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8454799 No.8454799 [Reply] [Original]

What would you guys say is the best way to forget someone who made your life bearable and then left?

Are there any works about this particular subject I should seek out?

I will not go into further details because I don't want this thread to become a blog. I'm asking a legitimate question.

>> No.8454810

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? (it's a movie though)

>> No.8454818

incolor tsukuru by murakami is a book about a guy who lost suddenly the 4 most important friends of his life (this isnt spoiler)
i guess you might like it

>> No.8454888

I heard about it, but I'm afraid it might make things worse.

Never read anything by Murakami before. Can I go straight to this one?

>> No.8456033

Don't dwell on it.

Human beings can survive in the most remarkably squalid and deprived conditions if they can only get used to them.

Simply get used to suffering is my advice.

>> No.8456037

Take up a form of martial arts

>> No.8456039
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>> No.8456042

Take a look at What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. And do some running, like couch-to-5k. It's a powerful antidepressant

>> No.8456054

>Never read anything by Murakami before. Can I go straight to this one?
sure, his books aren't quite related with each other (aside from the same style of narrator as always)

if you want you can read nowergian wood first, which is probably his best work (at least in my opinion... i've even seen people saying incolor tsukuru was a copy paste of nowergian wood)

i'd say, if you want a complete novel, something that explains almost everything, go for nowergian wood (thats something you may not find in tsukuru)

>> No.8456058

i never read this one, does murakami had depression?

>> No.8456150


Read the Bhagavad Gita. That should do it.

>> No.8456207


Been dealing with this for over a year, OP.

Read Mishima's Sea of Fertility. It is the only medicine.

>> No.8456874


No, but OP does

>> No.8456880

Have you considered peaceful, comfy helium suicide? Put on your favorite music, enjoy your favorite meal one last time, and kick back into a relaxing slumberous rest.

>> No.8456919

I was young and stupid once and thought this about someone who didn't feel the same way. She left me and I was a wreck for months, constantly thinking we'd get back together somehow and rekindle what we once had.

Long story short it was her that made me forget about her. She was talking to someone at a party we were both at and I overheard her say I never meant anything to her. I didn't care if she was trying to get into that persons pants, or if she really meant it, but that hurt. There and then I decided not to think about her and move on. She obviously had. I did and my life got better for it.