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/lit/ - Literature

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8500544 No.8500544 [Reply] [Original]

How does God's judgment concerning an individual's salvation go according to the bible? Will I be completely humiliated in front of thousands by the showing of all the porn I watched? Can I avoid this by being a dedicated Christian instead for the rest of my life?

>> No.8500550

>he thinks he can know what happens when one dies

rookie mistake

>> No.8500573

God shows up for five minutes to condemn everybody to Hell all at once.

>> No.8500578

Considering Jesus and Paul both believed in an imminent apocalypse in their own lifetime, I wouldnt be too worried

>> No.8500579

Pro tip: none of this is real.

>> No.8500583

except the perfectly admirable moral precepts and life advice

>> No.8500590

Pretty much.

even if the Bible wasn't real, I'd still chose to live by it. It's the key to happiness.

>> No.8500597

>Can I avoid this by being a dedicated Christian instead for the rest of my life?

Orthodox: Yes
Catholic Dogma: Yes, sincerely confess your sins and you are cool another week.
Luther: No, only faith can save you.
Calvin: No, only God decides who is elect
James: Only by your works of charity can you show your faith and be saved
Jehovah's Witnesses: Only 200,000 will be saved from the throngs on the day of judgement.
Dispensational Evangelicals: The righteous will be granted rapture, and the remaining will face tribulation and the anti-christ, where they must struggle for the redemption or slaughter of the Jews and work for the 1000 year reign of Christ.

>> No.8500604

Only Orthodox and Catholic count.

Rest are new age hippie bullshit.

>> No.8500610

>Hippy Bullshit

Yeah but if he was so was Paul

>> No.8502199

God was the simplest way early humans could describe how their world was created. And then people told stories around a camp fire. Then the idea spread all over the world. This is where what i like to call the"telephone game" begins. in the telephone game he first person in the line or circle whispers a word or phrase into the ear of the person sitting or standing to their right. The Game Continues. Players whisper the phrase to their neighbors until it reaches the last player in line. The last person then attempts to repeat the phrase only to find out the whole story has changed. So applying this to religion, the story of god got sent all around the world an different variations of the story cropped up. Thats why you get similarities in religion. Take jesus and krishna for example , They both were called the son of god, both were sent to earth in the form of a man,Both were visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star. i could go , there are a ton more similarities but you guys can look it up yourselves. To wrap it up god is basically a story

>> No.8502213

The quality of posts is very important to this community.

>> No.8502226

My bad. Im still learning english. How do i properly structure that?

>> No.8502236


This is the kind of thing that earns derision. Have you listened to yourself?

>> No.8502239

By deleting it and leaving and never coming back.

>> No.8502244

Help me understand. Destroy my ignorance.

>> No.8502249


Why are you doing this? Why do you think this is funny? It's nothing to do with literature. It's just you thinking you're better than other people.

>> No.8502969


>> No.8503052

Fuck the reformed.

>> No.8503057

What did Broken Matt hardy say?

>> No.8503064

oh man

>> No.8503066

is this some sick attempt at satire because i feel ill having read that

>> No.8503070

Can the King James Bible be used for Orthodox worship or is there a more fitting Bible?

>> No.8503082

...the EO biblical canon. what kind of question is this