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/lit/ - Literature

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8440645 No.8440645 [Reply] [Original]

What books are you reading and how are you liking them so far?

>tfw old thread disappeared from the catalog

>> No.8440707

150 pages into moby dick
ended up reading it after reading a lot about existentialism and nihilism
it's pretty good

>> No.8440711

>Tristram Shandry
really great
>New Oxford Book of English Verse
pretty good for the most part, dont know why it doesnt have Whitman but has Pound

>> No.8440719

How did you like Chapter IX - "The Sermon"? The preacher's sermon on Jonah is one of my favorite passages in all of literature.

>> No.8440729

>Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy
In the evening before I go to bed. It's retarded but entertaining

>The Worm Ouroboros
At work when I'm supposed to be working. The prose is incredible. Takes me forever to read a page though. Not that it's difficult, but the minute descriptions of the architecture, clothing, scenery, etc. force me to slow down and imagine the scene as vividly as possible.

>> No.8440759
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I'm reading how to read a book and I'm about to start reading the Western Wind.

Feels pleb, but ok man

>> No.8440763

i read that part without blinking. it was as smooth and sincere as the chapter 3 - section 2 of a portrait of the artist as a young man, which is also one of my favorite chapters in literature. i wasn't even born christian or not a religious person at the moment, but i find both great. (not a native speaker either)
do you find any symbolism/analogy in that chapter yourself? since i haven't finished the book, i haven't given a thought much even though i might link something to it later.
it is a great passage with its literal meaning as well, though.

>> No.8440786


Hmmm, I dunno. It could relate to Ahab's conquest to slay Moby-Dick. But mostly I liked it as its own piece of writing.

Portrait is a fantastic work of writing as well.

>> No.8440797
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mary (nabokov) - p cool
the rainbow - awesome
daybreak (nietzsche) - want to take highlighter to everything
wittgenstein's lectures on aesthetics, psychology, and religioin - sorta boring
aristotle stuff - ok in small doses

>> No.8440826

s-s-sauce on that pic?

>> No.8440831

>I'm reading how to read a book

ayy lmao

>> No.8440860


>> No.8440863

I had the same question a few hours ago.
It wasn't easy, but I found it.

The girl's Elsa Jean

>> No.8440865

>>Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy

I said books, not video games.

>> No.8440878

50 pages into the public burning. Loving it so far.

>> No.8440879

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, it's good but damn do some of the stories drag.

>> No.8440883


>> No.8440897

DFW's worst book imo.

>> No.8440906


>> No.8440907

after extensive and laborious research can confirm that these are both correct.

>> No.8440910

I'm reading Naked Lunch and I've never been more perplexed

>> No.8440917

The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe
I'm like 100 pages into it and it's pretty good, I find his writing to be kind of comfy at times. That section about the blind librarian gave me some feels.

>> No.8440920

Currently cycling between Carpenter's Gothic (almost finished), The Decameron, and Sociology And Philosophy by Durkheim

>> No.8440927

I'm at Book 5 in Meditations by Aurelius
>pretty comfy tbqhf

>> No.8440931

Currently reading Don Quixote.

It's mindblowingly deep. There's just so many layers of characterization, meaning and overall use of language. Cervantes was truly a genius, and I think this is definitely a must read for any aspiring writer.

>> No.8440944

Myra Breckenridge.

Gore Vidal is always an excellent novelist but I'm really surprised that this fascinatingly transgressive novel is really, really good. There's some things that might make PC people uncomfortable like a historically dated idea of transphobia and so on (sniff) but ultimately I find it interesting and of significant literary quality. I think it might be a predecessor to Ellis's American Psycho.

I'm also highly aroused by the femdom aspects.

>> No.8440968

How does CG compare to the rest of Gaddis' work?

>> No.8440987

Wholly shit. A female porn star who doesn't look like a disgusting whore.

>> No.8441002

yes but she nonetheless is one

>> No.8441048


>> No.8441051

>Don Quixote
Awesome as shit. Not sure about the translation, but apparently it's the best we've got. However, I don't see why Don Quixote is THAT good.
>Tristram Shandy
The second comfiest fucking thing ever written.
The comfiest fucking thing ever written.
Holy shit, I love the prose. The story itself is -- interesting. It says to take it at face value, but I am not so sure. It shows the heroes doing very unheroic things by modern standards, and goes into extraordinary detail with the bad guys.
Blacked is disturbingly good at finding excellent pornstars.
Teach me the way.

>> No.8441079


>> No.8441141

>The comfiest fucking thing ever written.


>> No.8441151
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No one else.

He wrote them in what amounts to the closest thing to the spiritual essence of comfiness, Montaigne's Tower, so it's not surprising it leaked into his work.

>> No.8441163

Have you read Eddison's other books? I'm planning on reading Mistress of Mistresses once I finish up Ouroboros.

I like all the political machinations in the court of Witchland. Keep getting all the "Cor-" names mixed up though.

>> No.8441178

Nope, just Worm Ouroboros, and that recently. And I haven't finished it yet. I'm coming back to it, eventually.

Corund, Corinius, Corsus -- for some reason I can keep them together easily. So much so that I didn't realise they all began with Cor 'til just now.

-- I've noticed something. The book's good all the way through, but every so often -- dashed within the book -- there is a scene which is markedly better than the rest. Like the meeting between Gro and the Red Foliot while the party drones on. Have you noticed that, or am I mildly retarded?

>> No.8441452

I wouldn't be surprised, some moments are good but the writing is clunky at times. Want to read some of his stuff before going full IJ

>> No.8441459

Reading the Stranger and Who Goes there?

They are both extremely short so I suspect to finish them next time I'm waiting for a class.

Stranger is piquing my interests though, only on the 5th chapter or so.

>> No.8441494

I like his essay on cannibalism.

>> No.8441540

I recommend ASFTINDA

>> No.8441587

Only a few pages in Walden two by b.f. skinner. I really like his view on the state, too much malthus though. Im looking forward to his discription of a utopian society though.

>> No.8441597

It's less ambitious and more home life based, but if you liked the dialogue of JR and The Recognitions it's palatable

Still nowhere near his best

>> No.8441602

reading Cocksure by Richler and I find it mediocre at best, just over half way through and I got bored of it and started reading A Happy Death by Camus, and that's a solid 10/10.

>> No.8441648

My favorite part of J R was the descriptions in between the dialogue desu

>> No.8441990

I can second this, as that was the book that first got me into Gore Vidal's oeuvre. The man's incapable of writing a dull sentence. Also, just wait, soon you'll be onto the scene where s[he?] makes good on her threats.

> I am Myra Breckinridge whom no man will ever possess.

>> No.8442054

Heh, Daenerys looks like a basketball.

>> No.8442241

top jej

>> No.8442557

Mods need a little BLACKED in their lives.

>> No.8442563

Seeing as how I just finished reading siddhartha and I found it to be a very profound experience for me, I'm at a bit of a loss for what I should read next. I'm thinking about just moving on to some other classic, like lolita, crime and punishment (although I want to be able to finish notes from underground before I feel I can finish this), or brave new world. I'm really just not sure what to read next. This year I've also read the metamorphosis, the stranger, 1984, the catcher in the rye, a picture of dorian grey, in the miso soup, and the wasp factory.

>> No.8442636
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holy fuck I don't care about m de rollebon

>> No.8442728

>Death in Venice & 7 stories
Only read Death so far but it's vivid and thick with atmosphere.
>And The Hippos Were Boiled In Their Tanks
Real amateur work. Reading it for a qt, it's short enough. Only interesting thing about it is noticing subtle aspects of their respective writings that would become major aspects of their work later.

>> No.8443108

>Reading it for a qt


>> No.8443111


ok /pol/

>> No.8443150

I thought /pol/ hated black people?

>> No.8443153

finishing up White Noise, enjoyed it a lot so far but I'm not sure how I feel about where it's headed

about to start Tristram Shandy and Picture of Dorian Gray next

>> No.8443195

Lot of people reading Tristram Shandy

>> No.8443299
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Excellent thrift store haul today boys. I am going to start the republic of Plato right now.

>> No.8443395

That looks like a prison. A medieval one. You know, the kind of place where they'd go medieval on you ass.

>> No.8443425

>Three Tolstoy novels in one book
Sweet lord that must be heavy. Longer than the The Man Without Qualities in one volume German Edition.

>> No.8443452

Reading Commedia (Dante) on a month track so by the end of September I'll be done

Leaving Atocha Station is my easy book

And enjoying the Recognitions as one enjoys an expensive treat.