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8506666 No.8506666 [Reply] [Original]

Write something profound

>> No.8506670


>> No.8506671
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something profound

>> No.8506672

something profound

>> No.8506674

Ass shit

>> No.8506676

We wasted great numbers on this shit thread

>> No.8506681

He who smelt it... dealt it

>> No.8506685


>> No.8506687

i awoke to my fathers bulging cock inches away from my nose. "get away" i wouldve said, but i could tell he wouldnt be so flippant this morning. and so i began what had become a daily ritual in the past few years. he had been doing this ever since my mother left, as he needed somewhere to unload after the night shift. the incest clearly never bothered to him (or likely never had even occurred) but the homosexuality did. at first, when i was but ten years old, i looked androgynous enough so that he didn;t care. now, however, puberty has begun and he was beginning to have second thoughts. most days he made me shave my entire body and use copious amounts of body lotion; now hes started to give me some pills, 'supervitamins' according to him. i dont know what they are or what they do but at least now i enjoy my daily duties

>> No.8506701

really makes you think

>> No.8506726

nice quads fampaidesu

>> No.8506735

if you really think about it we are always on our way to the bathroom

>> No.8506754

Getting fucked up the ass is perhaps the most transcendent experience there is. As your boypussy expands, so, too, does your mind and soul.

>> No.8506792

His two enemies had one god. One if you counted himself.

>> No.8506805

it's a bit of a pain

>> No.8506806

In my dreams I scream "I want to die"

>> No.8506810

The gates of enlightenment open wide
Allowing me to pass inside
And there I find no God but I
My own, the truth. The Christ a lie.
My only truth that life must die.

>> No.8507117
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Your right thumb's speed relative to your right thumb is always 0

>> No.8507124

Not me; I'm in the bathroom.

>> No.8507129

And that’s unevenly rendered to those who grew up thinking faith was a surrender of reason but not a reason to surrender.

>> No.8507135

You'd think a life sentence is the opposite of a death sentence. The first means you have to die; the other must mean you get to live--forever, I had assumed. Turns out it's even worse.

>> No.8507143

profundity is in the eye of the fox mulder

>> No.8507184


Holy....... I want more...

>> No.8507204

Per deum, denique videmus.

>> No.8507265

something profound

>> No.8508738

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they are like, "It is better than yours."

>> No.8508743



>> No.8508790

Life sentence doesn't "mean you have to die" any more than a not guilty verdict does, it means you'll stay in prison until you do. It's a sentence that lasts a life

>> No.8508833

do you believe in Zeus?
well guess what you're an atheist

>> No.8508841

Entropy and gravity are so perfectly connected that if they were off by less than a razor-blade's width, the laws of physics could not exist. There would be nothing. SOMETHING FROM NOTHING.

>> No.8509159

get up and boogie

>> No.8509172

If there's a boy out there who doesn't want his hairless ass fucked, then I ain't met him.

>> No.8509174

If at first you don't succeed, change the definition of success.

>> No.8509180

Hard work never killed anybody, but I ain't taking no chances

>> No.8509217

They say it's lonely at the top, in whatever you do
You always gotta watch motherfuckers around you
Nobody's invincible, no plan is foolproof
We all must meet our moment of truth

>> No.8509227

("You should know the truth
And the truth shall set you free")

>> No.8509236
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Make me.

>> No.8509267

There is no God, science proves it.

I'm not prolife, I'm prodeath.

Feminism and gamer culture go hand-in-hand.

I could never vote for a non-gamer, non-atheist president. That's why I'm a socialist-futurist.

>> No.8509358

The ability to choose and the significance of choice are the two factors that make sapient life meaningful.
If you cannot choose, you do not exist.
If your choice has no effect, you might as well not exist.

This place is already a den of pseudo-intellectualism, a little more can't hurt.

>> No.8509364


I believe the word you're looking for is theist.

>> No.8509366

Holy... I want more

>> No.8509394

Society is only as good as the people within it. That is to say: it is not.

>> No.8509404

I'll answer that with that it's both as good as the best person in it and as bad as the worst.

>> No.8509431

No, I don't.

>> No.8509448

Fanny farts 4 lyf

>> No.8509457

>This place is already a den of pseudo-intellectualism, a little more can't hurt.

Everything said is projection, and only projection, regardless of whatever irony layer one might be operating on.

>> No.8509472

That certainly says something about the both of us, then.

>> No.8509483
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Inasmuch as science is observational or perceptual in nature, the goal of providing a scientific model and mechanism for the evolution of complex systems ultimately requires a supporting theory of reality of which perception itself is the model (or theory-to-universe mapping). Where information is the abstract currency of perception, such a theory must incorporate the theory of information while extending the information concept to incorporate reflexive self-processing in order to achieve an intrinsic (self-contained) description of reality. This extension is associated with a limiting formulation of model theory identifying mental and physical reality, resulting in a reflexively self-generating, self-modeling theory of reality identical to its universe on the syntactic level. By the nature of its derivation, this theory, the Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe or CTMU, can be regarded as a supertautological reality-theoretic extension of logic. Uniting the theory of reality with an advanced form of computational language theory, the CTMU describes reality as a Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language or SCSPL, a reflexive intrinsic language characterized not only by self-reference and recursive self-definition, but full self-configuration and self- execution (reflexive read-write functionality). SCSPL reality embodies a dual-aspect monism consisting of infocognition, self-transducing information residing in self-recognizing SCSPL elements called syntactic operators.

>> No.8509489
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The CTMU identifies itself with the structure of these operators and thus with the distributive syntax of its self-modeling SCSPL universe, including the reflexive grammar by which the universe refines itself from unbound telesis or UBT, a primordial realm of infocognitive potential free of informational constraint. Under the guidance of a limiting (intrinsic) form of anthropic principle called the Telic Principle, SCSPL evolves by telic recursion, jointly configuring syntax and state while maximizing a generalized self- selection parameter and adjusting on the fly to freely-changing internal conditions. SCSPL relates space, time and object by means of conspansive duality and conspansion, an SCSPL-grammatical process featuring an alternation between dual phases of existence associated with design and actualization and related to the familiar wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics. By distributing the design phase of reality over the actualization phase, conspansive spacetime also provides a distributed mechanism for Intelligent Design, adjoining to the restrictive principle of natural selection a basic means of generating information and complexity. Addressing physical evolution on not only the biological but cosmic level, the CTMU addresses the most evident deficiencies and paradoxes associated with conventional discrete and continuum models of reality, including temporal directionality and accelerating cosmic expansion, while preserving virtually all of the major benefits of current scientific and mathematical paradigms.

>> No.8509494

LOL someone read GEB too many time

Sick quads m9. checked

>> No.8509495

Underrated post.

>> No.8509497

Or the grave

>> No.8509502

Can't wake up.

>> No.8509523

Nobody can ever write dishonestly

>> No.8509526

Depends on how you frame your perspective on it. You might be missing something by grouping me in, or yourself in, which is infallible.

Psuedo-intellectual is a non-word. I find intellectuals to be retarded at times.

>> No.8509535
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All is Mind.

>> No.8509549
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What is life?

Everyone wonders;
But I wander:

Life is the struggle
Of Love,
Life is the warmth
of War.

Life is comedy,
Life is tragedy,

I am life; you are life;
God is life; death is life,


A poem?
It is life also,
Or else you wouldn't be able to read it.

>> No.8509566
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"What is time but the understanding of space?

I wonder... Mankind has never met lasting wisdom. But if God is eternal, is he our understanding of the Infinite? Are we, therefore, masks of ourselves imprinted on the superfluities of emanating souls?

Can we understand the substance of infinity without charging the laws of eternity as cast between both? Is there a God that lifts the synergy of rocks out of skies for our eyes to see? I wish I could see... One day we all will see"

>> No.8509567

I might just be using the wrong word.
I took your first post as meaning that I was discarding my own lack of actual experience in higher thought onto others, which is a bit ironic because you also stated
>Everything said is projection, and only projection, regardless of whatever irony layer one might be operating on.
so that would imply you shared my lack of knowledge in the field. One usually expects someone who explains a matter to have greater insight than who they explain it to, which connects to your irony statement.
But I'm overanalyzing things, which I think is my whole problem. I have a hard time sitting down and reading philosophers because I feel that it's rare to find someone who isn't talking out of their own ass- which is a result of me overthinking, as whenever I begin to shape my own personal philosophy on the world, I realize I really am talking out of my own ass because the only person's judgement I can really use to come to a conclusion on the nature of things is my own, and I've more than once concluded my own judgement fallible.
So since I think I'm talking out of my own ass, I think everyone else is talking out of their own ass for the same reasons. So I think I'm not actually a good judge of higher thought and nobody else is, either, making anyone who wants to talk about high philosophy a crock.
Which probably makes me one of the retarded intellectuals you're talking about.
Coincidentally, this tirade fits the thread's theme for profound bullshit perfectly.

>> No.8509583

Incapable of deep thought. Been like that since college. Please stimulate my mental genitals

>> No.8509590

It's a positive/negative feedback loop of bouncing/entertaining/critiquong ideas. It's best to calm the mind to read philosophers, and dwell on/return to your qualms with highlighters (yet still understanding: Context).

Language games arent games when dveryone has a different definition, then they're just absurd. Eat shrooms

>> No.8509599

If you believe in singular death, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
The opposite holds if you believe in reincarnation.

>> No.8509606

I'm an empiricist. Hold on

>> No.8509618
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Okay, you got me.

>> No.8509621

Complain about time and impermanence.

>> No.8509665

Do you shit, or does shit do you?

>> No.8509689

When one shits, one is at his comfiest. It's a biological thing in that when we are shitting, we are prone to predators. Hard-wired in and still in, now it's just comfy to do so for the most part (assuming you eat right). (we are safe, for the time being, at our shittiest)

But when we aren't shitting? That's called a fart, friend

>> No.8509698
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>What is time but the understanding of space?

>> No.8509703

Do you shit the shit you do?

>> No.8509736

We are all bare beneath our clothes.

>> No.8509750

We are all bare beneath our bodies.

>> No.8509764

No matter what we look like on the outside, on the inside, we are all skeletons.
Except for the people who don't have bones, I guess.

>> No.8509766


I'm disappointed that most people take this thread as a joke. Imagine if everyone here took it seriously and really tried to write something profound. I'd really enjoy reading it. We should have these threads more often.

>> No.8509772


>> No.8509773

We are... all skeletons under this flesh...

And... we're all in the closet...

>> No.8509782

I didn't write this but I find it rather profound. It's a "koan", a story written in the zen tradition.

>Hogen, a Chinese Zen teacher, lived alone in a small temple in the country. One day four traveling monks appeared and asked if they might make a fire in his yard to warm themselves.

>While they were building the fire, Hogen heard them arguing about subjectivity and objectivity. He joined them and said: "There is a big stone. Do you consider it to be inside or outside your mind?"

>One of the monks replied: "From the Buddhist viewpoint everything is an objectification of mind, so I would say that the stone is inside my mind."

>"Your head must feel very heavy," observed Hogen, "if you are carrying around a stone like that in your mind."

>> No.8509783

Prisons are built with stones of Justice,
Brothels with stones of Religion.

>> No.8509785

We are all nothing beneath our skeletons.

>> No.8509816

I think you win best post in thread.

>> No.8509822

if it sometimes has a genuinely moving character, it is because it manifests a pure and gratuitous taste for existence, like the games of children; it is the absence of the serious.

>> No.8509829

I don't get it

>> No.8509833

We're made of the same atoms as murderers.

>> No.8509835

I am God.

>> No.8509845

If you look at other people and then yourself, you will notice what you lack that they have. If you look at yourself and then others, you will see what they lack that you have. Only when you look at yourself and others at the same time can you see what you share with each other.

>> No.8509862


>> No.8509875

I'm trying faggo, stop jinxing me.

>> No.8509876
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The profound is confounded

>> No.8509910


>> No.8509936

this thread will be defleted

>> No.8509946


a koan is basically a story that is meant to be deliberately confusing or paradoxical, to bring you to a "zen" like state

in that little story, the monk thinks that all reality is in the mind, and then the other guy tells him "that must be a very heavy burden". basically sort of meant to make you feel that reality is both inside and outside the mind; characteristic of zen, where everything has a sort of circular quality.

>> No.8510138

In my death I scream "I want to dream"

>> No.8510268

Oh, thank you anon. Got me interested. Any short stories or books related to it?

>> No.8510276

It's a sad fact that those whom shill can't act objective. South Park was never the best show, but you can't authentically drill in the fake and think that it will first-layer root..

>> No.8510286

oh good there is a book one right now:

>> No.8510297

>The gates of enlightenment open wide
>Allowing me to pass inside
>And there I find no God but I
>My own, the truth

so edgy. please kill yourself.

>> No.8510347

life ain't nothing but bitches and money

>> No.8510364
File: 64 KB, 646x536, KingoftheSTEMlords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessings. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.”

>> No.8510467

are you a professional quote maker?

>> No.8510483

is this the only worthwhile thing to ever come out of reddit?

>> No.8510588

> Write something profound

Your momma's cunt

>> No.8511019

The only thing worth reading ITT.

>> No.8511022

Rain! It soothes the land! It brings me the harvest of change, the renewal of hope. Nature cares for its own, always!

>> No.8511025

Where is the unique and its own?

Can nothing be something to me?

>> No.8511046
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if existence is not a predicate then how can causality come into psychological being?

>> No.8511870

[ ? ]

>> No.8511898

We are all slaves to our creation: time.

>> No.8512101

cheeky cunt

>> No.8512116

Wence we came above the cannon to see which way the wind blows. It did not

>> No.8512133

Girl butts smell nice

>> No.8512143

Mumbo-jumbo, mate. But since you're talking about predicates and existence:

Existence is neither predicate nor a non-predicate. Existence is existence (among other things). "Existence" can, however, be a predicate but you have to argue for it since it goes against the orthodoxy where it is taken to be the existential quantifier.

>> No.8512147
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squad goals

>> No.8512149

everything in the universe is the smell of burned almonds

>> No.8512208

do not tell me what to do
my whole life has been a quest
for someone else
i sit, i read, i learn
only to be a puppet
jerking off to get someone else's dick to cum
it's not what i want
and don't look at me
like i'm writing shit
you know
i know
everyone knows
it's worth to get your throat slit

>> No.8512364

best in thread for sure

>> No.8512398

Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using a small paddle. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, the rules are generally as follows: players must allow a ball played toward them to bounce one time on their side of the table, and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side at least once. Whoa, tennis on a table what will they think of next. A point is scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. Play is fast and demands quick reactions. Spinning the ball alters its trajectory and limits an opponent's options, giving the hitter a great advantage.

>> No.8512671

you have to be 18 to use this site

>> No.8512903



>> No.8513127

We have no freedom. Only the choice which shackle we chain ourselves to.

>> No.8513131

dude weed lmao

>> No.8513443
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Most might be too degenerate to like this album. Either way, I would:


>> No.8513448

Its quite literally saying the opposite. All is matter.

>> No.8513451

I've never had a profound thought.

>> No.8513455

Yeah, but what are emotions?

>> No.8513485
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what matters?

>> No.8513504

Take your hat off in the land of all memory and in memory paradise, he will save our love for the fight.
We could sleep, then. And never have the fight in the land of all memory.

>> No.8513508

I got that gorilla dick, nigga. I make dyke pussy wet.

>> No.8513526

Holy... I want more

>> No.8513697
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perceptual spasms

>> No.8513737

And then it came to pass, as the rage stormed in the room, a light gleamed. The most beautiful, charming, spectacle of a god walked in the room. His body, enough to shake California, and his iron bar cock, erupted earthquakes in the unfertilized eggs of the XX chromosome. And he smiled gallantly, awaiting for his quest.

>> No.8513922

there's u and me and death in between

>> No.8513933

I want more, wholly...

>> No.8513945

The United States was founded on white identity.

>> No.8513957

sex is for perverts

>> No.8513960

'Who's a mashed potato?'
'Not me', said the mashed potato.

>> No.8513962

I tried clicking a store front when the pic enlarged

>> No.8513970

everyone itt should utilize their radical freedom

>> No.8514024

She got a big booty so I call her big booty.

>> No.8514108

Please kill yourself

Not even kidding, you aren't here to talk about literature, you're here to post frogs and the same "LE IRONIC xd" shit you post every time you make these carbon-copy shit threads.

>> No.8514179

pathetic samefag

>> No.8514186

If you counted up all the stars in the whole universe, you'd still be a stupid faggot

>> No.8514211

Being the best is just being the least worst.

>> No.8514230
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the only reason we exist is to prove our existence.

Everything we do in life is just our attempt to leave an impression, who or what that is has yet to be decided.

>> No.8514272

Also, your velocity is 0 with to your body. Not because there is something intrinsic saying so, but rather because you are a degenerate shit going nowhere in life.

>> No.8514285

>read Spring Snow and the 3 following books
>develop your personal ideology around those that Yukio Mishima presents
>commit an honorable seppuku upon a hill, overlooking the ocean, as the sun sets.

>> No.8514297

The bright sparks of light crossing and criss-crossing my eyes, I turn and look back… but it doesn't make sense. This thick rope, some kind of snake, blue-white and braided with veins has come up out of the pool drain and it's holding onto my butt. Some of the veins are leaking blood, red blood that looks black underwater and drifts away from little rips in the pale skin of the snake. The blood trails away, disappearing in the water, and inside the snake's thin, blue-white skin you can see lumps of some half-digested meal.

That's the only way this makes sense. Some horrible sea monster, a sea serpent, something that's never seen the light of day, it's been hiding in the dark bottom of the pool drain, waiting to eat me.

So… I kick at it, at the slippery, rubbery knotted skin and veins of it, and more of it seems to pull out of the pool drain. It's maybe as long as my leg now, but still holding tight around my butthole. With another kick, I'm an inch closer to getting another breath. Still feeling the snake tug at my ass, I'm an inch closer to my escape.

Knotted inside the snake, you can see corn and peanuts. You can see a long bright-orange ball. It's the kind of horse-pill vitamin my Dad makes me take, to help put on weight. To get a football scholarship. With extra iron and omega-three fatty acids.

It's seeing that vitamin pill that saves my life.

It's not a snake. It's my large intestine, my colon pulled out of me. What doctors call, prolapsed. It's my guts sucked into the drain.

>> No.8514320

Loneliness, painful as it is, is our comfort zone.

>> No.8514323
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>> No.8514327


>> No.8514580

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

>> No.8514602

My rectum

>> No.8514619


>> No.8514624

It is easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a camel to.