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/lit/ - Literature

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8505824 No.8505824 [Reply] [Original]

>he fell for the college meme

>> No.8506187

How about you fall on a blade you fucking faggot?

>> No.8506234

>he fell for the responding meme

>> No.8506299
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What's so wrong with the college meme?

STEM master race here

>> No.8506302

They went for Ugandan Women's Transgender Studies and is salty.

Be an engineer, op.

>> No.8506383

What do the people who say this suggest as an alternative? Skilled trade? Start a business? Become a YouTuber?

>> No.8507201

History major here. I should've become a farmer or an electrician.

>> No.8507210

Oh yeah, a high school education is going to get you far when everyone has a degree.

>> No.8507214

>not pursuing your passion no matter what it is

you poorfags lead really shitty lives

>> No.8507216
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>actually become a wagecuck

What self-respecting man would do that?

>> No.8507366

Full time youtubers are, as a rule, mentally ill. I think half of the That Guy With The Glasses site are trannies now.

>> No.8507399

Your ancestors didn't get rich by 'pursuing their passion no matter what it is'. What a perfect example of that Chinese proverb you are:
>Wealth does not pass three generations.

>> No.8507403

That proverb and its variation are the oldest and dumbest memes. At a certain point your wealth practically manages itself and you can dick around all you want.

>> No.8507405

>he fell for the self-taught intellectual meme

Fact: if your thinking isn't done inside an academic context it's completely pointless and undeserving of notice.

>> No.8507417

If your thinking is done to be noticed you're a pseud.

>> No.8507418

It's easier to spend money than to make money.

>“Most of them have no clue as to the value of money or how to handle it.”
>“Generation Threes are usually doomed.”
>“It takes the average recipient of an inheritance 19 days until they buy a new car.”

Read: spoiled twats waste the family fortune 'pursing their passion no matter what it is'.


Regression to the mean gets everyone eventually.

>> No.8507439


I'm paying £30'000 so I can then pay £30'000 to go to uni.

In fairness, I'm actually aiming to join the army, but this requires a fair amount of physical preparation anyway.
Wealth is a tool to achieve what you desire. There are other tools you can use. And using a tool all the time, and never using what you made -- what you desire -- is the height of stupidity.

>> No.8507447
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>NEET is the highest tier

>> No.8507463
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There is a difference between using some of your wealth and using all of it. You should leave for your children at least as much as you inherited from your parents, so that they too may enjoy the fruits of wealth.

>> No.8507502

My children are what I desire. Flourishing them flourishes me also, for that is also what I desire. Yet wealth, again, is but one tool.

>> No.8507545

what are /lit/ careers?

I fell for the STEM meme

>> No.8507554

I have an English/philosophy degree, but I'm going to community college for welding.

>> No.8507555

>They went for Ugandan Women's Transgender Studies and is salty.
I really hope that was a typo.
As a non native speaker, the use of 'they' as a gender neutral *singular* pronoun infuriates me.

>> No.8507565

Being a literature professor.

>> No.8507581

ok well why don't you go post somewhere in your native language, then, if you're going to nitpick weird stuff like that

>> No.8507586

Just think of it as the same usage as you, singular or plural but always with the same form.
Anyway it's p. common in conversation and has been for a long time, so put your little easty-grumpiness hat away.

>> No.8507596

You're probably better off desu.
/lit/ careers are grade school teacher, NEET aspiring author, wagie aspiring author, living with parents aspiring author, displaced worker, proofreader, editor, publisher (achieved after many years in the industry), librarian (if you're a woman over 50 and were a onetime a teacher), social worker, researcher, and other related jobs of minimal mental functioning. The best of them go to law school and wind up either not finishing or not practicing after they do. Some may write books. Few of them will be good.

The through line is crap pay.

>> No.8507675

Lawyer, philosopher, revolutionary, beggar.

>> No.8507678

It's pretty similar in STEM m8. Unless you hammer yourself through the few fields which aren't like that, in which case you're not really any better off.

>> No.8507786
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>mfw JesuOtaku came out as trans
>mfw she was engaged in a straight relationship beforehand
>mfw they're apparently getting married next month

I stopped liking her well before then but shit was still weird.

>> No.8507791

>he fell for the autodidact meme

>> No.8507807

It's incorrect by (fairly recent) rules of grammar, but it's being adopted as the go-to gender neutral pronoun (since all the other ones are fucking silly).

You probably figured out long ago that English barely pretends to be consistent.

>> No.8507814

Why did you post this on the literature board and not the blogposting board?

>> No.8508448

This is the single most retarded statement I have ever read on /lit/, and I've seen a lot of "how do I get into Evola?" threads. Bravo.

>> No.8508462

found the retard "autodidact"

>> No.8508471

Just buy fucking textbooks and use scihub to get access to academic papers. Higher education for literature is only worthwhile if you want to get tenure.

>> No.8508501

The opposite is true. In an academic context, the only people who notice your thinking are other academics. I have a PhD, so I know.

>> No.8508520

>mfw JesuOtaku came out as trans
I never paid much attention to anyone on that site apart from the Nostalgia Chick, but JesuOtaku always looked like someone who would give great blowjobs. what a waste

>> No.8508523

people who notice your thinking in academia: 2 other scholars in the field (maybe) and your advisor
people who notice your thinking outside of academia: 0

it's still infinitely more desu.

>> No.8508529


Move to a better country

>> No.8508589

Nah, let the little suckers fight for themselves.

>> No.8508720


This is why Warren Buffet disowned his grand-daughter, and Jackie Chan isn't giving his child an inheritance.

You Kardashianist leeches are the shame of your Randian hero ancestors.

>> No.8508946

I really regret not being STEM
I have three degrees and all of them are worthless

>> No.8509239

>Great tier: educated part timer

I don't get this.

If I get a degree in fine arts and find myself having to move back into my mother's basement and pull some weekend hours as a cashier at Gap in order to seem useful, this mean I am doing great?

>> No.8509253

The people who say this are usually just baiting to start a discussion (likely the reason this thread was made) or they're insecure about the decision they made regarding their education/career and want it to feel validated.

It's a good rule of thumb not to follow life tips that you get from 4chan. Like, at all.

>> No.8509332

Yes, because I want a well paying job.

>> No.8509388

English does not have consistency. They is the only connotation-free genderneutral pronoun that I know of. i.e. isn't 'ze' 'zer' 'zim'

>> No.8509443

Education feeds into other work. It's tough to argue that having a grasp on logic and the evaluation of arguments isn't going to help your decision making.

But you will because you're a psued trying to apply any justification you can for your life choices like every other loser on this thread.

>> No.8509515
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I should have used education to get myself a job better than sweeping goddamn floors and endlessly listening to foucauldian and marxist and literary podcasts which is information i will die with and put to no use ever

>> No.8509545

what podcasts

>> No.8509739

That's too bad... I work for a consulting firm and most of us analysts have degrees in English, Philosophy, Classics, Languages, etc.

>> No.8509890

Start a business of course.

>> No.8509924

i have an english degree and i currently make 300k/yr at a hedge fund

>implying your major matters

stay pleb

>> No.8510363

Yeah but not everyone has a daddy on wall street to get him through and Ivy and give him connections.
I've been strongly considering doing the same. Maybe carpentry/woodworking. I graduate next semester with degrees in philosophy and comparative literature and if I can't get in at a publishing house or kill the lsat for a full ride at a T14 then I'm learning a trade. Seems like a more exciting career anyway.

>> No.8510385

>Yeah but not everyone has a daddy on wall street to get him through and Ivy and give him connections.

well maybe those people should just kill themselves for the betterment of society?

>> No.8511409

>Yeah but not everyone has a daddy on wall street to get him through and Ivy and give him connections.
Then they're not trying.

Sure, STEMfaggotry is the way to a relatively reliable, adequately paying job. But do you really want to settle for -- what, $80'000 a year?$60'000 a year?

I'll never understand those people.

And of course, YOU'RE looking at a lot less. Though you're going for excitement, which is good.

>> No.8511498
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>mfw both

>> No.8511534

Oh, sure, you should've just spent millions buying a farm and hundreds of thousands keeping it up. Sure.

Farmers make bank, but they also inherited their farm.

On the other hand, why the fucking shit would you want to be an electrician? That's on the same level as Starbucks barista.

>> No.8511548

That's why you have to make connections yourself. i.e. have some social skills and take advantage of all your school's resources. There's career centers for a reason. I was stupid enough to ignore them and thought I was going to pursue "knowledge." Fucking bullshit. Nobody truly pursue knowledge in college. It's all about getting a job.

>> No.8511553

>i.e. have some social skills

>> No.8511556

Who else /joiningthemilitary/ here?

Seems like becoming an officer is the only real way to be literary tango bravo haytch.

>> No.8511564

My brotherinlaw is a naval officer, that is so far from the truth that I cannot fathom where you got that idea.

I feel like from when he was 21-30 he just got wrecked and fucked tourists in seattle, Hawaii, florida every night, and then from 30-35 he basically gets home and drinks himself to sleep . None of his m8s are /lit/ either, they live the exact same lifestyle. And its not like he gets much time during the day to read since if he isnt doing his typical duties he has to deal with other peoples fuckups and his superiors unreasonable commands.

>> No.8511579

Ah, your fatal error lies in your ignorant assumption that I'll fight for oil and liberty, and not for Imperial dominion.

I am sure the Britbong army is intellectual and erudite. We have a class system, remember.

And as for literary: look to the Greeks, to the Romans, to the Prussians, and the First World War. What other work than war?

>> No.8511601

>British Army

Sounds like you have a lot of the Quran ahead of you

>> No.8511611

That would genuinely be interesting though.

You know new ISIS fighters must spend weeks -- more -- studying the Quran before they can every fight. They are literally forced to spend their time in comfy rooms, reading the Quran and learning. And people ran away from it!

Of course what they learn is tailored bullshit, as much as anything else they feed soldiers, but their bullshit, at least, is based on a great work. The Kurds have to make do with a shitty Ocalan pamphlet.

>> No.8511617

You're in for the shock of your fucking life when you get to Sandhurst mate.

>> No.8511620

>On the other hand, why the fucking shit would you want to be an electrician? That's on the same level as Starbucks barista.
Are you retarded? Or is the US standard just really fucking low? We make the same as engineers here, excluding all the undeclared work.

>> No.8511625

I don't think so. I've watched a documentary, it looked adequate enough. A bare plank and a book would be good enough for me; you have beds and windows, how could be anything but sufficient? And they all had toffy accents too. I'm sure I'll meet other Grammar school boys, we'll talk about the good old days. And books, of course.

>> No.8511635

Your engineers are badly underpaid, though engineers in general do not make much money.

Where I live, electricians make a few thousand less than the average salary.

>> No.8511638

What kind of consulting?

>> No.8511639

You seem pretty naive. The only sentiment I've heard from individuals in the US, Brit, and Canadian military is that they want to get out.

>> No.8511642

Business, probably.
Probably they were just lazy. Almost certainly not officers, too.

>> No.8511653

That's not very specific. And how would you consult having no background in that specific area?
I've heard about the 'graduates of good unis going for consulting' meme but never thought it's that prevalent.

>> No.8511660

I am very good friends with an E-9 and family with a canadian major and a captain, and all of them are completely centered upon getting out with a pension and getting into cush civilian jobs.


you are naive as fuck.

>> No.8511661

Enjoy getting raped by an angry corporal looking to take his anger out on some uppity toffs.

>> No.8511663

>And how would you consult having no background in that specific area?
Some people's whole job is to quickly get a background in any specific area.

>> No.8511669

>Your engineers are badly underpaid
Nah, they're above the average salary.

>> No.8511675

Don't be silly. I'm not STUPID. I'll keep to order like old Plato said. I'm sure with a few cracks of the old lash they'll be proud, sterling men of much resource!

>> No.8511691

Where the fuck do you live? It better not be some third world country.

>> No.8511698

As first world as it gets; Scandinavia.

>> No.8511705

How much more than average salary does it pay? Is it worth training in that, rather than something else which could pay more (and be more enjoyable)?

>> No.8511727

~45% more.
I chose not to do that. Since I don't have any interest in that field. If you wan't real cash, become a dentist or a doctor. But I would advice anyone (that lives here), to follow what they're passionate about. We have great social security for our people - so even if it goes wrong, you'll survive.

>> No.8511739

I seriously can't tell if you're trolling or just incredibly naive, but you will literally be murdered and/or raped if you try this shit.

>> No.8511743

>~45% more.
What the shit is wrong with your country. Who does the electrician make more money than, exactly? The plumber, builder, electrician &c. are usually the people setting the national average.
>If you wan't real cash, become a dentist or a doctor
They don't make millions though.

>> No.8511747

I seriously can't tell if you're trolling or just incredibly naive, but it's blindingly obvious that he's trolling.

>> No.8511751

Those are all petit bourgeois (unless we're counting employed labourers) and generally earn above average, at least in W. Europe.

>> No.8511753

This is W. Europe.

The builder isn't petite bourg, the foreman is. The plumber isn't petite bourg, the guy who owns the local plumbing business is.

Class isn't determined by wage, even if wages were as fucked as you say yours are.

>> No.8511761

>Who does the electrician make more money than, exactly?
Most trade skills. Teachers. Cashiers. Careworkers. Communal workers. You name it.

>They don't make millions though.
If that's your only goal, stay in the states. It's not impossible, but it's a lot harder here.

>> No.8511764

>most trade skills
So what, the electrician is magically superior? Maybe you guys just have a scarcity of them.
>If that's your only goal
It's the only thing I'd call "real cash".

>> No.8511776

>the electrician is magically superior?
We have strict regulations, which makes it more difficult. Plumbers are well paid aswell. But that's about it, when it comes to trades.

>It's the only thing I'd call "real cash".
Subjective, but ok.

>> No.8511782

Maybe it's my country. People go on about welding (and plumbing) too, and here they make very close to the minimum wage.

>> No.8511785

>petite bourgeois
>2016 century

no lol

>> No.8511791

I went to school and dropped out.

>> No.8511820

I'm sorry I triggered you.

>> No.8511909

same but I'm trying to go back now

>> No.8511925

I'm not triggered

>> No.8512099

There really are people on 4chan THAT autistic though

>> No.8512104

no I didnt

>> No.8512106

College is nice

>> No.8512263

college is pretty shit if you're not very personally invested in what you're studying. I'm a senior english major who hates the idea of teaching, law school, and writing grants for retards. I am throwing myself broke into the comedy scene in LA once I graduate because my life would become hollower if I went to grad school and it took me until I was 21 to find out what I was decent at.
Trying to be a comedy writer if you /bros/ have any connects
I would give people advice but I have none, drop out like this guy >>8511791 and become a mechanic is probably the smartest route

>> No.8512477

i kinda hate you. your word choice, your whole demeanor. you might be gay, you should go get that check'd out

>> No.8512485

i can't drop out because it's part of my scholarship agreement. are you actually decent at comedy? how much have you looked into teaching, postgrad, writing jobs, etc? when will you be doing a show so I can come watch?

>> No.8512488

I'm writing the Fifth Memebook.

>> No.8512585

Sucks, but if I had a scholarship I'd at least be motivated to work harder.
I've barely looked into teaching or grad school, it would be a waste of my time and my parents and my money because I feel ill when thinking about going to school one more day than I have to
I'm alright, I just work out of the city where I go to school in, but make sure to write at least 2 hours a day of just jokes. I'll email you when I come to your town

>> No.8512602

You forgot translation

>> No.8512766


Don't do what I did. I dropped out due to depression and worked for a bit with a friend but that fell through and I haven't worked for six years.

I volunteer when I can and I am looking into SAR training with my dog so I can volunteer doing that. I have applied to many jobs but none wanted to hire me. I don't have a vehicle or insurance (mandatory in my state for getting a license I don't have), and our public transportation may not exist. It's always hot so walking more than a mile is out of the question unless I want to be drenched in sweat. I would ride my bike but no one in a car gives a shit about you and there are no bike lanes or anything.

I have asked my family for help and other than my mother no one wants to help despite telling me what I need to do and how to achieve it fifty years ago.

If you become like me you will contemplate suicide everyday and be ready to squeeze the trigger of the pistol you're holding more times than you can count.

For your sake DO NOT BE LIKE ME.

>> No.8512802

XD anyone else here go to Harvard

I feel bad going here, definitely a few people crying somewhere in the world as I waste this time

Anyone have any great short stories?

>> No.8513007

Yeah, that stinks

>> No.8513017

>college is pretty shit if you're not very personally invested in what you're studying.

This pretty much

>> No.8513333

>tfw math degree
feels good man

>> No.8514615

i don't understand you guys. you obviously entered history department, becauuse you wanted to be a historian (academician) right? so why don't you become an academician?
I am not from US (i assume you are), and TV series and shit portrays academicans as low-paid, but is it THAT bad?

>> No.8515060

Why does your job have to be some sort of fulfilling, life defining activity?
I just want a secure job that pays well without having ridiculous hours so I can do what I want in my free time.

>> No.8515085
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I do agree that non STEM degrees are the ultimate memes.

>> No.8515092

The overwhelming majority of them have narcissistic disorders. Some of them are full sociopaths.

>> No.8516005

Can't explain shit.
Doesn't understand shit.
Thinks that muh STEM trumps everything, even economy and politics.

>> No.8516039

What's wrong with getting a degree in humanities?

>> No.8516624

it makes u dum

t. STEMlord

>> No.8516654

no one will hire you besides as a teacher lol

too many history degrees

>> No.8516657


>> No.8516658

dumb. leech off your mom or anyone willing to help until you decide what to do with your life..

>> No.8516662

if all your life you've wanted to be NEET, it would be highest tier for said meme maker

>> No.8516678

I did, and I like it. I got to spend six years getting paid to read books, and now I get to work from home surrounded by all my books.

I can't see a downside.