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8512426 No.8512426 [Reply] [Original]

Can the Republic be skipped if one isn't interested in politics? Is there more to the work than just political theory?

>> No.8512435

It's not politics but political philosophy. And political philosophy is always intertwined with Moral Philosophy and a smidgen of Metaphysics.

>> No.8512440

He fleshed out the human psyche which Freud took up later

>> No.8512442

What a coincidence I was getting ready to read this, and I was pondering if the republic by Cicerone is worth reading and how does it compares.

>> No.8512453

It has a lot about his metaphysics as well

>> No.8512454

If you hope to be in any way a thinker worthy of being listened to you can't skip politics because you don't find it "interesting"

>> No.8512476

How does his metaphysics relate to his political philosophy?

>> No.8512534

There's definitely more there. One of the main questions motivating the discourse is why it's inherently better to be moral than immoral regardless of consequences, and Plato attempts to answer this by examining human psychology through the city. To be fair, that's just one interpretation and there's some wackadoodle shit in there too.

>> No.8512608

Putting it very simply, Plato equates an understanding of his metaphysical theory of forms with the wisdom necessary for a good ruler.

>> No.8513148

Read it you cunt

>> No.8513152

Metaphysics is the underlying reality. Politics stems from metaphysics.

>> No.8513182

Don't skip it. Especially if you plan to read much philosophy in the future.

>> No.8513367

I'm at book 9 and it's the second dialog I've read by Plato. First being the Apology of Socrates. What does Plato have to say about material world and the world of ideals? There's a hint in the the cave allegory about a man seeking for truth, looking at reflections and then at the source of light. Not well-versed in Plato's worldview desu

>> No.8513710

Metaphysics relates to everything for Plato. Just read Plato.

>> No.8513740
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If you dissociate politics from philosophy you should go back to reading buzzfeed articles and tweeting about how dumb everyone is.

>> No.8513888

Do you think he was right on the immortality of the soul?

>tfw atheist and just want to believe in an afterlife