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/lit/ - Literature

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8492159 No.8492159 [Reply] [Original]

Top 5 books that everyone should read?

>> No.8492162

Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
Grapes of Wrath
Brothers K

>> No.8492175

Homer, Shakespeare and the King James Bible. Everything after that is subjective.

>> No.8492183

Gravitys Rainbow
Finegans Wake

jk, this is my life long 'to read' list

>> No.8492185

Sodomy: Bottom or Top?

>> No.8492188

The God Delusion
Deathbed Conversions: Finding Faith at the Finish Line
The Confessions of Saint Augustine
The Holy Bible
City of God

>> No.8492198

none of these, just read the book i'm gonna drop in five years, you won't need to read anything else lmao

>> No.8492310

Slaughterhouse Five
A Farewell To Arms
The Call of the Wild
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8492317

The Making of Americans
Women and Men
Bottom's Dream
The Man Without Qualities

>> No.8492480

Book 1: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

>> No.8492486

Leaves of Grass
Brothers K
Infinite Jest

>> No.8492524

Second post, best post.

>> No.8492529


saying "the whole KJV" is kind of retarded though. you can skip a lot of the minor prophets, a lot of the apocrypha, and large swaths throughout all the OT books.

>> No.8492800

1. 1984

You pick the other 4.

>> No.8492812

What order?

>> No.8492831

why are there so many 1984 suggestions?

>> No.8492839


The big test is next week.

>> No.8492887

The iliad
The bible
Complete works of Plato
Complete works of Aristotle

>> No.8492932

The Bible
Ride the Tiger
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.8492968

The Iliad
The Bible
War and Peace

>> No.8493361

Because it's a great book?

Fuck off, dipshit.

>> No.8493636

The bible
Huck finn
Don quixote

>> No.8493646

Because it is scary. Its makes you think of all the tech we have today. How easy it would be for a government to track you. How many previous governments have had secret police. There are better books by far. But how much it makes you think, i never looked at government the same after that book.

>> No.8493661
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>the bible

>> No.8493670

No one here is saying the bible for religious reasons. It's one of the most influential books from a literature standpoint.

>> No.8493673


>> No.8493674

The Bible
Don Quixote
The Illiad

nice cop out mate, but homer and Shakespeare arent books

>> No.8493677
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>one of

>> No.8493685

You should be studying instead of posting Anon. Teacher won't like it if you fail the test because you were shilling a meme

>> No.8493697

i'm sorry, i don't want to sound like a fucking douchebag, but how many books have you actually read? i just fail to understand how something like 1984 can impress someone by how much it makes you think.

>> No.8493714
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>> No.8493731

Reddit-newfag influx.

>> No.8493788


you believe these things because you're fucking retarded. orwell simplified & popularized well-circulated ideas. good books, not great literature.

>> No.8493853

Dude I've read plenty it isn't about the how impressive the writing is. It's like a 10 grade level book. The question what books should everyone read. 1984 is one a great place to start because it isn't to complex and makes you wanna question government motives.

>> No.8493861

Sorry forgot you're supposed to start 4th graders with a war and peace

>> No.8493871

if you need mediocre fiction to start questioning government motives you are retarded and reading won't help

>> No.8493874

how does this relate to 4th graders, dimwit?

>> No.8493876

Dude when you're a kid in high school you don't think about that stuff all you think is how much smarter and better you are than everyone. Of course from an adult perspective that shit is obvious.

>> No.8493879

1. that russian pokemon book
2. kama sutra
3. the art of war
4. everybody poops
5. hamlet

>> No.8493888

Thread over found the best list.

>> No.8494347

The versions I have have both of their complete works in one book, so I would say it counts.

Also especially in the case of Shakespeare, you're retarded if you don't get a hardcover complete works edition, considering if you buy the plays separately it can run up hundreds of dollars.

>> No.8494377
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>King James Bible

>> No.8494411

>isn't to complex

>> No.8494752

>this picture of dennis was what came up when you googled "japan age of consent"
they changed it now, but that was funny

>> No.8494805


Thinking 1984 is a fiction novel and just that. How thick do you have to be to take the book at prima facia value and not place it within the realms of political philosophy. The fusion of fiction with political theory is the best aspect of 1984, and the political theory is by far the most important part of the book (principally the chapters given over to The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism). To read it as solely a work of fiction is shallow and ignores not only the massive contextual importance of the book, but basic apprehension. Definitely one of the most important and apt works of the 20th century, an easy read sure, but I personally quite enjoy Orwell's simple usage.

But no yeah you're right its definitely not on that fucking list, I can think of a dozen more books suited to a top five. Its not even the best thing that Orwell produced.

>> No.8494823

A joke does not equate bait famalam

>> No.8494825
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Dialectic of Enlightenment
The Wretched of the Earth
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Discipline and Punish
The Holocaust Industry

>> No.8494826
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>not buying individual editions

top pleb

>> No.8494956


>taking pictures of your bookshelf as if anyone cares what you own
>having multiple copies of the same book

Top autism.

>> No.8494982

>not having multiple copies of the same work

it's like you WANT people to know you're a pseud, anon

>> No.8495933

I am.

>> No.8495952

It's entry-level politics, what are you talking about?

>> No.8495960

Yeah, thank liberalism for the idea that 1984 is some master piece, lol

>> No.8496007

Honestly? If I could pick 5 books I'd like everyone to have read knowing that the majority of people can't comprehend truly complex shit?

1. The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant
2. The Better Angels of Our Nature by Stephen Pinker
3. Wind Sand and Stars by Antoine Saint Exupery
4. The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm
5. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

>> No.8496875

>Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
You really misunderstood it if you thought that it is a book about Christian salvation (as I think you do by looking at your other answers)