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/lit/ - Literature

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8510 No.8510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are these really that bad or is just a meme?

>> No.8511

They are bad if you're into high lit.
They're pretty good if you're into genre fiction.

>> No.8512

As far as fantasy books go, the first two books are alright. It's in book three onward that his lack of skill as a writer really starts to show, and the plot has just been drawn out to a ridiculous degree for no discernible reason.

>> No.8513

The 3rds was good too. The 4th and 5th are pretty bad though. GRRM needs an editor bad. It is a shame we will never see the real ending too the story though

>> No.8514

Sunset found her

>> No.8515

I'm entirely convinced that he's drawn the story out so much that he just doesn't know how to end it. If winds of winter ever gets released, I highly doubt it'll bring us any closer to a conclusion.

The sad part is that we'll likely see a conclusion from the tv series well before the books

>> No.8516

>genre fiction
>hight lit

>b-but books are only good if they're a ripoff of Hamsun's Hunger


Pick two.

>> No.8517


They are pretty bad. Extremely long for no reason. You can really imagine the fat pervert sweating and giggling to himself when he writes the very childish sex scenes. The sex scenes honestly remind of those internet parody animators that stem from newgrounds but if they took themselves seriously.

>> No.8518

not wheel of time bad, but close enough.

>> No.8519
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even 12yo me thought he was shit

if you want good fantasy go read
gormenghast, george macdonald, dunsany, or e r eddison

>> No.8520

They're so bad it's retarded, YA novels for people who barely have enough brain cells to no shit themselves.

>> No.8521

Have you read the Zimiamvian trilogy? I read the opening couple pages of Mistresses of Mistresses like ten times before I could continue, I liked them that much.

I'm also just started reading Titus Groan – it' a lot funnier than I thought it would be.

>> No.8522

Book 1 and 2 are great.

Book 3 and 4 are absolute boring garbage.

Book 5 is good.

>> No.8523

Books 1-3 are good while still having a large scale
Books 4-5 have been pretty meh, largely because it's a lot of buildup for the next big fuck-you moment of the 2nd half
The biggest problem is GRRM losing focus of the first main cast and procrastinating a lot
Seriously, 2 years between the first 3 books is alright but 4 years between Swords and Feast and 5 years between Feast and Dance is fucking ridiculous

>> No.8524

Not yet though I just recently found a copy.

I can definitely understand reading pages of Eddison's intense prose over and over again.

>> No.8525

It's shit. The first three books are good. But that's 3000 god damn pages to work through to end up the insulting trash that is book four. Usually when a series has one bad book you can just jolt through it to get to the next good one. But this shit is another 1000 fucking pages. I hear the fifth one is just as bad, so another 1000 pages to get to maybe a decent book? Let alone the series might never finish

Basically, the series is work and you can spend your time reading something better.

>> No.8526

I read book 1 and I felt not only that it was very interesting, but also well written, this coming from someone whose 3rd language is english

>> No.8527

What are some fantasy books that have faeries and aren't garbage?

>> No.8528

Haven't read any yet, but John C. Wright's fantasy stuff is apparently top notch and features fairies and elves and what not. This website might help you find what you're looking for though:


>> No.8529

they were good but the tv show is honestly probably more worth your time. you'll get the same out of either medium.

>> No.8530

Fans of this shit don't really want a conclusion. How satisfying could it be. One of them gets the throne and the grass is always greener, whoopee fucking hoo.

They don't want a conclusion, they want endless escapism from their shitty lives.

>> No.8531
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Skip and read the original.

>> No.8532

They're completely different, you insult Tolkien with this comparison.

It's like comparing The Godfather to CSI:Miami.

>> No.8533

I loved them when I first read them, because it was refreshing to have some fantasy that seemed genuinely devoid of plot armor for the characters and that seemed to be driven primarily by character motivations rather than some epic, magic bullshit.

My enthusiasm has since been tempered somewhat by two mediocre books and an increasing gravitation towards those very things I mentioned above.

>> No.8534

This exactly. What separated ASOIAF from the rest is basically gone now, and season 6 was the worst example of that of all. If that shit is actually what TWOW will be like too then this series is finished.

>> No.8535

I really like the chapters of Jaime fucking around in the riverlands. The rest is mediocre

>> No.8536

Thanks for quality post.

>> No.8537

"ASOIAF does not have plot armor" is driven basically entirely around the end of ASOS. The Red Wedding and The Mountain vs. The Viper are the only really shocking moments narratively. Everything else is pretty standard.

>> No.8538

Decoy protagonist – Ned

>> No.8539

Rhaegar was the real protagonist.

>> No.8540

I'd cut some slack on that one. The decoy protagonist doesn't usually last to the end of the book.

>> No.8541

12yo you was a fucking faggot.

Eddison is fucking GOAT though

>> No.8542

It was so hugely obvious though. Like talking from a plot-reader's perspective it was so fucking obvious.
>Hi guys, this is Ned
>Ned is a good guy

>> No.8543
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>John R. R. Tolkien
>George R. R. Martin
what did he mean by this?

Is George a master ruseman who hates himself, the world and his art, so he spitefully writes these ruse books to laugh and be disgusted at how people like them? So he put these two Rs in his name to subtly hint at how his work is a satanic blasphemous disfigurement of LoTR?

>> No.8544

We got a contrarian here

>> No.8545

Wow... So he strung out a gimmick for even longer than normal?

>> No.8546
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The only fantasy series worth reading or worthy of being posted outside of the containment thread.

>> No.8547

He sucks, just read Tolkien

>> No.8548

The fact that he's a good guy makes it obvious he's going to die? The good guy is usually the protagonist.

But it's not really the decoy protagonist gimmick anymore if the decoy lasts until the very end. This trope involves a switch of protagonists. For the protagonist to be a decoy then he has to get replaced. Ned didn't get replaced in the first book, or really ever, there was never another clear protagonist.

>> No.8549

yeah it's good but I never see it mentioned here. So called genius's here probably can't handle GOTM

>> No.8550

This is probably the worst fantasy series I ever tried to read. Ok, R.A. Salvatore's stuff is probably worse but Malazan comes pretty damn close. I regret ever wasting money on that shit.

>> No.8551

Karsa Orlong.

Also, not an arguement

>> No.8552

They're actually good. Remember, always take fantasy as the setting, not as the whole grand scheme of his novels. If you can read between the lines you'll see how Martin takes on Heinlein's philioshy.

Here, for clarification (contains all spoiler through season six from the series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek2O6bVAIQQ

>> No.8553

it's bad.

>> No.8554

>to a ridiculous degree for no discernible reason.
There's a little thing going around these days I hear, its called "money", it's pretty popular!

>> No.8555

>The fact that he's a good guy makes it obvious he's going to die?
>The good guy is usually the protagonist
And only a retard would expect that to apply to AGoT, which by this point had suitably demonstrated its edginess.

>> No.8556

He's right though. It's the most soulless piece of crap there is. Fucking Dresden is better, because you can tell it's had SOME thought behind it, even if that thought is retarded beyond cognition.

>> No.8557

How is it soulless? Its like over 10000 pages total author obviously put lots of effort into it, I felt for the character and some are very well written.

>> No.8558

Also there is loads of foreshadowing in the books and the author makes you work it out for yourself, he doesn't spell out certain things for the audience.

E.G Toblakai's identity. the truth behind the teblor gods etc etc

>> No.8559

This isn't literature but pop culture.

>> No.8560
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>> No.8561

I mean, you're not wrong, but there is a lot of literature that can be considered part of pop culture.

>> No.8562

Are you literally here from Reddit.

Because Malazan is the kind of paint-by-the-numbers soulless bullshit Reddit loves to lap up. "Oh the worldbuilding's so amazing!" Wow that's really fucking impressive.

>> No.8563

>I hear the fifth one is just as bad
It's better than The Hungry Birds, but still not great.

>> No.8564

The Vorrh (and its sequel, The Erstwhile) is fantastic. No faeries, but freaky angels that are pretty similar. The only problem is that it's a trilogy and so far only two books have been released.

>> No.11283

why dont you fags stop reading this gay shit and go lift some weights

>> No.11344

The Stannis, and Jamie parts are pretty good throughout the entire series. Some of the jon too. The rest fuck drags on forever especially any Dani or Dorn chapter.

>> No.11426


>> No.11469

Good there bro.

The recovery reading time in between sets is still taken up with Pynchon although I do try to read around.

>> No.11480

>How is it soulless.

Trull, Icarium, Rhulad, Mappo

>> No.11534


This is spot on.

>> No.11765

>4 years between Swords and Feast
>5 years between Feast and Dance
and now it has been 6 years since Dance and we don't even have a release date for Winds

at this rate the old fat fuck will die long before finishing the series

>> No.11814

dude chill. its just nice enjoyable fantasy with a cool medieval setting. it is what it is and its honestly not that bad.

i'm a /lit/ chap as much as anyone but that doesnt mean i cant enjoy books of all kinds for what they are.

>> No.11855

>at this rate
its a certainty that he'll die before he finishes it. he's fat, he's old, he's rich and famous which means he's probably not living sensibly and he's probably got at absolute maximum a decade left in him

>> No.11938
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It's an entry series into litterature like 99% of medieval fantasy, as such it is good.
I disliked the series passed the two first seasons though.

The originals would be the Accursed Kings, good books too if you like historical fiction.

>> No.12490

>And only a retard would expect that to apply to AGoT
that's if you read the books with foresight
which most people do

>> No.12813

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>> No.12828

Are you really asking if a popular series is good or bad on 4chan? Did you expect anything but people throwing shit at it?

>> No.12832

it wasn't obvious

it was more obvious in the show because it was sean bean who professionally dies on screen for a living

>> No.12914
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Her cunt became the world

>> No.12951
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>> No.12961
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Cherry picked fragment of dialogue, wow so bad.

>> No.12971

Are you going to defend it?

>> No.12982

If I read that will my deadlift go up?

>> No.13014


>> No.13085


>> No.13153

The first three are great. Not genre-defining, but a good solid low fantasy story. AFFC and beyond is dogshit.

>> No.13191

What does it matter? Most of the arguments in favor or against it, or anything really, boil down to "I enjoyed it" and "I didn't enjoy it". I can speak for myself, but I can't change people's experience with it, nor would I do it if I could.

>> No.13243


>> No.13255


>> No.13290


>> No.13353

Third book was the best tho.

>> No.13397
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The three men were erect. The sight of their arousal was arousing.

>> No.13467

It is a decent series (with major flaws) in the genre of fantasy, there is a lot worse out there.

But Martin is an awful author, who apparently has no Idea how to write a series of books.

Initially he planned to write 3 books and any person with half a brain would start by laying out the rough Idea of the complete story and then fit it into books.

But obviously he didnt do that, he already is 5/3 books into the series and the turning point, where the separate stories begin to converge, hasnt even happened.
The only explanation I have for that is that he himself doesnt know where all this leads.

If you want actually decent fantasy, written by someone who actually knows how to write a series of books read >>8546.

>> No.13493


>> No.13508

you are right about Malazan but Martin, (hate the fat cunt) is a "gardener".

>> No.13688

It's a /fit/izen! Get him!

You can argue about subjective things you dongle also SPOILERS SHOULD BE SUPPORTED
>If you want actually decent fantasy, written by someone who actually knows how to write a series of books read
anything but Malazan.

Try Gormenghast, Worm Ouroboros, Book of the New Sun, Ficciones, &c.

>> No.13706

Oh, they are.

4chanx lied to me.

>> No.13775
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Wow dude you are so smart Xd, how intellectual of you, book of the new flowers, some fucking worm of orrroboros wow how mythical gormenfucking beowulf looking ass.

The characters of Karsa, Trull, Icarium, Rhulad, and Tehol Beddict blow those psued books out the water.

>> No.13792

Stop making fun of the Malazan poster, I'm sure he means well.

>> No.13995

So why does everybody hate ASIOF? I've read the entire series thrice; can anybody name actual issues with it? Or is it just standard griping?

>> No.14043


>They are pretty bad. Extremely long for no reason.

This desu. I'm about 250 pages into the first book and it's slow as fuck. Okay, the setting is sort of interesting, but can something please happen instead of chapter after chapter being about a bunch a kids who are just fucking around and doing stupid shit?

>> No.14046

The standard of good literature is insane here, if it wasn't written by DFW, Shake, Pynch or some russian whose name I can't spell it's shit. Also can't enjoy something that the normies do XD

>> No.14078

>can anybody name actual issues with it?
Martin is a shitty writer.

The actual story is pretty decent but he doesnt know how to write a triology.

Being at 5 (planned are 7!) out 3 books is a pretty bad sign.

>> No.14123

>when you wonder why some fantasy writers just don't know when to fucking stop, then take a moment a realize they're getting filthy rich by deliberately making their series into a bloated mess of filler and bullshit and are really acting in their own best interests

>> No.14227


Considering that most fantasy series are the size of fucking door stoppers, this is completely true.

Fucking wheel of time

>> No.14255

I'm a pleb from /fit/ and I absolutely love Tolkien. After reading most of his work I went on to read ASOIAF, and while I enjoyed the first 3 books I just can't get through A Feast for Crows, it's fucking boring. Any other books or series I should give a try?

>> No.14275

>boring as fuck books are good because the guy wrote a fake language to go with it

piss off

>> No.14284

Wow all the edgy faggots, ITT. It's phenomenal story telling and while you can somewhat predict what happens in all the books, the character arcs are fucking epic and you can't deny it.

The show also nails the casting in the GoT show. Come at me, edgelords.

>> No.14302

If you have any interest in military fantasy Malazan.

Dont let the memers here discourage you it really is great, although the first book has a few problems.

>> No.14326

Malazan book of the fallen is great but its super long. Prince of Thorns is pretty good at like ASOIAF but more edgy and shorter, (Main character is like almsot Joffrey level morally but cool and you want him to succeed.

>> No.14335


If you don't mind YA stuff I recommend something from Darren Shan. Otherwise The Folding Knife by K. J. Parker is a pretty solid book, it doesn't contain any magic however if you're looking for that sort of thing.

>> No.14340

The show is about to start its final season so that is just about guaranteed.

>> No.14352

>Book 1
>Book 2
Boring, but sets the stage for book 3
>Book 3
Actually quite great
>Book 4
Boring, confusing departure from the first 3 books
>Book 5
Literally just shit

>> No.14378


>phenomenal story telling
>Spends hundreds upon hundreds of pages going back and forth between characters with no apparent correlation with one another.

I'm not sure why almost every single fantasy book has this issue with pacing...

>> No.14380

>Dance with Dragons
>Literally just shit

Come on senpai, you didn't like the Tyrion boat chapters when he was in Valyria? Those were some of my favorite chapters.

>> No.14390

It goes drastically downhill after the third book.

>> No.14400

It's true, they all do it but in GoT, it's not exactly random, all the characters relate to one another in some form or fashion.

>> No.14409

Yeah pretty good desu but Tyrion is a fucking asshole hate him so mch. Biggest psued who thinks he is hell smart but got manipulated by a whore fucks with jaime for no reason and thinks he's a big man by threatening a whore.

>> No.14434

I didn't really like the pacing in Feast For Crows, it was boring as fuck to me except for the last 200 pages. I thought DWD was fantastic though, it was lengthy, but most so are the rest of the GoT books.

>> No.14446

>Tyrion chapters in ADWD
>Wow, I'm finally free of the Lannisters! This is great, I can't wait to do something
>Cool, I'm on this boat now heading to meet the Queen of Dragons, I'm finally going to get to do something
>Oh hey, another dwarf, this will be a lot more filler that's completely out of character
>Literally jousting on pigs, when it was literally the reason I fought with Joffrey in the first place and caused this entire shit storm to begin with
>Boat trip is done, maybe I'll finally be able to meet Daenerys oh wait, no I got to sit around here for a while
>Nope. Well it's the end of the book, surely I would have done something significant to affect the story, instead of just walking around talking about other exciting characters doing something

>> No.14453

Thank you my dudes

>> No.14460

They're fine. Not to everybody's tastes, and not perfect -- I'm not a fanboy, they have plenty of flaws. But they're not trash by any means. There's a reason they're so popular (and were popular long before the show existed) and it's not NORMIES ARE SO DUMB REEEEEEEE.

People are shitting on them here because this is 4chan and once something becomes popular and normies discover it, it becomes taboo to admit it's enjoyable.

>> No.14486


Okay, I'll admit that I might have responded a bit too harshly. I've yet to finish the first book but so far that's how it feels when he keeps switching between characters, and as I said, fantasy tends to have pacing issues so I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was just random.

>> No.14489

Not enough weight

>> No.14551

Also, I found this on Goodreads a while ago. Perfectly sums up every chapter in this book:


>> No.14595
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>very childish sex scenes

Speak for yourself.

>> No.14613

That will do, John, you pedophile nutter. How's that girl you adopted from China doing? Killed herself yet?

>> No.14620

Yeah basically 1st 2nd and 3rd were good. 4th and 5th shows how GRRM is falling into they typical writers block that every first time successful writer falls into.
>has a great idea for an epic, manga, trilogy, etc
>knows how he wants to start the story and end the story
>has no idea how to write the body of the story
>has no idea how to connect all the themes into the body of the story
>ends up getting lost in writer's spaghetti
>suddenly the ending feels rushed and the whole story is ruined and now lost in history as another cliche fiction

I think what makes this most obvious is how the first 3 books came out back to back in 6 years. And now the 4th, 5th and 6th are all taking 5+ years each. He's obviously stuck trying to figure out how to add cohesion to the story.

>tfw the HBO series is actually a better story than the source material.

>> No.14644

I heard one on audiobook once (ex listened to it in bed), and it was fucking dire.

Not as bad as that Dan Brown thing we got one chapter into, but still fairly intolerable.

>> No.14656

Nah senpai, reread the chapters. I just finished DWD for the 3rd time and I still love those chapters.

>> No.14786

1, 2, and 3 were all part of the same story arc. He could have ended it at 3 and it would have been considered to this day one of the greatest fantasy trilogies ever made, but he kept going when it's clear he didn't know where to take it from there. I think that's the main reason we don't see Tyrion, Jon, or Daenerys at all in the 4th book, is because their arcs are in a very stable position. I'm surprised we got Arya in the 4th book, because she ended on a pretty stable note as well.

So in the 4th and 5th books, he spun off a ton of new threads, most of which probably went no where in the books they were introduced to, so now he's tasked with tying everything up in two books. It's going to be just a mess, and everyone's expecting this grand resolution to all the wars, and all the characters.

FUCK it's 5 books in, and Daenerys has not even considered traveling to the west yet. They've been teasing that since the first page she was fucking introduced, it's so obnoxious. It's very clear that that's going to be a major part of the story and going to take up a lot of time, but it hasn't even begun. I have a feeling George is just going to abandon that plot completely.

>> No.14861

Danys a little idealistic slut though she's all about muh slaves.

>> No.15039

Fuck Dany, fuck Cersei, and fuck the show for ruining my boy Stannis.

>> No.15093

>Stannis, The one true hypocrite of westeros.

>> No.15164

Hey, Stannis has his issues, but at least the books don't have him as a sack of shit.

>> No.15167

I agree with what you said, but we do know how he's going to tie all the threads together. There's only one way to do it in 2 books (Unless he decides to make more books...)

This is so obvious and so many stories have done it before as a cheap way to tie everything together.

>One last battle where every character magically gets involved and are guided to that battle from their own path.

This will happen in two ways. Either the white walkers will cause all the queens and kings to bond together like some globalist utopia, and then everyone lives happily ever after.

Or, there will be one final battle royal between all the contending kings and queens. And all these side characters get funneled into the battle and everyone sees each other again like it's some dysfunctional family reunion.

That's the only way to create a some what closed loop ending. But I do have a feeling he's just going to make more books.

>> No.15206

She starts going back to Westeros in TWOW, if the series is any indication.

Just her being in Westeros should probably have two-three books tho.

>> No.15228

They really are bad.
Quite fun to read, though.
Was she Indian?

>> No.15238

Yeah true, the show changes lots that make the series good.


Implying Cersei and the rest won't try backstab each other in the final battle. It Will be a highly pyhrricc victory at best.

>> No.15311

I only listened to the audio books because
>Tfw to intelligence to read
But I thought they were engaging and worth the time

>> No.15415

How to spot plebs 101

>> No.15467
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The story is good. The writing is very bad. "Jamie got hard" is a line that kind of summed up the level of writing when he was writing about lannisters responce to being sexually advanced upon.....

>> No.15496

> I am incapable of reading books longer than 1000 words and remembering more then 2 characters.

>> No.15593

shit I thought /lit/ was dead board and merge will not change /fit/

>> No.15722

i read them all. they were fun and the fan forums get some great theories.

also i liked wild cards series he does which is just a crazy x-men type world. the pimp that resurrects the dead by fucking a corpse in the ass is glorious.

prince of thorns series was fun too if only for the really cool world setting but i understand if some people think its just 2edgy4u.

>> No.15727

I didn't think ADWD was THAT bad, I enjoyed a lot of the northern chapters the only chapters I dreaded reading were probably Daenerys when it was first released.

I'm on my re-read now through ASOS so my opinion of them may change.

>> No.15749

Prince of thorns was great lol. " Hey stop, haha i'm an evil necromancer"

"Manng shut the fuck up, *Swing*"

>> No.15871

Bad prose, bad characters, bad thoughts, bad everything.
I remember when I used to think this too. God, I was so butthurt.

Hopefully you'll assimilate painlessly, and won't just shit up our board with your strange and foreign /fit/ memes.
This merge was a mistake.

Even /SFFG/ knows you're all plebs. Don't listen to them >>14453. If you liked Tolkien, try The Worm Ouroboros -- it's what inspired him and it's better.

>> No.15902


I think /lit/ is just bitter considering we had pretty civil ASOIAF threads here before the HBO show happened but since that happened and it became the next Harry Potter to normalfags the series has forever been tainted by them.

>> No.15936

Except the books legitimately aren't that good.

Maybe that's what happened to SFFGots. I could believe that. But not /lit/ as a whole.

>> No.15944
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>reading books by a low energy morbidly obese author
its like you don't want to see how it ends

>> No.15965
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he's an absolute fucker

>> No.16031

Journey before destination Kiddo- A much better author.

>> No.16073
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>> No.16154

All I know is that I am a Brainlet - Socrates.

>> No.16227

/fit/ here, I liked these books a lot when I first read them at the age of 16
Im ready to beat the shit out of any lit fag that says theyre bad

>> No.16262

so, this year?

>> No.16293

/fit/ here, too. theyre bad

>> No.16299
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>> No.16301

>high lit.
into the trash you go

>> No.16305

No, it was in 2012
Wish I could go back in time ;_;

>> No.16336

The books are good if you like world building. The society, houses and factions are very detailed. As literature though, it's very poor.

Feast for Crows is boring on a first read. George forces in major plot lines that you don't know about, like the Dornish and the Greyjoys, and neglects the established characters.

Tie that into a point in the narrative where much of the action from the first three books has been resolved, you can see why were bot to engaged.

>> No.16345

*teleports behind you*

>> No.16366
File: 55 KB, 291x224, 118300_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing personell Itachi.

>> No.16501
File: 181 KB, 1080x720, 1489948646766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was counting on you, you backstabbing bitch

>> No.16615


I really didn't hate AFFC that much on my first read, sure some chapters were a drag but I guess it's just because I liked the fact Greyjoys got so much development in that book and they are my favourite house.

Reading about Cersei going batshit insane was pretty fun too.

>> No.16745

>The books are good if you like world building.
No, they aren't. The worldbuilding's one of its flaws, but that doesn't get talked about much on here because worldbuilding usually isn't important.

In any case: it's shallow (lol the Seven amiright), and it's not well-integrated (The North &c. are all separate cloisters), and it's soulless (well obviously there needs to be a monolithic Scholarly Order, I mean this is fantasy) and it's got no interesting contradictions (the heart of good writing and good worldbuilding).

>> No.16953

> lied to him for half of his life about his waifu not being a literal whore
> no reason

Jamie got off easy desu

>> No.16968

I don't think jaime actually understood how Tyrion felt IIRC

>> No.17003

> and it's not well-integrated (The North &c. are all separate cloisters)


>> No.17041

Are the Lannisters niggers?

>> No.17077

he's felt guilty for that, so he pretty much knew he assisted in fucking over his brother's once-in-a-life time chance to get a girl who genuinely loves him

he just let Tywin convince him that the girl was a whore, and deflect all the blame

>> No.17276

>Can you even into ironic detachment?

>> No.17372

The guest couple if books are pretty good. They are refreshing to read, because it avoids tropes like plot armor.

After a while it sort of loses its allure.

>> No.17840

They first three books are okay, but four was such a bore I haven't bothered to read five.

Oh, and never see a picture of the author. It ruins it. Just trust me on that.

>> No.17859

>inb4 /tv/ shitters start asking about tax policies

>> No.18093

You know how I know you're /fit/?


>> No.18146

the true /lit/ rec is Shadow & Claw, but /lit/s been dead since late 2015 so no one will tell you

>> No.18248

>And only a retard would expect that to apply to AGoT, which by this point had suitably demonstrated its edginess.

the "only the good guys die" is a meme

>> No.18413

They're not badly written in a page-by-page sense. They're poorly written in an overarching sense. Martin tends to meander a lot in the plot, his magic portions of the books are extraordinarily boring, the eventual outcome seems apparent, but the books most go on.

I would honestly compare him to a late Stephen King writing The Dark Tower; anything he really stamps he can sell, his only limit at this point is his own fruition. He's sort of bound to this project as a matter of career; ASOIAF is going to be his magnum opus regardless of what he does after. So, he wants to create an original satisfying work, but he's created a lot of uninteresting plot line that he has to tie up, he has so much breadth in his work that he can't really focus it well, and overall, I don't think his work can live up to its hype.

You can see in his first two or three books something similar to how The Dark Tower unfolded; young writer with page limits tries to create concise narrative in an interesting world. That flows to in the later books of both series; concise narrative goes off the rails and wallows in dog shit no one cares about.

>> No.18445

Has anyone read Three Parts Dead? Curious to know if it's any good.