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845105 No.845105 [Reply] [Original]

Fa/tv/irgin here,
New Deathly Hallows trailer just arrived.


Just keeping you informed, carry on..

>> No.845107

Deadly Hallows sucked in book form and I don't think it would be much better as a movie.

>> No.845111


>> No.845121

nice, looking good

>> No.845124

>Why do you live?

>because I have something worth living for



>> No.845131

Also, I love how they remixed the Harry Potter theme to sound epic like the Star Wars theme at the end.

I may just go see this for cheap thrills. Just turn my brain off and watch shit fucking blow up.

>> No.845134
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>in 3D


>> No.845149

already confirmed the movie wasn't shot in 3D, they are just going to autotune it so dont waste your money.

Agreed. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't say the exact FUCKING THING at the end of the fifth movie.

>> No.845153

Eh so it's gonna be in two parts. Gotta milk all that they can while they can I guess. Not looking forward to it really. The book was one of the weakest of the series, at least for me.

>> No.845161

Thanks anon.

>> No.845164

Looks awful. Also, Jesus Christ at the comments section.

>> No.845165
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sage for a shitty movie adaptation of the shittiest book from a shitty fantasy book series.

>> No.845169


Some of the people who commented need to take some goddamn pills and chill. There's no reason to give yourself hysterics over a shitty kid's movie.

>> No.845171

Yeah thats stupid, they even showed the ending of part 2 in the trailer.
no problem
Emma Watson is a reason enough for me to watch it

>> No.845172 [DELETED] 


>> No.845181


Same here, she's the only reason I got through the last one.

>> No.845182
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>> No.845183

Not even joking, I teared up just a little.

>> No.845185
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>> No.845187


Really? Half Blood was the best of the films for me.

Anyway, I'll only be watching Deadly because of Ema of course.

>> No.845188

You read the last one right? You see how long that is? You don't srsly want to sit through five straight hours of HP do you?

Those are all the questions I have for now.

>> No.845189


>> No.845191

You're joking right?

The last movie was terrible. It lacked everything remotely good in the books.

>> No.845193
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Fuck yeah, Harry Potter.

>> No.845195

Teen romance shit in the last film was unbearable.

>> No.845198
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>the finale of the worldwide phenomena

Well, I guess the whole Harry Potter craze was a sort of phenomena, like the Beanie Baby craze.

>the motion picture event of a generation

I am dissapoint, my generation

>> No.845200



ughh not deadly hallows.


>> No.845210

I hate you fucking faggots who think this has to be a two part movie because it's so dense. Any moron could adapt this thing into a two hour movie

Act 1: wedding
Act 2: camping/horcrux finding
Act 3: fight for Hogwarts/kill Voldemort

This shit is so basic. Two hour movie easy.

Admit it, you're being milked for every last dime in your wallet.

>> No.845208

Goblet of Fire was the best book and movie. Who agrees?

>> No.845206

I bet the ending will be "trying too hard to be epic"

>> No.845207

same shit

>> No.845211


So would you rather have twilight be the motion picture event of our generation?

>> No.845212


Dude, the whole fucking trailer is trying too hard to be epic.

It has

-Shit on Fire
-Shit exploding
-implications of people dying

I feel like I just saw the entirety of the movie.

>> No.845213

Nahhh. Chamber of Secrets for best book, and Prisoner of Azkaban for best movie.

>> No.845214

The original release of LOTR wasn't that amazing. Don't know why we're even bothering with this.

>> No.845217


oh wow, 10 bucks is such an exorbitant amount of money. get a real job you bum.

>> No.845218


Except it's not.

>> No.845221
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>implying that most blockbuster movie trailers don't contain the first three

>> No.845225


The reverse is true in my opinion.

PoA: best book.
CoS: best movie.

>> No.845227


which is my point.

It's a cookie-cutter Summer Blockbuster.

>> No.845233


But it doesn't come out in the Summer.

>> No.845236

one Harry Potter movie makes on average $850,000,000.

And Warner Bros is doubling their profit by splitting the final film into two films.

That amounts to a huge amount of delicious fantard money.

>> No.845237


Which brings us to the last two items in your list: Voldemort and OMINOUS LATIN CHANTING.

Sounds like a fucking awesome movie to me. That is, if I don't spend the entirety of the film staring at Harry's crotch.

>> No.845241


>> No.845247

Jesus fuck Harry looks old.

They call him "the boy who lived" but it's just so damn painfully obvious that he ain't no boy.

>> No.845264

Goblet of Fire was a terrible movie. As an adaptation, sure, it's fine, but it's just so goddamned lifeless... I'm glad Newell didn't come back.

Chamber of Secrets is horribly underrated; it's the closest the series ever came to straight horror in both incarnations, and Columbus, for all the crap he gets, knocked it out of the park with CoS. It's got substance, it's got style; Cuaron gets too much credit for his contribution.

Yates is probably the best director for the series- the changes he made to HBP worked for me, his OotP was still a good movie despite being a poor adaptation; I'm glad he's finishing it.

>> No.845298


>> No.845318

The worst book propably will turn into a terrible movie (or two terrible movies, whatever), but I don't don't they will be worst then Goblet of Fire. That movie was really shitty.

>> No.845329

Man, I know I will be crying when I see the last scene.
Not because it's soooo good but because I've been reading and watching Harry Potter for more than half of my life. It's just sad that everything ends now.
You know that feeling when you like stuff not (mainly) because what it is but because what you have made of it? I still remember buying any single book. And I remember reading days and nights straight when a new one came out, or re-reading them when I felt like it. And I remember how different I saw many passages before my first love, and after. I remember reading some books when I was still younger than Harry, thinking "Omg, my life's gonna be exciting, too" and reading it when I was many years older than Harry, comparing what I experienced. I remember reading Harry Potter before I got internet, and after, when I had read about theories and guesses, and thought "oh, that guy on the board was right, and that guess was totally wrong". I remember crying when characters died, and not caring that much at all, reading Harry Poter before my grandma died and after. I remember when the spoilers to the last book were leaked on /b/, and then I remember reading "up to them" when I got the book weeks later, and comparing the book to what I imagined from the spoilers. And then thinking about, what a crazy, special thing the internet actually is, consisting of anonymous guys sharing information all over the world. And that my life is devoted to that (i do computer science).
Man, when I think about all that, it is just about the greatest thing ever. Because, that is the ultimate goal of art: connecting to people, becoming a part of their life. And no matter how Harry Potter did this, how many money was made this way, or if the books really deserve that position, it's a great thing to happen. It's just great.

>> No.845343

Exactly. I don't think that HP is a good series, and I don't think they're particularly good movies, but I grew up with them and they're what helped me keep from being a depressed fuck as a little kid. So I like them. No one I know will argue that HP has much literary merit, so I don't see why everyone who rages about it attacks the fans for thinking that it's good literature or whatever.

>> No.845361

I still retain that Goblet of Fire was the funnest read. It had dragons, ghost blow jobs in hot tubs, it was the first time someone died, and then the end when Harry and Voldemort dueled was awesome.

>> No.845367


>ghost blow jobs in hot tubs,

Myrtle was hot. If I was Harry, I would have rocked her spectral can.

And I would have taken her to the school ball. If I got dirty looks, I'd be all like HATERS GONNA HATE.

>> No.845423

Watching that trailer on vuvuzela mode was much more rewarding.

>> No.845442

It's going to be 2 movies.

>> No.845479

>My face when people hate Deathly Hallows just because it was the last book

>> No.845496
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>my visage when nothing happened for several chapters in Deathly hallows, except wangst, teenagers wandering around the English countryside, and Harry emoing out over his DEEEEEEEEEEAD PARENTS

If I wanted to take a nice backpacking trip around Surrey I'll do it myself, because I'm not a socially retarded manchild.

>> No.845760

No, dude, you wanna know why people hate The Deathly Hallows?

It's the fucking epilogue. That shit read like it was plucked directly from Fanfiction.net

"Albus Severus"? What a a fucking awful name! It's the sort of thing only a 14 year old fangirl could write. And the fact that all the kids were pretty much the same as the parents, down to implying their school life would be the same shit.

It was just so damn saccharine.

>> No.845927

I'm still disappointed that they never bought Cuaron back to direct another installment, probably because he dared to trim the story down to under 2 hours.

>> No.845957

At least it's not twilight.