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8434782 No.8434782 [Reply] [Original]

How did this book change your life?

>> No.8434788

Just as bad as the bible, if not worse

>> No.8434795

Isnt this literally Ayn Rand + ""magick ;))""?

>> No.8434798

Didn't really

>> No.8434800

This or I realized the empty vapidness of what I thought would be a kickass demonic grimoire

>> No.8434801

The Bible isn't bad

It's wrong, but it isn't bad. It's one of the most important pieces of literature ever written, and some of it's passages are genuinely beautiful

>> No.8434850

I can appreciate it, it influenced literature throughout the world for centuries. However, in modern age, it is actual dog shit.

>> No.8435646

>kickass demonic grimoire

pls go and stay go, you child

>> No.8435713

Anton Lavey is interesting in that he is the first substantial satanic organization in existence. There were some predecessors in France and Ohio, plus there is Ben Kadosh, but Lavey was the flagship of actual indentifiable Satanism.

Plus, he's the first to codify Satanism with Right-Wing ideals. Prior to this, going all the way back to the Romantic Satanists, Satanism had been a Left-Wing ideology.

Very important text in terms of esoteric traditions along the left hand path, as cheesy and carnival it is.

Course, this is academic. For perennialists, the Luciferian light goes back to the first man discovering fire. Satan is just the current embodiment of that visage in the west, or Lucifer more precisely. This lineage is seen through the Gnostics, the Neo-Platonics, to Levi and Crowley. Along with Blavatsky as well.

>> No.8435717

Nope, center of the Western Cannon you postmodern hack.

>> No.8435722

It made me tell my bitch mom that I wasn't going to fucking church to worship her phoney sky god! Hail satan!

>> No.8435724

Plus, our mythology in the west is almost entirely based on it. Along with the grecco-Roman tradition and the enlightenment skepticism.

>> No.8435726

commit seppuku immediately

>> No.8435728

Your opinions are too cliche.

Le bible is bad, le satanic bible "almost" as bad.

You're a postmodern bitch is what you are.

>> No.8435734

Kinda how it's presented, but Lavey actually has a great deal of esoteric and Romanticism influences in there.

See >>8435713

>> No.8435738

Right, these postmodernists shitting on the center of the Western Cannon as if they don't owe everything to it.

>> No.8435743

I bet they've never even picked up a bible and if they had they likely would have never made it through Genesis.

>> No.8435763

I've read the KJV in its entirety. Currently reading the Gospels again in NRSV. Currently listening to a Great Courses on the New Testament.

Currently reading Paradise Lost.

Have you read it brother?

>> No.8435830

Plus, they would read it with the intent to find its rediculous aspects, which they would never do with a different cultures mythology. That's how it is though, destroy Western Civ, endorse all others. It's gross.

>> No.8435850

I still have a bunch of Greek /lit/ to get through before reading the bible. I read various passages as a child but never the entire KJV in it's continuity. I'm not even Christian, I just hate people trash talking things they have no clue about.

>> No.8435858

Plato is King brother.

>> No.8435866

>one of the most important pieces of literature ever written
This is what my high school lit teacher said word for word. It's good to know someone is still using these stale memes.

Influential, yes. Most important? No.

>> No.8435878

How can you not see that it has completely shaped ever facet of Western Society? Sure the Greco-Roman influence is there, but it's completely engulfed in the Judeo-Christian current.

Your postmodern attack on the Bible is trendy and unbased.

>> No.8435934

Calm down buddy, it's not an attack, it's an opinion. If you reread the post I was responding to it didn't mention anything about the West. So in that aspect, to be calling it the most important piece of literature ever written is kind of retarded, since there are entire cultures who don't give a shit about the bible, and in some cases, they influenced the bible, not the other way around.
That said I like the bible, it's a nice book with some captivating stories.

>> No.8435939
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I wonder who could be behind this?

>> No.8435949

Western Culture is the vanguard of humanity. Standard of living is highest in Western and westernized countries. It's prime ideological mover has been the Western Canon. The Center of the Western Canon is the Bible.

But, you know, like all cultures are equal and junk.

>> No.8435955

Sure dudes a Jew. He was pretty fascist and Right-Wing though, so I dont think he's really a part of the globalist/critical theory group.

More of an artist than an actual opinion leader.

>> No.8435976
File: 46 KB, 501x585, Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish man invents (((religion))) based around mocking the foundation of western society and celebrating crass hedonism

>bro it's not like that, he was actually pretty redpilled! also it's just art anyway haha don't take it so seriously lol :^)

>> No.8435979

>Anton Lavey is interesting in that he is the first substantial satanic organization in existence

It's funny because it isn't even Satanism, it's just glorified individualism.

>> No.8436005

It's cool man, I like your style. I guess I don't see him as really going against society. The funny thing is, he adhears more to society than many Christians. He made a point of saying his "religion" was law abiding and about doing what's best for yourself and loved ones.

Sure he attacks Christianity, but really in an ineffectual and impotent way. He has sanitized Satanism so much, that it is really only counter culture in image not action.

But I'm with you. Western Civ is the light and Christianity is it's guide. I wholeheartedly endorse your revulsion to Lavey despite my opinion that it is somewhat misguided.

>> No.8436013

>the foundation of western society
If Romanism is your foundations of western society it would be best to be destroyed... Romanism was a degenerate decline into the Dark Ages and ten centuries of pseudo-Christian theocratic totalitarianism and endless Inquisitorial atrocities. The Hellenistic civilization pioneered by the ancient Alexandrians was the seed which could of developed into something but the death of Archimedes portended what was to happen to the entire Greek world.

What's your problem with Dionysus (i.e. Satan)?

>> No.8436016

Yeah, true.
Gave us the first substantial theistic "satanic" organization in The Temple of Set when Aquino broke off.

Ben Kadosn is probably the first theistic Satanist we can find, unless we include past pagans as worshiping the devil It he form of other deities.

Some publications by the Church of Satan did lean theistic though, and some claim LaVeys atheism was only a front so he had an excuse to fall back on.
We worship the devil, jk.

>> No.8436023

Satan is more Saturn, Pan, or Prometheus than Dionysus.

Also, by Western Civilization, he is likely referring to Judeo-Christian civilization as influenced by Greco-Roman ideals which brought us to our current state.

>> No.8436032

LaVeyan Satanism is literally a parody of organized religion. The entire aim of their religion was to tax their own churches-
Anton LaVey was a genius,
try and deny it.

>> No.8436049
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thanks brah, i totes 'preciate your endorsement but honestly dude seems a bit naive to me to take shizz that satanists say at face value. its no secret that leveys outfit doubles as a swingers club. is that illegal? no. but it does show that satanism pushes a hedonistic lifestyle that is fundamentally destructive toward traditional social virtues like monogamy and chastity.

>> No.8436051

I dunno, I think he identified with the role of Exarch of Hell pretty heavily and genuinely was attempting to create a complete "theological" system.

Parody, sure. Main aim was taxation, I doubt it.

>> No.8436060
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The value of Hellenistic philosophy derived more from Apollo than Dionysus and Christianity incorporated the best ideas from Greek thought.

It's no coincidence that Dionysus' followers were hysterical female cannibals.

>> No.8436061

Not really a swingers club. Lavey was pretty critical of the free love and drug culture of the hippies and always had a long-term girlfriend.

Besides, Zionists and the Elite Jews want a theocratic totalitarianism, Lavey was pushing for a libertarian capitalistic society, kinda opposites.

As for taking his word at face value, his words on paper are literally the only thing that is influential about it.

>> No.8436069

Why do you doubt it?

>> No.8436072

Christianity has noting to do with the ethnocentric cult of Judaism in its pure form it was a revolt against such primitivism.

The Roman imperium found the early Christian movement useful for their ideological engineering of a new, state-crafted, state-perverted false religion, one of far greater ideological efficiency than the earlier Paganism. Don't associate the degenerate Roman ideology with Greek culture or pure form Christianity, it was just a lame parody.

>> No.8436073
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lol ya mayne i'm sure the cos is a chaste organization that turns its nose up at promiscuity and drug use lmao

>> No.8436074

Thought it was awesome when I was 16, flipped through it a few weeks back and cringed. Bretty gud guideline for hedonistic teens I guess.

>> No.8436088

Well they certainly influence each other. I'm no lover of Judaism but Christ did purify the teachingings of the Jews, thus Judeo-Christian (or just plain Christianity, if you like).

As to Roman and Greek influences.
Greeks were the first to really apotheosize the individual, it's presence in Western Christianity is evident when compaired to Coptic Christianity or Eastern religion.

Roman law and civilization has had a big effect on Western Culture even if they did pervert Christianity, and despite its flaws, Western Civ is the crown jewel of humanity.

>> No.8436095

I've read about him. Seems like his main goal was self-aggrandizement. He was a showman and wanted money.

Also, he seemed to really enjoy the notoriety to the point where he genuinely believed in the philosophy.

>> No.8436109

It's kinda funny, no doubt. If you read the dudes writings and read what actually went on at the Black House, he sanitized Satanism to such a degree that it's pretty much just Social-Darwinism and Neo-Nietzschean lifestyle choices.

They were so clean actually, they were hardly even touched during the satanic cult abuse craze in the 80's when they should've been mauled.

Look at their current head, Gilmore. Dude is about as likely to be a sex swinging drug abuser as you.

What you're saying simply isn't the case, as much as idealistically it seems it should be.

That being said, Marilyn Manson was a member who is known for sex and drugs, so they obviously don't kick people out for that behavior.

>> No.8436123

>so they obviously don't kick people out for that behavior.

Marliyn Manson isn't a junkie, he's a famous junkie.
they kept him either for that or for his money

>> No.8436127

Christ was a radical break with the very fundamentals of Judaic thougth, he didn't aim to purify Judaism he aimed to destroy it

Romanism was a counterreaction by the elites of antiquity against the progressive elements which resulted in a degeneration into the dark ages. Whatever dogmatic banal "innovations" in jurisprudence and theology offered by the Romans the Occident would have been better off without them.

>> No.8436128

I can't argue with that,
however there are many interviews where he talks about seperation of church and state,
in fact: his last recorded words were
>"I believe that all churches of all denominations should be taxed to the hilt. If churches were taxed as any other business, cause that's what they are... simply businesses. If they were taxed, the national debt would be wiped out over night"

he must've felt very strongly about it, though granted; he probably valued himself more.

>> No.8436131

Just realized you might be getting the Church of Satan mixed up with The Satanic Temple. The Satanic Temple are a group using Satanism to get challenge the separation of Church and State deal. They tried putting a Baphomet statue up on a court house cause of the 10 commandments being there or something.

>> No.8436136

I think that's definitely accurate.

>> No.8436138
File: 56 KB, 460x287, Trust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you to believe that satanists are honest and trustworthy people you are free to do so

>> No.8436139

I didn't even know that was a thing

>> No.8436144

Right on dude

>> No.8436145

also, read

>> No.8436150
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*want to believe

>> No.8436153

It's probably like anything. I've been betrayed by Christians, Mormons, Catholics, Atheists, Whites, Blacks, Browns, etc.
Never Jews or Satanists, but there aren't many around here.

That being said, if someone identified as a Satanist, I would be careful around them because they are likely nihilistic.

>> No.8436161
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>Never Jews
>there aren't many around here.

>> No.8436165

fear based believe system plagarised by an abusive insecure charletan

>> No.8436173

Pretty accurate, don't know about fear based, but the second part is true.

>> No.8436246


the only two reasons for any human behavior

>> No.8436252

Okay then, I dunno if I agree, but in that case I agree with your point.

>> No.8436273

Tell me, why do I post here? Is it because of fear, or is it love?

>> No.8436284

>non-Western """culture"""

>> No.8436286

LaVey was a fucking cornball! Not trve enough!

anyway, I remember liking the book enough some 15 years ago when I read it, like someone else pointed out it was just individualism basically.
Which was perfect for an angry 15 year old like myself. I remember the back-end being nothing but goofy ceremonies and stuff though.

>> No.8436295
File: 67 KB, 384x512, 001650_b1d390e5a3ee3726646629812aa3c5a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image. This is some real nutso shit.

>> No.8436306

Ha, I've wanted to read some Ford. How's his literature?
Scholarly or Roleplaying?

>> No.8436337

you fear being alone. you fear success. so you post here to distract yourself

>> No.8436360

good one, vague enough it could be about anybody
ever thought about the carrier of a wise-woman or a faith healer?

>> No.8436379

It didn't. It's just forgettable dribble that panders to edgy teens who fail at living.

>> No.8436382

That's a good way of putting it. It's been a long time since I opened it (until now) but it was just too much. It starts as a pretty good introduction to the Luciferian Path, but it goes completely off the rails later and throws so much shit at you that it's borderline impossible to take anything away from it. I pulled up some random stuff here.

>The Death Tree or Tree of Da'ath
>The uppermost aspect of the Qliphoth is that of Shahul, the hell of the Supernals, or the Triple Hell or Crowned Heaven of the rebellious angels. Two Kings jointly reign over the first hell, and they are Satan and Moloch, the secret within Luciferian Magick is that there are not two, rather one. Only the Malkuth and Yesod spheres hold the opposite essence, the daemonic feminine which makes Shahul complete. Often the Third aspect of this unholy trinity is frequently interpreted as Lilith, the demon Queen of Gamaliel.

You want maybe 50 pages of introduction followed by 300 of that stuff, go ahead and pick up a copy of The Bible of the Adversary :D

>> No.8436397

Man, after Kenneth Grant everything left hand path became a word salad of "aspects" and "black flame" and "cuckoldry". A unified theology or cosmology is buried.

It's as if by name dropping as many Mesopotamian God names into the Qlipoth as possible, they become dark adepts.

Thanks my dude, looks like trash.

>> No.8436414

*Drivel? I guess I confused the English word.

>> No.8436457

do you love your job? or fear not having a job?

>> No.8436480

Does anyone know what the last page is just "Yankee Rose" or something? I've always wondered.

>> No.8436487

People say it was a song LaVey used to play as part of his set.

I assume it refers to himself and his church. He was very proud to be an American and considered himself special, thus Yankee Rose. Probably meant for all true Satanists.

>> No.8436489 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 239x365, 1472154395734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was much younger I was basically [pic] - after a night out I went to an after party and the host had this sitting on a side table. I thought maybe he was reading it to laugh at it but turns out he was serious. anyway, it changed my life because that guy made not want to be [pic] any more.