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8523540 No.8523540 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me recommendations on the best loeb latin books to order?

I'm learning latin and i'd like to read some more english/latin books outside of the obvious thing like marcus aurelius or the comedies and so on.

>> No.8523635


>> No.8524316

2nd bump

>> No.8525480

Marcus Aurelius wrote in Greek.

What are you interested in? Cicero's philosophical works are very interesting and easy to read. Suetonius is an entertaining historian.

You gotta narrow it down some, it's like asking "I'm learning French, what should I read in French?" There are Latin farming manuals, there are Latin architectural treatises, there's an interesting Latin work on the administration of aqueduct, there's all sorts of different kinds of poetry, there are historians, letters of different statesmen, etc. etc.

>> No.8525551

Propertius or Ovid?

>> No.8526646


That's the thing i know there's so many works but at the same time it is more limited then say the french or english language.

I guess I was hoping for something out there which I wouldn't think about taking up before which can now benefit me as i'm learning latin.

Like Lucan the civil war, or Aulus Gellus.

>> No.8527424


I've barely read any Propertius but what I've read I've liked. Ovid I know is very good. To express my ignorant opinion (even Ovid I've read maybe 10% of what he wrote) Ovid is light and witty and charming and ornamented, a lot like Alexander Pope, while Propertius is a little more personal, serious and experimental. Neither of them is very difficult.


Alright, Apuleius is great and not well known these days, but his Latin is fairly difficult. Macrobius is another great, entertaining author who's now not well known.

Claudian is a poet I had never heard of before I'd gotten somewhat along in my studies.

How about Symmachus' letters?

Orosius wrote a history of the world from a Christian perspective that I like, though I've only read bits and pieces.

Lactantius is another great, Latin, Christian author that most people have never heard of.