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8449691 No.8449691 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone here "grow out of philosophy"?

I mean philosophy in the sense that you seek some permanent knowledge/intellectual satisfaction/confidence by reading and contemplating.

Because it all seems like an endless pit and there's always more stuff to read and contemplate. And it almost certainly doesn't make you happier/confident or more "useful" to society.
(And that's the gist, I guess. Happiness and "usefulness to society" being some fundamental axioms for me.)

In other words, I believed in the power of philosophy too much and ended up realizing that it's just one of the areas of life, not necessarily superior to anything else, but just another path (I hate the life path metaphor, but you get the point).

I think I finally get the mocking/contempt that normie adults showed towards philosophy. I used to think they're just uneducated simpletons (ok, there's some truth there), but I can empathize with them now.

>> No.8449708
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Sounds like you just aren't into philosophy, my man.

What you're saying isn't accurate or even very intelligent.

>> No.8449711

>turns into absolute simpleton
>wants us to award him

>> No.8449722

Sorta, but in a different way, and only after starting from Plato and following the historical Western philosophy path all the way to 20th century and forming a very rigorous and comprehensive Weltanschuung

Wittgenstein made me realize that unless we stick to an extremely rigorous language and assume as few axioms as possible in philosophy, we're essentially doing baseless conjecturing. I found myself reading the likes of Heidegger, Sartre and Foucault with extreme scepticism and distrust as a result. My thoughts didn't change much then and I'm extremely glad I didn't study philosophy at uni.

>> No.8449760

What you mean by philosophy--"seek some permanent knowledge"--is not really what philosophy means, hence your disillusionment with it. Philosophy is an exploration of questions to which we will probably never have a definate answer; at best we will have fleeting consensus' that differ with each epoch.

As such, it is easy to 'grow out of philosophy' from your perspective as you view philosophy as a means to some concrete end. For most, the "intellectual satisfaction" you ask from philosophy actually stems from the sheer quantity of positions and ideas that you deride. Fulfillment comes from the debate, the exchange of ideas and perspectives, rather than any epiphany you may recieve from reading one particular work (although this is also a great pleasure too).

Moreover, your argument via philosophy being an endless pit, is one you can apply to all arts subjects. Im a history student, not a philosophy or literature one, but the same reasoning can be applied here: there are always more facts to learn, more interpretations to consider, more studies to read. By your reasoning, not only is philosophy pointless, the whole of the humanities is. Viewing the arts through this crass 'practical' perspective misses the point of these subjects enitrely. Detach yourself from this prism of utility and you will start to appreciate philosophy at a greater depth.

>philosophy doesn't make me happier

Lol, people who retreat into philosophy for emotional solace or catharsis are always dissapointed. Again, this stems from a misunderstanding of what philosophy entails. This is a vigorous field of inquiry, not a sphere of casual theraputics.

>> No.8449768

proof phhilosophy is pseudo bullshit:

>> No.8449776

>Sounds like you just aren't into philosophy, my man.

Which I guess is OPs point, philosophy being something some people are "into" and not much more than that. A hobby, a way of life, an interest. Like gardening or medicine or astrophysics.

>> No.8449806

You seem to be treating philosophy as a lifestyle when it is the study of existence

If you are complaining that you still feel lonely and unaccomplished after studying - no shit

>> No.8449808

>Im a history student
I'll take a large cappuccino, extra sugar

>> No.8449812

>Happiness and "usefulness to society" being some fundamental axioms for me

Back to plebbit, kid

> I believed in the power of philosophy too much

That's not philosophy's fault, retard.

>normie adults

Kill yourself, frogposting scum

Go back to your anime and 'vidya'

>> No.8449818

>unless we stick to an extremely rigorous language and assume as few axioms as possible in philosophy, we're essentially doing baseless conjecturing


(not that it can't still have value, though. even the shittiest shitpost can have some value to someone.)

>> No.8449822

>Did anyone here "grow out of philosophy"?
No, there are hundreds of works I still want to read
>I mean philosophy in the sense that you seek some permanent knowledge/intellectual satisfaction/confidence by reading and contemplating.
That's not philosophy.
>Because it all seems like an endless pit and there's always more stuff to read and contemplate. And it almost certainly doesn't make you happier/confident or more "useful" to society.
It isn't there to make me happy, philosophy isn't religion or a faithful wife.
It's also the absolute basis of society as law is influenced by it or a lack of it so much that it's far more useful than CS or some shit like that.
>(And that's the gist, I guess. Happiness and "usefulness to society" being some fundamental axioms for me.)
Yeah, go to church or grow up, my dear teenage Camus reading boy.
>In other words, I believed in the power of philosophy too much and ended up realizing that it's just one of the areas of life, not necessarily superior to anything else, but just another path (I hate the life path metaphor, but you get the point).
Philosophy is a discipline of human activity which has the goal of acquiring the truth and explaining the world, not making you happy, it isn't a cult.
>I think I finally get the mocking/contempt that normie adults showed towards philosophy. I used to think they're just uneducated simpletons (ok, there's some truth there), but I can empathize with them now.
Yes, because you read 3 books, one being introduction, the other two being Stranger and Beyond Good and Evil.
You are an uneducated simpleton which is why you find the empathy so easy.

>> No.8449829

>people who retreat into philosophy for emotional solace or catharsis are always dissapointed.
>This is a vigorous field of inquiry, not a sphere of casual theraputics.

Unless your name is Alain de Botton

>> No.8449833

>Philosophy is a discipline of human activity which has the goal of acquiring the truth and explaining the world

>> No.8449837

>wanting to be happy
why the fuck would you want something as uninteresting as that

>> No.8449841


You should strive to preserve the white race

>> No.8449845
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>fat fuck taking extra sugar
>being smug about anything

>> No.8449846
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"Philosophy is no trick to catch the public; it is not devised for show. It is a matter, not of words, but of facts. It is not pursued in order that the day may yield some amusement before it is spent, or that our leisure may be relieved of a tedium that irks us. It moulds and constructs the soul; it orders our life, guides our conduct, shows us what we should do and what we should leave undone; it sits at the helm and directs our course as we waver amid uncertainties. Without it, no one can live fearlessly or in peace of mind. Countless things that happen every hour call for advice; and such advise is to be sought in philosophy."

>> No.8449857

I cringe at the thought of someone taking this seriously.
It's outdated as fuck and comes from a time when philosophy was pretty much synonymous with education.

>> No.8449885
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>le cringe

>> No.8449910
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Once you get to the Münchhausen trilemma and realise coherent thought doesn't exist and philosophy is nothing but muh feels it loses a lot of its urgency.

I still read philosophy though, but treat it more like prose poems about the author's feels than anything else. Philosophy is autobiography.

>> No.8449914

Good post

>> No.8449915

>there are facts outside of language

seneca was a bit of a pleb, wasn't he?

>> No.8449928

do you even epistemology ya fat fuck?

>> No.8449933

All systemic thought is nonsense founded on arbitrary axioms and logic is a limited tool and also the only one we have.

Anything but scepticism is silly and naive.

>> No.8449937
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>> No.8449945
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How can you grow out of philosophy when you haven't even begun to understand it?

>> No.8449953

>"smart but lazy" underachieving high school prick or barely 20 dropout
>learns what the Munchhausen Trilemma is
>oh no because we don't know what happened before the big bang everything is invalidated!

Philosophy wouldn't be without it.
If it didn't exist ontology and epistemology would be solved then all problems would follow suite.

God you're like those retards on /r9k/ who just found out that free will doesn't make sense and then use that as an excuse to get fat and throw their lives away in their mother's basements

>> No.8449958

No, I never grew into it.

>reading Plato and get a glimpse of sophia
>reality opens up like a book, this is bliss
>but wait, too attached to sensual things to practice contemplation
>practice "philosophy" as mere eristics (debating for the sake of winning a debate) rather than love of wisdom


>> No.8449964

What I think he's getting at is he went in looking for truths. He wanted to be sure of at least SOMETHING in the world. The void gave no answers. He stopped looking for Truth in the Platonic sense that there was an objective that could be reached.

It's like an existential crisis but with knowledge so it's worse.

>> No.8449970

So now that he's done with that childish nonsense he can finally start reading philosophy.

>> No.8449974

If you don't believe in Truth in the Platonic sense, you are not a philosopher but a sophist in the proper sense of those terms. Example sophists: Hume, Nietzsche, Foucault.

>> No.8449979

>Philosophy wouldn't be without it.
>If it didn't exist ontology and epistemology would be solved then all problems would follow suite.
I agree, philosophy exists because it is unwarranted nonsense that never goes anywhere. That's not an argument in favour of it though.

>> No.8449983
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So does that mean we will never get any answers out of life? Outside of what we construct ourselves?

If you were to put it simply, philosophy is not be about finding answers, but asking better questions?

How is one supposed to live then?
What keeps you guys going?

>> No.8449984

>finally start reading philosophy

for what purpose? entertainment?

>> No.8449986

>anime shitposter calling others unintelligent

>> No.8449990

There ARE truths whose truth or falsehood is undecidable/impossible to show. See Gödel's incompleteness axioms

>> No.8450006

Then they're not truths desu.

That's like saying there are pink dogs whose pinkness can't be experienced. That just means they're not pink.

>> No.8450009

There are no truths

>> No.8450014

My Philosophy is you're a bunch of fuckin nerds :D

>> No.8450018

is that a fact?

>> No.8450022

>All systemic thought is nonsense founded on arbitrary axioms

I'll ask again, ya fat fuck: do you even epistemology?

>> No.8450033


So you're saying everyone has to conform to "ask stupid useless questions constantly" modern philosophy instead of developing a functional philosophy of life?

If so, fuck philosophy, I'm sticking with my "education".

>> No.8450038

Pretty sure he is saying the opposite m8

>> No.8450042

epistemology is a sandcastle. you cannot know nuffin.

>> No.8450044


>> No.8450047

Is /lit/ telling me to leave it to become /sci/ master race?

>> No.8450053

So the axiom of choice is a falsehood in ZF set theory? Retard

>> No.8450058

Repeating the world epistemology isn't an argument, anon.

>> No.8450059
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Pretty much the same as you, OP.

There's no such thing as a transcendent Good or ultimate Knowledge out there. Philosophy should have been dead and buried after the past 2000 years progressively dismantled Plato.

>> No.8450071

>Philosophy should have been dead and buried after the past 2000 years progressively dismantled Plato.

I see. Let's just quit philosophy of mind, political philosophy, philosophy of science, logic, ethics, epistemology, etc. because Plato was wrong. That sounds like a masterful, well-thought-out idea.

>> No.8450092

he probably believes in some "common sense" magical shit that just dissolves problems away

>> No.8450135

So what got me into philosophy was the doubt of naive realism into rationalism but that doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

What are your guy's conclusions?
What got you in?
Where are you now?

>> No.8450144

And "philosophy of [insert field]" does dissolve problems away? How can you tell?

And what does, say, political philosophy offer that is not taught in political science?

>> No.8450297
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>philosophy of mind
Neuroscientists are making every advance in that field
>political philosophy
Abstractions irrelevent to actual politicians, where political science is actually of more use
>philosophy of science
Little more than hagiography
Word games
Can't resolve even the most basic problems
Has destroyed itself over the past 50 years

>> No.8450332
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Socrates invented philosophy as the search for the Good. Where does that leave the discipline when no-one any longer believes that the Good exists as a concept that can be deduced by pure thought?

>> No.8450572

>And what does, say, political philosophy offer that is not taught in political science?
are you a retard? where the fuck do you think political science comes from? the air? measuring politicians heads using science?

>> No.8450580
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>And it almost certainly doesn't make you happier

>> No.8450987

>where the fuck do you think political science comes from?

Political scientists?

>> No.8452505

The problem isn't philosophy, but you. You approached it entirely the wrong way. It's not meant for you.

Truth be told, it's not for people who are looking for answers of any spiritual kind. It's for people who already have them. By reading and becoming familiar with philosophy, such people become better acquainted and equipped with the high level language required in order to articulate those answers.

Philosophy is a game. It's the highest level game out there. It's not an enemy you have to face and overcome, or a burden you're meant to adopt and carry.

>> No.8452631
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Philosophy only rearticulates the economic base that exists during its time because philosophy is ideology.

>> No.8452647


I was never interested in philosophy beyond affectation and how it's necessary to understand other writers.

>things are moving towards an end
>nothing means anything
>everything is material
>everything is in the mind

I don't care, all of that stuff is true and false, and not-true and not-false.

I guess I'm a nat-ur-al born mystic. I really have no stomach for those sorts of abstract disputes and I think that language distorts reality. Language also is necessary for us to perceive reality the way we do. Those are contradictory statements. I hold both of them. I recognize the value of philosophy but it's not a part of me.

God damn this post is pure pleb shit but I don't even care, it's my honest belief, and I hardly ever state it because of how stupid it sounds. The real truth is too big for words.

>> No.8452664


you're a fucking idiot if you find any personals written words to be facinating

there is nothing original anyone can possibly write in philosophy
stop being such a fucking sheep

>> No.8453815

>history student
What's your plan after graduation?

>> No.8453820


>> No.8453822

Ding dong wallawalla bing bong hell-oooooooooooooooooo Charlieeee!!!

>> No.8454104

fuck off

>> No.8454655

dont treat something as a means to an end. people who get disappointed in anything to do this. you remind me of the misologue section in the phaedo as you probably placed too much trust in it as the be all and end all of knowledge. enjoy philosophy as a thing in itself (and everything that interests you in general).

>> No.8454674

>That's not philosophy.
No shit, he made a statement and then explained what he really meant. "Has anyone lost interest in philosophy because of its relative impracticality?" or something like that.

>> No.8455233

But race is a spook.
You should strive to be you

>> No.8456268

Don't be such a fucking pleb op

>> No.8456274

Philosophy is just a term for something that all humans do: try to make sense of the world around them and to define concepts such as truth and virtue and knowledge

You can't outgrow it in the same sense that you can't outgrow contemplating death or love

The study of philosophy is not to provide you with an answer but to provide you with a way to strive toward what you want to strive toward, and to provide you with a possible definition of "want," so maybe you figure out what the fuck it is you want out of life

>> No.8456316

scientism nigga
read Quine

>> No.8456338
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>scientific realism
>muh formal systems
>my formal definition of electrons exists because otherwise we cannot justify our demand to be paid monthly
>classical logic is the least retarded logic, we must stick to it, otherwise what else is there to with our life beside being scared of death