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/lit/ - Literature

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8439549 No.8439549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no qt3.14 /lit/ or even a /mu/ gf

Short novels for this feel?

>> No.8439563

Just read some erotica and leave us all alone, mang.

>> No.8439566

read my post and jerk off to it

>> No.8439576
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>tfw no anarchist /lit/mu/tv/x/ gf

g-guess i'll just read gravity's rainbow again.......

>> No.8439588

>tfw my cutie fiancé is too patrician and un-hivemind to be referred to with a 4chan board

>> No.8439598
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>tfw no-anything bf at all because too scared to go outside and don't like being physically touched

what books should i stack up and use as a platform to hang myself, /lit/?

>> No.8439620

Wait for the Mainlander translation

Alternatively, write your own treatise on why life is shit and use that

>> No.8439627
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then i can just use my diary desu

>> No.8439633

u ugly tho?

>> No.8439645

infinite jest is good height for dollar

>> No.8439653

just use a chair wtf

>> No.8439656

Opus Pistorum by Henry Miller

>> No.8439731

>not killing yourself in a /lit/ way
what are you even doing here?

>> No.8439736

>tfw have a /co/ gf
thx t-tinder

>> No.8439776
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suicide is always /lit/ as fuck

>> No.8439778

I literally shake with fear at the prospect of being romantically involved with, and being naked in front of a woman.

>> No.8439788

Knut Hamsen - Victoria is pretty nice and romantic in a weird way.

>> No.8439810

post a nude selfie now Anon, it's a good first step towards doing it irl

>> No.8439933

I can confirm this from personal experience. It really helped me a lot even though my body isn't great. Just putting it out there was enough.

>> No.8439978

not doing that here though.

>> No.8439999

Then it'd be pointless. You delude yourself by saying "Oh, I'm thinking about it," and "I should pick a better place," but in reality you're just looking for excuses you can come up with in the meantime. It took me few minutes to believe it was mistake, but it was too late since I had already sent it. Eventually I realize that it was the best thing I did for myself, even though it was merely a virtual process.

>> No.8440007

Damn, this is some proper effort in trying to see some /lit/ Anon dick

>> No.8440015

I'm not even bisexual man, I don't know why I typed all that bullshite

>> No.8440023

No, you're right.

>> No.8440028
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Well honestly though, you might be right. It could be a confidence boost. Though the internet can also be really cruel.

Women don't even care that much about men's bodies though, it's very different than the other way around. Just be clean, have cut nails, and be of normal weight and you're fine. Literally.

>> No.8440047

Basically just be semi-fit, clean, and not bald. That's really it when it comes to appearance. The rest is humour and interactions and such. I'm the person you replied to, by the way (the one convincing the guy to nude) not the guy who JUST WON'T POST A NAKED SELFIE ALREADY

Posting your dick won't make you more confident and social, son.

>> No.8440051

>tfw no /mu/ gf
>literature for this feel
The Holy Bible because thank fucking god this is not the case