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/lit/ - Literature

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8455546 No.8455546 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Literary Annoyances

>Bookstore has a book you want
>Bundled with a book you already have

>> No.8455564

>peel off bookstore price sticker
>it rips the book

>> No.8455699

>go to bookstore
>immediately begin passing gas combined with an overwhelming need to take a shit

It's not that big a deal though. I can just order online.

>> No.8455793

I've never actually found a book I've wanted in a typical bookstore. Most are genre trash and a smattering of classics. Occasionally I'll go into some old, privately owned shop and find a really good copy of Journey to the West or something cool, but I'm never looking for it.

>> No.8455802

I've never seen 2 books bundled together in my life.

>> No.8455828

There are no bookstores that don't exclusively sell pleb shit where I live.

>> No.8455831

Me either. What book stores do that?

>> No.8455833

Did you buy it?

Usually when things like that happen I'll just take what I need. I'll rip packaging if I have to. Customer is king. Either I buy exactly what I want or nothing at all.

>> No.8455852

>I'll rip packaging if I have to. Customer is king. Either I buy exactly what I want or nothing at all.
Wow you're either a complete fucking asshole or a memester. By ripping the package, you're not ripping the barcode's value in half, so it doesn't do shit, you'll still be paying for the whole thing, you cunt.

>> No.8456110

If this happens, I just give someone my other copy unless it's personal to me.

>> No.8456158
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It happens with shorter stories. Yesterday at a used bookstore I saw The Grand Inquisitor and Notes from the underground bundled. I bought it anyway, even though I already had Notes from the Underground.

>Pic related

>> No.8456564

Keke. What kinda farts you having? Long windy ones?

>> No.8456566

>customer is king



>> No.8456579

ye my copy of notes has 'white nights', 'the dream of a ridiculous man', "selections from 'the house of the dead' "

>> No.8456606

What kind of faggots steals a book because it's packaged a way he doesn't like. Customer is king is annoying as fuck when you have to deal with it as an employee, a pudgy fuck making your day suck because he wants free shit.

>> No.8458185

Why not just read all of The Brothers Karamazov?

The worst is when they abridge a book. I found a book that had Moby Dick, The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage, and The Bridge of San Luis Rey under the heading "4 American Novels". I already had The Scarlet Letter and only wanted Moby Dick, it was the only one there, so I reluctantly got it. Nowhere on the cover or back did it mention any of them were abridged, I thought it was pretty suspicious that the book seemed so small, and when I got home, what do you know, the books were fucking abridged.

How do you abridge Moby Dick? How the FUCK do you decide what to take out? What goes through people's heads who decide this?

Same with when I found an abridged edition of Les Miserables

>> No.8458190

you could use the book, that you already have, as a mousepad. at least that is what iam doing with the books i don´t need

>> No.8458199

I had the same thing happen to me with a cheap copy i found of don quixote. Get home and written aa small as possible on the title page is abridged.

>> No.8458214

Story of my life

>> No.8458219

>Literary Annoyances

people reading shitty bestseller books on the subway

i´ve never seen anybody reading some quality book on public transportation it really annoys me

>> No.8458235

I've read V., Lot 49, GR, Ulysses, The Recognitions, The Beetle Leg and various other things on the subway.

>> No.8458243

>best local charity bookshop puts fiction prices up to £2.49

>> No.8458247

I rest my case.

>> No.8458253


>> No.8458256

>How do you abridge Moby Dick? How the FUCK do you decide what to take out?
Pretty easy: everything about whales, whaling, etc that doesn't narrate the main plot about chasing Moby Dick

>What goes through people's heads who decide this?
Sheer, unadulterated plebness.

>> No.8458271
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>go to bookstore
>would love to just look all the books
>see people
>start to feel anxious
>start to sweat
>nervous because sweating, sweating because nervous
>instantly get out of the store

>> No.8458311
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>short story collection
>can't rip out the certain stories I want to read

What is this bullshit.

>> No.8458320
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>go to bookstore
>cutie at checkout counter
>panic attack
>feels like the walls are closing in on me
>spaz my way through payment
>get outside
>feel like an idiot

>> No.8458332

Ha! That doesn't happen to me, because the classics section is always empty! :')

>> No.8458366

>go to charity bookshop
>£2.99 for a standard book, about 400 pages long
>there are notes in the margins and passages have been highlighted
>could get the same book online, new for just £3.99

I get that it's for charity, but really? I don't care about Africans that much lol

>> No.8458373

>books are always displayed sideways
>neck starts to hurt after about 30 min
>have to try and remember where i left off last
nobody else?

>> No.8458384

Does it help to know that that interaction was just one of hundreds that she had that day and you probably weren't even the creepiest weirdest guy she had to deal with?

>> No.8458390


>> No.8458395

Yes it does. Having worked retail I know everyone just blurs together. Doesn't help in the moment though.

>> No.8458772

You cant read titles sideways?

>> No.8458881

some you could, some would be impossible. im thinking of the dark leather-bound ones with tiny-ass gilt writing.

>> No.8459115

learn to deal with your problems anon

>> No.8459157
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Bought The Idiot and The Oddyssey for £3 earlier kek

>> No.8459181

>buy a well known book
>cashier tries to talk to me about it

>> No.8459216

>go to book shop
>browse for an hour
>buy nothing
The only places I actually buy boojs are charity shops and book fairs. Got I, Claudius and Claudius The God for 50p last year.

>> No.8459256
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>pick up an older book that became a pop culture phenomenon 50 years ago or so
>go to actually read it
>every other page or half page you get inane commentary from some 46 year old bitch who looks like a realtor that just finished grad school
>she inevitably relates the timeless observations of the author to her stupid pointless boring life

>> No.8460344

You're both lucky, it's rare to find good used bookstores in my city, even more so at a reasonable price and the best/kind of cheapest i've found is owned by an old men from Nebraska

(I'm not amerifat btw)

>> No.8460352

No, it's more like a girlish kind of fart, It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night.

>> No.8460353

>go on beach
>every old woman is reading some romance fiction
>"The Fallen Angel Gabriel and his Passion"
>"The Vampire of London and Jane"
>"Burning Passion"
>"Cold heart - Warm body"

>go to library
>disabilty support group brought a girl over to become a member
>oh that's nice, wonder if she'll pick something good out
>her mother speaks over her
>"Do you have romance? With vampires, please."

>in class
>"So anon, what do you read?"
>say the classics and some poetry, one of our serbian poets
>ask her what she reads
>"Oh I love romance! Guillame Musso is my favorite!"
>say that Master and Margarita is better love story
>"Oh I could never read those hard, grown-up books."
>i have no face

>> No.8460612

People are having a conversation.
>he fell silent for a minute

Fuck off, people don't just stop talking and stand in silence for minutes at a time. Reading the Psychopath Test atm and the author says he was on the phone to someone and 3 minutes passed without anyone saying anything.

>> No.8460621

Books where it isn't made clear which character is speaking. There's a reasonable limit of course but in shit like Lord of the Flies it's pretty poor.

You'll have 'Piggy muttered.' But dialogue won't follow from that, it'll be on the next line.

Also, anytime books try to explain the geographic layout of the place the scene is taking place. 99% of the time it fails miserably and just confuses you.

>> No.8460624

Sta citas buraz od pesnika?

>> No.8460630
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Have you removed the plebab out of her, my neighbour?

>> No.8460706

>buy the bundle
>now you have an emergency birthday present if you ever forget someone's birthday and don't have time to buy one

>> No.8460781

>go to book store
>section for actual literature is smaller than my poorfag bookshelf

>> No.8460806

dialogue tags are for PLEBS

>> No.8460841

>Sister is a John Green fan
>Buy her An Abundance of Katherines for her birthday
>Cashier is an awkward looking teenage girl
>Starts asking if I'm a John Green fan, asking me about John Green and recommending me other YA books of a similar ilk
>Try to nod politely and get through the transaction
>She starts asking me personal questions like do I live in town and am I a student
>Finally tell her that the book is for my sister and that I would never debase myself by reading such worthless trash
>She looks dejected
>Leave the store and never come back

>> No.8460862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8460901

Jaksic mi se veoma dopada, patritoizam njegov pogotovo

>browse lit
>thinking i'm anything but an autist

>> No.8462244
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>book starts off amazing
>author shits up the end to hamfist in some of their ideology

>> No.8462490

This is why /lit/ can't get a gf

>> No.8462493

>How do you abridge Moby Dick?
Dude, its so fucking easy.

>> No.8462513

>implying I haven't set my cause on nothing

>> No.8462590

>doesn't want sweet meal-cooking and dick-sucking property in your arms

>> No.8462615

>On woman next I set my heart,
>From them I suffered many a smart,
>Ah, ah!
>The false one sought another lord.
>With the true one I was greatly bored,
>The best could not afford.

>> No.8462778


If I'm gonna fuck a jailbait she better be patrician

>> No.8463009
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>Only bookstore in town is owned by the guy who molested you in your childhood

>> No.8463018
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this literally happened to me last week, it was on the spine as well

>> No.8463047


>> No.8463198
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>walk into a bookstore
>it's a Barnes and Noble

>> No.8463503


>The only person in your town who buys books is that autist kid you molested a couple years ago

feels bad man

>> No.8463516
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>Cover is a movie poster even years after the movie is out

Thank god for used bookstores and having tons of copies with original covers. Cheaper than online too

>> No.8463643
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>> No.8463657


>> No.8463693
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>the bookstore is a cover for a massive international child sexslave ring

feels good man

>> No.8463712

Fuck you Powell's

>> No.8463929

Is that the one in portland

I went and it was fucking terrible. Great selection but charging like $10 more on average for used books you can get for a dollar. Fuck u if u shop there. People donate books to them because they have a reputation and goddamn portland hipsters buy books they could get literally just down the street for .01% of the price and this big Portland Approved basically barnes n noble gets 100% profit

Yes im mad

>> No.8463938

Dude you know you can commonly find books for like 3-5 bucks there, right

Selection is too good to turn down DESU
GOAT atmosphere and plenty of patrician qts too

>> No.8463944

Fair enough. The selection is really good that is true. Im an ultra poor fag so i couldnt really justify it especially with so many cheaper stores near by.

>> No.8463953


confirmed. silently fell in love with the woman looking at the recommendations next to me in the blue room.

cashier gave me 10% just because i was so stoked to be there visiting. my favorite bookstore by far.

and yeah they can be expensive, but look where they are. they take up a whole block in downtown portland and you know that cant be cheap.

>> No.8463957

Hell I just went there about two hours ago and I absolutely adore it still. Bought a whole bag full of books (few of which were Dalkeys) and it rang me up only about 70ish so it's a fine deal as far as I'm concerned
I've fallen in love in that store like fifteen times too, so you're not alone

Yeah dude, I get it. If you want cool hacks, check thrift stores and Powell's Online

>> No.8463962

The Portland one is a meme, buncha homeless begging outside the entrance and everyone flocks to the coffee shop in the back despite there being a much better and cheaper one literally one street over.

The smaller Powells in the suburbs are better.

>> No.8463967

Except the selections of those stores are small as fuck and they close early