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8442542 No.8442542 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you have the mental capacity to have gone to oxford/cambridge but not the work ethic

where are my fellow underachievers?
I got accepted by leeds to study classics + philosophy with 60% attendance and no revision so that's a plus but I don't know if it's something to be proud of

>> No.8442551
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>> No.8442553

I don't really know how to parse uni quality around that level since they accepted some not so brilliant unis into the Russell Group. I don't believe Leeds is that bad and you can always apply for postgrad or senior status/affiliate at Oxford/Cambridge in a few years if you want (it'll cost you more directly tho).

I'd be tempted to go for an EU one if I were you tho.

>> No.8442567

Any englishman who studies in Britain, with the possible exception of the good london Unis and Oxbridge, is a fool who is damning himself to debt and robbing himself of pretty foreigners.

>> No.8442582

how exactly?
the student loan is paid back only after you reach a set income and is valued higher than a £20 romanian degree in vampires
but then again I might just study abroad for a postgrad

>> No.8442588

>Mental capacity
>studying philosophy
Youll regret it soon enough

>> No.8442590


>> No.8442600

You appear to have missed the second part+why indebt yourself when you can not. You can live high on the hog with the generous maintenance loan, you can get away from British people (I think we can all agree that we're scum), you will become fluent in another language, you will become a less dreadful person and the weather is nicer and the beer is cheaper. On the other hand it is a bit of a faff.

>> No.8442603

>I'm smart enough to be successful but I'm just too lazy

I can't believe people tell themselves this. How inflated does your ego have to be to make such pathetic excuses about your own incompetence? You would have done better if you applied yourself? Guess what, real smart people know when to apply themselves and how to work efficiently. If you failed to match the pretentious level of intellectualism you believe yourself to possess, then you're not only stupid, but you're arrogant and deluded as well.

>> No.8442619

yeah I'm feeling a little bit of regret at not studying abroad on the basis that I find britain to be a shithole but oh well

>everyone has the same priorities
Also I never claimed to be an intellectual, just have the mental capacity (not necessarily used fully)

>> No.8442629

What the fuck is mental capacity if it's not intellectual ability?

>> No.8442705

I worded that poorly
I have mental ability that isn't used for rigorous academia

>> No.8442876

>imblying oxford students have a work ethic

everyone is always procrastinating..
or maybe that's just wadham

>> No.8442892

undergrad means nothing

stop talking about undergrad like it means anything, it's like caring what high school you went to

t. phd student

>> No.8442893

Cardiff to do physics. I hate physics. I just want to read.

>> No.8443029

>"It means nothing"
yes enjoy literally wasting away your potential by having been educated by illogical, uninterested teacherlets throughout the developmentally most important years for your higher cognitive function

>> No.8443045

>I can't believe people tell themselves this. How inflated does your ego have to be to make such pathetic excuses about your own incompetence? You would have done better if you applied yourself? Guess what, real smart people know when to apply themselves and how to work efficiently.
So what, "real smart people" aren't allowed to reflect on what matters to them in life otherwise they aren't "applying themselves"? Don't make me laugh you petty boogewa I was in STEM and the professors fucking adored me and had me do professional research as an undergrad, one even paid half of my tuition so I'd stay. I dropped out anyways because I did not enjoy what I was doing anymore. Call it "waste of talent" or that I'm "ungrateful" in your marxist judeo-christian language but I'm still an intellectually superior gentleman and you can *deal with it* you mediocre tranny. I bet your IQ isn't even 99.5th percentile, nay, I bet you don't even acknowledge IQ being the memeoid you are! Man does it feel good to be intellectual

>> No.8443049
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Man it feels good to be an intellectually superior gentleman.

>> No.8443052


>paid half tuition

That's it? One of my professors got down on his knees and blew me and let me fuck his wife.

>> No.8443054

>blaming teachers for your sub 99th percentile IQ
Begone peasant.

>> No.8443058

Whatever you need to tell yourself my IQlet friend.

>> No.8443062

I've been told my entire life that I am extremely intelligent/a genius but in reality I am just good at appearing that way. I am above average intelligence but not even close to elite

At one point I actually believed what people told me and thought I was that smart, and it was not good at all for my sense of self

>> No.8443064


You actually managed to make the smart but lazy meme more annoying.

>> No.8443071

I can see how someone with impaired reading comprehension might have deduced so, but ultimately it just simply never says that anywhere in my post (and for a good reason).

>> No.8443078

Stop making excuses and accept that you are inferior

>> No.8443089



Just wanted to let the both of you know that you're huge fucking faggots, and that I am strongly embarrased on both of your behalves.

>> No.8443091

It's not a meme just because it doesn't apply to you or you project onto everyone else that 4chan is only for people of your caliber. I am confirmed intellectually gifted and I post here and I'm willing to bet that the same is true for dozens if not hundreds of other posters. Just deal with it already.

>> No.8443092

b-but, inferior on what accounts?

all you have offered so far are some false assumptions on my particular high school and undergrad degrees, a belief that I am blaming my teachers for an alleged part of me that I'm dissatisfied about, and a complete shot in the dark about my intelligence quotient

>> No.8443096

>my IQ sub 99th percentile
*pssst* it's ok buddy.

>> No.8443145


I could have got into Harvard, Stanford, Yale or Princeton, but I only got into Columbia.

>> No.8443161
File: 9 KB, 205x246, 1458426794929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking fell for the stem meme

i fucking hate my engineering school and feel like killing myself because the humanities here are a joke, and no literature classes.

fuck this shit

>> No.8443165

that's why i shitpost on anonymous image boards and wouldn't bring it up outside of here

>> No.8443173

External motivation is insignificant. No one is being held back by shitty teachers. If your intellect wills it you can teach yourself anything before the age of 12 and precisely -all- the top percentage smart kids do. The less smart kids find an intellectual hobby around the same time and pursue it with dedication.

If you belong to neither of these groups then I'm sorry but you are sub 99.9th percentile and I'm SORRY it had to be this way and you have to rant on 4chan about how you're still """kinda"""" smart and it's such a shame these KEEEEEEDS are being held back by TEACHERLETS and so on and so on. Sorry but you're a dumbass and you will never be successful in anything that matters. Sorry sorry sorry. Ok? You can still be a clown or something. Honk honk.

>> No.8443196

What does Phil Spector have to do with anything though? He was a pretty smart guy, albeit batshit insane.

>> No.8443241

Most people who claim to be smart have never met a real smart person, or been around one long enough to realise the huge gulf between them and everyone else.

Those of us who read and enjoy cultural stuff are above average sure, but we're not really smart the way some of these people are.

>> No.8443247

who else /NESCAC/ here?

>> No.8443277

That's funny, but in reality a day only lasts 24 hours. If you spend 5-6 at school/uni classes plus 1-2 (hs)/2-4 (uni) to do your homework and study for exams whatever your second-rate teacherlet felt was important to study (and usually also in the specific way that the teacher's turbopleb ass felt was important to study), then that's essentially lost productivity -- up to 10 hrs/working day of lost productivity.

External ""motivation"" may or may not be significant, but that doesn't translate into all other external factors also not ever being significant.
And I'm not even sure about the motivation part either. In the ballpark of this highest 0.1% of society, IQ-wise, show me a study where that the higher particular IQ scores of individuals have been anyhow correlated with increased productivity. Hell, it doesn't have to be a study; give me an anecdotal example where a person with IQ 170 was just appropriately more interested in stuff than a person with, say, IQ 168.

Sorry pal, it just isn't that simple, not by a long shot. You really sound very emotionally immature if you believe it is.

On a brighter note, just because you went into a shitty high school and undergrad doesn't mean you're screwed. There are plenty of people who wasted their time in exceptionally good high schools and colleges, in fact it's very possible that you already have outranked many of them in your professional life. It just wasn't necessarily due to them being "lmao less motivated".

>> No.8443285

this is probably true
where would I find people smarter than me at uni to hang around with? that seems like a good way to put things into perspective and learn stuff in conversation

>> No.8443290

There's nothing like “underachieving” or “potential”. You are what you do. There isn't hidden IQ, or unsolicited capacities. That's what you were told in school because like 95% you outperformed an already mediocre curriculum. You don't have the mental capacity to have gone to Oxford. If you had, you would actually be in Oxford. I'm tired of these people, those who think they are intelligent but lazy, who keep failing, skipped a class when they were ten years old, and end up with worthless degree, living a worthless life filled with hatred towards what they think they would have been. No, you don't have the potential to go to Oxford, because you're an average student of Leeds.

>> No.8443297

Hey Columbia is a fantastic school, no grad program in its right mind would reject you just because you came from there

It's just about as selective as Yale or Princeton

>> No.8443301


was a tufts student until i transferred ivy

>> No.8443303

I understand your point but I don't see how you can claim 'potential' doesn't exist
I know it doesn't matter and what only matters is what you actually do but an empty glass can hold water even though it doesn't

>> No.8443311


Yeah, it's just a bummer because Columbia's financial aid is significantly worse than the other four I listed. I want to go into high competitive fields, like consulting or finance, so there's that too.

>> No.8443320

also, why would I have a hatred towards oxford students because I didn't go there?
I'm not that shallow

>> No.8443340

Self-help tier mindset.

It may or may not be helpful, but it sure as hell will contain false statements.

>> No.8443341

To be quite honest, while financial aid may be an issue, Columbia may be better than the four that you listed. New York is a hotbed for finance, and even as an undergrad you have the potential to make a few waves just on the virtue of your alma mater. If you play your cards right you could get your foot in the door early and then beat out other competitors who may even be more academically qualified come grad school.

>> No.8443480

I did economics for a few years and have now failed because all i did was read

>> No.8443740

>my insurance choic

>> No.8443754

I'm doing Chemistry at Manchester and just want to read too

>> No.8444319


The people who I've met who I would consider that I met through my classes and bonded over shared interests.

>> No.8444812

>>tfw you have the mental capacity to have gone to oxford/cambridge but not the work ethic
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8445228

>Tfw dyslexic retard
>Couldn't even read until eight
>Get A** in English and Philosophy, A in Politics
>Okay kid you're doing Oxford now
>Entire body panics, go into overdrive, determined to finally "succeed"
>Have a xanax to sleep before the interview
>So nervous it doesn't work
>Decide to have a beer
>Decide to have another xanax
>Decide to have another beer
>Beer and xanax should not mix
>Wake up an hour later sweating and deeply high
>So high I try to study again, at two in the morning, and have a nervous breakdown between Kierkegaard's "philosophical suicide" or Camus "demonic madness"
>This really shouldn't matter, but I'm a wreck at this point
>Start hallucinating in my interview from sleep deprivation

Anyone else going to Trinity Dublin?

>> No.8445234

>actually did attend Cambridge

who else /EmmaCollegeMasterRace/ here

>> No.8445269

>tfw you have the mental capacity to have gone to oxford/cambridge
...a lot of people do. It really is more about the work ethic, you know. Also about your environment and so on, it is easier to have a good work ethic if you're well off and don't need to worry about finances etc, but I assume that your environment wasn't particularly poor.

Not that underachieving doesn't exist or that everyone's capabilities are the same. It's just that being able to work is one of the most important forms of "capacities" one can have, probably right after having a decent environment (upbringing, social status, support etc), and good enough intelligence.

This is retarded "how2 b successful" thinking though, it has more to do with being inspirational than being true. Obviously people differ in their abilities; it is just that the abilities include the ability to work hard, the environment that allows you to perform well, etc...

>> No.8445541

Worth is measured in accomplishment, not potential. The whole, "I'm smart, I just don't try." act is a long winded way of saying you're average, heaven forbid you bruise your ego by admitting it. Any fuckwit could sit down four hours a night with a stack of books and earn themselves a prestigious degree. Only they don't, they lack the will power. The realization of the task it's self is what gives it merit, and no one is going to give a damn about what you 'could've' done.
Tell me, how do you even manage to maintain a superiority complex while perpetually underachieving?

>> No.8445582

I got 3As in physics , chemistry and politics (pol could go up to A* due to remark soon tho) should I have applied for Oxford/Cambridge /lit/?

>> No.8445585

institutional expectations =/= intelligence


intelligence =/= what your mummy/teachers told you that you were deep down; or how smart you fancy yourself

but also, what kind of intelligence are we talking abut?

>> No.8445593

Also forget to mention that I'm from a very poor state school and I have an AS B grade English Lit

>> No.8445604

>with the possible exception of the good london Unis and Oxbridge
If you do something with a business component (tho I am not a believer in management or business undergrad degrees. It works for some people but I honestly think there are better things to have as a focus), Warwick is very good. I've known people from most of the top unis, and while Imperial, Oxford and Cambridge are rated highly, business sense seems to be lacking. Their business programs seem to rely on other skills being strong which then drives success.

Not to say that they're terrible but considering how good they're meant to be and the amount of stupidity you hear from some grads is disappointing. Warwick seems to drill the fundamentals really well tho.

>> No.8445613

I used to regret that. I never applied in the end because my advisor at school said I really needed an A* in maths and would have to retake and apply next year. I didn't really bother revising and only got an A (did it in a year)

I didn't really enjoy uni, especially my final year where I basically had a breakdown and I sometimes wonder what it would have been like going to a nicer uni where my peers actually challenged me to be better.

But it didn't happen, oh well, I'm doing okay now

>> No.8445760

i suck at uni cause im both lazy and below average intelligence. fortunately i'm a decent artist and pianist, hence why i haven't ended this shitty tragedy once and for all.

>> No.8445790

Wait but if OP claims to have gotten a place at uni with low att/revision whilst others would have had to put in a lot more effort for the same results, doesn't that speak for something in and of itself? Surely it would have been possible to go to oxford or whatever if they put in the same effort as their peers
Either way though it doesn't make a difference

>> No.8445949

It wasnt sleep deprivation that made you hallucinate, doesn't happen with only a night's lack of sleep. I know this from experience (thanks oxford).

Well it is partially work ethic. OP didn't have the capacity to go to Oxbridge with his work ethic. Other people have the exact same work ethic and still have the capacity - and they got in. OP is not "highly intelligent but lazy", he is "a bit above average" and lazy. The only way you could argue the former is if you got an offer but missed the grades.

Anyway, fuck this shitty thread.

>> No.8445968

Maybe you were too afraid of being challenged and finding out you weren't up to the job.

This way you saved you're ego.

>> No.8446056

Who's this guy

>> No.8446081

I hate this meme. Thank fuck I grew out of thinking like this otherwise I would have majorly fucked up my last years of school. You never had the mental capacity to go to Oxbridge. Be fucking honest with yourself: you're average, like everyone else, and you're lazy to boot. You're not Einstein: you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8446111

I'm a grad student at Columbia and currently go for (almost) free. And I'm a white male from an upper middle class family. Financial aid is dope my brother.

>> No.8446113


>> No.8446123

No you don't because half of being intelligent is being driven to do something with it.

But keep telling yourself you're so smart and the only thing holding you back is your effort. lol

>> No.8446152

Alma matters

Coming from an ex polytechnic Mickey Mouse studies student, I could be mad and bitter about my choices but what would that solve? Onwards and upwards, just got to learn and grow via my own maturing steam.

>> No.8446157

you are an average middle class fucker
you aren't smart, you are just well fed, and had free time
mental capacity or any other shit you keep telling yourself you posses doesn't exist
you need it as a real thing so you could construct this narrative of yourself as a near-genius, who only lacked motivation, a cheap thing, one anyone can muster, but you just didn't bother to
fuck your pride man, say no to that
abandon the ego, and these false images of yourself you nurture, you dont need it
sit down and study if you want to, sit on your computer and shitpost if you dunna, it doesn't really matter if you don't construct this horridly proud label of underachiever

>> No.8446176

>tfw unironically a genius, just lazy

it's a shame that so many retards on the internet claim this.

If I had Musk-tier work ethic, I could change the world.

>> No.8446292

It's not just about the grades anon. You need to have a passion for something. What did you wanna do?

>> No.8446297

If you had the mental capacity to do it, you would do it, but you don't have the mental capacity, you're just rationalizing your loserhood.

>> No.8446306


I'm a transfer student so that could affect my aid. I have to pay around 1/3 the price

>> No.8446312

Mental capacity=/= Results

Plenty of people don't work to their maximum potential, I'd even venture to suggest most don't do all their mental capacity would allow them.

Furthermore there are plenty whom overachieve despite their mental capacity being lower than one may expect.

I mean I may have the physical capability to climb Everest or run a marathon, doesn't mean I'm going to, only that, given the choice I could.

>> No.8446314


My IQ is higher than average (132) and yet I was also diagnosed with Aspergers, so a lot of basic tasks are incredibly difficult for me. The planning and organization that many college courses required was just beyond me. I ended up dropping out.

>> No.8446317

what is the practical, or in any way significant influence of these MENTAL CAPACITY dingies you speak of as real

>> No.8446338

there is none
why are you assuming that pointing out mental capacity is a serious claim to intelligence?
>it doesn't matter
>it doesn't m e a n anything
>the only thing that masters is what you actually do
No one is saying that mental capacity is important you beansprout we're just wallowing in what could have been
How dense do you have to be to miss this

>> No.8446345

To pluck one from air, dyslexia. A struggle with letters and/or numbers may at face value seem to be a dehibiliating factor when assessing how a given individuals mental capacity will affect their performance and success. This assertion may be completely correct and sensible but fail to explain why there are billionaires and the like who build and run extremely successful business empires despite their apparently inferior mental capacity.

By this logic the inverse must also be true, think the Good Will Hunting situation. Ones mental capacity may grant them the ability to do lots of things but extraneous factors may inhibit them from doing so such as physical factors (imagine hawking 200 years ago), economic/ social factors, or just personality factors (e.g. Laziness).

A big part of going to red brick unis is work ethic which can be innate but is usually instilled into the individual by their parents/institutions. This (along with biological factors) is why middle class and privately educated kids fill up Oxbridge.

>> No.8446351

work ethic is part of the mental capacity needed, so you didnt have the mental capacity.

People often pretend theyre so smart they could go to harvard or w/e but they didnt work enough to get there. No working enough to get there seems like a pretty dumb thing to do innit?

>> No.8446360

>2310 SAT
>not accepted to any ivies

>> No.8446366

It wasnt sleep deprivation that made you hallucinate, it was the toxic mold you ate

>> No.8446370

im just clever enough to realize how dumb i am

>> No.8446371

>get super great AS results
>get super lazy
>get super shitty all D or below A2 results
>get super nice russell group university


>> No.8446372

Honestly, most people that got into Ivies didn't just have perfect scores and shit. Stanford has a blurb where, IIRC, they say they reject 50% of applicants with 2400s or 36s. That's not to say it's not helpful, but often it's your passion, essays, and extracurricular that will inform them of you, and tests/grades just make sure you aren't filtered out of the admissions process entirely

So don't feel bad

>> No.8446543

nice thread guys
take this bs to /r9k/ where it belongs

>> No.8446677
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>Intro to Lit class textbook teaches feminst, Marxist, African American, and Gay critical """""theories""""""
>Death of the Author is defended and upheld in the first five pages
>Can't say anything about it because my class is 95% women

Fucking kill me

>> No.8446686

I go to a fucking community college, mates...

Fucking end it. Why the fuck did I neglect my studies the way I did?

>> No.8446743

>I'm a transfer student
where from/when did you apply?
freshman now, and wondering how to go about the transfer process

>> No.8446768
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I recently transferred out of a community college and I know how you feel. I learned nothing at CC and it was pretty much just a place where I spent two years getting my application together so I could apply to an actual university.
It was wasted time and I regret not putting forth effort back in high school.

>> No.8447797


bunch of threads on Cancer Confidential, just look it up mang. write good essays, but don't expect the same amount of aid. score a good gpa, and good recs. It helps if you're going to a good school already. I went to tufts

>> No.8448890
File: 87 KB, 400x400, msu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember if I posted this in a previous uni thread, but /lit/ may like this...

My university, Montana State University in Bozeman, is offering a special course on DFW this semester and to promote it they put posters around campus. Of course, as a Literature class, they are going to do some clever wordplay on the poster. What they end up calling the class is Infinite Bozeman. Come on, gang. Our university makes a big deal of having the word vim in our school song. Put fucking Infinite Vim on the posters. Consider the Bobcat. Is the best we can do?

>> No.8448956

I'm in the same boat.
I fucked myself over in high school.
I feel like I sort of did it in defiance, like there were all these authority figures telling me not to waste my potential, that whole "you're a smart kid, you're capable of so much more" thing just made me want to defy them even more, but fuck I should've just taken that advice.