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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 236x250, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
851017 No.851017 [Reply] [Original]

so what do y'all think about him? I've read the plague and the stranger. I also just read two of his essays, the myth of sisyphus and reflections on the guillotine, and i thought they were really well written and thought provoking. also, he looked like such a bad ass.

>> No.851020

He was barely five feet tall. Still think he's a badass?

>> No.851026


Five feet tall with a ten inch uncircumcised penis

>> No.851031

He killed 43 people with his bare hands in vietnam. Still think he's a badass?

>> No.851039

from wikipedia: "Albert Camus (born August 5, 1930) is an American aviator and a former astronaut, test pilot, aerospace engineer, university professor, and United States Naval Aviator. He was the first person to set foot on the Moon. His first spaceflight was aboard Gemini 8 in 1966, for which he was the command pilot, becoming one of the first U.S. civilians to fly in space"

>> No.851040

Died way too young.

>> No.851043

so bad ass

>> No.851251


>> No.851263

Any biography of Sartre ever written. There's scholarship out there that discusses whether his stunted height had any influence on his world view.

>> No.851269


Yet biographies of Camus don't mention it?

>> No.851276


Hmm, I wonder if there are scholarly articles out there that discuss whether or not Sartre's DERP eyes gave him a skewed world view...?

>> No.851285

Probably not, because authors of Camus biographies aren't writing about Sartre.

>> No.851286

I always thought he looked like Humphery Bogart's long lost brother or something.

>> No.851288

I always thought The Stranger had the same plot line as Bohemian Rhapsody.

>> No.851292

what the fuck? was camus barely five feet tall or was sartre?

>> No.851298

I fucking love The Stranger.

I always try to read it once a month.

>> No.851305
File: 103 KB, 400x300, dickbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm "he was 5' tall guy" guy and am tripping balls. I thought we were talking about Sartre. Please ignore.

pic related, it's me

>> No.851310


well thanks for at least clearing that up.

>> No.851311


>> No.851317
File: 29 KB, 250x352, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sartre did NOT look like a badass

>> No.851324


You mean you always thought that "Bohemian Rhapsody" had the same plot line as "The Stranger."

>> No.851346

anyway, one of the things I like about camus' essays was the way that he made suicide into an almost glamorous way to deal with existance. I get the whole existentialist thing, but his views on suicide just seem too idealistic to me. I really enjoyed a lot of his other points though.

>> No.851350


I thought it would be obvious that Camus came before Mercury.

>> No.851366


Sorry, its just one of those things that annoys me. Like people saying that Robert Redford is like Brad Pitt. You need to strike that, reverse it.

>> No.851367

WTF Camus won the Nobel prize? For what, exactly? Was his work really that literary?

>> No.851372


Lol if you have people coming in here saying that those who like Camus are pretentious and people coming in here saying that people who don't like Camus aren't smart enough for him, he's that literary.

>> No.851380

have you read any of his work?

p.s. he won the nobel prize "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times"

>> No.851383


Apparently, he won it "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times".

>> No.851386


FUCK! Beat me to it.

>> No.851389

So was the Nobel commitee of 1957 comprised of a bunch of hipsters, or has /lit/ led me astray?

>> No.851410


>> No.851414

if you're interested in existentialism you should read the myth of sisyphus.

>> No.851420

though he wasn't really an existentialist.

>> No.851421


>> No.851429

More than that, they were Swedish hipsters.

>> No.851430
File: 53 KB, 135x179, 1230777759259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.851443

he didn't like being called an existentialist, but his philosophy was basically existentialism taken from a little bit of a different angle. the myth of sysphus, at least to me, is talking about reasons to live life in spite of the fact that nothing we do matters.

>> No.851452

Why did you have this image, and why were you able to post it so quickly in response to a "Swedish hipsters" joke?

Consider me suspicious.

>> No.851448


To answer the initial question, I think Camus was one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century. My personal favorite novels of his are "The Fall" and "The Stranger." And of his short stories, my favorites are "Jonas or The Artist at Work" and 'The Guest."

>> No.851455


Agreed. Just know that you will invariably find one person who says this each time. So you should probably say "inb4 'he wasn't an existentialist!'"

>> No.851462


Actually, if you see who I referred it to, I wasn't referring to the Swedish hipsters, just the plain 'hipster' posts. I didn't even know that you were posting.

>> No.851464

Stupid existentialism fag.

>> No.851467

stupid....nihilism fag?

>> No.851469

so does anyone have any other author recommendations for people who like camus. maybe more obscure writers?

>> No.851483

Camus Jr.

>> No.851484


Thomas Merton
Jacques Monod
Jean-Paul Sartre
Orhan Pamuk
Mohsin Hamid

These writers were all influenced by Camus.

These all influenced Camus:
Soren Kierkergaard
Simone Weil
Victor Hugo
Pascal Pia
Andre Gide

>> No.851494

sweet, most of those i already know about/have read, but I'll check out the others.

>> No.851500


>> No.852604

yeahh im gonna go ahead and bump this thread cause i really like camus

>> No.852672

He's a cunt for instructing his estate to block re-release of Luchino Visconti's film adaptation of The Stranger.