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8451351 No.8451351 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in Christianity. I've only ever been exposed to Christianity from a Protestant perspective, and the only Bible I've owned was a NIV translation I got at school.

What translation should I read? Why?
What other sources should I read while or before I read the Bible? Why?

>Go ask /pol/ and /lit/'s shitty offspring

>> No.8451392
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Latin vulgate would be best, if you can, but I do the new american version, which can be rough at times. Douay-Rheims is also recommended. The only other book that I strongly recommend for a beginner is Augustine's confessions, but Pope Benedict XVI has some excellent writings.

>> No.8451402

>What translation should I read?
A translation approved by the Catholic Church.
Because is the one true church, that keeps the fullness of truth.

>> No.8451421
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>I'm interested in Christianity.

>> No.8451423


>> No.8451428


>> No.8451430

Read the Catholic Catechism

It's basically tract for priests and converts that covers the accumulated precepts which compose the doctrinal beliefs of the Catholic church---as a Protestant I think you'll find it pretty interesting. It's also very accessible and contains footnotes to the biblical passages and church councils from which the doctrine was derived.

>> No.8451475


>Because is the one true church, that keeps the fullness of truth.

>actually condemned people for not following their earthly, heretical, legalistic ways


>> No.8451487

What about Meditations?

Also, how recommended is it to use a book that's really old/might fall apart?

>> No.8451516
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As in marcus aurelius? Personally I love it, and am preparing to buy a loeb copy. I'd reccomend it, but there is a lot more to Christianity than it seems on the surface level. To have a strong faith, which many people struggle with, you need understanding of the religion, which encompasses memorization of verses, the topics of the trinity, the natures of christ, mosaic law, the prophets, debated history behind the bible, prophesy, and especially interpretation. So, I'd recommend the book, but if you rush through the Bible, only read it once, or read it without other books by theologians and various christian writers, it is very easy to fall away from the religion.

Don't worry too much about the state of the book. As long as you can currently read it, it's fine, but do what you please.

And also, for extra advice, don't forget to pray.

>> No.8451521

What aspect of Christianity are you most interested in?

>> No.8451547

As in Augustine -- the book's called The Meditations of St. Augustine. I only found this

>> No.8451576

Haven't read it, but go ahead. You might like this site too:

>> No.8451908

NIV is a pretty good translation for grasping doctrine. it can also be helpful to read with a concordance nearby.

>> No.8451949

City of God, Confessions by Augustine
Selected Works of Thomas Aquinas
Jesus of Nazareth and Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Ratzinger
Europe and Faith, Great Heresies by Hilaire Belloc
Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
History of Philosophy, Volumes I, II, Aquinas by Freddrick Copleston
Aquinas, Edward Feser
Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine by John Henry Newman
Orthodoxy, Heretics by G.K. Chesterton
Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton
Silence by Shusaku Endo

>> No.8452182

>Wants to refute theological truth with MUH INQUISITION
>Confusing infallibility with absence of sin
>In 2016

Read something pleb

>> No.8452190
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>> No.8452195
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x2739, Advanced bread pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8452200


>rinsing pasta