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/lit/ - Literature

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8502162 No.8502162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.8502170

I mean she isnt wrong about Hemingway

>> No.8502169

Reminder to report and ignore shit threads

>> No.8502181

>cue 50 posts by the usual retards and summer hanger-ons

>> No.8502182
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Fuck off, Wendy

>> No.8502187

she's probably upset her english prof assigned her class 'boring' books

>> No.8502190
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>> No.8502196
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>> No.8502204
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>> No.8502207

post colonial ideology, altho she probably thinks euro art is actually still relevant so she probably has a warped view of the subject

>> No.8502215

Roald Dahl wrote books about turning children into rats, I don't know what they expected.

>> No.8502222
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>> No.8502237

>"who wants nuance or reality"
>from someone who thinks an ideological flaw invalidates an author

>> No.8502252

This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.8502254

Why should we care about random people on Twitter?

This is a bit /pol/-tier

Stop actively seeking out things to get outraged about

>> No.8502256

Reporting reports is a bannable offense, newfag

>le /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.8502264

>Cameron Van Sant
fucking /lit/ posters...

>> No.8502265


>> No.8502273

good quads. i like how burroughs shooting his wife was worse than pedo sex tourism.
kek. Byron so proud right now, he doesn't even care Keats a better poet.

>> No.8502292

>moral value is equivalent to aesthetic value
Why are women so fucking stupid? I swear to God I've never heard a woman say an interesting, profound, or even beautiful thing.

>> No.8502296

Face it, women are simply not at our level of aesthetic appreciation, they are mere holes

>> No.8502302

What exactly is the point of this? That famous artists are in fact human and some of them were dickbags? A 19th century russian aristocrat didn't treat his wife as an equal, and a raging alxoholic known for his womanizing was ruse to women. Stop the fucking presses.

>> No.8502307

Who's being enraged? I'm sitting here LAUGHING.

>> No.8502309

>anon's upset all the best writers are dykes again
>they're condemned to straight male banality
time to fuck and eat a monkey, lads.
have they mentioned swinburne yet?

>> No.8502312

This is a 'woman hate' thread, retard

Need to redpill the numales on here

>> No.8502316

"What I have to actually read in my English Lit classes? I thought it was all about living, ya know fucking Chads and drinking."

>> No.8502318

It's because they're weak and primarily concerned with zero-sum social-status games. Namely, attacking the reputation of others in order to raise the relative value of their own reputation.

It's really ugly. And eventually if they work it hard enough violence will become a viable response to such reputation gouging. Once everyone already thinks you're a monster you might as well act like one.

>> No.8502325

in that picture: people who have never read Going Solo. Dahl's wartime autobiography. where he, you know, fights against people who killed jews. and has dinner with some jews.

anyone who talks shit about roald dahl deserves pain. he's roald fucking dahl, your argument is irrelevant.

>> No.8502367

Hemingway cant catch a break these days

>> No.8502382

Post the James Joyce comment

>> No.8502392

>tfw never will spend my day complaining about people instead of producing works which will be of worth.

>> No.8502440

She could use some CR

>> No.8502467
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>just siting there screaming and posting on twitter

>> No.8502468

>she says as she complains on 4chan

>> No.8502469

>/lit/ if they were female

>> No.8502475

>she doesn't realize the irony

>> No.8502486

>le /pol/ bogeyman
But this is what they constantly do, and what is now happening on /tv/ more frequently.

>> No.8502570


I was with them until they said Byron.


>> No.8502581

Why even waste your time on the overstimulated white noise people throw on twitter?

>> No.8502584

The more we post of these the sooner this board will be redpilled

>> No.8502588

So that I might red-pill you dumb bookfags

>> No.8502669

>sit at home
>not mad enough
>need to get mad
>check Twitter
>find out War and Piece man wasn't nice to his wife in one instance 150 years ago
>scream at nothing in rage
>tell others I screamed
>I made a difference today

>> No.8502699

>mfw This guy Will Schopenhauer wrote that women were dumb in his book the World as Art and Representation.
>mfw George Eliot put his wife in an asylum and stuff.
>mfw Orson Welles said bad things about brown people.

>> No.8502701


You're asking us to alter our opinion of the world based on comments made by a handful of sad, irrelevant retards...

Maybe I'm being a little misleading, because we're all equally irrelevant. We'd rather just spend our lives doing something more rewarding than participating in this tiresome screaming match.

>> No.8502704

Women were meant to be subservient while men think about the important things

>> No.8502711

Guys i'm literally SCREAMING right now

>> No.8502717

>I want to build a time machine and rescue her

>> No.8502719

Hi ol reddit.
Bye ol reddit.

>> No.8502724

ugh i can't i just can't right now

>> No.8502729

Did Fitzgerald actually plagiarize from his wife though? I thought he was published before they were married

>> No.8502733

No. That is just feminist slander

>> No.8502737


I'm SHAKING in solidarity. we need to awaken our inner woke warrior witches

>> No.8502739

one of these replies listing authors had Salinger
The person responded to their own tweet saying they actually don't know much about Salinger, they just hate Catcher in the Rye

>> No.8502742

yassssss slay queen

>> No.8502743

>sit at home
>not mad enough
>need to get mad
>check 4chan
>find out insecure tumblr girl has said bad things about my favourite authors
>scream at nothing in rage
>tell others I screamed
>I made a difference today

>> No.8502749

Some kind of time machine?

>> No.8502755

>not laughing

How long have you been on here?

>> No.8502759


I'm not sure if people bitching about Twitter shit embrace that they get joy out of trying to find small things to feel superior about, or if they really think those small things are much larger than they are.

>> No.8502763

is there a name for this rhetorical technique? where you try to take what someone says and flip it on them but it ends up not making any sense and you don't care enough to notice because of the smug sense of self satisfaction you get from your perceived turnabout. is there a name for it? i see it a lot especially on the internet

>> No.8502764

>i like how burroughs shooting his wife was worse than pedo sex tourism.
i mean, isn't it?

>> No.8502770


>laughing at the same shit for the past 6 years

Even though I don't know how long this has been going on, but we know there are dumb people on Twitter/tumblr/Reddit etc. Both the SJWs and the /pol/tards have been obsessed with each other for years, I can't find this shocking or funny anymore.

And when I see someone who still does I have to wonder if they are new to this, or if they are just obsessed.

>> No.8502778

Byron was genuinely a reprehensible human being though, this is a man who raped a 13-year old boy so much that he hospitalised the kid with a torn rectum. The guy literally took a holiday to Greece because it was easier for him to be a paedophile there

>> No.8502783

he used lift shit from her diary. it's more trolling than plagiarising because it's not like zelda wasn't going to work out he'd ripped off her diary

>> No.8502788

Well as no one mentioned it yet, her comment about Thoreau (Walden) refers to the fact that his so-called isolated cabin was in fact something like less than a mile from his home. It wasn't really wild nature.

>> No.8502794

But it was an """"""""""accident""""""""""

>> No.8502798

she meant that she's a stupid fucking dilettante with interest in literature only at a superficial level

please keep the shitposting to /tv/

>> No.8502815

There are maybe 1 or 2 people itt that are genuinely laughing but the rest are as asspained as the girls in the OP. You guys are genderbent psychological copies of each other, its funny/cute

>> No.8502826

Its called being on the right side of history

>> No.8502829

>tfw you are the third link on the asspain chain

>> No.8502838
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who else here /mistreatswomentolivetheliterarylifestyle/?

>> No.8502840

>being only half a misanthrope
you're missing out, dickface

>> No.8502843

lol anime can't spell product names correctly!!! this shit always cracks me up!

>> No.8502845

>I actually find this funny
Classic symptom of being mad.

>> No.8502849

Lol not really

>> No.8502851

ask them about pushkin

>> No.8502858

Which at least somewhat famous author was the shittiest person?

>> No.8502867

ask her if she's more mad about jm barrie inventing her stupid name or her stupid boyfriend

>> No.8502870

Anne Sexton

>> No.8502876

Nietzsche violently killed fifty children for Satan

>> No.8502882

the greater the act of charity, the sounder the beating necessary to conceal it in dignity, anon

>> No.8502883

plus he encouraged hitler to invent concentration camps

>> No.8502887

People that post here even have a twitter?

>> No.8502889

Plus he literally killed God.[

>> No.8502892

Well, how else should we distribute red-pill thought to the masses?

>> No.8502894

that bastard

>> No.8502904

I dont know, but for me a post in twitter is equally irrelevant that a thread about a post on twitter and please stop saying pol-tier shit like "red-pill".

>> No.8502925


i love my gf

>> No.8502942

>he forced her to breastfeed them all
damn yea she should have just let them die lmfao fk babies

>> No.8502948

top kek

>> No.8502970


Fair point. I was wrong.

>> No.8502986

Jack Unterweger was a literal serial killer. He murdered a woman, was put into jail but his writing was so good a bunch of pretentious intellectuals got him a pardon. He got out and started murdering people again.

As far as more famous authors, probably de Sade. Silvia Plath psychologically tortured her husband and Norman Mailer psychologically tortured the American people.

>> No.8503019
File: 16 KB, 200x280, lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
>In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
>Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
>Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8503024

Blacks are a poor attempt at imitating the white man

>> No.8503189

I'm assuming that mods have just completely given up on the quality control of this board.