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/lit/ - Literature

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8521794 No.8521794 [Reply] [Original]

You guys should check out this graphic novel. I personally thought it was more /lit/ and /ic/ than /co/

The 25' anniversary edition even comes with the full script that has the authors detailed notes and explanations

link somewhat related, its a comic book related channel giving a somewhat pleb rundown of the books contents

>> No.8521806

i have read that
the art was neat
the joker's font was annoying to read
it's still /co/

>> No.8521834
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>the joker's font was annoying to read

I agree, but did you honestly not enjoy the writing?

I thought it was easily a big notch above the typical cape story, not necessarily in the story content (which it still is) but the writing itself is packed with poetic detail due to the short nature of the book

story itself is a tenfold more interesting than the typical batman vs evil supervillain x scheme

>> No.8521836

is it better than Pynchon?

>> No.8521848

>graphic novel
that is stupid name for a comic.

Damn Spiegelman used just to sell more comics because it is "adult"

>> No.8521851

Graphic novel is usually used as a term for a "comic book" that is confined between the back and end cover, aka has a confined beginning and end inside the book. Watchmen was practically intended to be one but it was broken down into pieces of the story to be sold as a "series" of comics

practically any "comic book" worth their salt is usually a graphic novel rather than any particular issue of a long running series

>> No.8521852

Try to make your shilling less obvious.

>> No.8521855

>shilling a book that came out in the 80's

I hope youre genuinely this new and not just this stupid

>> No.8521857

The 25th anniversary edition came out in the 80's?

>> No.8521859

Came out years ago, are you really this retarded? Do you not know what shilling is?

The book has broken all sales records, nobody gives a fuck about one sweaty neckbeard waddling over to the store over 20 years later

>> No.8521860

Hi, Anon:


>> No.8521862

fuck off, dude. It is a comic with hard covers.
I respect comics, and call them "graphic novel" is disrepect them.

>> No.8521863

>Watchmen was practically intended to be one
Moore hates the term and recognizes it as a marketting term to help aim comics books at adults.

>> No.8521867

Different anon here. I actually read this last night.

I thought it was pretty lame. The art was okay, I would have liked it more if it was by Sam Keith. I like Grant Morrison, but I thought the story was a lot of fluff.


>> No.8521873

I meant watchmen was intended to be one book, which is practically what graphic novel means today. Graphic novel was created as a marketing term, its separate now that comics are already perceived as adult

Are you autistic?

>> No.8521874

Try to make your shilling less obvious.

>> No.8521877

>now that comics are already perceived as adult
By manchildren.

Take this shit to /co/ where it belongs.

>> No.8521879

shit this niggas got great taste, but I'm sure everybody in comics agrees with him

>> No.8521885

One great line:
>People who unironically like superheroes like the flash, superman, iron man, wonder woman etc are literally anime fan tier subhuman manchildren. Its garbage made for children and for some reason they keep ruining actually potential material like Batman with it

>> No.8521890

You have to love the utter lack of self-awareness.

>> No.8521894

get this shit to /co/

>> No.8521945

And disregard for punctuation.

>> No.8521967

How is this /lit/ related? The writing of it is horrible. It's only popular because of the artwork, so it belongs in /co/

>> No.8521997

What are the best batman-as-detective comics?

>> No.8522038

ask /co/, that's kind of why the board exists.

>> No.8522066

>It's only popular because of the artwork
This is accura—

>so it belongs in /co/
Ffs, Anon.

>> No.8522134

>all that sperging out over Poe
Why do comics enthusiasts insist comics are literature, when they know so little about literature?

I like some comics (even some superhero-type stuff from Morrison, Ellis, Mignola, etc.) but they're pretty clearly not literature. It's a different medium. See how Neil Gaiman can write a pretty good comic (Sandman) but his novels are all terrible.

>> No.8522145

Yep a story about a hot rich guy who protects the private property of the city he has lots of money invested in from people with mental illness is /lit/.

>> No.8522153

I hope you think youre sounding smart because its just coming off as extremely wannabe high brow and retarded. The premise has never anything to do with the execution of something

And even discounting that youre making it sound more retarded than what it is. The novel in particular (Arkham Asylum) is a very conscious exploration by the writer in particular about why the thing batman does is a double edged sword for bruce wayne: its a psychological horror story.

>> No.8522154

>Mature comics for mature persons such as myself

>> No.8522167

>See how Neil Gaiman can write a pretty good comic (Sandman) but his novels are all terrible.
I quite enjoyed Good Omens way back tho I wouldn't parade it as particularly literary or w/e

>> No.8522171

No idiot im pointing towards the fact that in your op you said that it was /lit/. To me /lit/ is a board on 4chab. I then was making the jest that /lit/ is a marxist hive where people complain about being virgins and being unattractive and having mental illness. So I was making fun of /lit/ and your post, not the foundations that batmen stories are based on. I in fact wish I was batman. I appreciate your passion

>> No.8522175
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Alan Moore is the only comic author that is /lit/ fuck off pleb

>> No.8522176

Neck yourself you stupid fuck

>> No.8522179

wow. rude tbqh

>> No.8522180

>I in fact wish I was batman.
I wish I were as rich as Batman. I would also say as smart as Batman except that requires me to admit I am less smart than Batman. The guy has a bunch of fucking issues tho.

>> No.8522189

Alan Moore is not /lit/

>> No.8522199

It's too late. Jerusalem is one of the new meme books whether you like it or not.

>> No.8522202

It's only a meme book if Bloom says it's good

>> No.8522205
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Gonna have to disagree with you there bro.

>> No.8522208

Has His Bloomitute ejaculated an utterance about Bottom's Dream yet?

>> No.8522219

Is American Gods bad? I just bought it the other day, not really that familiar with Gaiman.

>> No.8522223

Voice of the Fire

>> No.8522224

People who like comics try to discuss a comic with people who would rather give the devil a rimjob than read a comic

What's the point, OP? These spergs would only try to validate their existence by humiliating you on the internet. What's the point

>> No.8522228

It's like all of Gaiman's stuff after Sandman: merely okay.

>> No.8522231

His prose is pulp fantasy tier

>> No.8522240

I don't think so. At least not yet.

>> No.8522243

Ya, forty years ago.

>> No.8522253

Anon, pulp prose = purple prose. And the pulps are long gone. More's the pity, because they at least tried to be entertaining.

No, Gaiman's prose is *airport bland*. It is perfectly neutral and wholly interchangeable with the prose of almost any other novelist whose works line the racks of airport book- and magazine-shops like so many pots of pablum.

>> No.8522256

>pulp prose = purple prose

>> No.8522273


>> No.8522281


that book is awful. hated myself for finishing it.

>> No.8522402
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Worse, it's merely okay.

>> No.8522575
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May I recommend the works of Dave Sim?

His Cerebus started out as a Conan parody,but the later graphic novels went in strange literary circles,with homages to Oscar Wilde,F Scott Fitzgerald,Ernest Hemmingway,and Woody Allen. Sim tried to push the boundries of what could be done with the format of the comic,and is worth exploring.

>> No.8522619

High Society and Church & State I & II are essential. After that, Sim vanishes up his own ass in order to give us a detailed report on the state of his post-divorce bowel.

>> No.8523238

His prose is fucking horrendous though. Sim's skill is all visual (and plotting). He's a great writer

Lol no, Cerebus is good through 200 at the very least. Did you only read through the Ascension and then fall for the misogyny meme?

>> No.8524856
