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File: 124 KB, 435x619, trap_card.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8508757 No.8508757 [Reply] [Original]

> that face when fascists just activated my trap card

>> No.8508802

Fascism is the right way forward, retard

>> No.8508816
File: 460 KB, 900x1001, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Activate it, Felix."

>> No.8508819
File: 11 KB, 300x230, BOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pew pew pew!

>> No.8508857

>marxist foundation
kek, they had no idea about it

>postmodern terms are cool
yeah, mixing math and physics, you don´t know shit about, with your random philosophical views

Greetings from Alan Sokal!

>> No.8509074


That's bullshit though. You can accuse postmodernists of many things, but the way Bricmont and Sokal went about it showed their own ignorance.

Not gonna bother searching for an example since there have been plenty written about, but there was one passage from Guattari that the two considered complete nonsense when in fact it was almost banal if you simply understood that he was using the Heideggerian sense of existence as extasis (long story short going from Greek to Latin changed the word's meaning) as being situated outside one's self as default mode of being (in this sense Heidegger can say that a rock, unlike humans, doesn't exist).

I'm not saying that there aren't plenty of simple things covered under big words in philosophy, but that's different from saying it's just nonsense.

>> No.8509084
File: 62 KB, 657x404, nickland2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so fast...

>> No.8509095

I think this post is funny but D&G don't "celebrate deteritorialization" wtf

They argue throughout anti-oedipus that it's an effect of globalized late capitalism that decodes and recodes traditional meaning systems. It's how the market inserts itself into different cultures and liquidates them to ensure the rapid circulation of capital from its centers to its margins and back again.

Fix this meme.

>> No.8509101

philosophy is for losers

>> No.8509125

Anti-Oedipus isn't that great of example of their thought despite being their most well known book. They changed some concepts fundamentally afterwards (such as the body without organs and deterritorialization) showing different, more positive (so to speak), aspects of them.

They also don't use a Lacanian psychoanalytic model strictly speaking, but that error probably comes from Anti-Oedipus as well where they were on Lacan's side since Guattari probably still had hopes of becoming his successor. They later dismiss some of Lacan's fundamental concepts. It's not the same as saying they're anti-Lacan since they were all, like most intellectuals of that period, influenced by Freud, Proust, Gombrowicz, Joyce and others and it certainly shows in the terminology, but I wouldn't say they're being Lacanian as such.

>> No.8509141

They kinda do celebrate it though. You can't really say that anti-Oedipus is as chill with reterritorialization as it is with deterritorialization. That said they don't say this explicitly, it's more of a matter of ratio of relative focus, and they do say that both processes arise through capitalism.

>> No.8509150

How do they "celebrate deterritorialization" then because whenever that term is cited - from Zizek to Jameson - it's always in the context I mentioned (ie an effect of capital that destructures meaning systems and restructures them to comply with the logic of the market).

AO is the only work I've read by them, btw, so feel free to rec anything though I fall on the Badiou side of theory wars

>> No.8509213

To give you a random example, here's a quote from What is Philosophy?:

> Philosophy is at once concept creation
and instituting of the plane. The concept is the beginning of philosophy, but the plane is its instituting. The plane is clearly not a program, design, end, or means: it is a plane of immanence that constitutes the absolute ground of philosophy, its earth or deterritorialization, the foundation on which it creates its concepts. Both the creation of concepts and the instituting of the plane are required, like two wings or fins.

I'm not an expert on the subject, but they move "deterritorialization" away from worldy flows (so to speak) and into something creative, celebrating it even if it is just a moment rather than a goal.

>> No.8509238

deterritorialization is just much closer to the ideological/political thrust of their writing, the critique of representation denying fixed meaning and the opposition of arborescent and rhizomatic models with the unrooted model being emphasized, guides on how to become a body without organs.. That said deterritorialization is presented with its own caveats and typically is coupled with reterritorialization as a necessity. And in thousand plateaus they caution against an excess of deterritorializing, perhaps having seen a few too many casualties at Vincennes over the years

>> No.8509262


I can see it having some creative uses outside the purely psycho-political-economic realm.

I'm skeptical of pomo insistence on immanence (Habermas calls it fascism lol) but I'll cold check some more of their work.

>> No.8509271
File: 396 KB, 1021x1600, wpid-joseantonio_derivera_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can't even define what fascism is.

>> No.8509275

The aestheticization of politics.

Cf. Walter Benjamin.

Bye bye, u tried.

>> No.8509302
File: 116 KB, 1024x391, Cfmar0oWIAAhKNt.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just one aspect of fascism.

Try harder next time.

>> No.8509309

Are there more of these cards?

>> No.8509317

Beauty is all we have.

>> No.8509322

>fascist smuglord
>posts meme of Jose Antonio

Wew lad. I'll trade Lorca for that idiot anyday.