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/lit/ - Literature

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8477418 No.8477418 [Reply] [Original]

does /lit/ like weeb literature?

>> No.8477421

I'm not saying I do, but if I didn't watch anime, I doubt I would have ever had an interest in japanese lit, like Musashi or Kokoro

>> No.8477471

weebs are cancer in human form
its literally the reason there's a demographic collapse in japan

>> No.8477521

Do you even know what 'weeb' means?

>> No.8477525

anime watchers
technically western ones but the culture that springs up around them is the cause for the demographic death of japan

>> No.8477616

That's not even right. A weeb is a non-Japanese person who is obsessed with Japanese culture and wishes they were Japanese.

>> No.8477642

You're thinking of otaku; all the same, they are indeed trash

>> No.8477655

>enjoying anime makes you a weeb

Does enjoying a book make you a nerd?

>> No.8477657

Don't overcomplicate or maximalize things.

A weeb is a Japan dork. Period. It doesn't necessarily mean they want to be Japanese or anything that extreme.

>> No.8477669

anime website you cucks

>> No.8477671

>does liking a book make you a nerd

>> No.8477683

It was filtered from wapanese, meaning "white japanese." Like wigger means white nigger.

>> No.8477684

I read the first Haruhi books a very long while ago and I thought I didn't miss much from watching the anime itself.

but maybe it's because I read the books that were adapted to anime

>> No.8477688

Light novels are YA lit. Would /lit/ ever read YA lit?

>> No.8477696
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It's pulpy and very often immature but yes I enjoy some of it

>> No.8477710

If they have cute anime girls then yes

>> No.8477728

this, i read the first two but i watched them adapted already so i stopped reading it.

>> No.8477733

Would not call it literature but yeah I enjoy it every now and again.

>> No.8477734

Basically this. Faggots can't appreciate because they live in a tiny box of a world.

I'm lazy, so here's a quip by Umberto Eco, take it as you will.
>"Great Art makes fun of us as it comforts us, because it shows the world as the artists would like the world to be. The dime novel, however, pretends to joke, but then it shows us the world as it actually is - or at least the world as it will become... What has taken place in the real world was predicted in penny dreadfuls."

>> No.8477758

>The dime novel, however, pretends to joke, but then it shows us the world as it actually is - or at least the world as it will become... What has taken place in the real world was predicted in penny dreadfuls."

Is this nigga serious?

>> No.8477760

I bought a haruhi light novel because I love the anime but I just couldn't read it.
The prose was bad, and it was boring.
Animating it certainly gave life to the material that it did not have on the page.

>> No.8477767

That shit is boring as fuck nigga

>> No.8477783

Kek you can tell the author was an economy student, but I sort of enjoyed it. Nice to see a fantasy story focus on other, less represented aspects of its world.

Ending was a bit of a cop-out though, Holo and Lawrence should have parted ways, as the story foreshadowed since the start.

>> No.8477790

A lot of classic pulp would be called YA today. The Three Musketeers is YA as fuck.

>> No.8477800

If we don't get a season 3 soon I'm going to read the light novels.

>> No.8477805

>taking place in actual medieval era

>> No.8477812

>Nice to see a fantasy story focus on other, less represented aspects of its world.

You should read Dungeon Meshi then.

>> No.8477818

I don't remember historical accounts of Wolf deities travelling around with Jews

>> No.8477822

>alternate history is now fantasy

>> No.8477823

It is essentially, there's no science involved, so it's not science-fiction.

>> No.8477826

All fictions are fantasy then

>> No.8477828

Spice and Wolf isn't alternate history

>> No.8477830

I enjoy them deeply, I think it might have to do with selective critiscism, I understand that it isn't meant to be enjoyed from a critical sense, but from a pandering one, I can turn off my brain and let my heart be pandered to.

>> No.8477832

I can't be pandered by terrible writing.

>> No.8477833
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Yes, and some are more realistic than others.

>> No.8477836

It's a strong statement, but Eco loved his Mickey Mouse and Superman along with his Proust.

Foxe is one of the tripfags I wouldn't mind dying in the near future.

>> No.8477846
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>> No.8477848

Does that mean I can has more economics in my dying suns?

>> No.8477854
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And by that I mean

>> No.8477949

>weeaboo comes from a western web comic
>lol dude japanese people are weebs!
Otaku is a Japanese nerd.

>> No.8478001
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What are all your thoughts now that visual novels are coming to /lit/

>> No.8478007
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oops wrong pic

>> No.8478010

Not really a cop-out, The journey lasted as long as it did because Horo didn't want it to end. She also realized really early on that she was in love, so it was only natural that she eventually gave in to her feeling. She also flat out says in one of the later books that her intention was always to rejoin Lawrence after a few months alone in Yoitsu.

>> No.8478016

Authorial intent or not, I'd still argue a bittersweet ending of them parting ways in Yoitsu would have made a better ending. I felt like the writer was too scared to let go of the relationship between Lawrence and Holo.

>> No.8478026

incidentally does lit approve of any vn's? I've never really gotten into them.

>> No.8478145

does the author at least lampshade this with an offhand passage near the end?

>> No.8478171

No. Personally I think the ending is a result of what >>8478016 said with the author becoming too attached to his own characters, or he simply wanted to squeeze more money out of the series and carried it on for longer than it should have.

>> No.8478232

Higurashi is a masterpiece.
Where are you rikafag

>> No.8478345

The romance was started in volume one and the groundwork for them staying together was started as early as volume three and touched upon in nearly every volume after. Its not as if it was a sudden decision near the end to have a happy ending.

Plus with the ending we got we get a new series next week, which I'm at least looking forward to.

>> No.8478641

Both are trash.
Some people like Spice and Wolfe. It's cute and not total shit so I understand them.

>> No.8478644

Mediocre or shitty novels often make for decent shows because the voice is provided by the actors so instead of lifeless blobs you get relatively lively characters.
That said, Haruhi is shit regardless.

>> No.8478836
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fuck off

>> No.8478838

Lafcadio Hearn is pretty based desu

>> No.8478855

Umineko is the pinnacle of the mystery genre.

>> No.8478878
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I watch chinese cartoons as well, my friendo, but don't make it out to be more than it is.

>> No.8479023

Come on now, literature has supposed to be done by people who have at least a degree in something, not by some unemployed NEET's who have zero knowledge and talent for actually creating something worthy. Even the most seriously considered VN's have major flaws both in prose and fiction.

>> No.8479049

You know what really annoys me? Weebs scramble to translate light novels in the fan communtiy on first release but can't even translate some literary essays from the masters of Japanese lit

>> No.8479138
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does this count as weeb lit?

>> No.8479165

It doesn't count as much more, that's for sure.

>> No.8479210


I read somewhere that they aimed to market it as children's books for 8-12-year olds and adapted it accordingly, so yeah, the prose is basic as shit. This is one case where fan translations were actually a better experience.

>> No.8479985

I hold OP's pic in unironically high regard, but for every Haruhi or Spicy Wolf there are 100 "My Sister Is a T-Rex Wizard" fodder.

>> No.8479991

This is a fair point, but there's still lots of material that will never be adapted because KyoAni crashed the franchise with no survivors.

>> No.8480099

The illustration is bad. She does not look annoying there.

>> No.8480113

Wow that's rude

>> No.8480118

>namefag calls others cancer
How apt!

>> No.8480124
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Yes. Emanon series by Kajio Shinji is absolutely fantastic and honestly masterpiece of mono-no-aware style. Each book is a collection of short stories. The story follows titular "Emanon", a woman who is in essence more like "an existence" than "human". She holds memories of all life from the point when life first came to be on Earth. Once this woman borne a baby, the entire memory of all life moves into the body and mind of the infant and the "original" Emanon becomes a vessel to simply take care of the child until its able to live on its own. The process repeats. It's really good. More atmospheric than plot-oriented but that's only plus, in the end. Every Emanon is a bit different and each story (most of the time each story features different Emanon throughout different eras) is doing something different. It's absolutely magnificent and one of the best Japanese fiction I've read. Sadly, I think that save for the very first short story, nothing has been published in English.

If OP means specifically light novels, then I've read R.O.D. which was very fun. Then, Haruhi, Ookami to koushinryou, Durarara!! and Baccano!. Each does something a tad bit different and they entertaining in their own ways. Haruhi kind of made true use of light novel format, Ookami to koushinrou was entertaining for first five books and then got incredibly boring, I've no idea how the author managed to kill it so efficently. Baccano! and Durarara!! feature big cast of funny characters. The thing with light novel brand of Japanese fiction is that they are written very poorly. I definitely understand why your average Western reader wouldn't want to read it since despite interesting settings, decent plotlines and fun characters, these books are written rather atrociously. R.O.D. is actually decently written for a light novel brand but still… Yet these books are fun to read. You just have to know what you're getting into.

>> No.8480139

Did you just mention YKK? Because you couldn't be so careless to fail mentioning YKK.

And there's also Kino no Tabi, which is Existentialism: the LN.

>> No.8480144
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>dissing mai waifu

Behead those who insult Haruhi.

>> No.8480199

> Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
That's manga, my dear anon. Bloody good one but manga. And this is thread about Japanese literature so… There's more absolutely fantastic mono no aware manga but save that for /a/.

> Kino no Tabi
I've read first eight books but since the series has eighteen books as of now, I'm not ready yet to fully analyse and assess it in full so I refrained from mentioning it. If I were to say something about books I've read then I liked them. It's a very nice series. When it comes to mono-no-aware sensuality I prefer Emanon, though. Whereas Kino has Hermes, I love that utter sense of loneliness which surrounds Emanon since she truly is alone in The World in a sense that she'll never have true companion. It kind of goes even further in the mono-no-aware sense that each time you not only get to experience the fleeting existence of people, relationships, emotions and memories around Emanon but of the Emanon herself!

>> No.8480220

Kino no Tabi does not have much of a mono no aware feeling. Yet it's a great LN, and after reading Myth of Sisyphus for the first time, I was stricken by how perfectly KnT followed in its steps.
And while we're at it, may I ask for the recommendations of said mono no aware manga? Thank you.

>> No.8480224

Schopenhauer was a faggot who fucked his poodle.

>> No.8480265

Haruhi is excellent, though. It is a deconstruction of anime/manga as a medium, subverts its tropes, and takes the medium's implications and applies it to philosophical thought.

It also works very well as a light novel. The "bad writing" is mostly due to a shoddy translation that does not capture the subtle nuances present in the japanese version. The novel is very dialogue heavy, making it a quick and easy read (it's also why the anime has heavy narration and lots of scenes of people talking with nothing much else happening).

>> No.8480444

>literature has supposed to be done by people who have at least a degree in something
are you on drugs nig

>> No.8480759
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Why read that trash when there's so much real Japanese literature to read?

>> No.8481034

VNs belong on /jp/ and /vg/. It's in the rules.

>> No.8481342

Kind of like how you insulted (incorrectly, you meant otaku, you pseud) a whole demographic of people based on their media preferences?

Fucking idiot.

>> No.8481364

at least 80 of those are forgettable

>> No.8481366
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>the most interesting LN are never translated


>> No.8481381

>why eat potatoes and bread when you can dine on caviar with crackers every night?
>why wear jog pants with t-shirts when you can wear suits&ties every day?

>> No.8482087
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> mono no aware manga
Sorry for such late answer but I went to sleep. Ashinano's post-Yokohama works like Kabu no Isaki (my personal favourite by him) and his current serialization Kotonoba Drive. Amano Kozue's Aria and to lesser extent her current work Amanchu!. Natsume Yuujinchou is fine too but it varies chapter from chapter; some are absolutely amazing, some not so much. And my absolute favourite ones - Mushishi by Urushibara Yuki! And manga adaptation of some Emanon stories by Tsuruta Kenji. Tsuruta and Kajio are match made in Heaven. Tsuruta's sensual artistic style fits Kajio's atmospheric storytelling perfectly. Hopefully, you'll enjoy at least some of these, anon.

>> No.8482117

> The "bad writing" is mostly due to a shoddy translation that does not capture the subtle nuances present in the japanese version
Cannot comment on how Haruhi is translated but I agree with how nuances can be a problem when reading a translated work especially from Japanese. The thing is that in Japanese author might write a word which intentionally means two things and implies two more things and just to spice it up he adds kana right next to it with completely alternate reading to create even more implications and meanings. It can be incredibly fun to read such stuff or incredibly tedious entirely depending on the author and how can he write/work with this. The thing is, how do you even translate this to include every possible and desirable meaning and implication?

>> No.8482221

People who read a lot of light novels are idiots and so is the tripfag.