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/lit/ - Literature

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8484708 No.8484708 [Reply] [Original]

>go to my university's massive library
>try to check out book
>"hang on dear I just have to document this because no one has ever checked this book out before"

>> No.8484712

What was it?

>> No.8484723

>summer's over

feels good man

>> No.8484730

To Be a Pilgrim by Joyce Cary
a-are you calling me summer

>> No.8484740

This might be an uncommon opinion but I actually enjoy going to class, especially when the topics are mentally stimulating. I didn't really enjoy my first year of classes because they were things I'd already taken in high school, but now that I'm doing higher level math and physics, as well as electrical/computer system - all subjects I enjoy - I really feel that taking them is a really gratifying experience. I was trying to take this 20th. Century American lit class, but my schedule couldn't fit it (they were also pretty apprehensive because I'm not a lot major). I don't know maybe I'm in the minority in that I enjoy structure in learning.

>> No.8484745
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>go to university bookstore on it's busiest day
>ask employees to help me scout out my books, make it take over an hour and a half
>purchase $2,000+ worth of textbooks, hold up everyone in line for fifteen minutes
>go back to apartment and rip all the textbooks for free off of gen.lib.rus.ec
>return to bookstore the same day and force the employees re-process every single one for a full refund just to put them through another hour of misery
>lecture them afterwards about ripping me off and ruining student's lives, they apologize and get upset
Sorry, but I'm not sorry. It's a necessary "evil" and you all will thank me later.

>> No.8484923

>prof requires physical copy

>> No.8484940

>professors say that there are ways to get the books for free
>to ask around if we need help
>smiles to class
Feels bretty gud man

>> No.8484984
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You know what should be a hanging offence is loose leaf textbooks that you have to put in a three ring binder. You can't sell them back to the store, they're too bulky, and they tear easily. They won't even fit in one large binder it's a crime against humanity.


>buy textbook
>don't read textbook
>get a good grade anyway
>textbook impossible to sell because the course is too specialized

My business textbooks are also full of buzzwords and ideology.

>> No.8485071

We're glad you're at school and spending less time infecting 4chan with your inexperienced bullshit.

>> No.8485091

I can understand why this notice is needed. Something about my university library meant I always had a boner while working at the desks. The idea of jerking off in the bathroom came up frequently.

>> No.8485096

I'm still here sweety-boy

>> No.8485110

>mfw reading this
I always thought I was weird or something but same

Also in my schools library there are rooms reserved for faculty, and the glass on the doors is obscured (idk how to explain it, its glass but its distorted and you cant see through)

whenever I walk by I cant help but imagine fucking a professor or TA in there

>> No.8485179

>less time

reading comprehension, point proven.