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/lit/ - Literature

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8486406 No.8486406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Infinite Jest is finally getting translated into my language
>the translation is being done by this 23-year old girl

Am I fucked or should I just read it in english?

>> No.8486414

Why bother with a translation when you can read English?

>> No.8486416

wow what a qt

>> No.8486417

hungarian isnt even a real language.

read it in english.
all translation suck.

>> No.8486425


It's a good language though

>George Bernard Shaw : “After studying the Hungarian language for years, I can confidently conclude that had Hungarian been my mother tongue, it would have been more precious. Simply because through this extraordinary, ancient and powerful language it is possible to precisely describe the tiniest differences and the most secretive tremors of emotions.”

>> No.8486445

I know Hungary is cheap but is it nice there? Are bitches hot?
One of my escape plans is hungary where I accumulated wealth and I move to denmark and open a business.

>> No.8486451


She is a famous "poet"

>> No.8486466
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I'd hit it tbqh famalam

>> No.8486468

You are fucked

not by her though

>> No.8486472

eh, that's just what happens when you become really fluent in a second language, particularly one very different from your own. it always feels liberating. you can find quotes like that about every language.

>> No.8486475


Tourists usually love Budapest, there are some great architechture there (see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nd9DuDGCz0))

I don't live there though so I can't comment more. The girls can be cute.

>> No.8486486

Wasn't DFW pretty young when he started writing novels

>> No.8486488

no shit. id drink her bath water

>> No.8486491

just read vineland

>> No.8486500

but he was never female

>> No.8486505

maybe she's really good at translating who cares you should read it in english anyway

>> No.8486511

Wow, she's really cute. That means she won't understand it, unfortunately.

>> No.8486513

Do you have any real reason do doubt her performance or are you just a whiney baby who hasn't yet had the balls to actually engage with actual women in the real world?

>> No.8486527

>Do you have any real reason do doubt her performance

Yes. She is a woman.

>> No.8486528

>David Foster Wallace was 24 when Broom of the System was published

>> No.8486537

Thank you, I will.
I still have around 2 to 4 years here and then if things go well I will visit the country and see how it is. Hopefully I can get some info there from someone as well, assuming he won't try to trick me since I'm a tourists and stereotypically must be rich

>> No.8486538

>talking about translation of english literature on /lit/

don't bother to ask OP, this place is filled with so many retarded opinions on this subject that no good can come out of this discussion, just look at those hot opinions:



>> No.8486542

IJ should be pretty simple to translate for the most part, but it's very American, specifically New England. I don't know what an international audience would get out of it.

>> No.8486545

Ok, a whiney baby who hasn't yet had the balls to actually engage with actual women in the real world it is, then. :^)

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.8486546
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>"Oh great, you made it to our date! Did you bring along that book you said you'd published? Y-you have been published, r-right?"

>> No.8486562



>> No.8486565

Stop being in denial, women can't into literature

>> No.8486566

I feel sorry for people who get baited so easily.

>> No.8486571

The old "it's only a performance and apic may mays all for bantz and lulz but on the bottom I'm a sad misogynist" meme. Never gets old.

>> No.8486576

just kill me now fampai

>> No.8486580

Cum on a copy, let it dry and send it to her. Women love that shit.
Source: I'm a girl

>> No.8486585

>I don't know what an international audience would get out of it

>what's War and Peace, Les Miserables, 2666, don Quixote, Le Rogue et le noir?

>> No.8486590

A list of novels from places that have actual country, ie not America

>> No.8486595

This guy is really mad!

>> No.8486597

>Start with the greeks
>too greek
>will never get anything out of it
>decide to forward with the romans
>too roman
>pick up contemporary brazilian book so I won't get fucked again
>pick up Opsiane Swiata
>the book is set in the 20s
>half of it in Poland, half of it in northenr Brasil, which I don't know

>> No.8486611

no its just a rip-off of Vineland

>> No.8486616
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>> No.8486624

as a Frenchman I enjoyed IJ, and most if not everything felt real and relatable. I think it's a good thing it gets a wider audience

>> No.8486627

all the slang etc.. is lost in translation. kinda fucks with some chapters

>> No.8486637

Ive read very good translations from French by aristocratic high class women.

>> No.8486641
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Why do women pretend to like Infinite Jest?

>> No.8486643

A lot of those have importance due to intertextuality, but I would sincerely believe that those texts are more relatable to where they are written. The themes are more universal as well. It's a nice compliment to IJ to compare it to those works, but I don't think they are on par with each other.

>> No.8486644

What's pathetic about those opinions? If he can read English, why shouldn't he stick with the English copy?

>> No.8486648


1: Go read Virginia Woolf
2: Fuck off back to r9k

These are your options.

>> No.8486651


>Implying I myself can even tell if I'm mysoginist or not
>Implying I'm not so far down the rabbit hole of metairony that I have zero ontological certainty of anything

>> No.8486652
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>> No.8486655


Naming exceptions won't change the general rule.
Do you also think woman are just as funny as men?

>> No.8486753

Got a better question: why would you bother yourself reading that disgusting, boring, piece of shit?

>> No.8486757
File: 60 KB, 660x667, 1460447275804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never have a qt Hungarian translator girlfriend give you a post-coital backrub as you read while laying on your bed in front of a balcony overlooking 95%-white Budapest as you talk about how Orban is doing a great job and has caused massive rises in wages while keeping all the migrant scum out.

>> No.8486773


She is a poet primarily. And she hates Orban, just like every young humanities student

>> No.8486778


>> No.8486823
File: 24 KB, 400x462, disdain for plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a fucking slam poet

Also, anon, I am currently reading it in English, it's not so hard. I mean, you need a dictionary, the fucker loves his obscure words. But suprisingly readable and comfy

>> No.8486825

Find her
Fuck her
Make her your Mary Karr
Live the meme

>> No.8486832

Yeah, Dave was only fourty-six when he finished his life.

>> No.8486837

why does everyone seem to have a hard on for that book, whats so good about it?

>> No.8486854

i wonder how much of an in-depth understanding a chick born in 1993 can really have of the nineties and it's memes which are so very essential to the text

gril or not

just read it english

>> No.8486916


>> No.8486928

It makes me look cool carrying it around because it has so many pages

>> No.8486947


Fuck fuck fuck I wanted to translate it to Hungarian. Stupid ho

>> No.8486953

Magyar? Jézusom, előre félek. Kosztolányi óta nem volt rendes magyar-angol fordítónk.
also this

>> No.8486955


I wonder how Erdrey's gibberish chapters would work in another language.

>> No.8486964

also this, it really makes me quite sad to see all these chances go. Pale King is still there tho'
(it's impossible to translate, I'd have to travel to America and get an accountancy degree in Hungary just to get half of the jargon right)

>> No.8487023
File: 32 KB, 470x576, vangogh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hungarian here from Ujpest, i translated one of her poems for you guys, it's about losing a virginity i think

title: naked at dawn

i pull the sheets back
he lies there asleep
like a body
that i have to identify for the police
"yes, that's him" i say aloud
beginning to cry

he wakes and stares
i sob with eyes shut tight
he touches my red skin
with cold fingers
promising it will be alright
that the first snow of winter is falling
what do you think? i've never heard of her to be honest

>> No.8487038

>you will never have a qt American translator girlfriend give you a post-coital backrub as you read while laying on your bed in front of a balcony overlooking 86%-white Pittsburgh as you talk about how Trump is doing a great job and has caused massive rises in wages while keeping all the migrant scum out.

>> No.8487079

link to the original?

>> No.8487083


what the fuck is metairony. the latter part of your statement is true in a trivial sense, though

>> No.8487087



>> No.8487101


Pretty Terrible. Modern "poets" of the newer generations spit on Keats yeats and anyone of importance, the imagery is something a 15 year old can conjure, and talking about sex in poetry so bluntly is low.

>> No.8487125

>"poem" by a female "poet"

Wow! Exciting new stuff from the vagina people!

>> No.8487217

Mi van Szentkuthyval te műveletlen fasz? (oké, az más tészta, hogy gyakorlatilag újraírta a Ulyssest)

>> No.8487225

It's better in English

>> No.8487229
File: 37 KB, 633x758, 1460843996899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have a gf

>> No.8487237

How do you get the rights and editorial backing to translate a novel?

>> No.8487238
File: 621 KB, 796x960, cHzoPOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't she understand it?

>> No.8487321

Tfw still no infinite jest in polish

>> No.8487355

>you will never have a f

>> No.8487364

it shows

>> No.8487368


>> No.8487411

>the vagina people

i gigold

>> No.8488120

Read it in English if you want to read it.


>> No.8488141

>Read it in English if you want to read it.
because IJ is know for its amazing use of the english language and groundbreaking puns

pff, amerifats will never learn

>> No.8488158

why exactly should anyone care what an unfuckable incel thinks about how funny women are? I doubt you're burning down the house when you recite memes at the dinner table while your poor parents nod uncomfortably.

>> No.8488161

You can do it, she gives you a playbook. Get some poetry published, offer to the publisher to translate dfw.

>> No.8488359

Don't read Infinite Jest in any language because it isn't good.

>> No.8488383

>slam poet


Sorry about your shitty translation, Hungry bros.

>> No.8489161

i genuinely laughed at these post

thanks lads

>> No.8489168

wtf I hate qts now

>> No.8489183

>tfw first translation of IJ in the world is in my language

I still read it in English tho

>> No.8489197

Minek olvassak angol könyveket lefordítva ha eredetiben is megértem, teljes mértékben leszarom.

>> No.8489204

DFW is simple literature

>> No.8489304

Povera Italia...

>> No.8489319

Végtelen öröm vagy mi?
DFW is untranslatable.
Both culturally and linguistically.

>> No.8489332

>managed to type this just fine in english
Why exactly would you bother with a translation?

>> No.8489334

This is the worst /lit/ meme.

>> No.8489441

>tfw no Hungarian qt to build walls with

>> No.8489474

No, it isn't. The worst meme is "lol why don't you just learn the language???". This is just "you have already learnt the language", which actually makes sense.

>> No.8489482

If you can read 4chan you can read Infinite Jest.

>> No.8489512

USA hasn't a single original cultural characteristic

>> No.8489598

>if you master English well enough to sling shitposts into this hellhole you will always get more out of a postmodern non linear 1000 page tome in English than in a translation to your first language
>actually makes sense

>The worst meme is "lol why don't you just learn the language???
That one is obviously nonsensical. Someone might actually be serious with the above meme.

>> No.8489617

>Modern "poets" of the newer generations spit on Keats yeats and anyone of importance, the imagery is something a 15 year old can conjure, and talking about sex in poetry so bluntly is low.


>> No.8489810

How is the ebonics chapter translated into different languages?

>> No.8489955

in the german synchronization of airplane! they translated the ebonics into bavarian dialect which doesn't make sense at all, because bavarians are not the niggers of germany

>> No.8489957

>because bavarians are not the niggers of germany
>confirmed delusional bavarian

>> No.8489978

They should have gotten Géza Rózsavölgyi to translate it

>> No.8489986

It's not shit but it is as dry as fucking wallpaper so you're not missing too much.

>> No.8490054

>Bend me over like a substitute teacher

>> No.8490057

By the time she's done she'll be a 33-year old translator, if that makes you feel any better

Do Turkish hoods not have an identifiable dialect?

>> No.8490101

>touch me everywhere except my butthole for I'm very sensitive there with bad memories
??? Absolutely disgusting, what's wrong with her

>> No.8490988

the mcdonalds, walmart, microsoft in the 90s aesthetic is pretty uniquely american

>> No.8491014

is there any videos of her where she is reading Jozsef Attila poems, particularly Nagyon Faj? I need to fap

>> No.8491034

It's not even hard. If your English is good enough for you to shitpost here, it's good enough for IJ.

>> No.8491042

That's literally impossible just from a probabilistic standpoint

>> No.8491079

You know, Pynchon has been translated and published in Hungarian, and the specific cultural uniquities were alright. Not great, but for the most part relatable.

>> No.8491483

metaphorically your metaphorical wife is metaphorically unfaithful and you are metaphorically aroused by this.

I really mean this metaphorically, I'm not just calling you a cuck. Also you're an insecure faggot and I wish you never existed.

>> No.8491526

David Faster Wallace books r 2 american and you can say anything but they still are too american. Nothing like greeks or don quixote. That's for sure. I cant explain in this language.

>> No.8491548

>hasn't read IJ

cutie DFW was pretty popular and got babes his whole life, if anything you shut in uggos are the ones who don't get it

>> No.8491555

why does half of /lit/ who hasn't even gotten past the first 50 pages
(the other 1/4 is too busy reading reading the stranger or whatever other hs level 101 shit)

>> No.8491608

i want to stick my penis inside of her vagina, if you catch my drift

>> No.8491643

The language doesn't matter, an author writes in their own style in their native tongue. Anything this girl writes will be her own words not the author's.

This goes for all translations, it is always best to read a book in it's native tongue when possible.

(Especially if its a useful language, such as American)


>> No.8491946

Monoglot retard

>> No.8491967


i usually prefer thiccness but goddamn that is a perfect figure. is her ass nice tho? who is this wiener keener

>> No.8491989


>what do you think? i've never heard of her to be honest

what did she mean by this

>> No.8492004

>Discussing women
>on /lit/
for shame