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8513863 No.8513863 [Reply] [Original]

Any literature that is like a philosophical mindfuck? I'm looking for something that would make me feel schizophrenic.

>> No.8513879

drink jimson weed tea
it will make you feel schizophrenic for up to a year

>> No.8513890

I was looking more for something in e-book format.

>> No.8513951

Blood meridian isn't schizophrenic but it really is a fucking nightmare. Listen to the judge on war on youtube if you want a sample of some of the "philosophy"

>> No.8513972

you either
a. don't understand how books work
b. don't understand what schizophrenia is

>Listen to the judge on war on youtube if you want a sample of some of the "philosophy"
I hope you get colon cancer

>> No.8514098

t. 16 year-old

>> No.8514105

My diary tb h

>> No.8514110

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.8514239

Get out of the street, Tao

>> No.8514247

Why would you want to feel schizophrenic? I thought I turned myself into a schizo for over a month after a bad trip and it was awful

>> No.8514349

Finnegans Wake males me feel like I'd just had a brain aneurysm.

>> No.8514378

Hey, I've experienced something very similar recently and it sucked balls. What did you take? I managed to do it with MDMA somehow.

>> No.8514403

Deleuze & Guattari - Anti-Oedipus

>> No.8514985

2 hits of liquid acid

>severe paranoia
>thoughts of suicide
>jolting awake right as im falling asleep every night because the inbetween state is terrifying
>not sure if im just dreaming everything
>dissasociated (every time I'd talk it was like watching someone else do it)
>had to spend almost every waking moment rationalizing why I wasn't going insane and why I was going to be alright which my mind would always destroy half an hour later

It was a learning experience, but I think I'm ultimately glad it happened

>> No.8515066

A Scanner Darkly
Crime and Punishment

>> No.8515087

wow sounds exactly like normal life

>> No.8515090

crime and punishment made me really uncomfortable... journey to the end of the night did the same thing to me (Celine) while i was reading it. Thats the best I got OP

>> No.8515093

Not really?

>> No.8515107

I did the same thing with shrooms about 5 years ago. Sucked dick.

>> No.8515124

when this happened to me from LSD I just took more LSD until it didn't matter anymore. Only didn't kill myself because I figured an awful something is better than nothing. Then started tripping every fortnight.
ended up having a near-death experience on 500ug alone in the middle of the bush in Australia and wound up walking for 3 hours in the sun alone with my thoughts.
still trip once every couple of months but really only when I find myself in somewhat of a rut

>> No.8515183

Actually one of my recurring thoughts while dealing with my post-trip crisis was only being able to get better by doing it again, which terrified me. I had pretty much sworn acid off but at this point I'd probably do it again sometime in the future.

Seems like it's nearly impossible to adequately describe what it's like to someone who hasn't been through it.

>> No.8515297


ey bros
i'm glad u were able to come back
it's difficult but as some of us said, it's such a learning experience
has it made u more tolerant? like understanding people more than before, increasing empathy etc... not because any magical stuff, but only because getting literally a mental illness (and coming back from it later) should make someone realizing that subjective experience must be understood no matters how is it

also as >>8515087 said i consider also a lot of people may experience things like that in their normal life; sadly this people may be actual ill, and not be a transitory thing like with us.

cheers anon and see ya

>> No.8515313

It has been said already: just take LSD, and if you are lucky almost every book will get you than schizo feeling you are looking to. But take care and do your own research before. It can be so an overwhelming psychological experience. If you think that you can loose a lot from it, just try meditating and reading dense and obscurantist stuff. It has been already said, but things like Anti-Oedipus, Deleuze in general, Pynchon as also give me that kind of feeling, I didn't read finnewang's wake but it should be, Heidegger and his Clearing is kinda schizo also,

>> No.8515334

>Any literature that is like a philosophical mindfuck?
yeah it's called philosophy

read some

>> No.8515345

yeah good point
maybe if u read so ancient stuff (and this, for a contemporary person includes almost until half of modernity) it is not so much because that kind of reasoning is so inside us that it is not so revealing (i know this is not totally correct, but u can understand my point and he has asked for schizophrenic stuff, not just interesting). so as long as u get to our time, the more fuck up the things gets.

>> No.8515383

Schizo here. You're all dumbasses. First off, LSD is not at all like being schizo. Secondly, being mentally ill is neither glamorous nor cool.

>> No.8515402

>being mentally ill is neither glamorous nor cool
This. Take it from this anon who seems to be doing pretty well if he's posting here instead of making incomprehensible scribbles in his diary, desu.

>> No.8515406

yeah of course. that's why taking lsd could be nice and being schizo isn't. i was just trying to say that it may be a cognitive similar experience.

>> No.8515438

>has it made u more tolerant?
Absolutely, after experiencing what I did I realized there really are people who suffer through things like it every single day and they deserve full sympathy for what they're going through. I really can't imagine having to live permanently like that.
Again though, I'd almost say I'm grateful for it. I had to wrestle with a lot of bullshit that was floating around in my brain and there's been so much I've taken for granted I would have never realized. For the first time in years I think I can say that I'm no longer a pessimist.

>> No.8515448

you're very inarticulate but i know what you mean

>> No.8515455

Yeah, for me a lot of it comes from owning up to the fact that tripping can be a pretty bad experience but a lot of it was coming from my life and not from the drug. I have to go deep and find what's wrong with my head and not freak out about it. I still have days or weeks where it feels like I'm dreaming but I sort of accepted that's the way things are and that reality is a sketchy thing to be a part of anyway

>> No.8515476

I get weird sensations like that every once and a while still, they're very fleeting though and not really dream like, just uncanny.

>tfw had a miniature panic attack a few weeks ago driving home from a friend's house after watching Total Recall

It was kinda funny

>> No.8515586

let me tell you about this weird dream i had...
