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8470064 No.8470064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking really hard and I figured out the meaning of life.

Sex is the meaning of life.

If you're not having sex you're wasting your life, and you have no value as a human being.

>> No.8470068

That's a rather bold claim.

What is your reasoning behind this stance?

>> No.8470071
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>> No.8470073

define sex

>> No.8470074

dude PUSSY lmao

>> No.8470078

Sex is great, but the children resulting aren't.

>> No.8470084

probably true

>tfw 27yo virgin

>> No.8470101

Animals, e.g. kangaroo, have sex and don't play video games. What do plants do? They release their sperm into the world then they die and that's all they do. Some spiders, the females eat the males after sex, and all their life leads up to the moment, that good bang followed by silence.

>> No.8470115
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>If you're not having sex you're wasting your life, and you have no value as a human being.


>> No.8470131

shave that boipussy anon and get yourself B L A C K E D

Dream the dream.

>> No.8470144

I see the point to your analogy, but why should I privilege reproduction?

"Animals, e.g. kangaroo, eat grasses and leaves and don't play video games. What do plants do? They absorb sunlight and water then they die and that's all they do. Some spiders, the females eat the males after sex, and all their life leads up to the moment, that good bang followed by silence."

This may seem like a poor critique, but I feel you are confusing a particular of life with a universal.

>> No.8470151

Why are you comparing kangaroos and plants to humans? You're basically saying that since the biological job of animals is to fuck then that must be the job of humans.

Thats what a literal 15 year old would say

>> No.8470200
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>> No.8470310

>>tfw 27yo virgin

Have you ever seen the movie The 40-Year-Old Virgin?

>> No.8470313

does gay sex count

>> No.8470358

>some rubbing of the skin and momentary chemicals in the brain are the meaning of life
You sound very intelligent.

>> No.8470367

You're clearly a really hard thinker.

>> No.8470439

OP, please answer

>> No.8470468

As I see it, the meaning of life is to seek communal experiences, or transcendental experience, which give us the sensation of the soul joining others or escaping the prison that is the skull.

Sex is one way of achieving this sensation, as is meditation, psychedelic drugs, flagellation, starvation, exertion, imagination.

>> No.8470470

yes, i didnt find it too interesting.

>> No.8470475

Congratulations. You've done it. You've brought your genetic line to it's lowest possible point - a feat your ancestors have dreamed of for thousands of years. Now go out, and spread your wild oats, you Model Human.

>> No.8470479

How so?

>> No.8470494


>> No.8470502

What if you're fucking him really hard?

>> No.8470504

Every day make love to beautiful woman. Then lie in bed, towel under bottom. Later, drink tea. Very good. Very wonderful day.

>> No.8470512

only if you fuck him so hard he gets pregnant.

babies are the only thing that has meaning in life.

>> No.8470538

The soul just wants to be with other souls, or released from the corporeal realm, which is corrupt and distracts us. If we can have transcendental or communal experiences, we reach the nearest state to heaven that we can, in this material realm. This state is reached fleetingly, and is illusory, but it's the best we have until we die, and our souls join others once again. Doing good to others is part of this passage, by loving others as ourselves.

It's a conviction informed by Plato, Jesus, and Gnosticism.

However, I am open to hearing the wisdom and ridicule, of others.

>> No.8470570

So why is it that whores tend to have so many problems and shorter lives?

>> No.8470609

Yes, this.

>kangaroos drink water, water is the meaning of life

>> No.8470660
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>subscribing to platonic-descartean-idealism


>> No.8470667

So sperm donation also counts?

>> No.8470690
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>Putting humanness above yourself.
>Freeing yourself from the mind only to enslave yourself to the body.

>> No.8470691

yes, anon.

but only if you make it clear that you're doing it because you're gay and need to know you made babies so that you can feel complete in life.

referencing them back to this thread with annotations on the posts indicating which ones you are would be ideal, but not necessary.

>> No.8470811

So, reproduction is the meaning of life?

>> No.8470815

Man != Animal

>> No.8470840
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>> No.8470856

>it's the man isn't an animal meme

>> No.8470864

I was going to respond sincerely because the topic matter pleases me

but then I saw you're a loathsome tripfag so kys, my mango

>> No.8470867

The meaning of life is, and I gave it. Think for a minute. The meaning of life has nothing to do with human, solely, but all life. Some microbial life don't drink water. All life share one single thing in common and that's sex. The beginning of life began with RNA having sex with itself, that is attaching to itself and replicating.

Face it. I won.

>> No.8470871

Sex is for perverts.

>> No.8470876

The goal is to impregnate as many women as possible then?

>> No.8470879
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CS is a hunk of shit

>> No.8470889

>combining word concepts of 'meaning' 'purpose' and 'function' to obfuscate your lack of any logic

Hey guys I am literally a tree because I am going to make like a tree and leave this thread ;^)

Seriously fggt don't post again until you've actually read something deeper than 'Hank the Cowdog'

>> No.8470900

Goodluck with that moron

>> No.8470906 [DELETED] 
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Name calling? Accept your defeat already.

>> No.8470908

God is a metaphor. Life is literally about survival and replication. I believe in inner peace and ive been meditating for 5 years but any talk of souls and higher realms is bs.
Health wealth relationships (sex) and inner happiness are key.

>> No.8470930

I'm just memeing you guys. Sex isn't the meaning of life, that would be retarded to believe.

>> No.8470933
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To be honest, as edgy and retarded OP sounds right now and irrespective of how immature a way he has chosen to convey his idea, I feel that there is some substance behind the argument that the purpose of life is to perpetuate itself.

OP obviously made this thread as bait to rile up people here by saying that "if you're not having sex then you're a loser blah blah blah" but lets try to legitimately and seriously entertain the thought that perhaps the point of life is to reproduce.

Almost every biological function that we are imbued with has one goal: survival and perpetuation: of the individual and the species.

Most of our instincts and complex behavior can be found to be rooted in our primitive urges to hunt, mate, seek shelter etc. We're biological machines who have evolved to survive as a species and continue to perpetuate our genes.

>But anon, how about the fact that we can appreciate beauty? Can feel happy? feel love?

Our notion of beauty can be explained by our evolutionary instinct to look for a fertile partner or an environment that seems safe and comfortable. When you see a good hip to waist ratio and a symmetric face then you instinctively think that she will be able to birth your progeny and is free of disease. When you see a beautiful landscape, you get the instinctive feeling of a safe and nourishing environment. When you see beauty in something complex, it is because it helps you develop your abstract thinking capabilities which in turn help you survive.
we feel love for obvious biological reasons rooted in mating and perpetuating our genes.

is there a single thing that we do that can not be found to be rooted in perpetuating our genes? and what is the one tool we've been giving to perpetuate our genes? fucking.

so yeah. fucking might just be the purpose that we're born for.

HOWEVER, one can consciously choose to deny it. or you think you're choosing to deny it but your denial in actuality will again be rooted in some way of your instinct to survive and perpetuate which means that you'd be a walking contradiction and freak of nature.

so OP might be a juvenile cunt but his statement might have some serious merit desu.

>> No.8470938

source for this video?

>> No.8470949

biological imperative =/= purpose

>> No.8470958

How many of the undoubtedly numerous girls that you fuck have you gotten pregnant and how many of them have carried the baby to term?

>> No.8470965

ha we're 64 buddies

>> No.8470971
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biological imperative = only imperative.

going by the definition of "purpose" it can either be:

1. the reason for which something is done or is created or exists

In this context there isn't any reason or purpose for anything including our lives.

2. have as one's intention or objective

in this context our purpose is the biological imperative.

these two cases are therefore covered. not sure why the big fuss on "purpose of life" when the answer is so obvious. I guess people can't deal with the fact that there is no reason for us to exist and that we're deterministic machines set to pursue a set biological imperative without any choice. those who're unable to achieve this imperative can be said to have failed in the only imperative assigned to them.

>> No.8470975
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>> No.8470998


The one on the left looks scared of the BBC.

>> No.8470999
File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-nature-is-busy-creating-absolutely-unique-individuals-whereas-culture-has-invented-a-u-g-krishnamurti-36-33-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're confusing an instinct which was necessary for organisms to have to exist up to the present point with a law--you're projecting the past into the future, forgetting the future is that which is different from what you know, and your notion of the past is extremely limited by virtue of it only being an echo. Nature has no goals or purposes, it does not want to go anywhere or obtain anything because it already *is* everything there is--you're correct in thinking reproductive denial would still be based on the Will to Live, but that will not make it somehow a thing of another world, because all the components that make that change possible are of this world.

Do you believe the first time a proto-cat used its claws to grab on a prey instead of a tree it became depressed like you folks are? Do you see despairful cats roaming the earth like the Wandering Jew, plucking their unholy nails out; or do they reap the benefits of their adaptations, not of necessity shunning their other properties?

And what's this "life" thing anyways? Do you mean existence? Because life doesn't only include biological things. Abstraction and raw matter are as much part of human life as being an organism is. The floor you're standing in and the ideas in your head are also part of your life. Oh, and your computer too, don't forget. So don't talk shit about machines, okay? The only reason you think they're a step down* is because you can't talk them into giving you what you want (just like all the other Things).

* But then all options save being a securely miserable human are a step down somehow, right?

>> No.8471020

qt mouth desu