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/lit/ - Literature

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8447666 No.8447666 [Reply] [Original]

What 5 works of literature should a young man read?

>> No.8447686

the bible, don quixote , the odyssey, the illiad, macbeth

>> No.8447689

Finnegans Wake
Nothing else matters anymore.

>> No.8447702

Don't know. I know which had the greatest impact on me
Book of the New Sun
Sickness Onto Death
The Brothers Karamazov
The Republic

>> No.8447716

>religion fags everywhere

>> No.8447760

Frankenstein, Dracula, Dubliners, A Tale of Two Cities and 1984

Other works I'd also recommend reading (though admittedly not all fictional) include A Brave New World, Pearl (14th century Middle English poem), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Don Juan, The Book of Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, Doctor Faustus, The Odyssey, Beowulf, The Road To Wigan Pier and Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

>> No.8447796

'On Women' by Schopenhauer
Mein Kampf
The Moral Landscape
My Twisted World
Native Son

>> No.8447799

The Odyssey, The Bible, Don Quixote, complete Shakespeare, Infinite Jest

>> No.8447820


>> No.8447824
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/tips katana

>> No.8447830

Paradise Lost
The Odyssey, Iliad
Crime and Punishment
Moby Dick
Blood Meridian

>> No.8447860

One of Fahrenheit 451/Brave New World/1984. Contemporary dystopias to make young people aware of the pitfalls of authority and popularism

Homer's Odyssey. It's more interesting than Iliad IMO, broader thematically, about mature themes of coming of age (Odysseus' son), and duty. Also included as a gateway to the Greeks.

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. A book to make young people think about the responsibilities of science and of having knowledge, as well as an example of the Gothic and Romantic aesthetic.

Wordsworth & Coleridge - Lyrical ballads. A volume of fairly well known Romantic poetry (Kubla Kahn, Tintern Abbey, etc) reflecting on love and nature.

Shakespeare's Macbeth. A cautionary tale about ambition. Also quite short and a gateway to other works for those who are interested.

>> No.8447878

Jules Valles
- The Child
-Death on Credit
Blaise Cendrars
-The Astonished Man
- The Life of Henry Brulard
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh

>> No.8447879

Animal Farm
The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality

>> No.8447880

Yeahh, filtered

>> No.8447882

Nicely put. It would be presumptuous to post my suggestions after reading this.

>> No.8447895
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Dandelion Vine (not vine)
Beware of Pity
Les Misérables
A Hero of Our Time

If those don't speak to you it's ok. Start pleb, end patrician.

>> No.8447913
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>young man reading
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8447935

Most people I know read it around the age of 18.
You can revisit it later on.

>> No.8447962


>> No.8447988

Romeo & Juliet, and, Sorrows of Young Werther - how not to be a young man, i.e. beware the romance meme. You only need to read these once and reflect on how pathetic Romeo and Werther are.

The Aeneid - piety, honour, virtue, literally every noble sentiment. Don't just read this memorise it. Learn Latin.

Don Quixote - best moral tale, beautiful allegory, most interesting novel; read so can understand the difference between having right ideals and having a false idealism.

The New Testament - for saving your soul

honestly, memorising the Aeneid is probably a better literary training/experience than blasting through the top 50 poems/plays/novels. Memorising makes the whole experience a thousand times more vivid, because the words are already there in your imagination before you speak them, you can practically hallucinate the scenes of the poem; whereas merely reading a novel leaves you with vague impressions / reminiscences.

>Romantic poetry
let's be honest lad, it's gay shit that should not be given to young men lest it corrupt them with its drug-induced fantasies, preposterous emotions

>> No.8448000

Trip dubs wins

>> No.8448437
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>the bible

>> No.8448766


>> No.8448774
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My father used to refer to my brother constantly as an 'angry young man' a lot when we were growing up. What is essential reading for an angry young man?

>> No.8448791

What's the cause of the anger? Do they want a solution to the problem or a way of dealing with it? Do they want a hard solution or an easy solution? Do they care if the solution is futile?

>> No.8448813

it's at least fun fiction and it has historic importance . don't be a faggot

>> No.8448819

Do you plan on staying here a while?

The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching.

>> No.8449725

More than that, it contains the archetypes and meaning-structures that determine the way we think.

>> No.8450531

>What is essential reading for an angry young man?
The Catcher in the Rye
The Hunger Games
God is not Great
The God Delusion
Letter to a Christian Nation

>> No.8450541


Farenheit 451 was the greatest piece of trash I have ever read. LIterally nothing was gained from reading it.

>No depth.
>Shitty plot.
>YA-tier vocabulary.
>Linear as fuck.

>> No.8450546

>Mocks The Bible
>Mocks trips dubs










>> No.8450554

Have you actually read the bible? It's mega boring lmao. Honestly just go to church and let the priests tell you about it..

>> No.8450567

This might be bait but I seriously have to ask: Are your retarded? Even if you are an atheist, you should have some familiarity with the Bible for its impact on western literature, just as Christianity has had its impact on western thought. Also,
>Honestly just go to church and let the priests tell you about it..
This isn't how church works. There is a point where the priest may read from the scriptures and explain it, but this can also be done at home with the internet. If you don't want to learn anything about the bible, fine. But don't disregard it in such a childish, ignorant way.

>> No.8451054

>le bible meme

seriously fuck off back to whatever psudeo religious fanatic board you came from.
Religion is childish

>> No.8451072

Calling religion childish is more of a childish behavior desu

>> No.8451079

Literally nothing is a must read.

>> No.8451166

Yeah if you started genesis it's hard to get through. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are absolutely mind numbing.

I usually recommend people start with the gospels and then read back if they want.

>> No.8451170

To the lighthouse

>> No.8451179

Calling calling religion childish more of a childish behavior is more of a childish behavior desu

>> No.8451189

Probably some Dr.Suess books

>> No.8451209
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This is good meta bait, but I prefer our childrens suggested reading to actually be mein kampf and related fascist wankery. Anything that fetishizes national identity should be taught to kids.

>> No.8451222

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Martin Eden.

>> No.8451261

Robinson Crusoe
Tom Sawyer (if American)
Lord of the Flies
The New Testament with an emphasis on the Epistles of Paul

>> No.8451302

You cheeky croat

>> No.8451335
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>> No.8451398

>Religion is childish
That's just like, your opinion man. But calling The Bible a meme in /lit/ is completely retarded. Even if you're the angriest of new atheists. The Bible is a collection of books, and some of them are literary masterpieces, and the whole is the most influential text in history of mankind. By coming to a literary board, which coincidentally is one of the few that has some quality content in 4chan, and calling The Bible a "meme" you show yourself to be a retarded mongoloid PLEB.

You are the one that should fuck off to motherfucking Reddit or whatever PSEUDO plebian board you came from. Or better yet, learn to read, and then come back and join us.

>> No.8451451

Infinite Jest
Infinite Jest
Infinite Jest
Infinite Jest
Infinite Jest

>> No.8452415

Its not even good

>> No.8452666

when you say "the bible," aby specific books? I have no interest in slogging through the book of numbers.

>> No.8452680


I agree on the first set only , although their respectful themes differ greatly from the today where we're digging our own hole by assuming the fake identity of class influenced styles which are periodically pushed upon us. It's a nice foundation for provoking thoughts of authority as long as you stay rational (m-m-muh illuminati).

Odyssey - wouldn't recommend greeks until later.

Macbeth (Othello, Hamlet, King Lear) is a great read as well but unfortunately, it is ONLY that .

What I would recommend are books relatively easy to read and digest :

Anna Karenina (also Madame Bovary - if you're into cucking) - while a long read , it will teach you in great detail that all women are whores at their core and WILL leave you for younger , more ripped and more mysterious version of your boring self no matter how influential you may be . ( Also , communism is bad and you're far better off with worker's"mind and capitalist's mindset - your mileage may vary though)

Marcus Aurelius , Meditations - In may not be an easiest read , but as long as you read it open minded (memes aside) you will find at least one corellation with your life and may or may not help you at finding out how to deal with decisions and/or how to form your opinions overall.

Robinson Crusoe - One of my favorite books . Unless you insist starting with greeks, read this one first as it is going to teach you to create that inner picture of any book in your mind due to its almost perfect yet simple narration .

F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche is not my favorite writer , exactly the opposite in fact , he's a weird fucker . That being said , the aforementioned read is kind of optional but may or may not give you a vague overview on how to become the next hitler youth type of guy . Also , check out Zoroastrizm since it's probably the only bullshit free religion left on this earth.

Alber Camus, The Stranger - short , simple , depressing . You will be loving it.

Also : Candide by Voltaire, Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway, The Gambler by Fyodor Dostoyevsky are also solid reads. ( I'm a slavblood so yeah , Russia )


Women will cuck you , go gay son .

>> No.8453533

This is a great post, I've read everything there except The Aeneid, I'll start reading it soon.
Are you religious?

>> No.8453559

>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Just pick one of these, and then read Tennyson's Idylls of the King

>> No.8453561

>boyscouts handbook
>master gardeners handbook
>Chilton repair manual
>one of those how it works/how its made books
>karma sutra

>> No.8453564
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Genesis, ecclesiasties, the gospels, acts, Hebrews, Tim, and revelation.
Also watch the ten commandments or the Disney version of the moses story, the passion of the Christ, Oshii's Angel's Egg, and listen to a Sufjan Stevens christmas album.

>> No.8453566


>he's a weird fucker

you post the most banal bullshit. just go back to /pol/. you can't even communicate on a basic level without dropping constant meme words.

>> No.8453579
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>mfw plebs in this thread blog about reading books "for moral instruction"

Divine kek.

As I Lay Dying.
Bits and pieces of the Gospels.
Moby Dick. Kids should at least read an abridged version.
And one famous piece of literature from your own country to round out the list.

>> No.8453583

>Preparing for Adolescents

That should be on the list too

>> No.8453603

A Hero of our time? Care to explain why you recommend that?

>> No.8453607

>Oedipus the King
>Don Quixote