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/lit/ - Literature

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8461050 No.8461050 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is said to be the smartest board by 4chan standarts and by comparing it to other boards I can say that this sounds somewhat reasonable. But I've also witnessed some pretty insane opinions on here. So I ask you some questions to determine how unreasonable some of your views are. Is there anyone on lit who
- doubts evolution?
- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?

>> No.8461056

Highly intelligent people can hold wacky views. Intelligence is more about the process than the conclusion it ultimately reaches.

>> No.8461062

>- doubts evolution?
Yes. Why can't we doubt something?
>takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
Nope. At least not me.
>thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
Nope. I do not care.
>unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
Nope. What the hell is that?

>> No.8461066

>he thinks equality and evolution are compatible

Secular Christians are hilarious. Read Nietzsche.

>> No.8461077

>-doubts evolution?
Doubts are normal.

>takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
They can be,

> thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
This is a retarded thing to say. Equality isn't actually a thing. Democracy isn't even applied; delusion of choice isn't actually a choice. (Read about post-democracy, and the contradictions of a well-applied democracy.)

>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
They died in WWI and WWII.

>> No.8461081

doubting 1+1=2 is a mental disorder

>> No.8461095

darwinian evolution is unfalsifiable pseudo-science, it's not even wrong lmao

>> No.8461096

>- doubts evolution?

No, I think as far as science goes it's a good description of genetic mutation and the physical origin of life. But beyond that it explains nothing to me, such as religion or whatever else that dumb STEM Materialists require from it

>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?

Define "Truth". I can have Catholic faith and agree the bible is a collection of poor recountings of actual, misunderstood, or forged events. Believing the Metaphysical aspects of the Bible is no less intelligent than believing there's no God and Evolution can describe consciousness etc.

>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?

Democracy is good. But you shouldn't be able to vote if you don't pay taxes. Also you should have to show a mandatory ID. If "blacks can't get an ID card!!" is the best argument people on the issue can use to complain against using ID, then maybe those people aren't smart enough to vote?

>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?


>> No.8461098



>- doubts evolution?

>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?

>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
Not equality, but progressivism.
Identity politics are a shame to hide the real problem of class inequality.
The "democracy" that is currently in place is not good (again progressivism, all realistic options for government are progressives).
With the internet, fringe groups have an unproportionally large voice and the government is forced to pander to them for votes.

>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?

>> No.8461125

>- doubts evolution?
Yeah, I never found it very convincing.
I'm no expert, but I trust my brother on it, as he's into it and there seem to be a few large problems with it, especially with certain plants. But in the end it doesn't really mean much either way.
>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
Yes, I'm a Catholic.
>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
Yes, democracy is shit and so is egalitarism.
>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
Considering you see evolution as a dogma, why not?

>> No.8461128

>more or less

>> No.8461130

we all know 2+2=5 : ^)

>> No.8461137

No, it's not accepting the mathematical axiom necessary to prove that 1+1=2.

>> No.8461147

Frst of all, if you think answers to those questions can, in any way, evaluate the intectual aspect of a person you are already bellow the intelectual curve

Second, /lit/ being the smartest doesn't say anything, because like you've said this is 4chan, which is the cesspool of the internet, so in this board, a literary board, you have people that skim, speedread, give opinions on subjects they don't know of, talk about authors they didn't read, follow critics without any form of critical tought, and so many others sins that could justify the extermination of this board. The "smartest" people you will find here can only guide you into being less of a person

>> No.8461162

>Don't know what that is

>> No.8461168

>/lit/ is the smart board

Personally, I have seen more interesting conversations pop up in /pol/, but that was quite awhile ago

>> No.8461173

come back when you're 18+ and out of your hyper-rational phase

>> No.8461183

>Personally, I have seen more interesting conversations pop up in /pol/

>> No.8461199

>doubts evolution
>takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth
If you mean literal truth in the American fundamentalist sense then no (but that is not how smart Christians ever read scripture). In the Catholic sense, yes.
>thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation
I think our current obsession with equality, to the point of ignoring or downplaying actual important differences, is extremely stupid. Democracy is fine though.
>unironically considers himself a social darwinist
Definitely not.

So I've got 2/4.

>> No.8461556

I struggle with terror and ineptitude. Evolution has evidence. I find it harder to read and not worry about my time left. Spirituality almost seems worth the effort at this point.

>> No.8461599

>/lit/ is said to be the smartest board by 4chan standarts
/jp/, /s4s/, /m/, /diy/, and /trv/ are smarter. /lit/ attracts retards who want to feel smart almost as frequently as genuinely intelligent people.

>> No.8461618

this is a fucking stupid thread. the metric you use to determine intelligence is whether or not other peoples beliefs line up with yours? do you even fully understand the things you believe in? are you a scientist, can you give a fully fleshed out proof of the theory of evolution that would stand in a peer-reviewed journal? no? then you don't fucking understand it, and your belief in it comes from faith. which is perfectly fine, most if not all our beliefs are partially based in faith, but then to use it as a metric for intelligence, and demean people who don't believe in your "oh-so-intelligent-theory" is fucking stupid.

and for the record, i dont have any of the beliefs you listed

>> No.8462237

Accepting evolution as the most probable explanition for our existence doesn't have to include trying to force it into our social system. Maybe our modern habit of supporting the weak has 'stopped' natural selection, but so what? There's nothing inherently good about evolution exept for that some milion years in the futures there will be some slightly more intelligent monkeys. The ubermensch won't rise due to evolution.

Yes, smart really is a stupid way to put it. I initially wanted to say eccentric or irrational but up to now whemever I tried to make a thread it died so I traded precise vocabulary for bait value.

>> No.8462283
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I don't see a flaw in the line of reasoning with evolution, but I don't hold on to it as absolute truth either.

I'm not particular about Christianity, because there are much more interesting religions out there like Hinduism and Sikh. Not all religions are the same, some are more complex and beautifully integrated into society instead of just a bunch of people gathering around to talk about the same fucking book every week (read: Bible study). I'm an "atheist" to the degree that I don't belong or perceive myself as belonging to a organized religion, but I'm also keeping in touch with my spirituality. They say the Kali Yugan is the period in which humans are the furthest from God.

I don't believe in equality, because it runs on the notion that everybody can be different and equal at the same time. I've seen some serious cognitive dissonance in my classmates who wholly believe in equality. They believe that there will be no racial equality until there is only one shade of skin (mixed race to the point of equilibrium). I don't believe that everybody should be equal, because we intrinsically are not equal on all aspects. It's pointless to mould and shape our youth to be as conforming and "equal" as possible. You can't all be equal without being equal to the lowest common denominator as well. Everyone will be as rich as the poorest man and as intellectual as the most illiterate man. I don't completely believe in democracy, even though it's nice to give me an illusion that I have direct control of government actions.

I'm a social Darwinist in the sense that I don't support giving welfare to those who are too fat to work, single mothers with 9 children living on Hoover St of Los Angeles, addicts of psychopharmaceuticals and hardline socialist/communists who wants a share of what the richest's wealth. Give it to the veteran without legs because he sacrificed himself for the community, but don't give it to those who never did a thing in return for social welfare.

>> No.8462294

>doubts evolution?
I don't doubt that lifeforms evolve but I also doubt that the current evolutionary theory is as factual as some like to believe.
Feels like a loaded question.

>takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
The Bible is 66 books written by thirty-something people, none of whom would be considered "literary", and some writing of which is the oldest in the world. Some of it is empirical truth. Some of it is historically sound, yet questionable. Some of it is eyewitness account. Some of it is indiscernibly abstract. some if it is false. It's a big fucking book, don't approach it with a myopic lens and expect to find anything other than a reflection of your own ignorance.
>thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
the logic behind this question is flawed. If one sees that democracy is the problem that's just lazy thinking. Democracy is a sword wielded by All, and the opinions of All are shaped by education. Is lack of effective education a problem? Yes.
>unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
I don't know what that means and I don't intend to look it up.

>> No.8462315

>anyone who is a right-winger is le stupid xD
Democracy is just the formalization of mob violence, my reddit-using friend

>> No.8462353

>doubts evolution?
It's the best theory to date but it could change.
>takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
The Bible has literal truth but also allegories, poems, etc.
>thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
Yes, I'm a supporter of dictatorship or absolute monarchy but apolitical in practice. Dictatorships or absolute monarchies are harder to be corrupted because it's only a few and those few are already in the spotlight but in democracies everyone can be corrupt and you can't trust anyone. You don't have checks and balances that are self-interested and screw each other over and never get anything done.
>unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
No, it's basically discredited.

>> No.8462357

Being well read is hardly indicative of intellect; it's not marked by a particular pursuit in general. I've picked up vocabulary, went out of my way to learn the basics of French, music theory, physics, architecture and biology, but it was a novel undertaking with no real product.

>- doubts evolution?
No, but I'm uninformed.
>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
Well, that depends on the writing, but I don't believe in myth if that's what you mean, beyond an emotional sense.
>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
I'm uninformed, but egalitarianism is seldom used save for it's antithesis. Politicians are swindlers, riding off the heels of yellow journalism and all kinds of Orwellian dystopic tactics. I don't vote because I can't penetrate the grand impact, but everyone else does for a topical facebook update. I think civilisation in doomed, but democracy is just one of many kinds of poison. I don't have the solution.
>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
No. It's ubiquitous among the affluent/successful, though.

>> No.8462412

>- doubts evolution?
I might occasionally doubt some individual theories about certain aspects of evolution but evolution itself is been proven enough for me.
>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
Not sure why this is an all or nothing kind of thing. I don't take any of it as literal truth but I can see why some people might. "any other religious writing really covers a lot of ground, but I'm not particularly religious.
>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
equality in what? What do you mean my democracy and "dooming western civilization? Lot of assumptions here.
>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
I don't know what faggy fedora-tipping SJW-types like you refer to as "social darwinism" but I'm probably not it.

>> No.8462476

>thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?

Democracy doesn't exist and never truly has, for the simple reason: there has never existed a region which concentrated enough intelligence to have a successful democracy.

And, you say equality, however this is just carelessness of diction. Equal rights for citizens may exist, but only for them and only rights not status.

>> No.8462500

>smart people share my superstitions
>not even judging superstitions by aesthetic and literary values
the children of your fundamentalist thoughts will have the worst hats at the fancy hat party wars.

>> No.8462571
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My god, the ideology in this post

>> No.8462735
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I consider myself fairly smart and I believe in the ancient aliens theory, and that the aliens came back after the first atom bomb was used so they could monitor us.
We are living in an extremely pivotal moment in world history, I think the aliens will return soon.
Maybe to wipe us out and plant the seeds of a new civilisation

>> No.8462746

This is pretty okay bait.

>> No.8462761

>doubts evolution?
not me
>takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
not me
>thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
not me, but i think islam is a serious threat
>unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
not me

>> No.8462767

None of that is an indicator of intelligence or the lack thereof.

You're just a pseud, brother.

Christianity actually rejects democracy and equality in the secular sense, since it of course is an attempt to both give legitimacy to the word of Man as well as secularize the laws of God. i.e. it's complete heresy.

>> No.8462803
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Is there anyone on lit who
>- doubts evolution?
probably not

>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
There are historically accurate sections of the bible. But I doubt anyone on 4chan believes in the literal truth of Noah's Ark.

>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
There is no such thing as "equality" in real life. Some people are worth more than others because of their superior knowledge, wisdom, morality, skills etc. People should be ruled by their betters, not their equals.

>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
We subsidize unproductive people to reproduce through welfare. I don't think the government should finance single moms who refuse to work, or people who get welfare money just for having a bunch of kids.

But I guess that makes me stupid according to OP.

>> No.8462833

>- doubts evolution?
>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?

Are those he kind of questions you make to check how smart a person is? They are pathetic.

>> No.8462835

>- doubts evolution?
I believe the truth behind the theory of evolution is much weirder and spookier than is thought.

>- takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth?
They literally exist :^)

>- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
This is complicated but equality and democracy are being applied in incresibly faulty ways.

>- unironically considers himself a social darwinist?
That's just stupid.

>> No.8462836

>doubts evolution
I believe in it pretty strongly
>takes the bible or any other religious writing as literal truth
Though I do not believe fully in any organized religion, I do believe in some of the things buddhism and christianity say.
>thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilization
False equality, yes.
>unironically considers himself a social darwinist?

By these questions you sound like you are very stubborn and have a very high opinion of yourself. I'd consider strong reflection on your true level of intelligence, or your general stubbornness.

>> No.8462841
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>Democracy is good. But you shouldn't be able to vote if you don't pay taxes
I agree that this is preferable to what we have currently, it's called active democracy (only people actively contributing to the state have a say in its management). Rights should be balanced by duties.

>Democracy is a sword wielded by All, and the opinions of All are shaped by education. Is lack of effective education a problem? Yes.
The education system is an extension of the state. From pre-school to grad school. Its purpose is to teach you that democracy is the only correct form of government.

>Yes, I'm a supporter of dictatorship or absolute monarchy but apolitical in practice. Dictatorships or absolute monarchies are harder to be corrupted because it's only a few and those few are already in the spotlight but in democracies everyone can be corrupt and you can't trust anyone. You don't have checks and balances that are self-interested and screw each other over and never get anything done.
I like to think of monarchy/aristocracy as consolidating power vertically. Large sweeping changes can come from above. Democracy on the other hand is about diluting power by spreading it out horizontally.

>> No.8462843


>> No.8462878

I'm pretty much a genius. I'm a daring synthesis of Yukio Mishima and Friedrich Schiller. My name will be remembered for thousands of years, my ouvre will influence generation after generation. I will speak of truths that nobody but me had ever conceived. I will give a voice to those at the fringe of society, i will talk of problems that we are afraid of facing. I will end post-modernism. I will end memes. Mankind will reach new levels of raptures after my works have been conceived.

Sadly the current circumstances of the literary 'industry' are not very advantageous for a genius of my degree, so all of what i have described will happen after my death. After i'm no longer threatening the establishment with the brutality of my thoughts.

>> No.8462882

he meant [s4s]

>> No.8462912

American detected

>> No.8462924


>> No.8462948
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>not realising everything is a game of fideism, all human understanding is fallible, absolute reality is unreachable and solipsism is an eternal possibility while Hume's problem of induction and Godel's uncertainty theorem limits science to an approximation of telluric habit
Social Darwinism is an interesting topic. Not that the rich deserve to be rich, butin how places in society evolve over time. Look at China and Russia: they killed off their intelligentsia and their culture has become arguably more backwards as a result. Intelligence is significantly swayed by genetics, and the intelligent generally accumulate more wealth.

On the Bible, to take it literally would silly, but not much sillier than the determinists who believe science has every definite answer under the sun. There's real richness in the stories of our faith too, like in Ecclesiastes or Job or the poetry of Sufis and the writings of the Upanishadic yogis.

Also, democracy is a terrible system among slightly worse ones. It breeds short-term populism at the expense of seemingly preventing tyranny. The world's longest running democracy, the UK, is basically an "elected dictatorship" of parties with small majorities that dominate the chamber and act more or less as parental figures for their mandate and voters. Not that that's a bad thing at all, most overly pluralised governments become lame ducks incapable of moving in any direction.

I think all people should be given equal opportunity, but elites are healthy for society to progress, as long as they remain balanced.

The stupidest thing of course, is the manner of your questioning, where you treat any disagreement as insanity. You'll never mature or learn in that way - there's wisdom in every response.

Thank you thinking /lit/ is smart. It's not really, but I still like it here because occasionally some asshat really is.

>> No.8463080

>implying veterans can't be communists
burgers pls go

>> No.8463107

unironically the best board and possibly the best community of individuals on the entire internet

>> No.8463118

Honestly those questions are so dumb and uninteresting I think anyone who bothers to answer them is probably at least a little bit of an idiot

>> No.8463121

It was better before /a/ flooded it. The first few months of [s4s] were a lot of fun, especially the get threads. I think I got a quint on /a/ with a MS paint of a kek naurto.

>> No.8463131

The questions are retarded, but no question is completely worthless.

>> No.8464076

- thinks equality and democracy are dooming western civilisation?
Equality doesn't exist, a certain level of equality is a good goal. I'm highly critical of liberal democracy, though, as is perfectly reasonable.

>> No.8464097

>Give it to the veteran without legs because he sacrificed himself for the community, but don't give it to those who never did a thing in return for social welfare.
lmao how stupid, why not give both a reasonable standard of living?

its actually cheaper to give some money/support to the addicts, single mothers and whoever than to leave them in total poverty (-> cause more crimes, health problems, possibly political upheaval in the future etc)

and the best way to kill the radical political movements is to allow them to exist, too, as far as the commies go. allow them to play around and participate somehow (very little) in the political process and they won't build up a big, angry following, they will remain a fringe movement for the people who want to play radical, causing no problems

the best (and cheapest) way to deal with problem groups like poor people and radicals is to somewhat integrate them into the existing order. make them outcasts and they cause more shit. look at the nordic welfare states; they're very stable. look at what happened to the 60s social/political movement or the punk rock stuff or anything like that; it got integrated into our society and causes no problems.

this is coming from a communist by the way; seriously, the best way to deal with us and the people we stand for is _not_ further oppression. that will make us stronger and angrier.

>> No.8464106
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Political freedom is diametrically opposed to economic and human freedom.

Benevolent dictatorship > any form of democracy

>> No.8464137

>66 books
Fuck Luther lad, it's 73

>> No.8465047

Who's the bimbo anon

>> No.8465105

"our social system" is not a reliable way to determine questions about equality. It is, in fact, the exact opposite of that: an ideological system that obscures reality for its own purposes.

>> No.8465609

the most intelligent board on 4chan is /tv/

>> No.8465697

>darwinian evolution is unfalsifiable
Check out this genius over here.

>> No.8465823

Sorry to disapoint, but no. Then again I realized how badly thought trough my OP was.

>> No.8466679

Not so smart anymore considering the fact that it has been raided by retards from other boards.