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/lit/ - Literature

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847809 No.847809 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

I want to send my summer reading some of the classics, so I am more informed about literature. I especially enjoy 20th century American literature, and have some Hemingway, Steinbeck, Faulkner, and Updike on my reading list right now.

Can you guys suggest some more books in the vein of what I enjoy, and some novels that will help me branch out to other nations?

>> No.847842

Anything McCarthy's written, especially from his earlier career (IE Outer Dark, Child of God, Suttree).

Robert Penn Warren's 'All The King's Men' for your standard transposed Greek tragedy.

Read some of Thomas Paine's essay work- Common Sense and The Crisis are fantastic, and spots of Rights of Man follow suit. He was the first real political writer America had, and easily the most influential.

Try out Hammett's 'The Maltese Falcon' and Chandler's 'The Big Sleep' for a nice start in American detective fiction.

And of course Pynchon.

>> No.847847
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>> No.847855

Sticking to American literature won't get you far.
In fact, you should come to that last.
Start with the classics, or the canon.
Personally I started with Russian literature, and read nearly all of the authors of the time, then moved on to French, then modern and post-modern (inc. English), delved deeper into stuff pre-renaissance, mostly as a matter of taste or preference

>> No.847856

Oh wow.
Surprisingly enough, this list isn't half bad.
What bizarro-/lit/ have I arrived at?

>> No.847874

It was made in the first two weeks of /lit/'s creation, before everything went to shit and Rand.

>> No.847928

I love your post number

>> No.847956


>>847847 here (no, really). Fuck you and your post number bullshit. You're the cancer that blah blah blah..

>> No.848003


3rd party here. Remove the stick out of your ass. Seriously.

>> No.848028

>the cancer that blah blah blah.
Remove the malfunctioning irony detection node from your brain.