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File: 63 KB, 168x192, tmp_28527-David_Foster_Wallace_headshot_20061677035589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8508758 No.8508758 [Reply] [Original]

>It was yrstruly and C and Poor Tony that crewed that day and everything like that. The AM were wicked bright and us a bit sick however we scored our wake ups boosting some items... He say he take his self up to Roy Tony and say him not to mess with

Say him not to mess with? Are you fucking joking? Does David Wallace actually think this is how black people talk?

There's even worse parts than that... what does THAT tell you... I was trying to enjoy his book, but I just cant get past this racism. Luckily enough I still have the receipt, and will be returning this piece of shit with a bit to say to the person that tried to tell me to read this. Fucking awful.

>> No.8508762

Going to go "crew" with my crew and say fuck your book nigga. Seriously what the fuck

>> No.8508766
File: 205 KB, 1058x1410, yo_nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hol' up"

>> No.8508768

david foster wallace is dead my man

>> No.8508792

Don't be such cry now.

>> No.8508795

You're in 4chan, sweetheart

Being called racist is a badge of honor, cuck

>> No.8508801

You clearly didn't understand what he was doing there. It wasn't supposed to be an accurate representation of how African Americans speak everyday; it was a commentary on the unique grammars that form in isolated communities, a loving analysis of language's infinite communicative potentials. Go read a transcript of a Gucci Mane interview if you want to know how black people speak, but read DFW if you want to know how humans of all races speak.

>> No.8508848


>> No.8508860
File: 82 KB, 500x500, tmp_2218-6ni9I9I-348847018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even so, you still think his writing was an accurate portrayal of ebonics? You sterling shoes, scarf, polo shirt, colorful shorts, fucking, retard

>> No.8508884

They're black? Shit I hate changing how characters look in my head. Were they described somewhere I must have missed it

>> No.8508892

/pol/ is not 4chan

>> No.8508896

Did you have many black friends from Boston in the 90's? If not, how are you any kind of authority on the subject?

>> No.8508904

Its not racist but if thats real it is pretty embarrasing. Or maybe it was intentional since IJ is set in the future.

>> No.8508942

In the projects a few n bombs are dropped, so you could possibly infer it. Otherwise, idk

>> No.8508952

It was intended to be a prediction of how "street" language would change by then, though it's still fairly silly.

>> No.8508957

I don't think yrstruly is specifically black. Your wiggers don't speak any differently though, do they?

>> No.8508964

Poor Tony and C definitely aren't. yrstrly was Emil Minty who had a swastika tattoo with "fuck nigers" in it so he wasn't black either.

>> No.8509672
File: 43 KB, 500x375, tmp_8825-14722385650631612186572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit.. now I feel bad for my fake-anger.

[Spoiler]It's a good book so far; he has a way with triggering your ASMR in some parts. I love the attention to detail.[/spoiler]

>> No.8510647

holy FUCK that part was so hard to read with its half page-long sentences

the bit about the crossdresser in the library bathroom suffering from withdrawals was really great though

>> No.8510796

>Say him not to mess with? Are you fucking joking? Does David Wallace actually think this is how black people talk?

Yes, some actually talk like that. Not usually THAT bad, but I have heard some people who talk like a stereotypical impression of a field slave.

t. Someone who grew up around poor black people