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/lit/ - Literature

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849744 No.849744 [Reply] [Original]

When did you start reading books? And what was your introduction to it?

>> No.849753
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My mom tells me this was the first chapter book I read.

>> No.849755

Dr. Seuss and parents with full time jobs.

>> No.849758

influence from parents. my dad was an english teacher growing up, he's a writer for some company now. i used to edit student's papers for him and one of his buddies.

>> No.849769

when i was in 6th grade or so, i was going to a catholic school, i told my mom i didn't want to go there anymore because i didn't believe in god. she told me, that's fine, there are plenty of gods out there, and bought me a stack of books, from buddhism, the khoran, the torah, a few random philosophers... it was pretty cool.

>> No.849772

My mother, she bought me some Jules Verne novels. I was 9 years old.

>> No.849776

The first chapter book I read was Charlotte's Web when I was 4. Good times. I essentially just kept reading from then on. Some of my oldest memories are of sitting in the library at my school and reading when I was in first grade. I wasn't terribly social (inb4 no way).

>> No.849781

I cannot remember a time when I was started reading books. I've always been. I was extremely bookish my first couple years of elementary school, and my parents were always very willing to take me to the library and encouraged me to read. I can remember different stages in what I read, I can remember getting into science fiction or literature or what have you, but I can't really remember starting to read.

>> No.849782

I started reading books as a child

I was fffffffirst introduced to reading by my parents, I love them very much

>> No.849801

I read a few books, but I never had a real interest for it until the summer holidays when I was 14 years old. That summer I read the Genghis Khan series by Conn Iggulden and I have been reading ever since.

>> No.849804

My father was a drunk and a fiend. He gave me books because he couldn't bare me being idle. I hate him and I love him.

>> No.849820
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ITT: Lies

>> No.849885

My parents would read to me in bed things like The Little Prince and Arabian Nights.
The first "books" I read on my own were these silly 40-page-long illustrated stories inspired by popular fables.

>> No.849907

Harry Potter. I then moved on to The Hobbit and proceeded with Lord of the rings. After that I started reading all kinds of books.

>> No.849909

I started with comics. Back in the day, that's what kids did, except I did comics like they were my job.

Later it was a natural progression to science fiction, and still later to literature.

>> No.849920

When I was three or four, thanks to Sesame Street. I can't remember my first book since I was so young, but I remember reading a ton of Dr. Seuss and Babar and Little Critter and stuff.

The Hobbit has been my favorite book since I was eight or nine. It's a good book, and the added nostalgia factor and kiddish amazement at it kind of cemented its place in my heart.