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/lit/ - Literature

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8482466 No.8482466 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this masterpiece of contemporary literature, /lit/?

>> No.8482486

someone get this kid a girlfriend to shut him up

>> No.8482506

Perhaps the same could be said of all philosophers.

>> No.8482509

Isn't it ridiculous that all a man needs to shut up is a woman?

>> No.8482511

Well, it's the other way around too. It seems pretty natural.

>> No.8482515

It doesn't make it less ridiculous.

>> No.8482560
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I don't that word means what you think it means.

>What do you think about this
>blame the world and not me, nothing can possibly be wrong with me
>if you have problems, don't even bother trying to fix them because the world won't allow it
>people don't understand me because I'm different, please listen to this long post explaining how I'm different so you can understand me

Really, I can very easily latch on to at least three quarters of the apologetic rhetoric in that post to make excuses for why my life is the way it in some desperate attempt not to blame myself, as most would consider me a loser.

However, I don't look at my past for excuses on why I should neglect my future. The problem with /r9k/ is that they have given up entirely. "Nothing can be done, fate has doomed me before I ever got a chance." This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The great irony is that the type of pleb you find on /r9k/ are the kind that can only be successful in life if the odds are stacked heavily in their favour like the normies they so disdain. They are quick to dismiss those that rose above their circumstance as radical outliers, freaks of nature, instead of role-models one should aspire to emulate.

These fuckers have no idea what hard work is. For example:
>Yet sports players that barely know how to speak properly earn 8 digits for running behind a ball, and others work their asses off for a miserable wage if they are lucky enough to even get a job.
This poster clearly has no clue how hard professional athletes work. Sure, they are gifted genetically, but so are thousands of others competing for the same 8 digit contract. The hardest worker wins and gets the spotlight while the rest fail silently.

tl;dr once you get down to it there is no more substance to this post than a fatty saying diets don't work

>> No.8482564

Can you rewrite this without the strawmanning though?

>> No.8482565

>The hardest worker wins
ITT we defend the myth of meritocracy, also known as the just world fallacy.

>> No.8482581

It's a mix of ordinary bar talk and some pessimistic bullshit. The writer is treading water when he gets into middle-age and older, because he obviously hasn't experienced them. Many people move to a new city and make entirely new friends later in life. The childish normal/loser binary ignores most of reality, and most peoples' shifting fortunes. Lots of people find a partner and/or nice group later in life, and many leave behind the teen/college friends (seeing them on FB isn't really a continuing relationship). In broad stereotypes this has some societal truths, but it's bar-advice, not literature.

>> No.8482594

>It's a mix of ordinary bar talk and some pessimistic bullshit.
Sounds like Bukowski or Houllebecq to me.

>> No.8482604

Yep, and I wouldn't call them literature either.

>> No.8482610


Stopped at the point where he attributed physical fitness with access to organic vegetables. I even agree with the overall premise of a person and their life being a total coinflip. He's just dumb.

>> No.8482619


>> No.8482692

Devoid of critical thought and filled with flawed, insecurity based analysis. The world is not just, but the /r9k/ types refuse to adapt to it. This is due to poor life experience; but it is they who also chose to dwell on it, rather than change and learn.

>> No.8482707

Is this a litmust test to suss out if you're a normie? I must be, because this is some retarded gay faggot pussy ass whiny beta bullshit.

>> No.8482729

i love how in English you can just stack fucks and pussies to amplify the meaning.

>> No.8482733

>ridiculous public antics that they would never do and have also never made friends that way: go talk to a stranger at a cafe, approach someone reading a book in a bookstore, go for a walk in a park alone and start talking to someone sitting on a bench.

These aren't creepy I have had many interesting/nice conversations by doing these things and have even made a couple of casual friends.

>> No.8482739
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I see your point, it does look like a strawman, but I'm not really trying to refute the central argument, I actually agree that normals don't care to understand losers, this is why I never bother to explain myself to people, and why I have lost all my normal friends from highschool.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I'm mainly criticising the underlying mentality of shifting blame to factors outside of your control and how futile it is to even try to do anything about it, so you shouldn't even bother to try and change anything and just accept your fate.

You are interpreting that line out of context, try again.