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8469819 No.8469819 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this
Jesus Christ just fucking hold me

>> No.8469841 [DELETED] 

women and nonwhites could never understand this book

>> No.8469844

as a non white I resd this book and immediately contracted tuberculosis. for aesthetic reasons.

>> No.8469849

This book touches upon so many subjects, it's incredible. If there ever was a roman of ideas.
But even if we ignore all the complex themes, there's still that slice of life aspect which is present throughout the whole book. I already can guess how much hurt the nostalgia for this book will give me in the future.

>> No.8469957

do you need to read will as repr for it?

>> No.8470022

Is this a meme? I saw Schopenhauer mentioned in another Magic Mountain thread on /lit/ a few days ago.

>> No.8470125

If you're not a middle-aged German-speaking European with a masters degree apropos of Western philosophy, you do not understand this book.

>> No.8470128

Can you explain the book so we can understand?

>> No.8470148

It is a kind of meme. Schopenhauer is far more important for Buddenbrooks.

>> No.8470165

I am not German, but I am European, have Phd in philosophy and I feel I understand the novel. However I can't say the same about Doktor Faustus, it is way too complex.

>> No.8470182

Why are you responding seriously to bait?

>> No.8470186


>> No.8470351


>> No.8470412

>characters represent pre ww1 europe
>n then they all die