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/lit/ - Literature

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8483478 No.8483478 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that can cure my utter disgust with society? With each passing day I become more and more dissatisfied with the actions of not just my peers, but of the media, of our supposed "role models", and of our government. I want to believe that things will turn out alright in the end, but the foreseeable future only entails irrationality and suffering for anyone who tries to participate in society.

>> No.8483497

Why would you want that?

>> No.8483511

there's no way you talk like this in real life. you sound like you're roleplaying some angsty stock character.

>> No.8483521

You grow up past the age of 15.

>> No.8483522

The New Testament

>> No.8483535

Read marxist 20th century philosophy, critical theory to be more precise.

>> No.8483536

Of course I don't, I don't go to people in real life asking them for book recommendations either, because nobody fucking reads. I couldn't care less about being called an angsty sperg on a taiwanese sailing forum, which is why I'm sharing my feelings towards society and asking for recommendations here instead of at my local bar/cafe/wherever the hell people go to chat.
I'd rather not retreat to a life of NEETdom, preferably I want a decent paying research job which requires me to have a functioning set of social skills/life
No thanks

>> No.8483604

Any specific names? Quick google search turned up Lukacs, Adorno, and Zizek but I get the feeling you're trying to meme me into wasting my time on dry academia that won't really serve my intended purpose.

>> No.8483610

Read Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury

>> No.8483619

Stop whining you goodreads visiting black bitch, and go outside. 4chan will only reinforce your shell.

>> No.8483621

He's not memeing, I came here to post exactly the same. Marx and his 20th century descentants present the best, most coherent and most interesting bodies of thought that one the one hand is exactly as disgusted and dissatisfied with the state of affairs as they are now, while still historically and dialectically have a better world as a vague flicker on the horizon, which informs their thought. Reading this shit cured my nihilism and misantropy completely.

Will write recommendations, 2 secs.

>> No.8483622

Delillo delillo delillo delillo

>> No.8483636 [DELETED] 

low intellect pride-hurt plebs are the reason for OP's view on society. Go back to reading YA and posting on /b/

>> No.8483643

low intellect pride-hurt plebs like you are the reason for OP's view on society. Go back to reading YA and posting on /b/

>> No.8483655



Capital, by Marx
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, by Walter Benjamin
Theses on the Philosophy of History, by Walter Benjamin
The Dialectics of Enlightenment, by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer
Three-Penny Opera and other plays, by Bertolt Brecht
The Emancipated Spectator, by Jacques Ranciere
On Ideology, by Roland Althusser
The Society of the Spectacle, by Guy Debord
Mythologies, by Roland Barthes

I have more if you want. Get an introduction to marxist thought first, as all of these require an understanding of basic marxist concepts.

>> No.8483686

Honestly, this. If you just see the outside world through the lens of 4chan, it's a pretty bleak picture. Every information source cherry-picks, and since 4chan has always been a counter-culture of course the things posted here would be pretty negative about modern society.

>> No.8483687

I'm actually in the middle of White Noise right now, nice call but I'm not sure how his works quite relate to my question (as of yet)
Thank you, I've never considered myself particularly interested in Marxist Theory but I suppose I can give it a shot. Are there any online intros you could link me?

>> No.8483711

For a quick overview of seminal and introductory primary texts:

This encyclopedia of terms, concepts and names is indespensable. Worth using during the reading process as well:

plato.stanford.edu is always a huge help:

Clicking around wikipedia on the subjects isn't TOO bad either.

>> No.8483722
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>> No.8483762

Isn't Marxism the exact reason of OP's disgust with today's society? Why would he want further reading about it?

>> No.8483768

Pol pls leave

>> No.8483779

It's such a bafflingly thing, very peculiar to the north America, to think marxism as a body of thought has something to do with the way things are now, combining it with "liberal media", "SJW" and so on. Every single marxist in the history of ideas has critiqued his contemporary society in new, complex and imaginative ways, THOUROUGHLY dissatisfied with just about evey aspect of human social organization.

How on earth should these people be considered to have "won," and somehow even constructed a huge, judaism-related conspiracy above us?

>> No.8483809

I believe you've confused Marxist Theory, a legitimate school of thought, with Cultural Marxism, a buzzword used by pollacks which refers less to actual marxism than to a hegemonization of morals within a society under a "progressive" agenda that creates a climate highly conductive to excessive degeneracy.

>> No.8483859

Why dont you create the society you want to be it, the one that you envision.

>> No.8483932
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jeez what a great idea mister why didn't I think of that one

>> No.8484012

You have try?

>> No.8484033

Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.8484051

Serious answer now: Anna Karenina (Tolstoy in general is probably fine, but this is the only work by him that I've read). It actually should make you less disgusted with the society, rather than more. (Honestly, I have no idea how those Marxists who shit even more on the society will help.)

>> No.8484060

You can't cure what's right with you.

Only pretend to be stupid until the cognitive dissonance compels you to kill.

>> No.8484657

>cure it
No, but you can find some that might help you laugh about how awful it is rather than feel shit about it.

>> No.8484754

A research job means you have to be able to do research, lol.

>> No.8484945

No but I can think of some notable individuals who have; Adolf Hitler, Paul Pot, Joseph Stalin, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Josip Tito, Simon Bolivar, etc.

Seems like everything worked out for them just fine.

>> No.8484950

>Paul Pot
Fuck i'm retarded

>> No.8485191

Whereas Marxism is most commonly understood as a critique/analysis of economic and societal systems, "cultural marxism" refers to the similarity of values and rhetoric that underpins both marxism (as it is conventionally conceptualized) and modern progressive ideologies (i.e. the division of peoples into opposing classes for the purposes of political agitation, the need for absolute equality, and the abolition of hierarchies, whether they be social, economic, racial, etc...)

>> No.8485216

>With each passing day I become more and more dissatisfied with the actions of not just my peers, but of the media, of our supposed "role models", and of our government.

>implying youve contributed anything to society in any way whatsoever
>implying youre not who you are due to the actions of other individuals
>implying your actions are any different from the individuals who you're so "dissatisfied" with

>I want to believe that things will turn out alright in the end

Things are alright. We're in a relatively peaceful period of human history with numerous developments and breakthroughs being made in science, technology, medicine. What the fuck do you mean "alright in the end"?

>but the foreseeable future only entails irrationality and suffering for anyone who tries to participate in society.

Wew, lad that's one hot projector you've got running there. Make sure to turn it off once you're done.

are both right OP. Misanthropy is for babies.

>> No.8485270

Who cares about them, if you dont have any input of some type on your society your complain seems pathetic, you should write that book that cure your utter disgusting for society.

>> No.8485274

there's currently no known cure for asperger's

>> No.8485279

Ray Bradbury is trash, do not read him.

>> No.8485406

Find a society that doesn't make you sick or effect a change in your immediate society. Books exalting our current environment are hopelessly romanticized and morally stagnant

>> No.8485410


>> No.8485516
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You're just more aware than others OP. Don't listen to them here, they're just watching the shadow projections on the wall and you're outside of the cave. You've just seen the society's true form is all. Here people tell you to go outside but that's just a snide remark. I go outside everyday and I know what you mean. There's nothing wrong in believing society can be better and produce better. Hell, we're on /lit/, I bet most here will agree contemporary literature is in a poor state. Western culture is getting brought down but most are content with that it seems.

>> No.8485521
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Here OP, Puberty is hard for everybody

>> No.8485539

Haha yeah man! Breakthroughs in Science, technology and medicine is everything society needs.


>> No.8485542

You need to learn a second language (like Spanish) and move to a country with soul. America is dead.

>> No.8485545

goddamn he has no rhetorical stylings at all, who thought this was a good idea
I know he's not a native speaker, but damn

>> No.8485546


there u go OP just what u wanted

>> No.8485547

the bible

>> No.8485559

Agreed. Glad we are on the same page Anon, we're gonna really help OP. =)

>> No.8485560
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>> No.8485862

1. Stop watching anime you moe-loving misanthrope.
2. Get off the internet and actually take control of your life.
3. Maybe read a book for a change
4. This may not apply to you, but I have a feeling it does: quick depending on others, maybe get a job, move out of your parent's house.
5. Try and talk to the people who fill you with such disgust. I can assure you that the vast majority of them, but imperfect, trying to go about their day and survive- hardly a huge offence wouldn't you say?
6. Stop watching anime. It's useless, repetitive bullshit, and will never lead to a greater understanding of the world; especially when it's purpose built for the consumption of juvenile Nippon man-boys.

>> No.8485866

all these books are really shit
why are people on the far-right so cringy and dumb?

>> No.8485873
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>> No.8485882

Suffering is a choice.

>> No.8486313

they exist for a reason, but you don't have to listen to it

>role models
so you DO listen to the media? define your own role models. or don't. people are flawed

i think with most politics understanding that people generally want to do best for people. their actions may be disagreeable or fucked up but you gotta empathise with it. the way government works might not always be effective but what else can you expect? organisation of a country isn't easy

people are generally alright creatures

>> No.8486350


>> No.8486383
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Deleuze & Guattar

>> No.8486654

I don't watch anime faggot, its possible to accumulate gifs and pictures ripped from animes and not actually watch that garbage. You're on a fucking anime image board ffs.

Aside from that moot point, I have already embraced all your other "recommendations", and outside of reading have been met with disappointment. The average person does tend to have noble intentions and an open mind, yes, but is also so overwhelmed with their own ego that they allow their decisions to be tainted by their own pathos. From what I have seen the average person will make a rational decision only after they have suffered the consequences of their emotionally-driven decisions multiple times.