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847660 No.847660 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually honestly like Palahniuk?

>> No.847672

He's mediocre

>> No.847674

everyone on /lit/, we're just too cool to admit it

>> No.847694
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>> No.847701

Personally, I find him very readable and I enjoy the process of following his plots. However, I do not feel he is deserving of the accolades he seems to get from people who read Fight Club, thinking it will somehow magically make them 'deep.'

>> No.847708

Wow, those are some nice, full, round breasts.

>> No.847710

Palahniuk is good dessert reading. Fuck off to all the elists who say otherwise.

>> No.847715

I enjoy Palahniuk, but enough enough to place him on my list of favorite authors. He's fun, and modern "deep", but if he'd never written a book, I wouldn't be bothered one way or the other.

>> No.847801

I loved choke and didn't mind invisible monsters.

>> No.847817

I quite enjoyed Fight Club (somewhat more than the movie) and fairly enjoyed Haunted, despite how rage inducing I found it at the end.

>> No.847827


>> No.847830

bret easton ellis does

>> No.847834


i lol'ed at that pic

>> No.847837

Fight Club was good.

>> No.847839

Fight Club was good - just because ignorant angsty teenagers have embraced it doesn't change that. Survivor was great. Choke was okay. I lost interest in his work after that. I still intend to read Lullaby though.

>> No.847851

he's getting progressively worse with each book in my opinion

>> No.847858
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>> No.847879

invisible monsters is one of my favorite books of all time.

>> No.847880

Rewrites the same book, each one being worse than the last.
Rubbish author.

>> No.847886

i like his writing style. easy to breeze through

>> No.847895

I read Haunted recently. I enjoyed it for what it was I guess. I didn't find it as horrifying as people have made it out to be, and I didn't find him very subtle at all with his "lol look at how society works" ploys.

And the little section at the end. Oh he just sounds so smug I wanted to falcon punch his little dick. "Sooooo many people fainted when I read my story, wow I'm so shocking!"

So yeah, it's fine for light reading. But he seems pretentious and a bit try-hard at times.

>> No.848079
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We should organise a secret society whose sole purpose is to create a plan to punch Palahniuk in the dick.

>> No.848087
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CP should be banned

>> No.848100

Yeah his books are a lot of fun, but they've been getting shittier. I'd like him to do that Rant sequel.

>> No.848320

The only book I've read of his was Snuff, which I really disliked. The book just seemed clumsy to me -- amateurish symbolism, obvious yet poor metaphors etc.
I might read more in the future, but my thinking is that my time is better spent with better writers.

>> No.848431

>I liked the part where the protagonist had a really obscure job!
That's a pretty obscure thing to nitpick over, eh?

Also, obscure jobs are the way to go if you're writing a book. Easier to research, less people freak out if you get a tiny aspect of their personal corporate middle management hell wrong.

>> No.848502

Read Choke

was meh.

>> No.848511

rant and diary are good

>> No.848679

A torture to read. There's easy reading and then there's books so stupid they're offensive and so offensive they're stupid.

>> No.848691

Fight Club was actually not bad, Survivor sucks hard, Choke and Invisible Monsters were ok, Haunted was mostly crap.

That is all I read, is there something I should give a try by him?

>> No.848703

When I saw the Fight Club Book


>> No.848724

>Fight Club
>Some of Haunted

No, you really don't need to read anything else by him.

>> No.848774

underrated. I like him.

if he isn't your "style" or whatever, you're a faggot. palahniuk sets out to say something when he writes and says it. even if you don't agree or think it's stupid or whatever, the point he's trying to get across is always unmistakable, and he even manages to make it sound relevant, which is tough for any author whether what he's saying actually does matter or not. his stories are well-written and engaging.

the big draw for me is his tendency to create some original device for story-telling, big or small but all his own, and his pretty much flawless implementation of these devices -- "Jack's [adjective this-or-that]" or the rules of Fight Club just for two easy examples.

he's dark and precise, and that's why I love him.

haters gonna hate

>> No.848784

His first four books were good. Everything past that either sucks or is plain mediocre. But I like Rant.

>> No.848792

fuck year besides Fight Club, Rant is the best thing he's ever done. maybe even the best thing including Fight Club.

>> No.848795

Rant was good and refreshing for me from what I expect from Palahniuk.

>> No.848812

it was a fantastic book, period. in my own personal top 10.

I began life in this thread gushing about chuck and I intend to continue along those lines until I leave or the thread dies, which I hope it never does, just because haters.

>> No.848881

1. Lullaby
2. Invisible Monsters
3. Rant
4. Fight Club
5. Survivor
6. Choke
7. Diary

90001. Pygmy
90002. Snuff


>> No.848886


Are you shitting me? Those were terrible.

>> No.849185

Fuck, that was one of the things that made me mad.

I found Comrade Snarky's story more unnerving than Guts.

>> No.849199


>> No.849232
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I missed out on the hype of Fight Club during highschool, so I recently read it to see why you guys hate it so much. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. It was a good satire.

>> No.849263

Everything up to Choke. I very much enjoy reading his stuff, but he keeps reusing themes and characters to an annoying degree.

>> No.850995

If that's how you learned to write, you don't write well.

>> No.850989

don't tell me I'm the only one who learned how to write by copying off everything palahniuk did.

>> No.851006

I can't pronounce his last name and his first name is obnoxious, so I'll never read his work.

>> No.851016


>> No.851023


>> No.851038

Rant was excellent imo.

Fight club was good… I also enjoyed Survivor. The rest is just eh. Worth reading if you really liked the former, but not worth the casual read.

>> No.851044

As I've said in every Palahniuk thread, I do enjoy his stuff for the sake of entertainment. I do agree though that his stuff is getting progressively worse, Rant being an exception.

Snuff is incredibly sub-par. I made the mistake of buying it, then finishing it within the first two hours of a six hour car ride.

Survivor, Fight Club, Rant, and Lullaby/Choke are probably his best, everything else is sort of mediocre.

Invisible Monsters can go fuck itself, it just seems to have been published due to the success of Fight Club, it was in fact written before Fight Club (albeit in a different draft).

>> No.851055

Choke showed an addicts life rather satirically and cleverly. Survivor showed everything written as best as it could have been written.