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/lit/ - Literature

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846632 No.846632 [Reply] [Original]

K /lit/, how many books do you read at the same time. I know you guys don't just stick to one.

I personally carry around 2 or 3 in my back pack at all times

>> No.846638

How long does it take you to finish a book? I waste so much time browsing 4chan when I could be reading.

>> No.846637

2 at most, usually 1

>> No.846654

Two. I might finish one!

>> No.846656
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depends on how interested i am in a book. I can finish 400 pages in 2 days if I give that much of a damn (factoring in on a 'nice' schedule day). otherwise, it could take a while. I have a fairly small bookshelf that is exclusive only for books on my reading list, and i occasionally switch them out depending on how I feel i need to read at the time.

>> No.846659

At the moment, about 4.

>> No.846663

A library book, a book I own, and sometimes an ebook.

>> No.846665

I don't like reading more than one, but some classes force me to juggle between two and three.

You just sort of make due.

>> No.846667

All of them.

>> No.846673

Just one. I like to focus on them and I always finish them within 2 days, 5 if it's a long book (Les miserable, Karamazov).

>> No.846681


Anywhere from 1-3. Though, at one point I had about 6 books I had started and stopped reading for no real reason. I eventually went back and started finishing them, however.

>> No.846686

Wow.... somehow I actually thought I was the only person who did this.

Right now I'm reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter, John Dies at the End, Beserk and Shakespeare's Henry V. I've got a couple different jobs, and some books are more appropriate to be reading behind the counter in one place than they are in another.

>> No.846690

I read like five books at a time.

It's a serious problem for me, because I now have so many e-books on me at any given time that I'm never starved for things to do.

>> No.846691

I prefer to read books singly.

>> No.846702

I usually read one book, but I'll sometimes read a novel along with a book of short stories, because that just seems to make sense to me.

>> No.846733

Usually one. Not that I think it's bad to do otherwise -anyone who's been to college has had to do it at some point- but simply, I won't begin a book if I no I have another one to finish.

I'm probably going to make somewhat of an exeption with the one I'm reading right now, though: it's Don Quixote, and as it's fairly long and I'm not reading it in my first language, I fear I'll bore myself to death if I stick to it for a thousand pages, so I'll probably read one or two smaller things between Don Quixote I and II.

>> No.846763

I try and stick to one at a time. It is rarely two at a time.

As for how long it takes to finish a book, I read House of Leaves in 3 or 4 days, Lolita took a week. Depends on the writing and how into it I am.

>> No.847054

I usually do stick to one actually.

I like to marathon read rather than read books over long periods. It's more immersive to bang out a book over a few days than a few weeks.

>> No.847069

at least 2, 3 is typical though

>> No.847072

Usually about three. One novel, one short story collection, one poetry collection or set of plays.

>> No.847078

Generally one. If I'm reading something particularly long or slow I'll juggle two.

>> No.847102

I'm usually reading upwards of 5 books at any given time, although I don't keep track very well and end up backtracking a lot.
I have some that are just there to pick up when I have a few moments out of the house (I Am America and You Can Too is on my Kindle for when I'm between work/class/in waiting rooms), some are for leisure reading when I'm at home and have a lot of free time (Norwegian Wood and Darkly Dreaming Dexter currently), some are for class (Just finished Naked Lunch, Bell Jar, The Unraveling Archive, and American Scream this week, currently reading Lady Chatterly's Lover and Burn This Book), some I'm in the process of reading again (Interview with a Vampire), and some I'm reading for my graduate writing sample research (Kafka's collected works)

>> No.847109

*I Am America and So Can You, rather.