point desu

>> No.8524637
File: 547 KB, 850x850, efef71cf2b3f90548bea0c948e62a79d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read any books of his? Should I start with The Sublime Object of Ideology or Violence?
I want something that shows me a balanced spread of what he's about.

>> No.8524675

The Parralax View is the best beginning book of his

>> No.8524743

Noam Chomsky on Slavoj Žižek

>he's a fluffmaster with no principles to base his observations upon

>> No.8524761

redpilled on the refugee crisis though...

>> No.8524765


>> No.8524846

Oh no, how will I ever get on without verification! How can I ever be interested in something which has no verifiability?!
Thanks gnome

>> No.8524870

Town drunk who was lucky enough to be born in a family with ties to the secret police so he was allowed to spout his bullshit in academia. He was a pretty good informant who sent quite a few of his colleagues to prison, and since the same power structures are still in power in Slovenia, he has very good relations with the post-Yu-breakup government too.

Obsessed with the most retarded iconography of the commie age, MUH HEGEL, and a form of psychoanalysis that has been proven to be a cultist sham.

>> No.8524873

What I love me is a good ruler. Twelve inches every time. I feel every one of them. A good straight edge too.

>> No.8524905

I thought this was Jeff Daniels before clicking the thumbnail. Jeffbait.

>> No.8524929

pretty much this

zizek is the real deal. his popularity annoys people, because it's like a double whammy, he's the smart and the popular kid at once to put it in ameriburger terms

>> No.8524932

typical anglo-analytic-autist response

>> No.8525001

Do not slander a good Christian woman like this.

>> No.8525039

Zizek isn't a Stalinist - what makes him strange to us in the post-Cold War era is that he takes Stalin seriously as a political thinker and force rather than as a depersonalized (and de-ideologized) "monster." He disagrees pretty vehemently with Stalin's revolutionary praxis, and has gone as far as Badiou in regarding "the Party State" as a dead end which will never transition to socialism. But he thinks Stalin is worth reading and studying precisely because he represents such a catastrophic failure, whereas most bourgeois academics would have you simply dismiss Stalin as a butcher because this kind of mythmaking comes along with the tacit assumption that communism is always a criminal utopia, or that Stalinism is the telos of Marxism.

>> No.8525163

That's why even if I often disagree with Zizek I can't dislike him. He's one of the only philsophers who approaches Marx with both earnestness and honesty.

>> No.8525184
File: 212 KB, 1999x415, Zizek on Neo-Gothicism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's about as Our Guy as it gets.

If anything, he's not memey enough.

>> No.8525187



And I don't even like the Sniffling Slovenian.

My trouble with Žižek is that at worst, he's an obscurantist. At best, what he says is either obvious or obviously wrong. Like all French post-structuralists/modernists, he realized that you can go far with verbiage: hence his fondness for verbiage of the Lacanian variety, arguably the most impenetrable garbage there is. Throw in a touch of Hegel, and you can create a pretty nice niche for yourself in the world of acadamia.

>>8524929 is partially right, though for the reason I aforementioned as opposed to his own. His popularity does annoy people, because it's another testament to the fact that in life, you can go much further than you necessarily should.

Žižek is a hack, but a likeable hack. I even employ some of his terms from time to time (Master Signifiers/Signifiers Without a Signified/etc), but I don't have any pretensions that he's a particularly serious thinker.

>> No.8525188
File: 12 KB, 171x266, nick land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he, dare I say it, our guy?

>> No.8525326

He has a massive head

>> No.8525329

for you

>> No.8525617

He has a mix of relatively more banal but still applicable ideas (I.e. Pure ideology and its ilk) but sometimes in order to be seen as subversive or perhaps an entirely "different" thinker he'll say something completely incorrect, as in the case that he said the NSA surveillance case was not important and not a violation of anything because, quite, "he didn't care"

>> No.8525621

Why would he care when he was collaborating with UDBA all his life? He's got lifetime immunity.

>> No.8525733

you probably saw some videos in which he is talking about extremely esoteric theory. the terminology may sound obscure but thats because you dont know what the words mean (in that context).

he is great because he can be the most unintelligible (from a laymans point of view) philosopher when appropirate and the most intelligible when he wants. he discusses block-buster movies for gods sake!

>> No.8525932

He is too autistic

>> No.8526216
File: 380 KB, 783x900, zizie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course he is, he even has pilled himself

>> No.8526244

start with his two movies(the pervert's guide to cinema and ideology), then continue with some youtube lectures of him(preferably his egs lectures).and when you digested him move on his books

>> No.8526611

I'm not even a "leftist" but I can't help loving this guy. Would have a beer with.

>> No.8526615
File: 278 KB, 740x732, deletthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8526628

I find him irritating. He's a slobbering old angry foreign guy and that's his """thing""".
>wearing moccasins from a flea market
>grey little boy socks
>ill-fitting trousers
>exposed leg skin because trousers don't fit properly
This sort of thing triggers me. He looks like can't fucking dress himself. BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE LE ANGRY FOREIGN PHILOSOPHER!1

>> No.8526637

isn't that his most dense?

>> No.8526650
File: 145 KB, 445x290, MAC04_ZIZEK01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's /fa/, you just have shit faggot taste

>> No.8526659

He obviously doesn't give a shit about going shopping to look for new clothes when he already has some. Plus it looks comfy.

>> No.8526934

>This sort of thing triggers me. He looks like can't fucking dress himself. BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE LE ANGRY FOREIGN PHILOSOPHER!1
It's just a schtick for western retards, similar to Kusturica.

Have you seen what Kusturica does? He alway has the same brown jacket, and the same shoes with untied shoelaces, and in every interview, he crosses his legs so that the untied shoelaces are prominently visible, it's so fake and retarded.

>> No.8527000

>Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Where is this phrase actually from? Where did this maymay origin?

>> No.8527002

I like Zizek but sneef sneef

>> No.8527020


>caring how you look

Do you like the bin? Did you make a reservation?

>> No.8527028


>> No.8527371


well he wouldn't have a beer with you for sure

>> No.8527389

You mean because he doesn't drink, right?

>> No.8527392
File: 343 KB, 445x355, YES!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8527590

No. He's not.