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/lit/ - Literature

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8497719 No.8497719 [Reply] [Original]

Most /lit/ jobs?

>> No.8497727


>> No.8497748


probably not bookseller. sure, spend lots of time "organizing" when in reality just shopping for yourself, which is amazing, but a ban on reading anything on the clock, forced to talk to coworkers that dont give a shit about anything outside of YA and comic books or malcolm gladwell, having to sell the same shitass sale books that you know theyre not going to read anyways, watching people walk in to fuck around and not even buy anything..

and then once in a while someone comes in to buy a couple of used copies of something that youve loved and you regain a certain confidence in your job, wanting to finally talk to them about that book that you loved and what you both should be reading next.

its actually not so bad. that last exchange goes one of two ways. it works and you feel good, or one/both of you are so fucking NEET and worthless socially that its almost like there was a kind of violation there.

>> No.8497754


>> No.8497758
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Dole banana mascot.

>> No.8497759

being rich and unemployed

>> No.8497775

only one true answer
being so filthy rich you just spend time being a degenerate intellectual drowning in assenzio at your local caffe letterario with your homies

>> No.8497789

alternatively, being poor and unemployed

>> No.8497795

Lawyer. You'll have enough experience with people to write about them in great detail.

>> No.8497817

Working at a gym. It's super comfy, plus it motivates you to get fit, which actually helps get the old noggin going.

>> No.8497885


>> No.8497893

Nomadic hobo

>> No.8497941


>> No.8497966


>> No.8497988

my gym phase was the most creatively barren phase of my life. Alternatively the semester I went to bed at 6 AM and woke up at 12 PM everyday and never went outside until the sun had already set was the most creative. Makes you think

>> No.8497999

Haha :-)

>> No.8498066

selling your body to dirty old men
anything illegal really
bartender at underground thai tranny brothel
Just from the top of my head. Basically the more shit you see on everyday basis, the more /lit/ the job is

>> No.8498071

iktf. when i cleaned up my act i became dead inside.

i understand normies more now though

>> No.8498072

yea this, freight trains are fun at first but long train rides are killer

>> No.8498236

Literally anything but an engineer

>> No.8498254

Working out isn't very /lit/, neither is working at a low tier place. Unless you're doing taichi or something at the gym

>> No.8498351

war correspondent

>> No.8498387

This. Fat people are the smartest. Aquinas, Von Neumann, Socrates, Hume, Seneca, Ben Franklin, Gass, Nabokov, Bloom, Donald Trump, etc. You have to remember fat people are also a small minority despite the high number of intellectuals.

>> No.8498407

ive never been so impressed by a comment before, really well written dude.

seriously top tier

great job

i'm not being ironic. legitimately sincere

>> No.8498604

>Lawyer. You'll have enough experience with people to write about them in great detail.

What a stupid statement

>> No.8498613

Danke. Danke is German for thank you.

>> No.8498617

Bitte. Bitte is Teutsch for "please," "you're welcome," or "schön."

>> No.8499118

go to bed Bernard

>> No.8499144

ive never been so impressed by a comment before, really well written dude.

seriously top tier

great job

i'm not being ironic. legitimately sincere

>> No.8499149

>i understand normies more now though
Care to expand?

>> No.8499317

Getting up in the morning, going to bed at night, having a job and all these chores throughout the day and being around people, having friends and a girlfriend, going out, working out et cetera just fills up your time to the point that you don't have solitude and even if you have solitude for a bit it's consumed by thinking about your activities because you never have enough downtime to properly progress it all and reflect on it. Ultimately you have no time to think and you cease to really fully be a person because your routine and constant activity consume you.

You lose the actual ability to be a fully conscious person, I think. Which makes it easier to comprehend why the majority of people are dull and have zero personality and nothing interesting to say. They simply can't be real people because they don't have the time and energy.

Culture only flourishes where there are people who don't have to worry about their survival, where they don't have to work, where there is a leisure class. It makes sense that a world in which everyone constantly has something to do just becomes a barren wasteland, and I've experienced that wasteland in myself when I was caught up in 'having a life'.

>> No.8499373

Socrates was fuckn ripped, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.8499491


I feel like crying right now.

I think I might go for a walk

>> No.8499771

Chores, jobs and friends didn't hold back pure intellect like Kant nor bipolar hypergraphia fags like your favorite alcoholic pomo writer. The difference between you and them is that they were made for the job one way or the other, some just because they hated themselves that much or they were sick in the head.

But you don't hate yourself. You are here making excuses and that's a good thing. Your subconscious does not want and it doesn't want because it knows. It knows that the world doesn't need another average writer who suffers from Dunning Kruger.

If you need to think for this long, you weren't going to create anything of value to humanity. You know this. You're smart. Just not talented.

I hope you find solace in this.

>> No.8499780

Not ripped at all, nigga mentions somewhere (maybe Gorgias or Symposium) that he has a belly
Plato was a fucking wrestling champion tho

>> No.8499828

Kant had a few lectures in the morning and a friend but otherwise the minutue of his life were taken care of by his personal servant and he had most of the day to do with as he pleased. He wrote the great works he wrote because he had nearly all his time available to dedicate to them. If he had a 9 to 5 plus a household to run and a wife and kids this wouldn't have been the case.

There's only so much time and effort a person has and if the majority of that time and effort is necessarily directed towards something other than your main ambition that is very detrimental to achieving your goals. Seeing how much of a person's time and effort a normal life eats up explains how they are generally unremarkable in other aspects of life such as creative work. Having lived a normal life for a while I understand this now and sympathise with it. Most people fill their lives up so much they simply can't afford to live an 'examined' life.

I'm not making any excuses though, nor do I need them. I dropped out of the normal life about five years ago. I don't have any creative ambitions. But I do feel like I've "gotten myself back" after I've stopped filling my life to the brim with activities and responsibilities. I feel like I live a much more deliberate and contemplative life now.

>> No.8499968

Oversimplified garbage.

>> No.8499983

Oversimplified, but true to a large extent.

I've been contemplating the same thing recently, mostly in the political/democratic context.
The average person with a job and family life simply does not have enough time to be educated and make informed decisions.

>> No.8500159

Please add nuance where you miss it.

>> No.8500447
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I'm a professional copywriter. It's okay. It burns me out and I have no energy left over for my own fiction.

>> No.8500478
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Is being an archivist /lit/?

>> No.8500562

There is an excellent pasta about the Greeks that says otherwise

>> No.8500626

My least creative was also my more fit and fashionable phase. I was a turbo-normie at the time, trying to artistically justify that lifestyle in my writing was not going well. I got laid a lot, and had an active social life, but I spent so much time on energy and stuff that didn't matter. I was at the gym for 90 minutes daily, and I had to spend about that time at lunch and dinner socializing, plus 8pm-2am was always lost to parties and watching sports.
I was also anorexic, limiting myself to 1000 calories a day to stay thin, and drinking to the point of vomiting every time I drank so I would have the calories left. It's hard to think straight living like that.

>> No.8500656

aeroplane pilot

>> No.8500677

Being an archivist is comfy as shit.

>> No.8500719

Work in Academia. Work your ass off becoming a professor and getting tenure, then living the rest of your life in solitude with students who don't respect you and co-workers who think your interpretation of Max Weber is ridiculous.
/lit/ as hell.
Otherwise become a priest in a small town in Northern France.

>> No.8500937

Is it really lit anymore, though?

>> No.8500945
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>> No.8501015

>in solitude with students
Why do normies have such a low threshold for what is considered being alone?

>> No.8501023
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Gas station attendant.

You'll be so bored your mind will create fantastic worlds to escape into and thus becomes your muse.