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/lit/ - Literature

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8446133 No.8446133 [Reply] [Original]

>Can spell Nietzsche without looking it up.

>> No.8446158

>finally reached a staged where I realized that I don't need to ever read women or nonwhites again

>> No.8446169

>inb4 muh middlemarch

>> No.8446191

Actually that's the only female book you need. And Invisible Man for nonwhites. I read both, and they're brilliant.

Now I never have to return

>> No.8446203

Judging from this thread another /lit/ milestone should be 'start posting on /pol/'

>> No.8446221

>being too pleb for Miss Macintosh
get good

>> No.8446910

Waves, Jane Eyre

>> No.8446928

Wuthering Heights.

>> No.8446930

That a milestone in deprogramming the nu-male propaganda, and is not necessarily related to /lit/

>> No.8446951

finished all of the important existentialism canon

>> No.8446956

Translating Heidegger into Russian.

>> No.8446964

And that's the Communist's novel that OP's Communist Baby claims he based his autobiography on.

>> No.8447209

Why would people call Obama a communist? Isn't it a bit early for american /lit/?

>> No.8447217

More pics saved of DFW than pages of ij read

>> No.8447337


Teach me your secrets. I quote him virtually every other day, and have to google the spelling every fucking time.

>> No.8447342

If you care about other people, then you're a socialist ie a communist by burger standards.

>> No.8447457

Nietz + sche

>> No.8447499

That's because 99.9% of the good literature and philosophy was written by white males. Not even hard desu.

>> No.8447508

So why would you call Obama a communist?

>> No.8447509



>> No.8447519

>care about other people
You think Obama actually cares about lower classes? Or is he exploiting them? Not everything is that black and white.

What do you think is helping poor people by giving them free social security checks? How is that helping them to improve their quality of life?

If you really wanted to improve someones quality of life, you'd help them get a job and pay them more for doing it. Handouts help keep poor people trapped in the same spot.

>> No.8448793
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>finishing the greeks

>> No.8448795

Now continue with the romans.

>> No.8450154

What about Ayan Rand?

>> No.8450162

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.8450165
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>can understand Shakespeare without constantly referring to the notes

>> No.8450166

This. I mean, Rand is a disgusting piece of shit in almost every regard, but goddamn I can't help but love both Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Delving into her psyche is simply fascinating.

>> No.8450167

> able to finish Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest while being able to understand and enjoy it
>realizing James Joyce was an overreated hack

>> No.8450170

how are the meme books irl?

>> No.8450187

>Can even pronounce it

Thanks school

>> No.8450197

Let me check
>read all 1079 of IJ
>saved 112 DFW pics

am I a pleb?

>> No.8450199

Can understand all the references in this video:

>> No.8450205

Alright, honestly. I mean, I think both Wallace and Pynchon are too often bogged down in there own self-aggrandizing complexity to really say as much as people give them credit for, but in spite of this remain quite thought-provoking.

James Joyce, on the other hand, is complete meme tier garbage -- trading off any semblance of actual complexity in favor of boorish, ham-fisted prose that will boggle the mind of the intellectually deficient, but serve only to irritate those of a higher standard. Or, in other words, is praised for taking a massive shit on the English language.

>> No.8450212

>James Joyce, on the other hand, is complete meme tier garbage -- trading off any semblance of actual complexity in favor of boorish, ham-fisted prose that will boggle the mind of the intellectually deficient, but serve only to irritate those of a higher standard. Or, in other words, is praised for taking a massive shit on the English language.


So you quit Ulysses how many pages in, 40?

>> No.8450218

>there own

>> No.8450246

>thinking I didn't finish Ulysses

Please, anon, we're on /lit/ -- do you honestly think I'd be posting here had I not gotten through that atrocious slog of a novel? Don't worry, my torture was through; didn't skip a a page.

>> No.8450250

>meme-tier grammar cunt
No one has been fooled into thinking you're anything but a fat autistic weeaboo, anon.

>> No.8450251

You're just b8ing now, I see

Not subtle at all, 2/10

>> No.8450255

Alright, I'll admit that not even I can let that one slip me by. Massive faggotty confirmed.

>> No.8450258

>realize that reading what I like is much less pleb than reading off lists and charts made by others

>> No.8450261


>> No.8450501

4cham is a containment board

>> No.8450588

>can spell NEET without looking it up

>> No.8450736

Welcome to 9th grade

>> No.8450750

This. My Antonia is fantastic.

>> No.8450776


Hah, pleb. How's Rothfuss treating you? Does it shine through that he's a skilled lover of women?

>> No.8450777


Beat that.

>> No.8450915


>> No.8450949

german pronouciation:
n = pronounced n
ie = pronounced ee
tz = pronouced ts
sch = pronounced sh
e = pronounced eh (unstressed)


>> No.8450959

>can actually read for an hour and a half straight without being distracted by my phone or the internet
>felt the good feel of finishing a long book
>found my favorite short story

>> No.8451148

>finally can lick the head of my peepee

>> No.8451818

I'm a communist because I don't want to care about other people.

>> No.8451952

>Not posting these stupid fucking threads

>> No.8452136

I ironically support universal basic income.

>> No.8453428

Never contributed with anything

>> No.8453434


It's the endgame of Stirnerfagging.

>> No.8453458
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>realizing you're too intelligent for philosophy

>> No.8453482

>I ironically support universal basic income.
Do you perchance also believe in Progress?