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/lit/ - Literature

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8460084 No.8460084 [Reply] [Original]

>freshman in college, want to become more /lit/erary
>decide to go to first meeting of school book club
>full of blue-haired harry potter fans
>the only books they read have movie adaptations
>the meetings are just watching the movies

is /lit/ just a countermeme?

>> No.8460089

Young adults are just a plebby demographic

>> No.8460932

Don't go to school book clubs. Even uni ones dedicated to literature courses are full of dumb fucks who love John Green and JK. Do your own research, thrive on independence.

>> No.8460949

We made a book club at my Uni (and we were mathematics' students) and it was quite patrician: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Dick, Oe, Boris Vian, Kafka, Dostoievski, Sepulveda, Kawabata...
I guess the point is making the book club with the people you know is not shit. It's true that other "official" book clubs of the Uni were shit (or too involved in things we didn't care, like the shitty dialect that is spoken at our city).

>> No.8461086

It's Dostoyewskiji

>> No.8461122


No, It's Dostayevskjy.

>> No.8461124

>state schools
Why even live

>> No.8461126

>In south America
>decide to go to book club
>99% girls under 25 that read YA and worship booktubers
>everybook is part of a fantastic saga or about young romance
>hear one girl said "I have never seen a story about a man facing a dystopian future"
>I wanna kill myself

>> No.8461133
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Shit, niggers, are you blind or what? Any public club dedicated to art sucks. What did you expect, lads? NEVER get involved in those and may the bliss be upon you.

>> No.8461138

Anons. These girls. They are so EASY.

Just fucking talk some big words at them and impress them with the fact that you've read more than 3 books in the last 3 years and they'll fuck you. It's almost a sure thing, as long as you're not disgusting and/or a sperg (and even the latter can be worked around - just not the fomer, usually, because women are shallow). Stop bitching about the plebians and fuck them instead, it's a much better use of your time. College is when women look the best, you'll regret not scoring some of that primo tang when you're an old bastard who can only get with with old bitches like me

>> No.8461433

>Anons. These girls. They are so EASY.
this is true. You're probably have to do more than just talk big words though unless you're very attractive.

>> No.8461469

Start your own book club where you only read literary material. See how many show up.

>> No.8461484
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>enrolled in honors course in state school
>it's about philosophical texts and ideas
>we read plato, descartes, bacon etc.
>Seemingly most patrician student is a lolita memer with an effiminate name

>> No.8461489

>freshman in college

So you've only been on here for about 6 months?

>> No.8461491

>quite patrician