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/lit/ - Literature

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8446162 No.8446162 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /notlitlifestyle/?

>always wanted to live as an artist
>on a fencing team, win multiple literature competitions, know 3 languages, play guitar and trombone, in theatre, art competitions
>get to college
>forced to major in something not lit because of the economy
>now a lame economist who reads and plays music in his free time while sometimes fencing

Just end it

>> No.8446175

Take the redpill lifestyle

>complain about women and nonwhites all day online
>have multiple waifus
>watch anime
>decry degeneracy

>> No.8446177



By whom?

>> No.8446208

There's no jobs within lit, and art school is too expensive.

>> No.8446220

That's true. Lit jobs seem to basically be etching jobs and art is basically the same if you want to get an actual job in it. My friend got his bachelor's degree in studio art and couldn't do shit with it, but now he's going to graduate school and also teaching a intro art class at the college he's attending.

>> No.8446237

Teaching jobs, not etching

>> No.8446295

Economics is the worst fucking meme. Sorry it turned out that way bro.

I did applied math and now I'm trying to break into freelance writing/some weak freelance data analysis because I can't suck it up and deal with having a boss and 9-5ing it. Also day trading options slowly and reading Natenberg to try and get some chops.

>> No.8446310


> CS major, technically english double major but only for the credits I need to grad early
> looking, with a weird pleasure, for a potential job after school completely unrelated to my English skills
> drawing and writing in free time
> have a steady relationship and feel the most normal I have since elementary school

Something about living a normie life is actually fulfilling. I feel the happiest I've been in years now. A year ago when I had a plan to be a hermetic poet who lived in a library and ate ramen all day, I was at my most miserable.

I like growing up and getting responsibility. I actually feel more free, motivated, and happy. I am so glad I realized this during college and not after.

>> No.8446319


>multiple waifus

Polygamist degenerates.

>> No.8446384
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>I am so glad I realized this during college and not after.

>> No.8446428

Doesn't sound like a bad life, OP. You have a stable job and enough free time to do what you enjoy doing. That's a lot more than most people have.

>> No.8446441
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Rate my life lads

>varsity wrestler
>pleb tier musician
>wannabe bodybuilder
>slowly becoming more and more sarcastic each day
>ironically into some anime
>able to hold onto a relationship most if the time
>god tuer family and friends
>last year of shit high school
>already have college plans set
>have a shit ton if wanderlust

>> No.8446451

>ironically into anime

>> No.8446457

>I work 40-60 hours a week, but least I have the remaining 52-72 hours for my Scheduled Leisure to enjoy Time with Friends and My Routine Hobbies while carrying the weight of Deadlines and Emails on my back

Tbh I don't get it. There is nothing wrong with wanting not to be a wageslave, to be your own boss, etc.

>wear a suit and tie to the office or your livelihood is at stake
>don't ever curse out a coworker or your livelihood is at stake
>It seems you were arrested for getting into a fight, why out your livelihood at stake like that
>just work hard now and invest well, maybe you'll be lucky enough to retire at 55
>what will my boss think about this
>I hope I get a raise
>there's nothing good on TV
>that sure was a good TED Talk on Leadership (tm), thanks for emailing that boss
>5am better get moving, time to catch the train soon

>> No.8446476

Most of that doesn't apply if you work from home though.

Working from home is best of both worlds imo. Stable pay and a respectable job but you don't have to deal with commute or coworkers.

>> No.8446479

I wrote that post, work from home 90% of the time.

I am still beholden to my boss from 9-5, phone ringing off the hook, emails left and right, meme management links and HBR articles, focus on seliverables and dumb buzzwords from a boss that doesn't understand statistics and just wants me to model shit to accomplish Objectives, sitting on a computer coding 8+ hours a day.

If you are talking about freelance work from home though, you are 100% correct and I want that.

>> No.8446488
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>first grade
>What we want to be when we grow up day
>Say I want to be a SEAL and kill terrorists (this was before they were shilled to hell by propaganda so nobody had any idea what a SEAL was)
>Teacher calls my parents
>Go through all that shit
>Still want to kill terrorists
>Start reading, playing instruments, dressing well, writing, cooking, etc
>Still want to kill terrorists
>Get into programming
>Still want to kill terrorists
>sophomore year win state debate comp, all the other pairs spouted off some bullshit about wanting to be diplomats or politicians, they get to us, the winners of it all, my partner says he wants to be a senator, I say I want to kill terrorists and everybody goes silent.
>Compared to all the other /lit/ people I know im way more /lit/, they consider Dostoevsky to be the ultimate hard boring literature and I consider it to be a page turner compared to the actual hard shit like late joyce or kant.
>They treat me amazingly till I tell them what I want to do, and they act like my career interest is uneducated and dumb and Im beneath them.
>Still want to kill terrorists
>Listen to elephant 6 and do a lot of drugs
>Still want to kill terrorists
Ive come to realize that this is all that I want out of life. Not even just fighting against terrorism, but fighting in general. I dont really care about my country or the Jews or Israel or if anybody is using me or if im going to die or if im fighting for the wrong side or if my talents would be better used in university. I dont care how hard it is or how hard it will be to have a family or friends or anything like that. I just want it. Ive always wanted it and I dont see any reason why I wouldent want to do it.
Maybe im just a sociopath.
Thats fine. It helps my chances anyway

Heres sort of a way I can describe it I guess:
Plebeians and patricians, serfs and aristocracy, it all still exists. People like to pretend that were all equal now, but I remember when I was younger I won a bet and this guy took me out to eat at a 2 michelin stars restaurant. I noticed the massive divide between normal and rich, unskilled and skilled, interesting and not interesting. Its not just about money, its about being something that actually exists rather than being another drone. Every single movie, tv show, video game, therye all about interesting, important people. They all revolve around some char that is separate from the plebeian because of his skill or birthright. Its pretty obvious I was born a peasant, and even though im smart making 200k per year puts me nowhere near the interesting class. I need to look to my actual skills, and I always knew what im good at, and I always will.
And if somebody thinks that SO foot soldiers are still plebeians, look at pic related, and look at the state of modern media. Look how often SO is mentioned or idolized, look at the way the average person looks at it and wishes they could do it.
The difference is I will actually do it.

>> No.8446502


>> No.8446503

Just do 4 years of army reserves and once you honorably discharge join a private military company

>> No.8446511


So why aren't you enrolled in the army yet?

>> No.8446513

Lets say you are an exec at Academi
You are looking at 2 candidates for hiring:
>1.Army reserve, 4 years, 0 deployments, 0 combat experience, 0 tactical experience, 11b rating, small amount of training
>2.NSW SO 12 deployments, 20-50 confirmed kills large amount of tactical experience large amount of combat experience been through BUDS been through SQT.
If you try to get a PMC job with 0 deployments they will laugh you right the fuck out.
trust me.

>> No.8446527

Ive enlisted in the US Navy. The specialized operations selection program takes a very long time, Im currently in the Delayed entry program until I finish HS (18 yo senior). I do biweekly PSTs of which about half the class has dropped and quit. Most of these guys are in their mid 20s. After I ship to basic, I will spend 12 weeks there, then 6 weeks in Prep, a few weeks in indoc, 6 months at BUDS, then 6 months at SQT, then I will be assigned a team and deploy.
1%completion rate start to finish

>> No.8446546

It's a normal thing OP. You sold out. Most people do.

The pros of your decision are:
>emotional consistency
>financial wealth
>social respectability
>more female attention

The cons are:
>depleted emotional range
>narrow perspective
>women who are attracted to you are less likely to be interesting

>> No.8446580

I'm just so damn close to quitting work and starting a sculpting business. I'm single and have no children, cars paid off, what do I have to lose you know?
I think I'll go through with it. Wish me luck guys. I don't expect to be rich, but to have a fulfilling life would make me happier than I think I could ever imagine.

>> No.8446590

That's all highly exaggerated, and it doesn't really cause much angst if you aren't socially inept. Also, it beats wasting away in a basement laughing at memes and hating yourself all day

>> No.8446607

>19 year old
>rich kid
>mom is dead
>dad lives in Kuwait
>he works with oil
>I sit at home all by myself reading, playing vidya, or jacking off
>contemplating going to uni to become an investor or something
>dad wants me to enjoy my youth and chill for a few years
>he's there for me emotionally but not physically
>I'm thinking of just traveling around with my friends

>> No.8446609

Yes, it is an exaggeration of a single point sample, but it isn't really an exaggeration if you sum over N years of doing shit and eating shit.

The implication that it is only a choice between basement dwelling and that is silly. I work from home and still hate what I listed. I could freelance, I could get a trade, I could attempt self-employment, etc.

All of these are better than what I compalined about and better than meming in the basement.

I am working on making the change now, so that when I work I work for myself and not for someone else.

>> No.8446613

>i make 200k a year and am smart
>i'm 18 and in high school
Nah, you're just silly and a liar, and your worldview is childish even for an 18 year old

>> No.8446617
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>everything that I want

>> No.8446625

You now have what all the others have. Congrats. Your reflection has become an imitation of society.

>> No.8446628
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>> No.8446630

>forced to major
Nigger please. You could have done lit if you were able to handle living a more spartan lifestyle. Don't blame the economy, blame yourself.

>> No.8446632

>hermetic poet in the library eating ramen all day
This is what I want

>> No.8446656

I could make 200k/yr
Ive gotten a lot of offers from people to pay for my uni in exchange for me working for them.
And saying im childish is not an argument.
Enjoy your bus rides, your ugly wife, your marvel movies, your starbucks, your facebook. Enjoy wishing you could be something and knowing you never will be anything. Enjoy a life of suffering because you are not important and you never will be, enjoy not having responsibility over a ton of lives, a ton of money, or a ton of everything. Enjoy being a peasant, enjoy being a serf.
Because superheroes only exist on TV, right?

>> No.8446659

I wish I had this life

>> No.8446662

I think your life style is pretty cool, man. You have a girlfriend? I think that's what you need.

>> No.8446663

Sounds like you have a very stressful job, anon...

Hope you find something that fulfills you in the end. I'm an adjunct for online courses, and so my workload is likely a lot less than yours, since I get to reuse work every year. I imagine I get even more idiotic emails than you do though.

>> No.8446799

>wear a suit and tie to the office or your livelihood is at stake
Suits are stylish, though. Why do you care about how you dress, anyway ?

>don't ever curse out a coworker or your livelihood is at stake
You shouldn't want to do that, though.

>It seems you were arrested for getting into a fight, why out your livelihood at stake like that
Why are you getting into fights ? How old are you ?

>just work hard now and invest well, maybe you'll be lucky enough to retire at 55
Never having to work ever again just for being somewhat old isn't a bad thing, and I don't know why you act like it is.

>what will my boss think about this
If by "this" you mean not doing work when you're supposed to, then the problem is that you're just lazy

>I hope I get a raise
Oh, and you're entitled, too

>there's nothing good on TV
Why are you even looking at what's on TV ? Of course there's nothing good on, it's TV. That's why we read literature here.

>that sure was a good TED Talk on Leadership (tm), thanks for emailing that boss
TED is no better than TV. Don't waste your time on that garbage.

>5am better get moving, time to catch the train soon
Or you can just stay home and be a worthless NEET who does nothing and has an entirely pointless existence

>> No.8446932

Yes, everything I wrote is my exact life
: ^ )

I work fairly hard, maybe not by your metric, but by metric and probably according to my boss, too.

>> No.8446988
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Sublimely constructed b8.

>> No.8447040

>wear a suit and tie to the office or your livelihood is at stake
Many offices including mine allow you to wear a casual outfit in back/middle positions. When facing clients suit's required though, but you must have really bad tastes to not appreciate wearing it.
>don't ever curse out a coworker or your livelihood is at stake
If you aren't competent enough to engage in office intrigues I guess you simply should stick with your risk-free, comfortable lifestyle.
>it seems you were arrested for getting into a fight, why out your livelihood at stake like that
Which mediocre position were you applying for so such a petty criminal record is taken in account?
>just work hard now and invest well, maybe you'll be lucky enough to retire at 55
Once again, if you already think about retirement I guess you're not part of the leaders.
>what will my boss think about this
I'll have time to think about it when I'll get his job.
>I hope I get a raise
Not really something I care since there's a yearly planned raise.
>there's nothing good on TV
>watching TV
Sure something a NEET doesn't bother doing!
>that sure was a good TED Talk on Leadership (tm), thanks for emailing that boss
I'd rather be there.
>5am better get moving, time to catch the train soon
>you'll never get drunk with coworkers at 10am on Friday
>you'll never sleep in your office
>you'll never feel the rush of taking the night flight
>you'll never spend countless nights with friends over a pizza and cheap beers to meet the deadline

You sure live the true life, and we miss it.

>> No.8447127

>be maladjusted web-dwelling fag devoid of any real ambition my whole life
>also be angsty contrarian who enjoys arguments with teachers and family
>not really concerned with anything other than browsing the net and consuming media
>start off with comic books, cartoons, and video games but grow bored and move onto more 'sophisticated' media like art films and literature
>go through the motions of a 'real life' I feel perpetually estranged from because it's expected of me
>only really comfortable when on the net or consuming media
>absorb lots of knowledge and high-minded concepts from hobbies so have an easy time with school
>continue to be argumentative prick with teachers/classmates with my newfound knowledge to aid me
>"wow anon is so bright, he's gonna be successful someday!"
>go to local college because 'I'm supposed to'
>4 years on autopilot, graduate at top of my class
>expected to become some doctor-lawyer-CEO hybrid because good grades must mean prestige and success
>still work part time at grocery store
>derive pleasure from the web or media less and less frequently
>don't know what the fuck to do with my life

How /lit/ am I?

>> No.8447247

I've done the shit you listed. I've been doing it. It was novel the first 2 years. Come talk to me after the honeymoon period?

What are you; management consulting? Or something in finance? I am guessing former given your last bit. The fun doesn't last.

>> No.8447256

First ? should be a . Don't mean to sound like a Valley Girl.

>> No.8447266

M&A advisory, for way longer than two years. Sure it doesn't last since I got promoted enough so now I don't have to work overnight, care about raising or take the public transportation. I've junior and interns for menial, research tasks. The thrilling life never ends, and I would gladly still do it without the hefty salary and bonus that come with. Sorry to hear you weren't strong enough.

>> No.8447293

The real reason you're alive is because 'You're supposed to'.

>> No.8447344

>Low-IQ military fodder

Nice delusional self importance. Please go join the military and get killed so I never have to read another of your retarded posts.

>> No.8447383

I write. I dropped out of HS and I am finishing my education so I can get in an university. The reason behind this is mostly because I am stuck in a very small town and my family is poor, so that is my only real way out. My days are mostly reading, doing seasonal work, and writing. I also listen to music excessively. What do people think of as literary lifestyle? I've never quite got what it means. If there is something like an image of a literary lifestyle in my mind, it is that of the Martin Eden from the Jack London's novel of the same name. Proletariat autodidact struggling with making it, etc.

>> No.8447552
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>no intrests since I was child
>understand that music is infinite but still find the end in it, thus it becomes boring/not worthy of time
>can only enjoy 100% things when creating them by myself, but I have no intrests so I'm in the empty space between
>too boring to redpill people, this planet will always be full of stupid people and we would be better off just dead
>going to either write a book if a good wind blows me that way or then find suitable escapism or wait for death
>doing that as long as the neet money comes, when it stops, it's instant suicide

What a time to be alive, this Tellus is so small and there is nothing to do here, only minimal stuff and normies are really everywhere so why would I bother to do anything since no one would be there to enjoy it with me, or with same levels, you know what I mean.

>> No.8447616

> tfw seek meaning in existence by battling to preserve it.

>> No.8447646
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>tfw I have no idea what I want to do in life

>> No.8447763

>be angsty contrarian who enjoys arguments with teachers and family

i really should stop doing this

>> No.8447852

Are you retarded? just get a part time job and dedicate the rest of your time to art.

>> No.8447862

>last year of shit high school


>> No.8447925

I'm glad it fulfills you then. Calling yourself strong might be a stretch, eating shit isn't hard. Some people just want to eat shit to achieve different goals. I exited to the energy industry and I am happier than I was.

>> No.8448042

>understand that music is infinite but still find the end in it, thus it becomes boring/not worthy of time

>> No.8448080

>always wanted to be a guitarist no matter what
>practice 4-8 hours every day for 6 years
>realise other artists in lithuania are incompetent as fuck and can't form a decent band
>get into engineering in college
>slowly killing my hopes and dreams

>> No.8448126

I know this feel. I was trying for years to be an academic, because studying shit is what I was best at, but I was getting nowhere and was really unhappy with it. Having a job feels like such a goddamned relief.

>> No.8448141


Good luck anon. I wish I had your courage.

>> No.8448965

And without loss of selfish whereabouts, they were gone without mercy

>> No.8449104
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>grew up perceived as "the smart stoner" archetype
>went to college because dad made me
>majored in linguistics and anthropology
>convinced myself I was going to become a professor
>learned that becoming a professor is only possible if you're in the top 1%
>grad'd with >3.75 even though I was a lazy fuck
>best program in the nation wait-listed me
>became overseas TEFL teacher in the meantime
>mom died unexpectedly while in Asia
>quit my job
>traveled aimlessly using her life insurance money
>lose interest in linguistics, no plans to apply again
>crushing loneliness and failure
>come home to the US and do nothing for a full year
>be 24 years old and live off of dad's NEETBux
>finally decide to go back to school for web programming
>spend days reading about history and politics and visiting this place and /trv/
>all day think about traveling but feel too guilty to use more of my dad's money hedonistically
>girlfriend thinks I'm still living off my mom's life insurance, too embarassed to tell her
>probably going to have to be on probation and waste away in this fucking suburban shithole over a marijuana charge
>tfw all I can think about is walking in Alaskan wilderness or a Serbian city with my qt 3.14 and working freelance to get them sweet RealBux

Not very lit imo

>> No.8449369

>Quite gifted and curious when younger
>Couldn't overcome influx of hormones in highschool
>Get caught up in pussy and vapid social ladder
>Grades Slip
>Community College
>wasted 2 years
>All my friends at major universities
>5 years after starting one year away from my bachelor's in infosec
>Same friends on the same timeline
>feels better but not great
>Dumped dumb gf
>poured extra time into music
>actually getting shows and positive feedback
>intrinsically know my music isn't that good

idk what else to even say. thanks for listening

>> No.8449386

Why would you want to major in literature anyway? It's more likely to make you a mediocre writer than a better one.

>> No.8449408

Can you elaborate so I can convince my girlfriend not to waste her time and money? My reasoning is they teach convention, they grade conventionally... what else?

>> No.8449423

Another thing is that most of these classes are taught by complete hacks. Even in the unlikely event that you find a professor or two who actually know what they're talking about and have achieved something worthwhile, their teaching job will typically be something they're just doing to pay the bills.

>> No.8449716

Society is the reflection ot the conflict of human desires and fulfillments. Ignore the aspects of society that are reflections of human desires, embrace the aspects related to fulfillment. That is what this litboy has done

>> No.8449745

If you go through with Alaska or Russia that would be pretty lit imo

>> No.8449879

You're all so proud of yourselves

Here, I'll give you the self-satisfaction you need

>> No.8449935

> Spend most of childhood and adolescence ugly, gradually grow into good looks
> Relationships are still shallow with people, don't want to let anyone in
> Read a decent amount of books
> Go to Uni
> Currently doing mediocre, but feel unearned arrogance in class due to the fact that I probably read 'harder' books than my co-workers. Keep silent and affect a placid pleasant-ness. Keep to myself. Don't care to know anyone.
> Business makes me want to kill myself, but conversely, I'm fully aware of my meagre chances of getting anywhere with my arts component
> Want to retreat into a nice blue-collar job, but know for a fact that would represent the worst sort of downward-mobility for my father; who worked his way out of a miserable working-class existence. Sister also fucked up, so I'm his last hope
> Alright I'm actually doing okay in uni but still, even if I was top of my class I don't think that would quell the horror I feel about working in a cubicle for the rest of my life.

Killing myself is not an option. What should I do?

>> No.8449939

>day trading
Not gonna make it. At the retail level you've got no edge, you can't possibly make enough trades to qualify for the pattern day trader rule. HFTs are gonna frontrun you and you'll like it.

OTOH , swing trading you could make some money, but only ever as a hobby.

>> No.8449948

Wow you're me, except I had a cervical spine injury and they won't ever let me go NSW because boats-on-heads would trash me forever.

>> No.8450016

wait ten years then kys, or you know, just stop believing in spooks like following in daddy's footsteps.

>> No.8450032

Yeah. Ten years is probably a good rule.

>> No.8450048

Is this a pasta? If not, it needs to be.

>> No.8450073

You can't really be this dumb, can you? If this is bait, it's almost quality.

>> No.8450086

How did you not realize his greentext was an archetype of modern living and "success"? You must not be the best and brightest in your office; I'm sure Dan from accounting always points out your flaws in front of the boss's secretary Angela and it makes you oh so flustered.

>Squandering 65 years of your life just to live the remaining 20
>not realizing that you, just like the average NEET, will live an entirely pointless existence, and any deviation from that belief is delusion

>> No.8450220
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>> No.8450243 [DELETED] 

proof the lit lifestyle corrupts people and drains motivation:

>> No.8450270

i need reassurance or a smack in the face, lit

>sixth form student, uk
>picked chemistry, maths, further maths and music
>chemistry because i did well at gcse, maths & further maths because other people said i was good, music because i know myself that i am good and i enjoy doing it
>started off wanting to do maths at uni, looking at oxbridge
>hated chemistry after the first few weeks, wasn't what i was hoping to learn, no actual interesting chemistry was in the specification
>got to the mechanics units in maths & further
>boy oh boy
>hated them, didn't even remotely understand them no matter how hard i tried
>decided i wanted to do a joint degree of maths & music at somewhere like birmingham instead
>did exams
>knew i did terribly in chemistry + the mechanics units
>4 weeks left of school
>dropped chemistry
>can't concentrate in maths, everything we were doing i'd already done in further and it was just boring me to tears
>skipped most lessons
>results day
>did as i expected i would
>had epiphany
>realised that i should've actually done shit that i had a genuine interest in
>talk to the guy in charge, told him i want to redo the whole year
>want to take music, art & english literature instead
>guy in charge very encouraging and happy with my decision
>feel like a mug for listening to everybody who told me i should do more academic subjects instead of the more creative ones without realising that the former doesn't engage my brain atall
>want to study music at university, hopefully get into a conservatoire
>buzzing to get back to school
>only one worry
>scared that doing a degree in music will just end me up in a teaching job

help me /lit/? i really want to do this but i don't want my working life to be shit but i feel like getting a degree in one of the arts is going to set me up for that because what else do people with music degrees become other than teachers?

>> No.8450371

My best pal's brother is making a living as a musician. You have to be good and willing to gig until you drop. Can't be picky.

Helps that he is a drummer.

Hope this anecdote makes you feel better.

Often it is better to be confident in your ability to "Figure it out" than in your ability to choose the right major.

E.g. I have a data analyst position and am pivoting to freelance writing/some coding on the side.

If you prefer something and you grind enough, you can make it.

It is important to understand your goals and what will help you achieve those goals.

Too often people say "What will this degree let me do?" without first saying "I want to do this, where does this degree fit into that picture?"

>> No.8450475

>implying it's possible to waste your life
>implying there's anything better to do

>> No.8450698
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Simple solution, don't only ravenously consume, but actually produce your own work as well. Stop imposing artificial barrier upon yourself, you don't need a degree to do what you love. You shouldn't strive to be an artist if you aren't willing to suffer for your art. Whatever suffering happened in the past will only make the reward sweeter. Also, drop the fucking trombone and learn a real instrument.

>> No.8450939

What's stopping you from making art in your free time?

>> No.8451005

>free time

100% of your time is free time. OP is unhappy with how he spends 25-30% of his.

>> No.8451025

just take your time,

>> No.8451037

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter; never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I'd something more to say.

t. other

>> No.8451042

What's wrong with a teaching job?

I chose to study English even though my Dad nearly kicked me out for it, and I did it because I liked literature. Now I'm on the way to become a teacher because it's what I've always wanted to do, just happens that English ended up being the subject. Hopefully a couple of kids I'll teach will do the same and actually feel like they got their money's worth out of University rather than learning to program for three years because they're useless hacks.

>> No.8451058

P.S. I think in a world where everybody wants to produce online video content, make amateur games, etc. selling yourself as a freelance musician could be a path forward.

It may not be glamorous, but if it pays the bills and fulfills your happiness criterion, then go for it.

>> No.8451066

>rather than learning to program for three years because they're pragmatic with a different set of goals than my own

>> No.8451080
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>18, last year of high school
>I'm terrified of how my life will go after high school, as the unemployment keeps rising in Finland
>Will try to get to a uni, will attempt either film directing, linguistics or philosophy
>Worried that I'll never get things that I want to do done
>Been writing short stories and a book during my freetime for some years now
>Also doing a film with some of my buddies on saturday evenings/nights
>It seems that the more that I do projects the further their completion seems to be
>I don't want to become like my parents who work at a job they hate just to come home and sleep all their freetime, they wouldn't even eat if I didn't make them food
>I'm just so fucking frightened that I will never complete my writings and end up as a cashier at a local Siwa

>> No.8451093

Taleb is probably considered meme-tier on this forum but I think this is worth reading


>> No.8451094

That's not that bad. I would even say you're overreacting. Rather than only envisioning the completion of your project, begin to conceptualize the next. Keep working, stay in motion.

>> No.8451112

Wow. Phew, wow. Truly hard-hitting. You can only escape this situation by kys. Good luck!

>> No.8451139

>Implying they are mutually exclusive.
If you would spend a single hour every day dedicated to your creative craft you would be able to produce something worthwhile in a year.

>> No.8451204

That was literally the point of my post you absolute retard.

>> No.8451326

But that's exactly my problem, I'll never get anything done when I have so many irons in the fire and more are coming all the time
Last year I had a bunch of uncompleted stories, this year the amount has doubled. I never find the interest or time to pick one up to polish and finish, while my bigger projects are always interrupted by my inspiration to do more uncompleted shorts

>> No.8451506

Because rather than becoming great you have settled for teaching others to become great. Would Hitler have ever considered being a teacher? Would Lovecraft? Would Sindee Jennings?

>> No.8451583

Then explain the following quote :
>>Squandering 65 years of your life just to live the remaining 20

>> No.8451635
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>be 24
>have done nearly nothing with life so far
>have only realized how great life can be recently
>still can't let go of that feeling of immense guilt for doing nothing with myself for so long
>see this post
>this nigga had everything i ever wanted by my age
>lost it like a damn fool
your suffering is great, but i can't relate to it; in fact, i'm enjoying the schadenfreude, and it motivates me
now get off your fucking ass and get your life in order, i don't give a fuck what happened to you, i don't give a fuck about how much you want to make as if you were retreating into the womb by walking into some pussy ass forest, settle the fuck down, fix your shit, help the people around you and do something with your goddamn life; a parent's death is supposed to be the START of adulthood, not an excuse to regress into being a big baby
peace out, good luck and fuck you

>> No.8451666
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I'm older, likely good deal older than you

Having money and regularity after school is nice. Because you're enjoying, no longer growing like you were during school. School was hard not just cuz no money but growing-pains. You will long for that struggle and growth and give up everything and go volunteer in Southern Mexico where you'll try to write again. Or you will turn full normie and will drone on until your midlife crisis. When you wake up one day and realize all of your happiness has slowly been drained from you, and you'll never get it back or have the chance to

>> No.8451750

>tfw straight A biochemistry student with multiple honors and awards with everyone proud of me and expecting me to go far in life with it
>tfw secretly just want to drop out and study art history and philosophy and go to expensive European grad schools to study completely unimportant contemporary theory among rich snobby European qt's while making music in my free time
>tfw know its just a hedonistic pipedream and have to pretend I actually care about what I'm doing now

>> No.8451764

An edgy teenager who thinks he's special but will hopefully realize he's not in a few years faggot/10

>> No.8451789

My lifestyle is extremely literary. I've lost 15kg the last few months through self-deprivation while also being drunk on cheap liquor.

I have shaved my head and I'm extremely thin right now, my mental illness having found its physical representation. I mostly live at night in isolation by candle light.

I talk about the demiurge in public. Girls who listen to Current 93 crave my penis but I deny them out of purity.

>> No.8451797

not identical to me but pretty similar

>> No.8451808

is this really corncob ye tortilla with 3 six mafia?

if so tremendous respect gains for him desu

>> No.8451809

>Girls who listen to Current 93
Tell me where to find them, please.

>> No.8451831

go to apocalyptic folk and martial industrial gigs boyo

you might even catch one in jackboots and a peaked cap at a von thronstahl like event, will make you cream your riding pants on sight

>> No.8451847

You should read Murakami's - What i talk about when i talk about running.

>> No.8451863

Most days I wake between 1pm and 3pm. Mom's already at work. She works full-time as a receptionist at an elderly care home. We share a small one-bedroom bungalow. I sleep on the fold-out couch. I wear adult diapers. I suck on a pacifier. I have an MA in comparative literature. I'm 36 years old. Mom tried finding a boyfriend last year. He came to visit. It didn't work out. Now she is a manic depressive and drinks a lot, though she doesn't suspect I know. She also bought a vibrator, but I don't agree with her owning one so I took it and threw it in the garbage. I haven't worked since I was 24. I spent at least seven hours a day playing Rome: Total War. I have a saved game where I'm the Julii faction and I've conquered every province except one. I've almost maxed out every other province in terms of construction and so on. I leave on Seleucid province untouched and only invade on occasion when their army grows or I get bored. Occasionally their leader dies and there's a risk of them being wiped out due to a lack of heirs, then I gift them two neighboring provinces (which I've razed to the ground) and then wait until their royal family grows before destroying them again. It's a good life. I ejaculate three times a day. The last time I set foot outside my door was October 2014.

>> No.8451953

Living the dream.

What's your porn taste like?

>> No.8451983

unfortunately the instruments i play are much less useful (viola + recorder, and no i'm not joking). i am a hardworking person when it comes to the things i love so i hope i am able to figure it out like you said anon

absolutely nothing wrong with a teaching job, i just know i don't want to teach. i don't have the patience or much of an ability to inspire and don't think i'd be great at it. i'm glad to hear that you managed to follow the path you wanted to though in spite of your dad

i feel like this is almost the same reply as to the first anon but... i just play useless instruments. i guess i could try learning guitar/piano/drums to widen my options but my ability in them would never match up to the ability i have on the recorder & viola that i've built up over the last 11 years i don't think.

thank you for the responses though anons, hopefully i'll be able to figure this one out

>> No.8452045
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What would you tell yourself in high school, before you made the mistakes you have, if you could go back in time?
What kind of advice would you give someone who still can do these things for the first time? Do I explore and follow (what I currently believe are) my passions? Do I follow love? Do I read literature and philosophy to try to discover what matters (I haven't read shit)? Do I test myself endlessly through challenges in order to be great?
It's so hard from such a small viewpoint to see things that are so large, you guys seem to at one point had the same desires as me, should I just kill myself? (Inb4 yes)

>> No.8452085

>What would you tell yourself in high school, before you made the mistakes you have, if you could go back in time?
Stay off of 4chan and especially /b/, because it will lead to four or five years of cynicism.
Yes, you should explore and follow what you think is your passion, and know that it's perfectly fine to not feel passionate about those same things later on. Your interests may change rapidly over the years. Follow love if you can, and remember that all romantic activity in high school is like a tutorial, that you yourself are writing. In other words, don't let any baggage follow you to college. It's for the best.
Yes, read literature and philosophy. Again- follow what your interests are, and pay no mind if everyone thinks your opinions are wrong. That's ok. Test yourself, learn how to gauge yourself, and be honest with yourself. Don't kill yourself before you are 60. See how it works out before then.

Watch Bob Ross videos when you are stressed, even if you don't like painting.

>> No.8452094

I sculpt for a living. I make maybe 40k a year, just me. No kids, no family to look after, just my lifestyle of travel and art. I went to art school, after being called useless several time by all my family members. I did not want to follow the traditional route as one would, life is really really short. Realize this now please, I'm very happy of my decisions, but be prepared to become a bit distant from your family.

Will you live comfortably or happily?
Decide that

>> No.8452133


What does it mean to live a "lit lifestyle"?

Most of the writers I read were aristocrats, clerks and clergymen. Anthony Trollope worked at the post office. Nathaniel Hawthorne worked at a customs office. Herman Melville was a clerk in a bank. Mallory was a rapist. Cervantes was a bankrupt. Cicero was a legal advocate and politician. Rabelais was a doctor. Sterne was a clergyman. Varro was a gentleman with lots of property. Augustine was a schoolteacher before his conversion.

The only thing all these men had in common was that they read and wrote a lot, and that's what the "lit lifestyle" is, if there is such a thing.

>> No.8452181
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Check yourself before you shrek yourself. And do it with good will and not pettiness.

>> No.8452191

Genuinely confused by these responses to my post. I think I forgot to add the part about
>escape my depressive state a few months ago and start working towards bettering my lifestyle, hence the programming shit

And I do help the people around me my trigger. I volunteer at two food pantries. Also have gotten over the whole mom's death thing. But thank you for your sentiment.

The regressing into being a big baby thing comes from my dad's support of my NEETness instead of telling me to get the fuck out, combined with my existential dread of 9-5. Hence, the learn-programming-then-freelance-or-""""""digital nomad"""""" thing.

>> No.8452196

>don't let any baggage follow you to college
I know I'm focusing on a less important part, but what if that baggage is one of the only things that truly makes me happy? I could never get over the regret of breaking off something valuable just because an anonymous Internet user told me to

>> No.8452204

Also how did I >lose everything you ever wanted.
Only thing I lost was my job in China because I'm lazy as fuck. It was a pretty shit job, yes I worked 5.5 hours a week but I only made $800 a month. They're a dime a dozen, ESL isn't much of an accomplishment if you have a BA.

>> No.8452207

>The regressing into being a big baby thing comes from my dad's support of my NEETness instead of telling me to get the fuck out
or maybe he could have actually helped you?

>> No.8452222

shit man i ain't your fucking biographer
don't phrase shit like it was a completely hopeless situation then forget to leave the most important bit and keep throwing more information at me
it's raising the bar
i'm working from a 4chan post to try to guess what the fuck you're on about and how to help you i don't have your curriculum vitae next to me

>> No.8452224

What the fuck is he talking about

>> No.8452237

I'm just asking how it sounded, not trying to imply you should be my life coach and psychoanalyst. Apologies for the confusion then bro. (This is the first time in my life I didn't say kill yourself you fucking faggot on the internet, I think I'm drunk)

>> No.8452239

That sounds good anon, I'm happy for you. Thank you for replying.

>> No.8452244

I think it sounded way more destitute than I am. Since the only thing I value in life is having a hot gf I've been okay since finding one. If we ever break up I'll come back and make my life sound way worse

>> No.8452265

>If we ever break up I'll come back and make my life sound way worse
you'll make it sound worse or actually be worse

>> No.8452282
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Your life.

>> No.8452290

Well like I said, no deepthroat no happy. I feel like most of the fags here would say all they care about is Hegel's dildo but I rather have a life partner and good sex over intellect.

>> No.8452332

So I shouldn't worry? I should be chaotic and smash the ideals expected of me but also be myself?
But how do I become happy and have money so I don't fucking die?

>> No.8452338
File: 18 KB, 300x169, Max-Stirner-Quotes-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i'm afraid you're not living your life, if you only have things because you think you couldn't do without them
intellect or sex it's all the same
and it's a lie that you wouldn't be capable of living without it
you don't want to, which is different, perfectly fine, but not a reason to throw everything else away
do you relate to any of this or does it seem obvious to you?

>> No.8452357

Okay this guy seems like a schizophrenic charlatan after reading about him, I kind of like him though

>> No.8452364

>I should be chaotic and smash the ideals expected of me
Why is it that you immediately think of going berserk? Did you not watch the video? Fighting is just as pointless.

>also be myself
Being yourself is a fatality so long as you breathe, not an achievement or a choice. The "real you" idea is yet another contruct pushed onto you.

>But how do I become happy
"Stop trying to leave and you will arrive."

>have money so I don't fucking die?
Get a job. Really. Living used to mean having to kill things with your own hands. If you're smart you'll look for something you enjoy or learn to enjoy what you find.

>> No.8452389

>being yourself is a fatality as long as you breathe
What do you mean by this? I'll be honest I didn't understand the context of the video and Indian accents are hard so I didn't really try to comprehend it. If the "real me" isn't real, am I just whatever I am? I already know I'm supposed to have a job I enjoy and that happiness isn't some huge quest, I just wanted advice for what to do when I leave high school.

>> No.8452442

Dude. UG is the fucking man.

>> No.8452492

> go to prestigious uni for sciences
> dad gets sick, have crisis, drop out and go neet
> make cool art that nobody likes
> realize that I'm not doing anything
> go to technical school
> now a wagecuck, do writing on the side but it's a battle to even get started and can't muster up a quarter of the energy for it that I had when I was neet

i made it guys! i'm a productive member of society!

>> No.8452499


>> No.8452568
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>If the "real me" isn't real, am I just whatever I am?
There's a difference between the actual person you are and the person you believe you are or want to be. This much is obvious, but most of the time people don't think about it. You say you're "supposed" to have a job, for example. I never said that, mind you, but only that to get money your best bet is a job; you could rob banks too, but of course you're not going to do that, are you? In fact, the very reason why you're asking, is because you're not sure what you "should" do--but you don't wonder whether you "should" breathe or not, right? I meant just that with "a fatality", you breathe or you die, you're yourself or you're somebody else, you don't procure some way to get food and shelter or you die, and in our society those things usually mean getting money--it doesn't really matter how.

Most of these are things you likely know already, so why do you ask these questions? You're not expecting me to give you a job or a college entrance, so what do you want out of me? Ask that, and you're done. What do feel is the source of all these questions? I'm not in your head, don't ask me. Ask yourself what it is you think "what matters" is, what you want to get out having "love" or "following your passions", or why you want to "be great". And don't put yourself above what you find, don't try to protect yourself from already fuels you. Don't let something else mediate, go at it as directly as you can.

Now, if you allow me the guess, since you're out of highschool, your problem is that you have a huge future waiting for you, no? So you ask here what you should do, looking for a way in which you could get "the most" out of it. It's natural that whatever answers you're given, you're going to be dissatisfied, because all the things you listed, are things you want, and can't put into priorities; but it's just the most likely outcome you won't be able of doing all those things even in the best of worlds. This is why the best thing to me is to look at yourself; because the problem here is that you're worrying about life not falling into some of your mental checklists--you're using your mind stupidly trying to make raw sensations fit into ideas, which is impossible because they are different things.

I'm getting longwinded, so let me finish. What's stopping you from following all the things you mentioned? Following your passions, while being in the look out for love, and culturing yourself by reading on the side, taking it all as a challenge (hopefully with good sportsmanship), and getting a job to sustain yourself, at least until you find some other way; does that sound bad to you?

>> No.8452648

Well, shit, you're right. Allow me to clarify: I'm NOT out of high school so I can't even see the horizon much less what's beyond it. I've just brought myself to a frenzy thinking about the future, probably brought on by the summer ending, so I just wanted some personal feedback from you guys because a thread full of my fears and dreams happened to pop up. But really I think I just wanted you guys to tell me what I already know and make me feel secure, or maybe give me some ideas to think about. Thanks for denying me that.
This is by far the most attention and by far the most helpful response I've ever had in 4chan, so thank you. You're very honest and took a lot of care to respond to me.
What did you mean by putting myself above what I've found, protecting myself from what fuels me, etc? And by raw sensations being crammed into ideals, do you mean my desire for love and happiness fitting into lifestyles, jobs, and paths?
Also, where do you get your philosophy from? Does this U.G. guy really know what he's talking about?

>> No.8452656

Shut up ya fucking pseud. Sincerely, a Stirnerite.

>> No.8452708
File: 200 KB, 1615x2431, do-you-have-the-patience-to-wait-until-your-mud-settles-and-the-water-is-clear-patience-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. I'm glad it helps you.

>What did you mean by putting myself above what I've found, protecting myself from what fuels me, etc?
Don't treat your desires as if they're something from another world, look at them without expectations, bad or good ones. Don't put walls between you and the world like it could kill you, because then you're just creating a dam, and so are liable to be controlled by the things you want to avoid. Face them like they are a thing.

>And by raw sensations being crammed into ideals, do you mean my desire for love and happiness fitting into lifestyles, jobs, and paths?
I meant life fitting into plans. "The map is not the territory", as they say. The point of a plan is to give a certain sense of direction in doing something, not replacing the doings, but helping them along. It's the same with your dreams; of course you're not going to realize it just like you were expecting, but just because it's not the same doesn't mean it's worse, or not better even.

>Also, where do you get your philosophy from?
Mostly through /lit/.

>Does this U.G. guy really know what he's talking about?
He was a guy who searched for enlightenment until (more or less) enlightenment found him while he was sitting on his couch. So he just gave up on it, because travelling through the world and talking to the experts got him nowhere just sitting on his home could.

>> No.8452714

make me

>> No.8452742

That makes a lot of sense, thank you anon.
Is English your first language by the way?

>> No.8452759

>Also, where do you get your philosophy from?
To answer this better:
You might also like checking out Alan Watts, Taoism, Buddhism, Stoicism. It's the kind of stuff that got me out of my depression. /lit/ favorite Max Stirner is also great.

Just don't take things as dogma and see what can help you as you go along.

No. Is it that noticeable?

>> No.8452771

>Go into college with some weird fantasy to be Patrick Bateman and go into investment banking
>Into the party life
>do drugs
>have sex
>skip classes
>rock bottom
>start lifting
>Start reading a lot
>Don Quixote helps me gain confidence
>Notes from Underground help me become social again
>Now a CS major
>Have absolutely no desire to have a commute everyday and 9-5
>want to incorporate my computer science degree with real estate / appraisals in a place like Fargo
>Want to get married and have children by 30
>Have a beautiful girlfriend who I love
>Still read a bit on the side but it's not very influential
>happiest I've ever been

>> No.8452800

I read Siddhartha when I was 15, not sure what you think of Hesse but the philosophy that goes on in that book reminds me of your advice in a way.
Where are you from? It's barely noticeable, you seem intelligent and much more articulate than most of 4chan

>> No.8452840
File: 121 KB, 512x345, borges-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iirc the moral of the book was that knowledge could be passed on, but wisdom is something the individual has to live. It's not that far away. I don't want to turn anyone into an anti-intellectual though, just point to the fact intellectual activity is an activity like any other.

>Where are you from?
Argentina. I learned to speak English mostly through 4chan and entertainment though. I don't have much of a formal education, ain't the kind that does well in schools much to my chagrin.

>> No.8452882

Well I think you did a good job of explaining your points, thank you.
You're doing much better than me, I'm in my fourth year of French in the American educational system and I'm terrible

>> No.8453062

1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
“Vanity[a] of vanities,” says the Preacher;
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
What profit has a man from all his labor
In which he toils under the sun?
One generation passes away, and another generation comes;
But the earth abides forever.
The sun also rises, and the sun goes down,
And hastens to the place where it arose.
The wind goes toward the south,
And turns around to the north;
The wind whirls about continually,
And comes again on its circuit.
All the rivers run into the sea,
Yet the sea is not full;
To the place from which the rivers come,
There they return again.
All things are full of labor;
Man cannot express it.
The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
Nor the ear filled with hearing.
That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which it may be said,
“See, this is new”?
It has already been in ancient times before us.
There is no remembrance of former things,
Nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come
By those who will come after.

>> No.8453551

glad to hear you're happy being a comfortably wrong eunuch and are perfectly content with living a nothing-life that only leaves a legacy of pain and suffering for those people and critters furthest removed from you, idiot