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/lit/ - Literature

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8462994 No.8462994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any cute girls read books, /lit/?
Or do they all just read Harry Potter in their teens and leave it at that?

>> No.8463001

ayy lmao

>> No.8463005

i'm a cute girl anon

>> No.8463010
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To a woman, everything is an adornment

t. Nietzsche

>> No.8463014


>> No.8463019

I wonder if girls know they're just displaying their secondary sex characteristics like neoteny to men when they take thousands of pictures like this. Or do they think "I look objectively cute/pretty!"?

Are women retarded?

>> No.8463020

you're the retard. also you're a faggot

>> No.8463030

>nietzsche predicts /lit/
we're all cute girls, OP

>> No.8463034

What do you think was Elliot's favorite book?

>> No.8463037

literally thousands do
a smaller portion read /lit/ type books, but on average women read way more than men and way more fiction, literary and genre/pop

...it's a picture of her face, it doesn't even show below her collar bones

>> No.8463045

or catcher in the rye without irony, if he read it, seems he was pretty lazy

>> No.8463046

>collar bones
>not the most erotic part of a woman

Check out this fag

>> No.8463048
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Do you know what neoteny means? He's talking about her face.

>> No.8463052

I am actually gay.

>..it's a picture of her face,

Have you not noticed that they agonize over pics like this? Or that every one is "posed?" The most I've ever posed for a picture in my life is to smile because it's the pleasant thing to do, but women widen their eyes and make cutesy faces that would seem factitious to you if you weren't habituated to this behaviour.

I guess your posts prove that beta males are retarded, but I was asking whether women are retarded, or consciously cynical.

>> No.8463056

Girls are a meme, Opie. They can't real.

>> No.8463069

P-Prove it

>> No.8463081
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>homo doesn't human instinct about cute things
No wonder you get fucked in the bum.

>> No.8463086

Guys make fun of girls wanting to and putting effort into cute pictures...and then wonder why they don't get tinder matches while using a grainy flip phone photo from 8 years ago or a dead eyed no smile picture taken in a school bathroom. Or a fishing picture.
Don't guys also put that much effort into their dick pics? Understanding a camera looks at a face differently than a mirror and adjusting their expressions to look nice...wow girls are so stupid.

>> No.8463094

>likes girls
Check out this fag

>> No.8463101


>> No.8463129

>ask straight men why they sexualise women

We're trying to figure out a very simple, straightforward way in which women are retarded. Your post is like Level 8 Woman Retarded. It's completely incoherent, all of your points are non sequitur and unconnected, and the whole thing is based on a
womanbrain tantrum thing.

>> No.8463166
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Did you choose to be a fag or where you always this bad with women?

>> No.8463171

>You're criticizing women! That must mean.. you're not attractive to women! You can't get the sex! I bet you're a virgin!

I'm literally gay and you're using the "you can't touch my vaginer if you disagree with me! In fact, if you disagree with me, ipso facto vaginers won't like you!!!" maneuver?

Do you have any thoughts that don't have their beginning and (teleological) end in your vagina? If if starts raining when you don't have an umbrella, do you accuse the clouds of being virgins?

Go put some makeup on, to enhance your personality.

>> No.8463181


Yes. And maybe if you stop posting shit threads here you'll find the time to meet one.


Lol look at this guy. Women don't browse turkish toilet maintenance forums silly.

>> No.8463192

Not a new IP. Same typing style.

I am sorry about your brain.

>> No.8463196
File: 175 KB, 600x900, literally bred to be cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do it because men are, usually, attracted to cute things. Cute things have big eyes and small facial features. They learn what cute things are from Disney movies and puppies and replicate. Most guys want to fuck cute things. You don't want to fuck cute things, I guess you want to fuck strong and masculine looking things.

I'm a guy btw, don't hit on me you silly fags.

>> No.8463207


What the fuck are you talking about? That was my first post in this thread. I'm sorry about your tiny ego (dick)? And apparent lack of any sense of humor?

>> No.8463212
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>insulting dick size
classic woman move

>> No.8463213

Do girls actually like anything? I'm not convinced that they have personalities.

>> No.8463214


meant to reply to you.

>> No.8463219

Interesting. I feel the same about 95% of guys I've met.

>> No.8463228

Why do you care about what women do or don't do then? Why should your opinion on women matter if you hate them so I'm assuming you limit your interactions with women in real life and don't have any women friends.

>> No.8463231

Nice anime eyes

>> No.8463240

Females BTFO

>> No.8463244

>agreeing with fags

>> No.8463245

Do we have to do this fucking 900 times a week.

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.8463309

virgin faggot lowlife

>> No.8463310


I like you

>> No.8463438

She looks like Larkin Love

>> No.8463443

Talking to this girl who reads more than genre fiction and YA but her favorite book is 12 Years a Slave. I'll take it dude, she's smart and maybe I can lure her deeper in.

>> No.8463592
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>> No.8463607

> her favorite book is 12 Years a Slave
Anon, Im sorry to tell you this, but... she wants the BBC. You'll never pass the best friend zone unless your name is Tyron or Jamal.

>> No.8463618

I've met a lot of cute women in grad school, and they read more than most of /lit/.

>> No.8463638

Who cares? As long as they are intelligent enough to hold a conversation,energetic enough to go out want to do things, and have something that they are passionate about. I'm not looking for competition. I'm looking for someone to live my life with.
kek. But no this one is much cuter.

>> No.8463645

What if I'm black but my name isn't retarded because my parents weren't niggers?
[It's Jacob]

>> No.8463695

Nah. I should be good, o-our second lunch date went well ;_;7

>> No.8463832

They start with the YA classics like Harry Potter, then move onto chick-lit.

>> No.8463835


>The book has a movie adaptation.

>> No.8463839

That hurt even my possible future daughter. Damn.

>> No.8463930

Literally this. Doesn't matter how bright she is, either. You best find a Euro girl if you want a legitimately well-read lass.

t. Someone who browses more than he reads

>> No.8463931

>they read more than most of /lit/.
That's not hard at all

>> No.8463933

>completely incoherent
jeez if you found that hard to follow, what the heck you doing on this board friendo

>> No.8463935

BTFO, brofist me gaybro

>> No.8463939

so it's an 'American woman' problem rather than one of woman in toto. yet another reason to leave this godforsaken country.

>> No.8463952

Kek, nah. James Joyce married an uneducated woman, why can't you?

Also women are still educated, their taste in lit, like most of the population, is...unrefined.

>> No.8463999

>objectively cute/pretty

What is objectively cute, anon? Is it exclusive with displaying secondary sexual characteristics?

>> No.8464016
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They're not stupid, but they are vain. If you've ever seen girls actually taking the photos, you would know how forced and unnatural the whole process is. I wish they would stop spending so much time playing with their makeup and hair as well, even if they looked worse. The mask inevitably slips if you become intimate with them.


>Do you have any thoughts that don't have their beginning and (teleological) end in your vagina?

They just know that the easiest way to humiliate a man is to make him seem sexually undesirable. Men do it all the time as well.

>> No.8464048


>> No.8464057

>short black hair
>paleish skin
>big eyes and good lips
my type desu

>> No.8464077
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>not disregarding harlots with karma trapa between their legs

Take the empty pill, lads.

>> No.8464102
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Hi Anon. My name is Savannah. Am I your type?

>> No.8464110

Jeez what a slut

>> No.8464116

chokers are ugly but yes she's my type. woulddiscussnietzche'sphilosophyinmodernpoliticswith/10

>> No.8464119

go back to your beloved Woolf, thats the only type of virgin you'll ever know

>> No.8464160
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>chokers are ugly

>> No.8464191

Not ugly in themselves as much as for what they represent ie your average 'misunderstood' teenage girl who wants a strong independent man to undestand her, depend on her, and see her as his soft-spot