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File: 89 KB, 331x500, The_Book_Thief_by_Markus_Zusak_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8514789 No.8514789 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a pleb book?

I thought the movie was kinda shit. Now I'm wondering about the book.

I don't wanna waste my time reading garbage, but the premise/themes are attractive enough for me to consider it.

>> No.8515964

the "book" is pure unadulterated shit, do not waste your time with it.

>> No.8516186

waste of time

>> No.8516195

It's for little kids.

Don't waste your time.

>> No.8516231

Danke, Brudis.

>> No.8516265

dude I cried like 9 times reading this book

>> No.8516319

I'm with this guy.

I honestly liked the book op. My one gripe is that the main character is so vapid and undeveloped. Which is pretty inexcusable for a novel of this length. Literally every other character has interesting character traits and back stories but the main little girl is just kinda boring.

>> No.8516355

Close to top-tier YA, I loved it when I was about 14. The complaint about the main character being undeveloped is very true though. If you're no longer a teen, not worth the time.
Here's something for those have read it: unlike Harry Potter, could this be a more effective gateway into real literature?

>> No.8516361

This was the most insincere piece of bullshit I ever read.

Fuck this book, it's pure exploitation.

Our culture has an obscene and pornographic obsession with Nazism and the world wars I'm sick and tired of it and this book i snot only about a tired and overdone subject that must die, it's fucking poorly written. Death is a fucking pseudointellectual hack just like the author and I hate him.

This book is fucking awful don't read it.

>> No.8516364

Honestly I wish I was a pleb book and had cute girls with dyed hair and white shorts sit on me the book me

>> No.8516388

What makes this book more exploitative than all of the other Holocaust related books published? Or do you just write all of it off?

>> No.8516403

I read it by the light of a flashlight in a cabin in New Hampshire one summer and the writing made me cry at points, if you're a fan of McCarthy and can stomach a fair amount of cheesiness and over-sincerity it's worth the 20 minutes it'll take you to read it. It's beautiful in very visual and emotional ways, not exactly pushing the boundaries of literature or language but definitely worth the read.

>> No.8516411

In a nonsexual way I mean. Could be a pigeon sitting on me.

>> No.8516419
File: 286 KB, 457x584, 1471233810943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Potter is a fine intro into lit when you're young, way to get memed friendo. This is a better intro into prose and structure, HP is a better intro into themes.

>> No.8516421

t. jewboi

>> No.8516850

It's probably the best YA book. 7/10 for me.