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8480718 No.8480718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walking home from gym
>it's the first week of university
>Chads, Staceys, and normies are partying non stop at night and lounging around with almost no clothes during the sunny days
>every girl is a future or current or past "le such a qt3.14" oneitis or crush for some quiet, possibly glasses wearing, overthinking, sexually unappealing geek
>at some point she has rejected the rare advance from one of these males with a smirk, a polite remark, and instant social media belittling among her friends along with a reassessment of the social league table in her mind
>this girl is harvesting the male attention in the literal prime of her life before being fucked without a condom by a Chad
>the male genetic waste (~80 % if males) are either alone at home or meekly pretending to be asexual at parties, in a matching game with predetermined results, no matter what the self help (or magical thinking) industry may tell you

>> No.8480740

That's nice dear. Have some cocoa and go to bed. They can't hurt you when you're asleep.

>> No.8480746


>> No.8480751


>> No.8480753

nice livejournal fag

>> No.8480754
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>tfw rawdogged a bunch of PTP to get it over with before retreatic into the eremetic life

I know that world, it can't trick me anymore.

>> No.8480762

Dear OP.

Nobody invites you to private parties with a discerning guest list because you possess some personal quality that makes your company unpleasant.

A rather large percentage of people will never attend a frat-party or frat-style party in their lives - what's more it is a rather uniquely American social disease.

In short you are just a diseased man in a diseased country, what did you expect from life?


A voice?

>> No.8480763
File: 637 KB, 2480x3508, YnNWgnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be men
>invent feminism
>give it to women to be nice
>they immediately revert civilization to matriarchal hypergamy and ruin everything

Good gender

>> No.8480780
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>when Stacy rejects my advances

>> No.8480782

>Good gender
dindu nuffin

>> No.8480786


>Whites receive a lower average sentence than blacks
>This is racism folks!

Even when adjusted for the same crime, there are completely rational explanations for why a white person/ female would receive a lower sentence.

>> No.8480796

Just get in shape and fuck one and get it over with

>> No.8480803

s-x is for perverts

>> No.8480804

Where do you fuck a girl when you still live with mom & dad and have very little privacy in the house ?

>> No.8480819

Just get over it. Don't base your self worth on how successful you happen to be with women, but on your actual accomplishments. Fucking a bunch of women might leave you a genetic legacy, but your actual name won't survive posterity. And who do we talk more about: some random ass king who had like 20 wives and 100 children, or someone like Newton, who died a virgin?

>> No.8480833

your car
her house

>> No.8480840

Outside, in a hidden public place

>> No.8480842

Yes, and we are all innately perverts struggling futilely against our base natures.

Don't cripple yourself with cognitive dissonance; put on some stockings shove a whole papaya up your ass and live a little!

>> No.8480847

True but evolution does not pick the best, just those who fuck the most.

>> No.8480848

The woods and abandoned buildings are my usual spots.
Let me qualify that statement; I am not a murderer.

>> No.8480854

And die the least; so there's that.

r-type selection has it's limits.

>> No.8480855

>put on some stockings
Shut up, you are making me want to post horses in knee socks

>> No.8480858

Women, who are the gatekeepers for sex, choose the traits that survive. And they rarely choose for shit that actually better the species, like intelligence, temperance, and hard work.

>> No.8480860

Please do; bomb this shit thread into oblivion.

It would be a worthier use of the space.

>> No.8480864

Fuck off, Aubrey Plaza.

>> No.8480870

I can't trust a chart that has 7% looking like that on the pie graph what the fuck

>> No.8480875

I would but its a global ban level violation and I don't want to be out for 3 days

>> No.8480878

That would imply that you can't bash the gate down. Money is often gotten with intelligence, hard work or slyness and low grade women love money.

>> No.8480884

I hate the red pill/blue pill dichotomy and its connection to /pol/ racism, but anyone who's intimately familiar with an alpha male will have his illusions about women completely shattered. My brother is chad prime, and to see respectable married women basically throw themselves at him, or openly flirt with him while their cowardly husband sits by unwilling to say anything is fucking skin-crawlingly infuriating. Women know that as long as they're under a certain weight they can get as much dick as they want, and they take advantage of this all the time. Something like half of all married women admit to cheating on their husbands physically.

>> No.8480887

what advances

>> No.8480891

You are lower grade men than the low grade women. Congratulations.

>> No.8480895

Any women who marries for money will cheat on her husband. Most rich guys realize this and are okay with it. But even money can't override it.

>> No.8480915

4chan is bad for your health anyway.

>> No.8480919

just bring a gun to class when your in one of those auditoriums. walk up to the front of class and open fire. make sure to not harm or scare the teacher. they aren't to blame.

>> No.8480931

at that point why not spare the consequences of the mess you're about to make and be fully responsible for and shoot yourself. The latter is quiet, nobody knows, nobody cares, and it's as if everyone ceased at once instead of a crowd of people you don't like.

>> No.8480936

so? You propagated your genetics and if that is all you care about then women are not gatekeepers of anything.
Im not telling you to rape her (if that is what you are implying)

>> No.8480946

because it's their fault he feels that way in the first place. get life in jail then just read books till you die. that's /lit as fuck.

>> No.8480947

are you the chemistry teacher from UK?

>> No.8480952

this is explained in an evolutionary sense in that guys who fuck a lot are predisposed to be shitty fathers and being shitty fathers leads to weak offspirng, so by fucking more they increase their chances of at least one of their kids getting it right, whereas those likely to be good fathers do not feel the same urgency to fuck around

>> No.8480955

>so? You propagated your genetics and if that is all you care about then women are not gatekeepers of anything.
That's not all that men care about, though. We care about loyalty and commitment. But the real difference is that a woman's value to a man is inherent. As long as a women is under 40 and under a certain weight, most men would probably be willing to fuck her. While a man who has impeccable genetics either still has to work out or still has to go through the trouble of becoming rich in order to get laid regularly.

>> No.8480957

Because that's not the point.

The point is to terrorize and slay your peers for socially rejecting you and crippling your ability to grow into a closer approximation of a psychologically normal human.

>> No.8480969

>While a man who has impeccable genetics either still has to work out or still has to go through the trouble of becoming rich in order to get laid regularly.

no one said life was going to be on easy mode faggot. no church in the wild ya feel me

>> No.8480972

In this one respect women have it on ultra easy mode. They get free companionship by virtue of existing

>> No.8480985

women cheat exactly as much as guys would if they had the same opportunities. its just way easier for chicks to get laid for a variety of social and evolutionary reasons. the type of guy that most chicks are into is really pathetic though. sleeve tattoos and the personality of a monitor lizard will get you pussy by the ton, but being someone you like is healthier in the long run i guess.

>> No.8481017

>women cheat exactly as much as guys would if they had the same opportunities.
Maybe, maybe not. I don't know if the sort of love attachment you see in male-written poetry is an inherent aspect of male sexuality that evolved in order to keep fathers from leaving, but I'm certain that women don't feel it to the same extent that men do. I can't imagine a woman writing Shakespeare's sonnets, for example.

My problem is this: there have always been external forces that kept women from cheating. Whether it be keeping them from going out, or dressing them modestly, or keeping them from entering male-only spaces. And now, with the advent of free love and feminism, it seems like we've reverted back to an old aristocratic model of love. One where a fortunate group get to the fuck most of the women, while us peasants toil for the scraps.

>> No.8481019

a man's pursuit shouldn't be companionship. you've outlined it yourself why that's an inherently feminine pursuit. of course that's speaking in traditional binary terms

>> No.8481030

This is the idea behind Michel Houellebecq's work, that sex has become a commodity.

>> No.8481040


and it's statistically false. only extreme degenerates go on to have huge amounts of sexual partners. hell millennials are like the prudest generation in a while.

>> No.8481045

In the immortal words of Diogenes of Sinope: have you tried jacking off?

>> No.8481048

That is incorrect. kid of a shitty father has as much chance of being volatile as being docile
>good fathers
again. good father may feel the need to have 3 kids or he may end up a provider that never passes his genetics

>> No.8481051

Oh you innocent pup. Finding a 25 year old woman whose had less than 35 partners in her life is nearly impossible nowadays. Millennials are only having less sex because NEETS are bringing the average down.

>> No.8481053

The basis of the argument was that
Women are gatekeepers so you don't get to pass on your genetics if they don't like you and that its all up to them what traits survive

>> No.8481057

You're right, but lamenting the fact that you're sexually unsuccessful is also perfectly natural.

>> No.8481065

well be gay and you will get the same.

>> No.8481071

>but being someone you like is healthier in the long run i guess.
well irresponsible outlook is that you get to have a wild phase where you make all the mistakes you want but it will not effect you or your job prospects in the long run

>> No.8481073

The thing is that rich people are very much the exception. Very few men are rich, and very few women will end up married to a rich man, so the majority of women end up choosing traits that have little to do with accomplishment. We see this all the time. Who gets laid more often, a tattooed gang banger who sells drugs, or a socially awkward skinny guy who with an engineering degree?

>> No.8481074

What's the big deal with sex? I've been with three women in my life. Two Asian, one Latina. Yes, foreplay is nice. Yes, the sounds are intriguing. The scents, the moisture, the heat, passion, whatever. It's all been the same. Pussy's pussy, and that's the bottom line. I enjoy companionship more so than the sex. There was no discernable difference in the way sex went down for me, and I'd say I'm pretty freaky. Been unknowingly edging since middle school so none of these veteran bitches were able to keep up with me. They got lit up. You fuck, you cum, you cuddle, you're done. But the shit got old at times. idk.

>> No.8481075

wut? it has always been a commodity, hell one could say is mildly less of a commodity now that there are so many "free loving" people

>> No.8481079

You get laid. You don't understand how difficult it is to live without something until you're forced to go without it.

>> No.8481080

not according to environmental predispositions. being raised fatherless severely hinders a child. it's science man. of course this can be over written but all else equal, he is at an evolutionary disadvantage from the get go.

i'm lost on your second point. if someone never passes their genetics how does this make them a father? evolution (again all else equal) dictated they were not 'fit' enough to reproduce - their line ends there.

also a 'good' father i would assume would come from a good socioeconomic background with a good amount of intelligence and wealth. those from that background tend to have less kids. evolutionary speaking they do not feel as threatened as the 'bad boy' type who has no security and simply goes on spreading his seed as much as possible.