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/lit/ - Literature

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8493875 No.8493875 [Reply] [Original]

is /lit/ gonna help our boy out or what?

>> No.8493883

why does he have so many dislikes on this vid?

>> No.8493933

He looks like reddit/r/books personified

>> No.8493969

he's the most patric booktuber though

>> No.8493982

nope nope nope

>> No.8493984

Thats like having the title of the smartest downsyndromer on earth

>> No.8494003

little do you know that i am actually the most patrician booktuber. i review books i haven't even written yet. not to mention all my videos have yet to be recorded

>> No.8494039

I'd sooner give him money than Cliff's ol' ass. Bookchemist has a sweet, swarthy tender Italian body and is probably hung to shit.

>> No.8494047

Yes. Italians are hung like Blacks

t. Italian man

>> No.8494091

Bullshit. Hardly even top 5 hung for Europe

>> No.8494095

who is it then that is still active?

>> No.8494156

Every single book tube thread ever

> anon posts a booktube link

and yet /lit/ are the only people who watch these booktubers

>> No.8494162

What a cutie

>> No.8494230

Ive been thinking about making a booktube for a while but I want to read some literary criticism and theory before I start. I already have for more to say about books than cliffs cursory Wikipedia tier reviews but that's not too hard.

>> No.8494358

That guy read a translation of Gravity's Rainbow and said he'd never read it again. I want you to let that sink in.

>> No.8494373

Excuse me, but I think you will find that, dare I say it, our guy, is no other than one Cliffardly Sargent.

>> No.8494395

It's because it disturbed him so much

>> No.8494399

I find it genuinely shocking that someone who spends time on the internet is actually disturbed by the contents of Gravity's Rainbow. There's nothing in that book that compares to what one encounters regularly on the internet.

>> No.8494403

Is that horrid accent a mix between italian and indian? because that's exactly what it sounds like

>> No.8494764

Bookchemist is the best booktuber I've seen, good sense of humor, good taste, varied videos, uploads frequently.
>B-But he said this about this one book
He's much better anyone else, especially Better than (long pause, introspective stare, sip of drink, ridiculous metaphor) Food.

>> No.8495056 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8495172

It's how crazily different the tone of this video is to the equivalent on Grandpa Irving's channel

Fuck Cliff.

>> No.8495178

He looks like the average man who posts on /lit/

>> No.8495760

>good taste

His taste is literally "I lurked lit for a month" thrown in with Reddit shit like Chabon.

Regardles of how faggy his reviews are at least Cliff has enough taste to step out of the anglophobe, first year english student circle and review shit Bernhard, Cendrars, Genet, shit that people of worth with actual refined taste would sooner list among their favorites than DFW and Pynchon.

>> No.8495829

Cliffs taste is exactly what you would expect from someone who is into DEEP not quite classic books, just like Bookchemists taste is exactly what you would expect from someone who is into DEEP postmodern books.
They're tastes aren't exclusive to those things of course.
Bookchemist is a better booktuber. He is well read, Cliff is well read. Both have varied but different tastes. Cliff makes drawn out indulgent videos, Bookchemist makes comfy videos.
I actually like more of the books Cliff reviews, perhaps because he only reviews relatively well liked books that he loves. That's not a bad thing of course.
Maybe it all comes down to the Bookchemist being more likable, and Cliff having a large ego.

>> No.8495833

Why are you not supporting BulletDeer? He's the superior tuber.

>> No.8495865

I don't know why people think Cliff reads the book reviews. He's the only reviewer without an opinion as it's all just sparknotes+his ego.
Him having or not having read anything makes absolutely no difference to his reviews.

>> No.8495874

What do you encounter regularly on the internet? I usually encounter cute cat videos.

>> No.8495934


E-Begging doesn't go down well.

>> No.8495935

>literary criticism and theory

>Jewish garbage

>> No.8495943

His hair freaks me out

>> No.8495967

someone should make a booktube-tube where they review booktubers. would watch the shit out of it desu

>> No.8495993
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