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/lit/ - Literature

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8493233 No.8493233 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /lit/. What courses we all doing? Required reading? Looking forward to it or not? Post your thoughts

Any Glasgow uni family in here?

>> No.8493326

Taking an honors seminar on (((Yiddish))) lit. I go to an East COAST school in the US, so these aren't hard to come by for any good goy with interest.

Reading Call It Sleep by Henry Roth rn and liking it.

>> No.8493372

Small town Midwest Liberal Arts school checking in here. I'm taking a great course on American Literature during and after the Civil War. Reading a lot of Whitman and Melville poems about war, Drum Taps is amazing. Otherwise, I'm just fucking around and getting random poli sci and english credits until I can go get a teacher's license and make high school kids whatever books I want them to.

Also, I volunteer by teaching in a prison which is pretty cool. Highly recommend doing some service-based learning before you leave college.

>> No.8493385

I applied for Glasgow but ended up going to Cardiff, pretty stoked to start next week

In terms of required reading I've got Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Oedipus Rex, Ovid's Metamorphoses and a few poems to read for the first few weeks
>I am literally starting with the greeks

>> No.8493390

Grad school at private Midwest university here. Going to read Hannah Arendt today.

>> No.8493395


What are the prisoners like?

>> No.8493416

Pretty laid back mostly. It's a medium security prison in a part of the country that is light on major crimes outside of drug offenses. Most of them are just serving shorter sentences for dealing small amounts of illicit substances. It's interesting, they are pretty decent readers and can have good conversations about books but in general they can't write to save their life.

I haven't come across a prisoner who I think is a thoroughly shitty human being, but I usually don't find out about their offenses unless they tell me. For the most part it just feels like I'm instructing night classes at a local community ed center. The thing that gets me is just how dejected they are. They aren't mad that they're in prison mostly, they're just sad and hopeless. When they talk about having plans once they get out there is an air of "it probably won't work out" in their voice. I'm a fairly moderate guy who stays out of political issues for the most part, but prisons in this country are broken. No effort made to get offenders ready for life after prison besides having little classes here and there that most don't even count for community college credit

>> No.8493436

Alumnus in classics studies, here. It has been a while but I remember we read on Karl Barth, Hans Jonas, Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias and Henri Bergson in philosophy classes. We also had our Hannah Arendt assignment, as well as Emmanuel Levinas. Oh, and we had to go through Alfred Whitehead essay on cosmology. It was terrible. The other courses were nice, the curriculum emphasized on the Latin authors. I remember reading and translating Lucan, Terence, Martial, Juvenal, in addition to the obvious ones. It was clearly a great experience, I don't regret it. I sometimes think about going back to college in the future to pursue a career in this field.

>> No.8493443

Sounds pretty depressing.

Can I ask if you are male or female? And what kind of security measures are in place for you?

>> No.8493452


I just realized you said guy lel.

>> No.8493454
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who /UNAM/ here?

>> No.8493460

Doing Law in Aberdeen next week, anyone from here?

>> No.8493463

yeah, you're right - am male. We're checked by security for weapons/anything that shouldn't be there, but that is more a formality. I personally always feel safe on the inside, enough guards around patrolling so that nothing could get ugly too quickly.

I've taught with a female before and she also says she doesn't feel that unsafe. I assume she is a bit more uncomfortable them I am, but she handles herself well

>> No.8493483

Freshman at Berkeley. I'm taking a course on war as depicted in slavic literature. I wanna take more literature courses but my parents want me to finish in three years

>> No.8493532


>parents want you to finish in three years

Good luck buddy

>> No.8493535

UChicago here.

Any of the other UChicago anons around?

>> No.8493542


Politics and IR at Cambridge

Currently trying to get a handle on some IR, my foreign policy knowledge is laughable. It's very difficult

>> No.8493547

Because of ap tests I can do it pretty easily but it makes me sad that I won't be able to take all the classes I want

>> No.8493569
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None. I haven't gone to school in two years out of depression. My dad doesn't know but still pays for it. I spend my days reading and watching films. Figuring when the truth comes out I'll either run away or kill myself

>all these successful peeps

>> No.8493580

Sorry to hear. You should try to catch it up, and eventually get a work to pay for the remaining year(s). Unless you live in the United States, you can pay back your debt quickly. Mine was cleared in half a year.

>> No.8493600

Awful awful private university on the East Coast, in the process of transferring out but I still wanna kill myself for having ever ended up here to begin with—uni admissions out of high school are pretty much the final judgement of your value as a human being. I can transfer up but I can never stop being nothing.
Math major so no required reading but I took up language learning as a hobby last year and I'm studying Russian right now. Currently have decent speaking proficiency in German and limited speaking proficiency in Portuguese. Native languages are EN/FR.

>> No.8493617

My GPA is below 1. I still have classes from the first year. Schools are relatively cheap here so we didn't get in to any debt.

>> No.8493629

Also—reading some Deleuze/Guattari right now, alongside Women and Men for my fiction fix. I really don't want to fall behind in the language arts because I really do love them but I know that it's inevitable that I will, given how futile it is for someone of my major to study them. I just wanna turn off all my cognition and desire to learn outside of my field and accept my final position.

>> No.8493639

Doing Media Law, Data Protection Law and Advanced Administrative Law this semester.
First two are really interesting since there is a measure of human rights involved.

>> No.8493654

I was taking a narrative course on U of T but I dropped it because the professor was deeply entrenched into gender politics and he made no effort to hide it, at the point of randomly criticizing Paradise Lost for having sexist passages. Most of the readings were either feminist or progressive works. Not sure what I'll switch to.

>> No.8493712
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does this board have a disproportionate number of british people?

oxford btw

>> No.8493769


How can somebody study literature for so many years of their life and end up like this?

Surely such empathetic, thoughtful individuals would be able to grasp the realities of writing in a different time and age, surely they grasp moral relativism, and surely they recognize the determinative power of social and technological forces on the individual.

It's fucking baffling. I can only understand it as a mark of their incompetence: they were crushed by the weight of history and their disavowal of the canon is their cloak for inadequacy.

If you want to study gender, maybe especially if you want to study gender, Paradise Lost is a fantastic resource that should be respected. Morally/materially condemning the canon is a damned fool move that has its origins in resentment and operates through an intentionally myopic logic.

The good news is 'the canon' still exists and thinking we can write some cool poetry that acts "as a site of resistance to the canon" and maybe it will eventually go away is a pipe dream, it's on the same level as my imaginary ideal aristocracy of aesthetes.

>> No.8493779

Came back to brit college to top up so I can progress in my career

doing A-level Biology and A-level Psychology

my Bio teacher is great but my psychology one ain't

>> No.8493915

You mean HSPS? Considering that course now, any tips for applying?

>> No.8495740

I live in the neighborhood and used to take classes there in hs. Now I'm at Princeton though.

UofC is great though, god bless. I really recommend Kaegi if you're into history, his byzantine classes were great.

>> No.8495766

history/literature student at the University of California (not gonna say which school) here.

i have 3 incomplete courses i still haven't finished... meaning i need to write around 50 pages of readable material before the 18th or so. i have some adderall but i'm worried i'll fail.

>> No.8495770

bro theres like 15k+ at every UC, no one is gonna know who the fuck you are

unless youre embarassed about going to merced, then keep quiet

>> No.8495772

lmao i was gonna write not merced or riverside but i didnt wanna be a dick

>> No.8495775

lmao tru
sd alum here

>> No.8495777

oh nice, i'm bout to be in my fourth year at sc.
these papers are going to kill me ... but after this i'm mostly sailing

what'd you study?

>> No.8495786

polisci. It was a joke but at least I got assigned some canonical works for theory classes. Got into a graduate program in a different field so it doesnt matter lmao.

>> No.8495790

ya i think i'm gonna take some time off until i'm a more stable human being before i think about grad school, but it's nice to hear you could go to an unrelated program. i'm not really interested in pursuing what i'm studying on a graduate level, just thought it would be the best thing to study for a foundation in how to read and research in the humanities (history)

>> No.8495794

who /UCLA/ here? I just transferred and all the other English majors I've met seem severely under read.

>> No.8495798

yeah, take some time off and save up some money. being the old guy in undergrad is weird but most people in grad school seem to be mid-late 20s.

theyve probably read plenty of genre fiction lmao

>> No.8495822

Nice, I'm a second year at UCSD

>> No.8495836

im 27 and i was at the penn bookstore the other day waiting for my gf to buy a sweatershirt or some shit when it really sunk in: ill never be able to do college again. it always sort of felt like id get another shot at it, not that i want to be younger again or anything. anyways, dont waste college learning all the time - there are other aspects youll never have the opportunity for again.

>> No.8495846

but i don't want to indiscriminately hook up anymore

>> No.8495871

You can go back to college older.

>> No.8495880


>> No.8495881


>> No.8495888

Actually I don't know yet. Undeclared. Possibly literature, history, or communication. I was also considering economics. You?

>> No.8495949

I'm applying to colleges now and I'm scared af desu
I want to get into a really good school but I don't know if I'll cut it desu. Any advice from Ivy or similarly prestigious institution anons?

graduated early, 36 ACT, independent research, stellar rec letters, focused extracurriculars (with accomplishments), but 3.93 GP is worrying me a bit; tbf, the Bs were in Calculus BC in freshman year and Applied Linear Algebra in sophomore year, and I made up for those with As in vector calc and physics with linear algebra. Chances for good schools?

>> No.8496148

I'm applying to st. John's college. Is that /lit/core enough?

>> No.8496149

I'm thinking of doing Politics and Eastern European Studies at UCL. Unfortunately you can't do Politics on its own, but anyhow: would that be hip enough?

>> No.8496254

Law at Cambridge.

No real required reading, just got a bunch of comfy law-related texts my DOS likes: Merchant of Venice, Bleak House etc.

Still like 3 weeks till I start though, so haven't begun thinking about it that much yet. Sorta excited.

GL & have fun at Glasgow anon.

>> No.8496264

>3.93 GPA is worrying me a bit
fuck off nigger I would kill to have a GPA like that. t. 3.0 also applying to college
>inb4 underage b&
I'm 18

>> No.8496276

fuck off to college confidential with your thinly disguised brag post

>> No.8496281

>Any Glasgow uni family in here?
yep. History and politics, final year.

>> No.8496372

Any tips for applying in general?

>> No.8496376

Nice. Starting there this October too, politics myself. Which college, if you don't mind?

>> No.8496395

If you're Asian, you should recognize that you will never be truly intellectual; if you're not Asian, you shouldn't go to Berkeley.

>> No.8496398

>Calulus BC freshman year

Asians need to stop trying to be become intellectuals.

>> No.8496399

are you familiar with any classical languages? tips for anyone looking to learn?

have you heard anything about the philosophy department there? i'm thinking of going as a philosophy-math major to cal. also, how's the campus and campus life so far?

>> No.8496407

Grad school for urban planning somewhere in the North of England. Read a lot of space/place theory, planning documents, land law, housing development, work from economics/polisci on local government and regional development.

Generally read fiction for fun rather than study.

>> No.8496431


In terms of your UCAS application, they don't care about superfluous extra-curriculars, keep it academically focused. Instead of explaining why you chose certain subjects, explain instead why certain subjects informed your choice of course. It's important to have read around your subject and prove that you've followed it beyond the A-Level curriculum (if there is one). You don't need anything crazy, but discussing key arguments from a few books and having joined a club/done work experience is usually enough.

In terms of the interview, the most important thing to remember is that they don't expect you to be a savant polymath. They're looking for someone who will give thoughtful reasoned answers, and who will stick at their argument until proven wrong. Where a lot of my friends, and I when I originally applied a year previous, made mistakes was in answering too quickly and not thinking it through. A few seconds thought can not only prevent you saying something stupid, but also illustrate to them that you're giving the problem serious consideration.

Don't be surprised if an interview becomes very difficult. There's a difference between: this is hard because I don't understand fundamental concepts, and, this is hard because it's way above A-Level skill level and I am being tested to see how I cope under intellectual scrutiny. One of my Law interviews was incredibly taxing from the first question and I felt like I failed as I constantly had to re-adapt my answer. At the offer holders day afterwards my interviewer told me that since my application was strong, he didn't bother with easy questions and just jumped into the hard stuff; I got a lot of it wrong, but it was my willingness to adapt that made me successful.

A stupid mistake I made when I applied in 2014 was submitting essays I'd written a year ago, on a book I'd only read once. This interview was for English and they'd modelled over half of their plan on these essays because they wanted to criticise and explore some of my points. I remembered very little of the text and it didn't go well. This sounds like such an obvious thing but, your application is a whole product to them. You will be asked about any information they are privy to; this goes for throwaway asides in your personal statement, to submitted work, to exams you've taken.

What I did to revise was get someone else, a friend/parent/teacher, to read through my personal statement and tell me whenever they wanted to know more about something. I wrote a list of questions based on their feedback; e.g. "You used a Nietzsche quote here, how do you think he relates to Law?", or "You mention that the study of History is dependent on study of Law, isn't that the wrong way around?". I then thought about how I'd answer these.

Just stay confident and alert. They have limited time so you won't be called for an interview unless they believe you have the potential to earn a place.

Best of luck with your application! :~)

>> No.8496433

Fitzwilliam, what about yourself?

>> No.8496434



>> No.8496435

SDSU Senior here majoring in straight English! Taking English Drama, Techniques of the Short Story, Contemporary American Short Fiction, and Literature of the US 1920-1960.

I'm not in school for any particular reason. Started going because I was bored and now I have a 3.9 GPA because it's so easy. I thought college was supposed to be tough.

>> No.8496436

Life isn't over because you've had two hard years where you fucked up. Use rock bottom as an opportunity. It can't get much worse so why give a shit about the fear of failure?

>> No.8496442


My friend is studying that at Cambridge and he's insufferable. He seems to like the course though.

>> No.8496456

Churchill, so hill pride. Already got to know some future classmates?

Oh, wait, you too?

>> No.8496469
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it's SHIT

take my word for it, I study here, and if I were not from an Eastern-European shithole, I'd leave immediately. Fat, lazy and dull professors only knowing how to 'blow' the students' minds by telling us about Shakespeare's homosexuality or berating earthenware pots in Woolf's stlye... This is hell, and we are contribution to it.

The worst thing, however, is that people have no shame. Where there is shame, there might be growth or amelioration. Not here. Provincial Scots and Glasgow's wretched progeny don't care about anything lofty at all; if they can get their society pub crawls and can sit through seminars without making eye contact with, let alone speaking to, the tutor, they have a good time.

>> No.8496476

My boy, hill is where it's at. Churchill is really nice as well. Yeah I've got to know a few so far, I got my parents a couple days ago and some overly enthusiastic guy studying HSPS started a group chat which was a blessing in disguise. What about you? How are you feeling about it?

>> No.8496480

>No real required reading, just got a bunch of comfy law-related texts my DOS likes: Merchant of Venice, Bleak House etc.
Read Rumpole of the Bailey by John Mortimer, they are the best stories. You might also want to watch them, in this case, the series came first.

>> No.8496483

applying now, hoping for history/education double degree at university of Queensland
Currently reading Meditations

>> No.8496505
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UCLA here. Studying Marcuse and Mao right now.

Joined a club called the Bong Users' Revolutionary Brigade. We'll see how it turns out.

>> No.8496512

>EEU Studies
What, why?

>> No.8496515

But classes don't start until next week?

>> No.8496547
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go away, little hippy

>> No.8496595

You mean within your college? Our group seems a bit dead, but oh well, I should get my parents soon. International, so not many contacts so far.

>> No.8496656

Thanks very much. Is it worth applying to a statistically easier-to-get-in college or does it not make a difference?

>> No.8496662

Waikato Uni in NZ, and I want to neck myself because Hamilton is the most boring city I've ever had the displeasure of living in.

>> No.8496682


Live here and went to university here (stem degree) and thought it was shit

>> No.8496691

Is UCLA a sunny paradise?

>> No.8496707

Newly declared english major. It's not great, but not terrible either. Read this guy named Alberto Manguel who would read to Borges. Read some restoration era English plays too. Nothing else interesting yet

>> No.8496719

I don't know these feels. My life improved immensely after graduating.

>> No.8496722

Not Asian tho

I actually didn't want to brag, was legit wondering if that would be a huge stain on the app because all other admitted students I've seen have perfect ones

>> No.8496727

You could get into a university like the University of Washington, the University of Wisconsin, or, with a bit of luck on your side, the University of Michigan. Except for maybe Cornell, Ivy Leagues are out of the question for you. I'd recommend starting with community college.

>> No.8496731

Well, if Cornell worked for ol' Pinecone it'll work for me

>> No.8496735

I was only pullin' your leg. If your post wasn't bait, if none of it was fabricated, then you'll have a good chance gaining admittance to any college or university of your preference.

>> No.8496745

Yeah it was actually legit, and I got that you were joking

It's just that at some stage it's a bit of a fucking crapshoot and it's crazy what some of the competition out there is: math Olympiads and kids who've done graduate level work are basically what you're dealing with at every turn. It's fucking insane what some of these kids have done

>> No.8496751

I went there.

>> No.8496753
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>> No.8496758

Why are Australian universities so shit? They will never reward you for reading material outside of the curriculum.

I did an LLB at Melbourne (back when they offered it), the best law university in Australia, and nobody gave a fuck if you knew the philosophy underpinning human law.

Just your ability to regurgitate dry applied law books written by Professors of Law was all that mattered.

>> No.8496759

True, those people exist, but unless things have changed significantly over the last 6 years, you should still have a chance. Even with people with impressive resumes there's an element of luck and seeming randomness to the admission process, which could end up working for or against you. For example, a classmate of mine was denied admission to Berkeley and Stanford, but accepted by Harvard. If you apply to several prestigious universities you're bound to be accepted by at least one.

>> No.8496782

Yeah that's what I'm doing now
I'm trying to make it so that I'm not just indiscriminately applying to good schools, and actually picking ones with prestige in my area, as well as specific research/resources geared to what I want to do. They can see right through you if you don't want to go to Harvard for anything besides the image, so I've narrowed it down considerably. It may lower my range of options, but if it raises the chances for each school than I'm fine with it

Where's your alma mater? You sound fairly experienced in all this

>> No.8496785


Jesus Christ

>> No.8496814

applying for oxford PPE this year lads, any tips?

>> No.8496818

Having done a 2 year diploma in countryside management at a well known land based college in the south of England, I'm starting a degree in ecology and wildlife management at the same institute in 9 days. Finished these books in the last month or two:
Unweaving the Rainbow, The Selfish Gene, Letters to a Young Scientist and most recently read the textbook Essential Entomology.

I like to read about nature.

>> No.8496826

I'm 22. 23 in Nov.

>> No.8496855

Who else /NESCAC/ here?

I'll posit that the small, New England liberal arts college ambiance is the most literary one available.

>> No.8496870

To his credit, he did praise Paradise Lost as a masterpiece and said it was one of his favorite books. He also, for the most part, treated it very seriously and extensively analysed the book.
What annoyed me was how he felt the need to stop for one or two minutes just to talk about, in a very sarcastic tone, how Paradise Lost was sexist, as if it was an inherent, non debatable flaw.
Curiously, when we were at the Frankenstein class, this girl raised her hand and started suggesting that Shelley was employing a dynamic of "female" and "male" voices in the passage we were looking at. He just shot her down by saying "I don't really think Shelley intended that". For some reason he was very afraid of stepping away from anything that could potentially not be the author's intent. He even mentioned and said he agreed with the "author's death" but I even read one of his papers and it felt of bad taste since he was talking about how the author of the book was "wrong" and "misunderstood" queer sexuality or something.
A few days after he went on about how Finding Nemo was about non-traditional families since Dory was voiced by a lesbian, and how he disliked a movie because it had a "magical negro", I just decided to drop out because clearly my vision and approach towards fiction was too different from his. And because he was gonna talk about Nietzsche next class for some reason and I didn't feel like listening to someone with no background in philosophy talking about him. I'm willing to admit there's a degree of prejudice, but it wasn't even Zarathustra, it was just some passages of a non-fiction book of his attacking Christianity as much as possible.

>> No.8497043

I'm not Asian
I haven't taken any philosophy courses so I don't know what it's like. Campus is fine, lotsa restaurants nearby

>> No.8497044

Princeton. Class of '14.

Best of luck.

>> No.8497057

Are you from Minnesota?

>> No.8497104

Ah this looks like a really comfy read & watch. Thanks for the rec :~)

Yeah within my college. & that's a shame, but things will pick up soon. I hope there are some great lit societies close-by to our colleges.

You're welcome. I won't say it makes no difference, but the difference it does make is likely to be marginal at best. Colleges don't have lower-quotas, so if a statistically easier-to-get-into college doesn't get a single application it likes, it will either pick them all from the winter pool or just not run the course that year. Likewise, the statistically harder-to-get-into colleges will eventually cap their places, but will then pool all of the people who they deem worthy who missed out to be picked by less popular colleges in the pool. So it evens itself out. I'd say it's far better to just apply to the college you like. I chose mine because I like the campus, the placement, what it has to offer and its ethos (the library is also the highest point in Cambridge which is nifty). So I'd work out what matters to you and look at colleges based on that. Every person I've spoken to, from admissions tutors to teachers to current students, and from my own experience, has confirmed that it isn't possible to game the system in this way unfortunately.

>> No.8497180

Oh fuck off you dumb nigger. I'm tired of these mediocre people who think they're better because they shit post pictures of space with Herman Hesse quotes and redoot Pepe pictures while being pasty.

You can call people subhumans and non intellectuals all you want, but you're just an average piece of shit with nothing interesting going on in your life other than being superficially similar to great thinkers.

You contribute nothing to this world. You will produce no original work that will outlive you. You are not special. You're just a jealous little rat who will amount to nothing.

>> No.8497232

No I'm not. Why do you ask?

Lucky bastard
Cheers, dude.

>> No.8497249


Glasgow uni here. Going into first year this year - English Lit/Language/Scottish Lit

>> No.8497270

The only other people I've met who did calc BC in their freshmen year were also from mn

>> No.8497280

I got to the American University of sharjah and I'm majoring in journalism

Some of my required readings are the classic four theories of the press texts, in addition to the lives of animals and animal therefore I am in my philosophy course

>> No.8497281

Hmm, cool

>> No.8497307

did you happen to go to st. johns for secondary school?

>> No.8497313

Junior at a D2 Midwestern Uni, English major. my brothers in law school right now and says I would just fine so that's the plan, but if that doesn't work I'll get an MA in Education Administration

>> No.8497368

Nobody else /engineering/ here?

I'm taking
Numerical Methods for Engineering Computation
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer II

>> No.8497369

nice meme

>> No.8497371

Was. I switched to math. No idea how you or anyone can tolerate being that soulless.

>> No.8497373

I know I won't be making 3 figures straight out of college but I'll be employed and I'll be able to work off my debt. I really just want to be comfy not rich. Plus I enjoy it.

>> No.8497392

I graduated from U of C

>> No.8497396


Any UMD College Park here? What a fucking awful school. So glad I'm graduating a year early.

Librar(ies) are amazingly well stocked, at least.

>> No.8497412

1. be smart
2. dont be dumb

for real though there is a shit load of advice for applications out there. a lot better than what you can get on a literature board of a sicilian clam appreciation forum.

correct interview tips are literally the cliches you expect. passion, know your books, know your personal statement, you dont need any specialist knowledge in your subject, think out-loud ect. also you should be able to speak about anything you mention on your personal statement for at least 5 minutes non stop.

also do well on the test.

>> No.8497467

Biochemistry and Cell Biology,

>> No.8497899

>College younger than an independent USA

In all seriousness though, if you enjoy the intellectual life, you have a huge amount to look forward to imo. If you don't, you have a little bit less to look forward to than most other UK universities.

One thing I'd recommend is public lectures. I actually found them a pretty great way to unwind, whilst also being intensely engaging, often with brilliant speakers. Put your name on as many 'lecture' societies' mailing lists as you can. You can always remove yourself from the list if you get annoyed by the spam. You'll see them around the freshers' fair, which you should definitely go to. I know people who for some reason never went - don't be like them. Also don't be discouraged from joining societies which are 'college specific' because they still let people from other colleges into their talks.

Apologies for the unsolicited advice. I couldn't help myself.

>> No.8497940

Cheers mate again. How exactly does the pool system work? If you get knocked back after interview are you automatically pooled?

>> No.8498046

Speaking of lit societies, that's something I have not really found myself. I think there were some college specific ones, but that's about it.

After interview they decide that you are either good enough or not. If you are not, they reject you. If you are, they will try to give you a space. If you are and they do not have space left for you because they preferred others, they put you in the winter pool for others to have a look.
>of course the hill college members know how pooling works

I appreciate it, thanks. Are you an alumnus? Any recommendations for specific societies? I want to get into King's Politics, but I don't know whether they will have strangers.

>> No.8498062

where u @@ bruh?
complit 3rd year

>> No.8498069

>Any Glasgow uni family in here?
strathy is best glasgow uni

>> No.8498074

>tfw you graduated from a tiny private school with a degree in general history with an emphasis on military history
>tfw my state school history friends don't even know what a research seminar is

>> No.8498083

you sound like yer mammy and pappy are rich ones

>> No.8498084

I'm at a CC and my Java Programming class was closed because my skool sucks. If i want to transfer to a 4 year next semester I have to switch my major to accounting which is the nearest major next to mine. I've taken accounting classes and I've enjoyed them. I also enjoy learning about companies and trading them in the stock market. Should I switch to accounting permanently? Or try to use it as a backdoor.

tl;dr should I switch from computer info. Systems major to accounting major for the purpose of trasnferring to a 4 year.

>> No.8498107


depends on what you do there

for stem shit yeah, probably but glasgow uni is best for arts subjects

>> No.8498121

i find arts subject people more interesting so being stem at strathy sucks a little desu

>tfw when comp sci student
>tfw share lecture rooms with degenerates

>> No.8498139

Where the Amerifats at? Susquehanna University in PA here. Are all writing programs stuffed full of tumblr kids with no social skills and/or no actual desire to write and study literature?

>> No.8498151

Sort of.
Most are stuffed full of tumblr with a desire to write but no actual substance.
The English majors I knew were generally among the most retarded I met at school.
There were maybe five in the department that I felt were actually comprehending what they were reading.

>> No.8498152

Current student.

I'm an engineering student, and spent most of the past year on societies related to that (or broadly, 'STEM' sort of things), so maybe not particularly /lit/ choices.

I'd say join anything you can. Remember, if you don't like it, or find that you don't have time, for any society where there's no particular commitment you can just stop going to anything without anybody batting an eyelid. Of course if, for example, you are part of a rowing boat and you leave then you kind of fuck over the rest of your boat, so there's a bit more pressure to stay in that sort of thing I'd imagine (I'm not a rower myself - though you'll quickly be able to tell who is and is not a rower).

So yeah, join Kings Politics. Join any societies you think you MIGHT be interested in - provided they're free. There are some societies which cost money for membership, and I'd maybe hold off a while before committing to those if they're expensive. Some places are like £5 for a life membership for example - there's not that much reason not to join if you think you'll go to even one event. Keep an eye also on [talks cam ac uk], as there are often some interesting talks on there. For example, I found out about the 'Darwin Lectures' lecture series from that, which I wouldn't otherwise have seen.

However - I'd think very carefully about joining the Union Society. Of course, they probably have the biggest and best speakers out there, but the life membership (and you'd probably go for life I'd imagine - as far as I can remember, a single year membership isn't really that much cheaper) is approaching £200, so you'll want to be sure you would get your money's worth. I'd say that if you wanted to go to take part in the debate classes, then it might be worth it. I do know a lot of people though who joined for the speakers and have barely been to any events. Generally it's because they don't bother making time for the event, and so can't go because they have supervision work to do, or something like that, and so they never end up going to any. Another factor is that events with really big names (e.g. Yanis Varoufakis, Nick Clegg, etc) are, of course, oversubscribed such that there is a good chance that even as a paying member you could be denied entry if you don't get to the physical queue early enough.

I'm not part of the Union Society though, so you maybe want to get the opinion of others on that specifically.

Also I'd say don't be too concerned if you walk into a talk and it seems to be all middle aged professors in the audience, and it seems like you're the only undergrad. It has happened to me before, and I was initially off guard. I think it's just because some talks aren't really marketed particularly well at undergraduates, rather than the material being unsuitable.

>> No.8498167

Nah actually, parents are middle class immigrants

>> No.8498174

Middle class generally has pretty nice dollarydoos unless you mean lower middle class

>> No.8498181

Indian? If you're serious about your grades and classes I'm sure you can get into any school you choose - assuming you can write well. I got into Brown and Cornell with a 2400 SAT, 3.7 GPA, and an IB Diploma, so I'm sure you would be able to as well. I ended up going to Berkeley to study EECS, but I probably would have gone to MIT had I been accepted.

>> No.8498185

Nah I'm Turkish
Also thanks, this thread has made me pretty confident

>tfw my paper got rejected from being presented at a conference just a few minutes ago
feels bad and also significantly more worried man

>> No.8498197

What was your paper on? Also, all of this publishing and graduate work is virtually unheard of where I come from. I know countless people who go got into Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, etc. and not a single one of them had any papers published or any academic research under their belt. I'm not sure where this meme is coming from, but most of the kids I know just had good EC's (I was an intern at EVGA and volunteered at a Girls' Home), good grades, good recommendations, and decent, if a bit contrived, essays.

>> No.8498201

Who got into* I hate typing on phones

>> No.8498202

meh i consider middle class pretty well off when i was raised on less than 20k a yr

>> No.8498208

It was on quantum position verification, kind of not novel at this point but I figured I could at least get a poster in.

I guess I'm just super paranoid because of shit like PrepScholar that says you have to have research and national recognition to stand a concrete chance of getting into these sort of schools. As for ECs, I've had youth jazz orchestras, a drone company that is now being sponsored by a local college, a cryptography club president position, a music club president position, a differential security reading group, and writing, so maybe I'll be fine, but none of them are particularly prestigious or difficult so...

>> No.8498228

From what I see, it's going to really come down to how you can present yourself in your essays. I've never heard of that site, but it's complete bullshit. You have a lot of EC's, but from an admissions standpoint it looks like you're just trying to pad the stats, which is something they hate. It seems like you've prioritized breadth over depth, which you will probably need to explain in one of your essays. I can read your essays if you'd like; I did the IB Diploma Programme at one of California's most prestigious public schools, so I (regrettably) pretty much lived and breathed college admissions for four years.

>> No.8498232

I think I know some of the degenerates you speak of.

>> No.8498245

No, sorry; but there's like 5 of us on the course so I'll definitely meet your friend if I haven't already.

Me either, I was told I could make my own society if I didn't find one but that sounds rough and like far too much work. I'll probably end up writing for the papers. I have a play lying around I'd like to show some people too.

No worries, thanks for the advice -- I hadn't heard of lecture societies before and they sound like my thing.

>> No.8498255

Well, I am passionate about all the stuff I did so each has plenty of depth and investment to it, but I see what you mean

Not gonna share an essay now because they're 1. Cringey for 4chan at the least and 2. Bit too personal

>> No.8498270

Alright man, well if you ever need any help you can email me at my spam email everythingisgratis@gmail.com. I'm pretty certain you can get into any school you want, so I'd hate to see you waste the opportunity. Good luck if not.

>> No.8498291

You spurned me such a day; another time
You called me dog; and for these courtesies
I'll lend you thus much moneys'?

>> No.8498297

Thanks dude
EECS at Berkeley, huh? I was thinking of doing the CS program because 1. less competitive and 2. don't really wanna focus on EE, what can you talk about in terms of the difference between the two besides obvious stuff?

>> No.8498300
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I dropped out of my private Jesuit uni

Life has been shit since, please kill me or send me klonopin.

>> No.8498310

Going to Columbia and currently reading the Iliad as part of Literature Humanities, a Core Curriculum class that everyone at Columbia College has to take. Currently living the dream.

>> No.8498314

I go to a small formerly Lutheran school with professors that won't stop mentioning how bad Catholics are or how Christianity makes people passive. Also, I'm stuck with a physicist that thinks she's deep by being a staunch analytic and demands that everything else be analytic.

Just a few more years until I can start taking courses on Eastern and Western mysticism.

>> No.8498318

it's not a sad feel. it was more like, whoa, my life is 1/3 over and only moving in one direction.

that's only part of what im talking about. mean more like spending all day with friends, having a reason to play on a sports team, etc.

not really.

>> No.8498323

the one in maryland? because of PEL?

>> No.8498325

Keep in mind, I don't think you'll ever see then advertised as a 'lecture society' - it's just convenient phrasing by me to describe certain types of society.

You'll spot them easily enough at the freshers' fair though, I think.

Also, I'm sure you probably weren't planning on doing so anyway, but make sure you don't ONLY sign up for these sorts of societies. You might be more dedicated to the intellectual life than I am, I don't know, but I think it's still good to be part of completely non-academic societies. I'm part of some through my college, but I don't want to give specifics, as that's pretty much identifying information. What I mean though is something like a sports club, even if only casual, or if you like to exercise alone like me, and don't want to be part of any sports, then some other 'fun' society.

You'll figure all this out yourself anyway; I think there's limited utility in getting information for these sorts of things off others.

Basically the best general advice really is, in my opinion, to not be reluctant to try new things/join as many societies as you find even slightly interesting. Also to try and make the most of your time - I probably fill most of my hours from 08:00-01:00 with work, exercise, societies or socialising with friends, but even with such a packed schedule, I finish the term having done a huge amount of stuff, but still feel disappointed I haven't done more.

You'll quickly find that 'the Cambridge Bubble' is real, and that it is a weird time-warp.

>> No.8498331


No its a shit school where most people who apply get in. Go to a real university like Columbia or UChicago where they still mandate great books as part of the curriculum.

>> No.8498388

It's kinda god-tier. Everybody here who didnt go to st johns college either admits they wish they went to st johns college or has a suppressed wish about it. If you're tryna be studying the history of language, literature, ideas, and thought, that's the only one kidddo

>> No.8498401

You really want to go to an ivy, where you waste 4 years having people lecture to you? If you are dedicated to the idea of studying literature seriously, you meed to find a liberal arts college with small maximum class sizes. Seminars and conversations are the only way to engage literature. Lit ain't stem bb. But then you're going too arrive at Harvard and share the class with 400 other people the prof will never meet. Please.

>> No.8498411

I'm going to study STEM though
I'm floundering between larger and smaller class sizes but I know I certainly want a liberal arts education (which puts most prominently Columbia, Cornell, and Harvard in the running)

>> No.8498424

It's not technically a liberal arts education in the classical sense if you are an anonymous statistic in the lecture hall. Just something to think about.

>> No.8498425

Starting a Shakespeare course at U of T tomorrow. Was somewhat excited but then I read >>8493654 . S-someone tell me everything will be ok... ;__;

>> No.8498440

Fair enough. However, that's really the case even with really small schools, at least in lower years; I'm taking classes at Reed right now, and their mandatory Hum 110 class as well as the mechanics class I have are both pretty large, if only by the virtue of the latter being necessary for so many majors. Real connections and smaller classes really come at any school when you get past intro classes and more into specialized areas of the field.

I won't be able to get a full on literature experience because those are the sort of classes I'll be in, but that's not what I'm there for anyway

>> No.8498599


>> No.8498657

Unit 1 rn

>> No.8498671

how can anyone actually enjoy college classes? I'm back at school after taking a year off and was immediately reminded why I left in the first place. Reading whatever I wanted over the past year was pure s e x and f r e e d o m.

>> No.8498676
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I'm in my second year of law. Still feeling really out of place among all these preppy normies.

Co-students were way cooler when I was still doing my English and Sociology degree.

Such cases.

>> No.8498817

Going to a small relatively unknown place in Michigan. Super comfy campus, but I'm not sure about my lit teacher. She seems a little out of it

>> No.8498833
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Taking creative writing right now, just wrote my first 3 poems for the course.
How do I get over being nervous about sharing my poetry?

>> No.8498848

austinfag reporting in

>> No.8498855

how do i tell my parents that i'm dropping out of school

i like learning, i just don't like all the other stuff that comes with going to college, like doing work and going to class and being in close proximity to other people

>> No.8498880
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I have come to realize that college is a meme and I'm getting fucked by falling for it, but I can see literally no alternative since "dude just learn a trade and become a plumber lmao" is not a solid option for anyone who doesn't want to play with shit for a living

Far away in the distance I can see a wall which I am driving towards at a very high speed, but I'm unable to exact any control on my vehicle

This is hell.

>> No.8498893

Everyone will suck and you wont care after that. Thats at least how my class went

>> No.8498903

Hey it looks like we all have similar problems. I think im just gonna try to finish asap and get a job that I can quit quickly after saving up some money. Travel write for a little bit and then work on novels. Ill live in poverty but ill have freedom at least.

>> No.8498927

Guy who wrote that post here. I don't think that professor (Lesk is his surname) teaches Shakespeare. He usually teaches Narrative, Graphic Novel and I imagine Queer or 21st century lit.

>> No.8498954

Who else went to a non flagship state school? My classmates were mostly mouth breathing retards.

>> No.8498976

I'm studying computer science and math, but I've been slowly working my way through the Art and Thought of Heraclitus because philosophy is neat

>> No.8498996


I know someone else is taking continental philosophy, where are you my new friend?

>> No.8498997

You do understand you have to teach kids books prescribed by the education department?

>> No.8499015

I'm glad you're expectations are low enough. Some people I know have gone into engineering hoping for 4 figures right away - $1000 a year? are you kidding me?

>> No.8499223

agree 100%. im in my last year of bcomm and i havent learnt shit: rote mem gets you through EVERYTHING. unimelb is just riding on its so called 'prestige', which somehow manages to attract thousands of international students that are willing to pay $$$$ for little education.

i did a dip in music whilst taking undergrad and it was exceptional. you can shit on it being a worthless degree with regards to employability but i learnt so much more than ur classic 'markets are efficient' dribble.

currently thinking of doing jd, will probably go to the states/uk instead..

>> No.8499240


>> No.8499289

Senpai I'm starting at Glasgow this week on that English lit course

Have comparative lit as my third subject but really on the fence about changing it

What are ur second and third subjects?

>> No.8499304

That's what all unis are like you faggot

Source: I've studied at 3

>> No.8499310

kaegi is so fucking dry

>> No.8499315

Australian Arts/Education 1st year with a literature major. Currently looking at contexts so just short stories regarding different eras, looked at some Vonnegut this week so not bad

I'm going to FedUni because I got a really fuckin shit ATAR and I was afraid that if I didn't go to uni straight up then I would end up losing any drive I had coming out of high school

>> No.8499424

4th yr math cs here. hello

>> No.8499441

Australian universities in general are degree mills catering to Asian students. Melbourne uni is especially guilty of this.
I'd be interested to hear stories about ANU, though. I think that's the only uni that gets ranked above Melbourne regularly, so I'd be interested if it's an exception to the rule.

>> No.8499442

Waikato has a great comp sci department. Is that what you study?

>> No.8499448

Here are my courses:
>Computability and Complexity
>Research Project (about type systems)
>Philosophical Logic

>> No.8499464

i graduated from there
did poli sci though now i work as a writer

>> No.8499465


Comp lit. freshman here taking a course on Nabokov. You guys know any /lit/ stuff to get involved in like a creative writing club or anything?

>> No.8499580
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>Contemporary British Lit.
>Close Reading (this is a required course, but it was one of three options to fill the requirement. The other two were History of Literary Criticism and Contemporary Critical Theory. I chose Close Reading because I get a lot of the theory stuff from my other major, called Contemporary Studies).
>Romantic Era
>Creative Non-Fiction (a journalism course, cross-listed for Creative Writing, which is my minor)
>Creative Writing: Fiction I (first level Creative Writing course, which is technically an English course).

This is the stack I had to buy for this semester, plus In Cold Blood, Hell's Angels, and Electric Kool Aid Acid Test.

>> No.8499581

This thread makes me so nostalgic. I miss being in college.

>> No.8499586

Do you know anyone who transferred from cc who went? Wanna know if I should bother if my grades are perfect etc

>> No.8499589

I feel like having to speed read all of those books will only be detrimental to your literary understanding. Like what teacher thinks it's a good idea to have to grind out books like that?

>> No.8499637

>Eastern European Studies
Lol what the fuck.

>> No.8499638

So basically like every single institution of higher education anywhere?

What did you expect, people who take this shit seriously? It's just something for rich kids to gain legitimacy with when they're ruling the world later. As for you? Well they need NPCs too for the place not to feel so lonely. :)

>> No.8499648

starting classics and philosophy at leeds uni
can someone please tell me why some courses require you to have a library account in order to see reading lists?
the same thing was at a-levels, you would need a course code in order to view the resources for a specific subject

why would anyone want to gate off information like that, it just seems so backwards

>> No.8499979

people who do literature don't rule anything other than high school classrooms

>> No.8500006


im a freshman at this shit school

>> No.8500029

i have a few friends studying at anu: they are incredibly PC from hanging around all the lefties. id assume most people go there to study pol-sci or take advantage of their strange bachelors triple major degree (?) of ppe (politics, philosophy and econ) which turns into a jd after their 3rd year. most of them looking into public sector jobs etc.

>> No.8500032


The only good things about maryland are Larry Hogan, old bay seasoning, and the McKeldin library. This state is really just a very expensive shithole. I feel immediately relieved crossing back into Virginia again at the end of the week.

What majors?

>> No.8500042

Reminder that spending a lot of time in libraries + auditing a few courses here and there >>> degree meme

>> No.8500073

maybe in america where your universities are for-profit scams who basically sell degrees.
go to a good uni where they actually teach you stuff.

its funny how people always say that self-teaching is better than uni whilst not having even an undergraduate knowledge in anything that they have not gone to university for.

>> No.8500201


bio and chem double
i hate this shithole school and all the plebs in it.
should have went to harvard

>> No.8500207



non-pseuds dont find it difficult or challenging to read 20 books a semester my little brainlet

>> No.8500209


>maybe in america where your universities are for-profit scams who basically sell degrees.

lol no, those for-profit colleges are closing down like crazy because no one believes their bullshit anymore. I knew a girl who graduated with a 4.0 GPA from Everest """""college""""" and still can't find a job. Believe me, it has nothing to do with the job market, it's everything to do with the fact that her degree is a joke from a joke school.

>> No.8500217
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Depending on your course of study, some books don't even need to be read the whole way through. I wrote a monograph about US foreign policy following their brief involvement in the Angolan Civil War and the Cuban military intervention and I must have gone through sixteen books... all on pretty much the same subject.

>> No.8500221


Remember that time all your self-study got you a Master's degree and opened up job opportunities in high-paying positions?


>> No.8500226

>be me
>finishing BA in History w/ Religious Studies minor
>thinking about graduate program
>considering Philosophy
>not sure what school to apply to

I'd love to go to, say, Princeton, but I fear my GRE scores won't be stellar. What's another good school for graduate degrees in Philosophy?

>> No.8500242

Why would you ever even think of being a slave to a master who requires you to be indoctrinated into his ideology to even get the chance to compete with thousands of other slaves for this esteemed position?

>> No.8500256


...are you a NEET?

>> No.8500269
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>feeling alone in Hyde Park
>everyone who replies already left

>> No.8500271

He's saying all colleges here are for-profit scams. And they kind of are, in a way. Well- depending on what you go to school for.

>> No.8500289

Is the comp lit course large or is it intimate?

>> No.8500298


I do an MA in Eastern European Studies at UCL. If you're interested in Eastern Europe it doesn't get much better than SSEES. Would recommend.

>> No.8500311


the bio and chem buildings are fucking ugly. I'm double major in Computer Science and English. Both of which have very nice buildings. The English degree is a joke ofc but I need them extra credits so I can leave here within a year.

>> No.8500384

>McKeldin library
Unless you mean for checking out books and not studying

>> No.8500386

The undergrad advisor has a picture of all the declared comp lit undergrads.

I'm a transfer, so I know little to nothing about any of the extracirculars. I honestly just spend my time going to Main Stacks or class.

On a side note, I'd personally advise to refrain from interacting with the creative writing students. I took summer classes and I had the pleasure of making acquaintance with one. He is probably the most insufferable, dense individual I have ever made contact with. Also, this is my bias after interacting with one particular individual, so who knows, maybe there are some interesting people in CW.

>> No.8500389

I bet you're either a chink or an indian

Compsci is full of chinese and shitskins

>> No.8500394

>chink or indian
>double majoring in English

They're fucking robots, m8. They wouldn't go near that shit even as a side interest.

Unless it's one of the female Indians. Then they'll get a 5-year degree in whining about their minge or whatever.

>> No.8500399

>dumbfag mad about comp sci starting salary

>> No.8500420

What are you talking about my classes are full of fucking white males

>> No.8500424

>white Americans talking about how Chinese and Indian students "lack creativity" and "won't get anywhere"

Keep deluding yourselves. You're way behind and you know it; top schools have already started applying affirmative action to your brainlet asses.

>muh English
>muh liberal arts

Easy fields for those who want to be seen as intellectuals but lack actual (read: significant and numerical) creativity and intelligence

>> No.8500430



>> No.8500443

Shitposting is all you have in terms of any sort of perceived superiority

Face it senpai, whites are gonna be the runt of the mental litter soon

>> No.8500455

english and history of art at york
currently ploughing through joyce's major works and then onto sheridan le fanu's short stories and the essential beckett's for my irish literature module. Also reading a few Heidegger essay's and criticisms along the way

>> No.8500466

>He's saying all colleges here are for-profit scams
not really. just most of them in america at this point. in europe universities are funded in quite a different way.

>> No.8500746

>>I do an MA in Eastern European Studies at UCL. If you're interested in Eastern Europe it doesn't get much better than SSEES.
What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.8500816

Electrical Engineering Major at Northeastern University. Currently reading In Search of Lost Time. Thinking of picking up a minor in soc or something just for fun, but i'm unsure.

Who else goes to college in Boston here?

>> No.8500842

Norway > US

>> No.8500852

Have you ever been to Scandinavia? All the men there are like girls. They've been completely neutered by state socialism to the point that they're frightened by loud noises and other humans inside their comfort zones. It's like being in the Stepford Wives.

>> No.8500859

what are you talking about

>> No.8501116

somewhat prestigious western canadian university, english lit honours.

the city in 19th c. lit: northanger abbey, our mutual friend, north and south, the country and the city

feeling in time: affect theory and contemporary lit: dickinson fascicles, my brilliant friend, autobiography of alice b. toklas, good woman of setzuan, mother courage and her children, buried giant

warriors and wizards in king arthur's court: medieval literature: alliterative morte d'arthur, history of kings of great britain, sir gawain and the green knight, king arthur's death in middle english

mediatic shakespeare: romeo and juliet, othello, hamlet, macbeth, king lear

political bodies, political sex: jacobean, carolina, restoration literature: custom broadview anthology of 17th c literature

so far i'm at roughly ~1.5k words per week including books here and the other handouts/assigned readings given in the course. a lot of my classes don't have essays or final exams which is cool but it means more workshops and presentations which is a pain

>> No.8501305

theres going to be 1-2 people who look like they know what they are doing. Those writers, are so absolutely uncertain about their shit that it is borderline good creative process. emulate.

>> No.8501307

Any Irishfags going to Trinity?

>> No.8501334


>> No.8501362

Where do all the /lit/fags hang out?
I'm a STEM major and its absolutely soul-crushing being surrounded by lecture halls of 300+ asians and normies who couldn't be bothered to care about literature. All I want is to take an interesting lib arts elective or two but the interdisciplinary system is fucked. Also, the lack of initiative i've seen in all the UT clubs is highly disconcerting given the fact that we're supposed to be one of the top Public Uni's in the nation

>> No.8501473

i mean i did say prestigious and not literal shithole on top of a mountain so yeah

>> No.8502037

>read: significant and numerical
'brainlet' shitposter confirmed to be pragmatic nonentity

>> No.8502044

So what fast food restaurant are you all working at once you receive your "degree"

>> No.8502049

>Unless you mean for checking out books

exactly what I meant. I agree, it's fucking awful for studying. There's nowhere good on campus for studying.

>> No.8502054


Uh, no. I'm white and so are like 70% of CS classes at UMD. the rest are asian and indian sure, I guess

>> No.8502090
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I will never get in a respectable school. I was an asocial schizoid in high school and was terrified of social contact so I skipped often enough that my graded started to drop. Feels bad man.

>> No.8502148

UNC Chapel Hill, Ancient Greek Warfare, so lonely, hit me up.

>> No.8502153


>> No.8502163


Was gonna take the Graphic Novel course, but then I saw people on ratemyprofs saying the same shitty things. Also looked him and up and saw he has a Ph.D in "queer theory." So um yeah no, not touching anything with his name on it now, I guess

>> No.8502165

implying that my parents don't support me, allowing me to study and pursue my interests as i please. people who get degrees to make more money are the worst.

>> No.8502201

the only literature course i actually liked was a crit theory course taught by an indian. other than that, all were shit

my science courses were great, however. the professors were all very into the classes. in my creative writing courses tho, they all seemed very uptight and demanding for a specific style. the one guy loved my work but when i refused to critique the others work (all that were complete amateur shit) he neglected my work. art is for assholes. keep the shit personal and ignore others. as long as you are as autodidactal as possible, you will be fine without college. learn science and philosophy in college tho

>> No.8502258
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>tfw i cant pass eng 101 but can pass ap calc with 5
It so damn embarrassing

>> No.8502259

engineering here as well, can confirm that it's a soulless endeavor. hopefully, ill graduate and do something else that doesn't have anything to do with engineering.

>> No.8502293

im auditing a course on Wittgenstein and he just had his class read the Tractatus (skimming until 6.3 tho)

STOKED for next lecture 2bh

>> No.8502341

Just become a novelist then. You're probably too far gone for anything else anyway. I don't mean to be condescending btw

>> No.8502351

You are being condescending, but you have every right to, I basically put myself at the bottom of the social ladder.

>> No.8502357
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Anyone have any success stories for post-university liberal arts students? I'm in my second year of Comparative Literature at Queen Mary University and getting top marks in everything with minimal effort. Yet I can't shake off this feeling that this degree will amount to absolutely fuck all.

>> No.8502375 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8502396

I didn't read a single book I was assigned to read in the first year outside of short stories. You can get top marks by reading summaries, finding a group of sources that have written essays on the book you're meant to read and then just writing about the citations you find in those sources.

>> No.8502478

Yep. My entire experience. I didn't read Paradise Lost and still got an A on the essay I wrote about it after reading tons of top tier summaries and analyses

>> No.8502509
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I've been asked to do a presentation on Althusser and I have to say that after days of reading his works, I want to come into class and just mime jerking off into the air.

What the fuck is this guy saying? How is this permissible? Did he deliberately write in as obfuscatory a manner as possible to fuck with people?

>> No.8502513

What UCLA club should I join? I'm a junior and an English major

>> No.8502520

but i said i wasnt though

>> No.8502593

Wouldn't even worry my dude. Just read a shit-tonne and you'll be leagues ahead of anyone coming out of Vic, Auckland, or Otago.

>> No.8502953

Don't worry, I get straight As in all my lit and philosophy courses but I'm already struggling in week 2 of an intro to finite mathematics course I need to finish my gen eds. Not looking forward to the math portion of the GRE next month.

I'm a comp lit and philosophy double major at an R1 and going to grad school to have my tuition waived and live off of a stipend for the next 6-7 years. Could be worse.

>> No.8503042

>people who get degrees to make more money are the worst.
what other reason is there?

>> No.8503083

Actually enjoying your field of study, maybe?

That aside, that's kind of an uncompromising and elitist view to hold. Hopefully that anon's fairly young and just in an edgy stage.

>> No.8503144
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>laboratory science
>euclidean geometry
>ancient greek language
>greek literature/philosophy

it's pretty much /lit/, the school

loving it so far

>> No.8503155

Take a language course, a difficult one, like Mandarin or Russian. The people you meet in there will likely be study humanities and you can also gain a really important life skill.

Also: are you positive STEM is what you want to be doing?

>> No.8503160


Alabama teacher here. You don't get to make kids read whatever books you want. Not at all. I get in a few poems of my choice a year, maybe a short story that isn't prescribed, but the prescribed reading lists cover 4/5 class periods and most of the others are spent discussing papers.

>> No.8503168
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>History major
> Murdering McKinley by Eric Rauchway, almost finished. Solid 3.5/5

>Uncollected Writings of Janet Flanner, very interesting depictions of Germany on the eve of WWII so far

>Naomi by Junichirō Tanizaki. So far seems like Lolita in Post-WW1 era Japan

Really liking it all so far

>> No.8503175

community college


>> No.8503184
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>mfw im a community college drop out at the age of 24

I felt like I was wasting my time. I enjoy learning but on my own terms.

What are you majoring in lad.

>> No.8503192

Not him but Marketing

Funny you mention dropping out because I'm heavily considering it too. Realizing I really dont give a fuck about transferring and I just want to get on with my life, I know how to learn what I need to learn.

Just gotta find a way to move out and get solid income, California is too goddamn expensive and I dont have friends I can room with like that

>> No.8503201

thats funny because I actually want to move to California.

Im in Connecticut. Im just working to save up a bit more

have any recommendations on where to live in LA for someone without a college degree or should I not even be thinking about living in LA?

I currently have 10k and was told that was enough to move there but id rather save up a tad bit more.

>> No.8503211

I guess you can move hhere but be prepared to drop around 2k+ a month for any decent place to yourself. It can get slightly cheaper if you arent picky, but overall I'd stay the hell away from LA County. Try more North. Do some research.

Tbh I'd just l stay the hell away from LA.

>> No.8503216

oh i dont plan on getting a place for myself. I am for sure getting roommates. I have friends living out there but I'm not sure if they need roommates at the moment so I guess I could always check craigslist.

and I'm not picky at all. I just want to be in a decent neighborhood.

Just wondering where exactly are you from?

>> No.8503226

Lets say I'm in the general area known as South Central.

If you want a neighborhood thats vaugely decent look into Torrance and select parts of Gardena or Hawthorne.

>> No.8503246

ok cool thanks anon.

>> No.8503254

isnt it rly expensive

>> No.8503258
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hi fellow columbia anon

do you like your lit hum class so far?

>> No.8503297

Ayy, man. Any ideas of what NZ uni has the best philosophy department?

>> No.8503381

you do know you can read all those "great books" for free?

>> No.8503382

A lot of the department at Victoria are interested in topics like bioethics, logic, literature, and language. Wellington's a great city but if you want to live near the university, be prepared to live in substandard mouldy housing.

Otago is just the kind of powerhouse university in the humanities. My friend is doing his masters and speak highly of the researchers there doing stuff in religion and metaphysics. I think their undergrad program ranks highest, and Otago is probably your best bet if you don't know what to do beyond undergrad. Also, Dunedin is a cheap as fuck city and as much of a meme as it is, the student "experience" isn't to be underestimated (you will meet cool people down there).

Auckland obv. has size and money, but I don't know anything beyond that. Living is expensive.

Special mention: Canterbury has somewhat of a reputation for their philosophy department, in the same way Waikato has a reputation for their computer science department. Arthur Prior and Karl Popper both did long stints there. I have no idea what the place is like though. I imagine it's quite boring.

>> No.8503498
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3th year, 1st semester English and American studies in Sofia University

>Translation from Bulgarian to English
>Translation from English to Bulgarian
>Practical syntax
>Academic writing
>An introduction to James Joyce's Ulysses (elective)
>Language and computer (elective). Basically working with corpora, studying how online translating sites work and a bit of AI.
>Text linguistics
>English historical linguistics
>English lit: Medieval to Renaissance

>> No.8503509

But why do that when you can go to a liberal arts college for over $50k a year?

>> No.8503524

I've heard good things about it at Vic, but then I'm also one of those biased types that writes off the whole rest of New Zealand, so take that with a grain of salt. Good luck.

>> No.8503532

become a welder then

>> No.8504285

no he's just a spoiled american wasting his parents and government money. third worlders aren't risking everything to make it in american universities to enjoy themselves, and neither are hard working pay-my-way young american students with goals. no one cares what or why you study. just look at someone like chomsky who revolutionized and basically invented modern linguistics. 99.9% don't even know who he is. you could invent time travel and 99..9% of people wouldn't even read the entire abstract to the paper. you /lit/fags need to realize no one cares.

>> No.8504291

Why r u studying Bulgarian

>> No.8504343

Ah, but you miss the genius and sickness of /lit/. We realize no one cares, and don't care that no one cares. An ideologically consistent view, to be sure, but admittedly one that's difficult to hold unless you're a trust-fund baby.

Really, though, I've no strong opinions on it one way or another. Both cases, the trust-fund brat and the pragmatic third-worlder, can be good folk it my book. Just for different reasons, taking different paths. (Maybe a bit of a winding and circuitous one, in the first case.)

It's all going to matter little in a few decades anyhow, when AI swallows up the last "job" and humanity finally gets to figure out a way to live that doesn't involve a sword of Damocles hanging over their head, living like anxious rats so preoccupied with staying alive that they have no time to live.

tl;dr don't be such an elitist, >>8502165

>> No.8504376
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not bad

>> No.8504487

it's 65k a year but I only have to pay 20. Most people pay a very small fraction of the tuition.

I mean yeah, I'd probably read the philosophy/literature on my own. The math, science, and language though? No way man, I'm not gonna come home from school and teach myself euclid in my free time.

>> No.8504491

Because he's at the University of Sofia in Bulgaria you absolute quilt

>> No.8504504
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How is Bulgaria, anyhow? I've always wanted to visit the Balkans.

>> No.8504510
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Yes, switch to accounting if you enjoy it. CIS isn't taken as seriously as a CS degree, so you will always be less desirable in the job market. My friend who majored in CIS (no internships) had more trouble getting a job than some guy from a lower ranked school with a CS degree (no internships). I mean, getting internships and building a GitHub with projects can offset that, but most college students are lazy fucks. If you aren't a lazy fuck and can put in the extra effort, then do CIS.

However, I majored in accounting, so here's my plug. The pay is good, and the job security is fantastic. Good or bad markets, accountants are ALWAYS in demand. However, the work is tedious and repetitive. There's nothing fun about accounting work; there's no option like in computer science to go work at some hip startup where you eat free pizza, sit on an exercise ball, and design pretty "minimalist" websites with 200 processes going on in the background. But, it supports me, my wife, and my kid, so I'm happy. The fact that you enjoy the classes is good; you might not want to commit suicide when you start working.

But hey, working a 9-5 is a billion times better than what 99% of /lit/ does. Please don't major in the liberal arts without an idea of what you want to do after. Money is the most important thing; /lit/ doesn't understand this because they aren't adults yet.
Whatever you do, make sure that you're getting paid for it, please. Read books in your spare time. Don't go 100k into debt for a useless English/Philosophy/Linguistics degree.

That's my two cents.

>> No.8504630

does anyone have that pasta?

>> No.8504710 [DELETED] 

>I only have to pay 20.
>only have to pay 20

Americans are fucking terrifying

What do people do in the States when their parents aren't rich?

>> No.8504749

I graduated from UNC. Nice area, I miss it.

>> No.8504799

Either get a really good scholarship (while working a job to feed yourself, because that's conducive to learning, amrite?) or work a blue collar job and cling to the unassailable bastion of the unions. Education's kinda become the sole purview of the rich once again here, ironically.

Funny enough, though, lower-class white people get fucked the hardest because they can't even get a pity affirmative-action scholarship/lowering of admission standards. (Asians are next up on the chopping block, far as I can tell.)

>> No.8505666


It's breddy good. I'm a sophomore (transfer) and I'm surrounded by first year gunners. i have nice thoughts and all, but I have a rather slow response time so all of the things i want to say are taken by the same 2-3 kids in a worse way than i would have put it.

>> No.8505715

American Culture & Literature in Turkey

>> No.8505772

>money is most important thing
for you

>> No.8505777


fuck me it's gonna be great sitting in the lecture hall knowing there are /lit/ posters in the room

>> No.8506211


Different CU anon here. lithum can be hell if students are shit, don't worry about it too much and just enjoy the readings. Take Jenny Davidson's litcrit class, and James Shapiro's Shakespeare class. The former is a brilliant lecturer who puts together really unique reading lists; the latter is a titan of the field.

Adam Kirsch is good too; he's one of the better known lit critics working today (though I'd stay away from his Jewish American seminar and go for the 21st century fiction course if you can swing it). Sit in on an Edward Mendelson Virginia Woolf course but don't take it; his lectures are super repetitive but for a couple weeks they're brilliant and eye-opening.

>> No.8506372

Current Senior in SJC. AMA

>> No.8506386

yes. sjc is basically /lit/: the college. i'm assuming >start with the greeks meme is still around

>> No.8506519

What are the students like? Is it a good place for 'introverts'? And if you have any idea, how does the small campus measure up to larger one's like Cornell's? (That and SJC are my two top picks right now)

>> No.8506531

My nigga

>> No.8507218
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Because I am a Bulgarian in a Bulgarian university.
International students, however, are exempt from the translation classes. We had several students from Indonesia last year.
Bulgaria is a beautiful country and Sofia University is also pretty great. If you are planning on visiting, make sure to check out at least Sofia and Plovdiv. If you are planning on visiting our seaside resorts, go to some less known place.

>> No.8507746
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Thanks, anon! I'll keep that in mind!

Hope you have a good semester!

>> No.8507936

Is there any worthwhile Bulgarian lit.? I'm interestee in language and I actually just ordered some Bulgarian manuals the other day.

>> No.8508223

Yes, there is plenty. I had to dig through the /lit/ archive to find a post of mine from 2014 in a thread about Slavic literature. This is basically the Bulgarian /lit/ high school curriculum.

>Hristo Botev
Wrote poems mostly. Has few scathing feuilletons. Has written very intimate poems to his mother.
Almost all of his poems have been influenced by the fight against The Ottomans and the bigger enemy - the rich Bulgarians who aided the Ottomans during the slavery and the ones who would not rebel rebel.

Uses Balkan folklore motifs in some of his poems. His poems and his life are very much part of Romanticism.

>Ivan Vazov

Wrote about the times before, during and after our independance.
Wrote the first Bulgarian novel, which is about the revolt that led to our liberation.
Knowledge on the "Eastern Quesion" would be pretty useful but not mendatory.
Has good poems about the Bulgarian bravery during the uprising and about the Bulgarian land, and language.

>Elin Pelin
Wrote about the Bulgarian village.
Heavy use of Bulgarian and Christian holiday traditions and meanings. Also Bulgarian folklore motifs and name significance. Wrote about the estrangement from the land i.e. the rural life and the erosion of the patriarchal family and values.

>Yordan Yovkov
Also wrote about the Bulgarian village and villagers, however, with a heavy emphasis on the human "soul". Uses both Christian and Muslim aspects in his prose. Has Muslim characters, uses Bulgarian folklore and Muslim-themed motifs. Wrote series of short stories mostly concerning the sinful nature of man.
Also uses many folklore motifs.

>Pencho Slaveikov
Some of his poems are entirely about Bulgarian motifs.
His most known poems,however, require knowledge on the literature of his time. He was heavily influenced by the Romantic movement.
His epic poems are strongly influenced by artists he considered great; Nietzhe, Bethoven, Shelley, Michelangelo are his idols.
He wrote about overcomming the body; it not being a burden of the soul (as he was a cripple).

>Pencho's buddy Peyo Yavorov
Wrote a lot about the burden of villagers in his first works.
Participated in the attempts to free Macedonia.
Organised a pack of troops to go help in the revolts in Macedonia.
Wrote about that and about his crushed dream of Macedonia.
Got depressed, started writing very vague (imo) love poems. His wife killed herself. He killed himself.

>> No.8508257

Thanks a ton!

>> No.8508265


>Aleko Konstantinov
Pretty cool guy.
Wrote about the post-liberation crisis of morality in Bulgaria.
Wrote many pamphlets and feuilletons of political criticism.
Depicted perfectly the stereotypical Bulgarian - Bay Ganyo.
Wrote nice stories of his travels.

>Dimcho Debelyanov
Wrote depressed but pretty good poems. Also has some poems which are the opposite i. e. they are all about having fun and lechery.
No prior knowledge of Bulgaria and folklore needed. Some of his poems are influenced by his early departure from his home and his later inability to feel at home anywhere.
Also for his later millitary poems, which he wrote while fighting in WWI, just a bit of info on The Balkan Wars wouldn't hurt.

>Atanas Dalchev
Wrote from the point of view of the material, so to say.
His poems are influenced by metaphysics and are often about the helplessness of the human and his transience compared to the eternal inanimate objects. Wrote fun aphorisms as well.

>Geo Milev
His most notable work is solely on the Bulgarian September Uprising of the communists to overthrow the government. Very idealistic, very modern. Perhaps the first to write in blank and free verse.

>Elisaveta Bagrqna
Has nice poems, many concerning the nature of womanhood. Also uses some folklore motifs.

>Hristo Smirnenski

My favourite Bulgarian author.
Wrote about the people of the city:
the workers, the prostitutes, the burdened children who will never live a good life.
Most of his works are on events and people concerning Communism.
Wrote about the Oct. Revolution in Russia, the revold of the Berlin Communist uprising.
His best works are about the hope for a better future and his works on integrity. Communist idealist.

>Nikola Vapcarov

Wrote about the human progress, the hope for a better future and the struggle of the Bulgarian working class. Wrote about the blankness and emptiness of history and media, which can never fully express the "human drama" and the part of the ordinary human in the course of history.
Also wrote about the Spanish Civil War.
Ultimate badass.
Makes your eyes sweat when you read one of his poems about him daydreaming of the bright future when his son will be 20 (his son died in his infancy).

>> No.8508274


>Dimitar Dimov

Wrote good contemporary psychological novels.
His best known - Tobacco.
About the downfall of a poor boy who becomes the richest Bulgarian. And the moral degradation of him and his wife and their surroundings. The commies made him edit the book so he developed further two antithesis commie characterters. IMO, the editing didn't make the book worse.
Too long to get into details about the plot.
Requires just a bit of knowledge on the Bulgarian socioeconomic state during the 1930s and 40s

>Dimitar Talev
Has a tetralogy on the "waking up" of Bulgarian Macedonians. Waking up = realising the need to free themselves from the Ottoman slavery.
The first novel,which is the most known, is about the rising of a small town (very vague summary, sorry). It is about the importance of faith/religion and education in the times of slavery.
It requires a throughout knowledge on the state of the Bulgarian church, the relations with the Greeks in the times of Ottoman rule. And Orthodox Christian motifs.

>> No.8508288

I went for Philosophy and Religious Studies in a Jesuit uni, but the curriculum is fucking ridiculous with like 18 courses per year, many of them spouting the exact same apologetics in the guise of religious studies - it was a big mistake. I heard good things about Jesuit unis but fuck that, maybe if you live in the anglo world.
I'm switching to an analytic-oriented philosophy college and doubling in sociology. The course load is reasonable and seems to follow a program similar to anglophone departments, so I'm expecting to stick with it.

Anyone here experienced in how continental and analytic programs differ to tell me what to expect in more detail?

>> No.8508301

>doubling in sociology.
Don't. Keep the analytic-oriented philosophy--it will positively shape and sharpen your mind, but pick something like Computer Science, Accounting, or Mathematics, instead of sociology.

>> No.8508316
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About to start my third year at a University in south-east England. I won't say which.

The course is absolutely abysmal. Just 6 contact hours per week. The classes are predominantly hosted by PhD students who really do not have enough time to fully invest in creating inspiring seminars (It's not their fault honestly). We are required to shell out for our own books, some of which cost over £100. The vice-chancellor of this university makes over a quarter of a million p/a

Classes consist of meandering discussion which is usually dominated by one or two loudmouths with nothing to say while the rest of the class sits in stifled silence because the whole round-table format makes it too terrifying to speak.

Critical theory is largely bound to feminism or post-colonialism. Philosophy and politics of other kinds is rarely if ever studied.

The majority of the course is spent reading alone in your rented accommodation. You are usually required to read around 1,000 - 1,500 pages per week which in the end is good for about 2 hours of aforementioned "discussion". The result is that you have neither enough time to read, digest or fully unpack a work.

It would almost be a total waste if a university degree was not now the status-quo of education. Society is structured so that you are held at gunpoint to spend £40,000 on a useless degree. My advice for any would-be students is to stay away if they plan on studying the humanities

>> No.8508328

Unfortunately i don't have anything like that on offer, ideally I wanted to double in a language or History but mediocre highschool grades have damned me on the entrance lists.

>> No.8508341

Thanks a ton man, I really appreciate it.

>> No.8508365

You're welcome.
I hope you manage to find some of the Bulgarian classics translated.

>> No.8508478


>Philosophy and politics of other kinds is rarely if ever studied

That's horseshit. I'd complain to a faculty member about that

>> No.8508556

>Philosophy and politics of other kinds is rarely if ever studied

Man, it's the same where I go! I just kinda assumed it was the same everywhere.

>> No.8508865

What's the course? Literature? You don't have to give the complete, actual course name if you're afraid I'll board a plane and come rape you in class after I introduce myself as a friend from the internet