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/lit/ - Literature

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8457467 No.8457467 [Reply] [Original]

to read or not to read that is the interrogation
pic rel

>> No.8457481

The first two are great, but for the last one it's like "Look at my super deep, totally not-obvious allegory about the loss of paradise and the fall of man!" There are a few places where the story drags but give the first one a try, see how you like it.

>> No.8457495

I haven't read them since I was a kid but this was pretty much how I felt about the books, too. The whole thing with God was weird and I didn't really care. It came off too obviously preachy (ironically). As I got through most of The Subtle Knife things got confusing and kind of dumb. The books aren't that bad but don't be surprised when it starts to drag like hell in the second and third books.

If I had the series in front of me today I would just read the first and leave the other two.

>> No.8457538

If you're underageb&, sure. If not -- no, what's wrong with you.
This is true, and annoying. Allegory's best when it's not allegory.
You were a pleb kid.

>> No.8457568

>you were a pleb kid

And you're an autistic adult. Let me guess, The Catcher in the Rye was shit, too, and we should all be jerking off over DFW's grave?

I should clarify and say I have no intent to ever read the books today under any circumstances. If you're looking for a fantasy YA book look at Le Guin's stuff.

>> No.8457572

I never read Catcher in the Rye, because unlike you I'm not Amerifat.

And the current circle-jerk is that DFW sucks, anon. You're a memer.

Let's be honest; you were just a bit dumb. It's okay. We all grew out of it at some point, some of us just -- sooner than others.

>> No.8457577
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Ty for shitposting.

>> No.8457578

np bb ;^)

>> No.8457952

bump for anti catholic literature

>> No.8457962

It's more than anti-catholic. Pullman is straight euphoric.

>> No.8458594
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like Dawkings Richard?

>> No.8458837

The term YA gets thrown around way too much. Pretty sure these aren't YA - they're children's books. As are Narnia, Harry Potter, and Earthsea.

>> No.8459507

>ur dumb!
wow, amazing argument man

>> No.8460554

one specific type of argument is ad personam or insulting

>> No.8461851

almost trips