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/lit/ - Literature

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850748 No.850748 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, i am a 16 year old ignoramus that has just become interested in reading. What should i read?

>> No.850755


>> No.850754

The letters I keep putting in your mail box. Why don't you ever respond, Johnathan?!?!

>> No.850781

I bet thats the same asshole. Good patting yourself on the back.

If you haven't read the classics, do so. A Clockwork Orange, Brave New World, Slaughter House V, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of the Stinky Cheese Man, Catch-22, Animal Farm, Fight Club.

>> No.850788
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>the classics
>A Clockwork Orange, Brave New World, Slaughter House V, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of the Stinky Cheese Man, Catch-22, Animal Farm, Fight Club

>> No.850791

Oh look, the fag I called out.

>> No.850798

lol. thanks, i already looked for classics on the internet, but didnt missed those ones. ill make sure to check them out

>> No.850802

damn, im being serious. i need good books

>> No.850805

Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman ... if you have what it takes.

Nah, but srsly it's my fav book.

>> No.850808

You're sixteen and it's summer. Go outside, enjoy the sun, go to the beach with friends.

>> No.850819

i have and will. It's not only because i'm interested; I'll be flying to europe and back. then to washington and back later this summer

>> No.850823

and need stuff to do on the plane rides

>> No.850824

Read Waiting for Godot.

It'll blow your mind. Also, The World According to Garp.

>> No.850828

House of Leaves

>> No.850830

Read 1984 and then Little Brother by George Orwell and Cory Doctorow respectively.

>> No.850839

You should check out this author named Ayn Rand she writes some pretty intellectual stuff but if you think you're smart enough to take it try the fountainhead it's great

>> No.850840

You could start by reading this:

Then the collected works of Ayn Rand.

>> No.850843

When I was your age I remeber a book that was oddly good, "Looking for Alaska". A very that age book.

Also I read King's "The Mist" recently because someone lent me it, and it was pretty good. Just thinking of things for someone just coming into the reading world.

>> No.850876

of course you didnt realize that i have sixteen year old son that wants a book and am posing as him(to the person who told me to look at the rules)
leaves of grass and the world according to garp seemed good when i looked them up.
I read 1982 a while back.
i'll most likely try to read the books that are mentioned the most

>> No.850900



>> No.850918

lol sorry