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/lit/ - Literature

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844537 No.844537 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you so much! The kindness present here really warms my metaphorical heart.

P.S. And now I know you're not a weeaboo, jp. :p

>> No.844561
File: 64 KB, 474x304, HEART.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's metaphorical about your heart

>> No.844564

He was trying to be dramatic, I'd assume.

>> No.844569

I was being precise. My literal heart is not warmed.

>> No.844575

What do you mean by dramatic?

>> No.844576

You didn't need to add metaphorical in, then. We would have known what you meant.

>> No.844579

Using extra words to make your statement seem more important, or something along the lines of that.

>> No.844585

i would certainly hope your heart isn't cold though
that can't be too good for your health

>> No.844589

Another thread derailed by Stagolee.

>> No.844594

I think you mean cancered.

>> No.844601

fuck off Mikael

>> No.844604

Stagolee is Mikael btw

>> No.844613

It isnt some random anon buying books for people its the Amazon PR team.

I used to work for them on a rolling contract basis and one of my last jobs there was to identify major hubs of people online who were interested in literature.

We estimated that the amount of books bought by the members of this board alone every month is well into the thousands.

Like a stone thrown into a pond anything that goes on here echos throughout the rest of the web.

The user uptake of the wish list feature has really skyrocketed in the past few weeks.

>> No.844614

i'll say it again mikael's not my name since you know the house isn't in my name or anything

>> No.844621

> The kindness present here metaphorically warms my heart.

Perhaps you give something back now? Pay it forward?

>> No.844634

I already have. I've bought nine people books but I think I can spare one more gift if you post your wishlist.

>> No.844639

Do you have proof?

>> No.844643


Do they send in European 3rd rate (for them) countries?

>> No.844646


Nope, but over time more people will come out and say it. I was one of the first temps employed so was one of the first to leave, give it a month or so and it will be all over the old media.

>> No.844648

What will? That Amazon is doing this?

>> No.844660


>> No.844666

I spent $120 on anons last week, for some reason. Felt pretty good, I have to say.

>> No.844669

You know, I don't really care if they're doing it or some Anon is. Kindness is always appreciated.

>> No.844671

Give me about 20 minutes to get home.

>> No.844673

I highly doubt this, /lit/ has less than 100 people on it at any given time.

>> No.844832


Did you ever make it home, OP?

>> No.844849

I'm back. What book do you want?

>> No.844852


Stranger in a Strange Land would be nice. Or Hitchhikers.

>> No.844853


>> No.844859


>> No.844861

This is not a gift thread. I'm just giving the one thing away.

>> No.844862

oh lawd - is this a wishlist thread?

>> No.844865

My humble apologies my good sir. I bid you good evening for your kind act regardless.

>> No.844867

ok Amazon PR people - buy us some books!

>> No.844871


They dont exist, I made them up.

>> No.844872


>> No.844873


It'd be awesome if I get Birds of America or House of Leaves :-)

>> No.844877

see what you did OP and kindanon?

>> No.844881

Cheers anon for paying it forward.

I have more books than I can read right now so there's no point in asking for more.

>> No.844886
File: 248 KB, 451x352, 1271847104258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything's fine, really. The Flying Spaghetti Monster looks kindly on you.

>> No.844913

>>844660 here

Did you ever order me a book, kind anon?

>> No.844915

Still waiting on mine, but hopefully it'll come in tomorrow. I'm excited.

>> No.844916
File: 20 KB, 415x329, artist_content2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the hell is going on in this thread, but a job well done

>> No.844917


>> No.844919

I just ordered you both.

OP here. I am kind anon.

>> No.844923


You're my hero. :3

>> No.844930

buy me something kindanon

>> No.844935

Read this.
Don't be a greedy bastard.

>> No.844939

maybe there are other kindanons out there?

>> No.844940

And people say this isn't the best board on 4chan. What other fucking board has people this cool? Seriously.

>> No.844954
File: 42 KB, 1024x768, IMG_02591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my copy of House of Leaves today. I hope kindanon is on so that he can see

>> No.844955

Now I feel bad for saying that. You just had to put that frowny face there, didn't you?

>> No.844957


It's not just even the book giving. This is one of the few boards where (mostly) civil discussions take place. That combined with the kind anons and jp make it by far the best.

>> No.844958

This is OP and the same kind anon who sent you that. I hope you enjoy it. =]

>> No.844964

Pepper you said you would post nudes if you got the book - time to delivar

>> No.844970

well... I could do with a book or two for summer. Never mind.

>> No.845000

No kindanon picking up the slack? Guess generosity is not that contagious after all.

>> No.846930
File: 77 KB, 388x296, 1276931335517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isnt some random anon buying books for people its the Amazon PR team.

>> No.846940

moar like Amazon JP team

>> No.847003

More like the JP love team.